How do you roleplay exactly? Like, do you speak in your characters voice? How do you RP without feeling like a twat, especially if you're the only one trying?
How do you roleplay exactly? Like, do you speak in your characters voice? How do you RP without feeling like a twat...
I pretend I'm in the situation my character is in and then think of what he might say
i have to do the voice or it's just me and that's gay as fuck
Last character I played was a Jawa in a starwars game, I just played jawa noises whenever my character spoke
Depends on the group and precedence. In general my main group just has an OOC voice chat room but we rp in text.
My Only War group prefers to voice IC tho.
Is this some IQ 80 Mexican kid who doesn't understand what locked doors mean?
I dress up as my character, act in character whenever possible, speak in first person in her voice, when my character attaks someone I attack their player, when my character uses magic I actually cast that spell irl.
I only played online, there was no way I could roleplay in meat space (actually I did it once as an orc, and I spoke like a Warcraft 1/2 Orc)
>IQ 80 Mexican
When I dm I give every npc a voice to give immersion.
As a player I use my own voice but I'll RP like "Hendricks what do you think we should do?" Or "Listen here you little shit, that guy standing behind me... hes a half orc from the savage lands. And if you dont tell us what we want to know, hes going to get to know you inside and out"
>dress up as my character
>speak in first person in her voice
>he doesn't RP as his character out of sessions
Admirable dedication, user. Wish my players were more like you.
I do his voice, intonation and pace of speech and have him act in a manner which makes sense given his personality. I've always been of the opinion that if you can't roleplay you are either autistic or just plain stupid. Shy people get a pass because they're not truly incapable of doing so.
Adopt my character's voice and mannerisms. I can do that without getting cringy. I just hate the idea of magical realms, so i shut the fuck down outta even innocuous romance, because i can't do it without wanting to gouge out my eyeballs.
The use of the term “fantasy adventure game” over the more often used “role-playing game” is intentional. Strikingly, the term “role-playing” appears nowhere in the original 1974 texts. Ideally, we who like this sort of game are interested in adventure— cooperatively exploring a fantastical world of strange terrors and fabulous treasures—not perfectly simulating the attitude and behavior of some grumpy dwarf, or whatever. In- deed, too much “role-playing” should be discouraged. “We don’t explore characters; we explore dungeons,” someone once said. Or as C.S. Lewis explained, making a point about good science fiction that could apply equally well here, “To tell how odd things struck odd people is to have an oddity too much; he who is to see strange sights must not himself be strange.”
- Seven Voyages of Zylarthen
>I actually cast that spell irl.
w-where do you learn irl magic
I speak in their voice in first person when I can. most of them don't have a voice that's too different to my own though.
>shy cleric, I speak softer
>half-orc barbarian, I speak loudly and gruffly
>haughty paladin, I speak very properly and act a bit stiff
>child character, I talk like a child
My latest character is a noblewoman so I'm going to try my hand at using an accent for the first time. I'm a little nervous, so I've been practicing out loud when I'm home alone. I do have a cold right now though and I start the campaign tomorrow so the first the other characters here with be a soft spoken British noble with a stuffy nose.
Nation of FUCKING ISLAM, muthafucka.
>How do you roleplay
I choose the most mechanically favourable actions for my character. I roll dice to randomly determine the outcome of my character's actions. This is how you roleplay a hero who always tries to be the best but sometimes has to count on luck.
>inb4 muh Stormwind
kys my ass
Daily reminder that webcam is normal, voice chat only is autistic and text only is unforgivable
>t. nu-Veeky Forums wannabe chad
Also, no-one wants to hear your shitty voice ''''''''''''''''acting'''''''''''''''''. You sound 100% cringe. Text is much more immersive. If you'd ever tried it, you'd know. But you haven't. Because you're new. And you reek of it.
Don't judge the rest of humanity by the limits of your own abilities, little dude.
>webcam is normal
I didn't know anyone did this. I can't fucking do this. I'd sooner just play IRL.
but if my webcam is on, I have to put pants on
If everyone is okay with the fact I don't wear clothes around the house, sure.
Yeah, I'm sure you're just the best. You're that one guy, out of thousands of ttrpg players, who doesn't either sound pure cringe or just uses their boring ordinary voice with unconvincing fake emotions. Course bro. You're a real champ. Stay deluded.
Got any evidence to back that up with?
Reichenbacker pls go.
Why is text only unforgivable? My voice is horrible and I'd rather not give my Dm an aneurysm.
That's pretty much how I do it. Slight alterations to my own voice. It's enough to get across the character (and signify that I'm speaking IC) and easier to maintain.
Nah. I'm not bound by your rules. I don't mind any of the three.
I'd prefer my black ass not appearing on Veeky Forums.
I can't do the voice, but I have speech patterns and mannerisms. It makes playing a kenku interesting, at least.
I make up a silly voice for each character. Increased or decreased speed of speech, a change in tone, and a little accent, all depending on their personality.
I talk with the characters voice when I wana say something to anyone in game, and my normal voice if I wana talk to the players.
I should mention, I do this IRL. I don't judge if they don't want to join me, I appreciate an effort to address me in character. If you don't want make a silly voice for your character, that's cool, do what makes you happy.
The only training I have is some school plays and church performances I did before I was 14. Normaly I just listen to a character from a TV show/movie/cartoon/youtube and copy their voice, then I put some spin on it based on the way they develop in game.
Currently I have several characters I'm running with;
Donymus: A wanna-be fairy-tale knight who rides around on a pseudo-griffin. Voice is confident, breathy, boisterous, and a bit mad. Think a combination of Don Quixote and Sir Didymus from The Labyrinth.
Zam Trios: A huge scarred and muscled former peasant levy, has an unusually wide mouth with sharp teeth. Voice is basically a 40K ork, but much less shouty. Tends to creep barmaids out by licking his teeth at them.
Lydia 'Lilly': Human cursed into being a plant creature, gained druid powers from it, hates nature and plays with fire. Voice is a kinda low groaning complain. Think Misery from Ruby Gloom slowed down and drawn out, or a much more depressed Laura from Game Grumps.
Honestly, the only voices that bother me are the generic scot-dwarf, and the falsetto, guy-actually-trying-to-sound-like-a-girl.
I thought there is nothing more breaking the game for me than hearing dumb voices. Now it's only second place: seeing the actual face of the player. My imagination does better work than you do, fuck off
not him but second person in writing makes me want to take an extra strength .50AE aspirin
this is the official ranking
IRL > voice only > webcam assisted voice > text
Your opinion is noted, and shit.
I have only played very little and in that group only one guy was really good at it. The rest of us just talked in our normal voices or about our character in third person.
I find it super awkward to go fully into character in front of other people.
If you want to rp at one mile an hour and have bloated interactions that don't feel natural at all. Text is great for that. Text is fine for 1 on 1 games but anything more than that (particularly when you're not playing video gamey systems like dnd) and it shits itself. It bums me out that people only want to play dumb weeb games like adeva over text.