Not much of a fan of a lot of version of the TIE. Tough I like the ones than change the shapes like your pic.
William Carter
I've always liked the TIE fighter and its derivatives. They get kinda bonkers at times, but you can imagine my glee when the FO TIEs were so simplistic, and were really just upgraded basic TIEs. The Special Forces ones are pure sex with those turrets bolted on. Awesome.
Nathaniel James
I was deflated when they showed the FO would be exactly like the empire, onlywith a bit more to date aestethics. Only the Lander and the shuttle had a new look, and its a boring but functional one.
Owen Nelson
I found some Tie fighter concepts in my old archives.
Oliver Johnson
Honestly probably a bad idea to get into discussing the new movies too much, but I do like a lot of the tech they had. It's not too far into the future so only having a few new things actually makes some sense, with everything else being upgrades of what Sienar was already selling them.
Cooper Garcia
What the FUCK is wrong with her knees?
Matthew Parker
Can't be any worse than the regular walkers or the humanoid droids. Go steal some Battletech minis and give 'em an Imperial insignia all you want.
Nathaniel Reyes
looks like an alien straight out of stargate.
Cameron Gutierrez
I think I need to search through these files more often than once a decade.
Blake Garcia
I'm really new to the FFG RPGs but the general consensus is that you shouldn't mix and match the books right?
Leo White
Pic related is objectively the best TIE variant ever or even possible. If you argue, you are a Nazi and deserve death.
Logan Gutierrez
Maybe she's got Star Fox-style prosthetic legs?
Michael Ward
>artist draws a cartoon fox with boots >different artist make a puppet of the cartoon fox >tell a third artist to draw the cartoon fox >for some reason they use the puppet as a reference >now everyone thinks the fox has robot legs because that's what the puppet looked like >people on the Internet make up crazy rumors about how all space pilots have their legs removed at the knees because of blood pressure
Easton Taylor
Funny you say battletech, because I wanted to kinda of port it to D6 and perhaps even merge it with star wars in an unholy mix of others setting I like. Probably I will end making it its own setting but Star wars its so vast than I could put everything in some sector towards the edge and it would fit.
Lincoln Bailey
Any guy who sends his troops into that is the Nazi. It probably explodes if you look at it.
Connor Torres
>The Last Jedi is the best Star Wars movie
Connor Lewis
Alright, I know this theory is bogus, but would amputating your legs actually help you handle G-forces? I know, stupid question, go easy on me.
Jace Sanchez
Watching The Last Jedi makes me want to go back. I'm looking for legends stuff to read.
So far I'm looking at Tales of the Bounty Hunters and Cloak of Deception. Do you guys have any recommendations? I prefer stuff that has minimal force user BS powertrip and includes good military, political, or just general universe building themes. I've read most of the Zahn stuff, all the X-Wing books except the first one, Shatterpoint, Jedi Trial, and Labyrinth of Evil to name a few of the obvious recommendations. Pic unrelated, didn't know Lindy could look worse than he does now.
Henry Cook
>was expecting the Defender >open image
Colton Flores
Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy
Colton James
Where to find some good Imperial campaigns for AoR of EoE?
Liam Garcia
Darth Plague (if you liked Cloak of Deception/Labyrinth of Evil) Revenge of the Sith novel Yoda Dark Rendezvous
Caleb Bennett
You are confusing FFG with white wolf. Or you are just baiting for (you)s.
James Hill
Sup /swg/, I'm trying to make some sort of Epic community format- Limiting on the cheese, improving on the aesthetics, etc.
What is stuff that is too powerful in Epic?
Landon Sullivan
>tfw you don't even have unedited OT on DVD or Bluray to fall back on
Christopher Hill
I have literally no idea what you're talking about.
I'm asking if you shouldn't mix Force and Destiny with Edge of the Empire.
Dominic Cox
They're all perfectly compatible with one another. The only real issue is sorting out Obligation/Duty/Morality.
Aiden Hall
To the guy in the last thread that wanted to fly the Bounty Hunter ships-
Tractor Beams (the cannon) are incredibly situational.
Things that hand out tractor tokens that are not the cannon are some of the strongest things in the game.
Asajj+Dengar is a serious meta list (Shadowcaster+Punishing one)
Dengar+ anything really works as a list.
IG-2000's work in pairs- Typically B and C, loaded up with gear and cannons- Show up with 2 big fighters.
Sebastian Perez
Hello friends, I haven't been much of a star wars fan but I recently got a free audiobook credit and listened to Thrawn which was excellent. What should I listen to or read next?
Ryder Ross
Today's Legion preview, this one about combat/suppression.
Seems it takes one attack to deprive most units of an action, and three to cause them to flee.
Angel Wilson
I was planning on giving Dark Rendezvous a go, I always liked Dooku and was annoyed how two dimensional he was in TCW but is Plague good? I read about the plot in Bane and it was just nightmare fuel sometimes. I don't mind brutality but I really don't want to read about some sith edgelord who kills innocent families and feeds off their anguish. I'm more of an Lawful Evil kind of guy when it comes to bad guys.
Only thing I heard about it was "Fett talks too much" but that use of lack of information is the same shit that kills me about nu-cannon so I'll give it a go.
The alterations never bothered me. Thought it was cool to see a Sentinel Landing craft in ANH and an AT-ST in ESB.
Who would win? 5 rebel commandos or 5 stormtroopers?
Christopher Perez
This, yeah.
Generally if I plan for a game in FFG Star Wars to focus notably on a particular book my running rules go as follows:
>Species: No Hutts allowed. Besides that, literally any species from any line's supplements or core is kosher. >Career/Specialization: Prefer that players stick to the line in focus for this. Will make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. >Equipment: No full-powered lightsabers unless FaD is the book in focus. Beyond that, anything goes but let me know if you picked something up from outside the focus book so I can remind myself what it does.
Lucas Barnes
Gunboats that have missiles tend to want missiles that don't burn the lock, as the Gunboat is perpetually action starved.
Also, Cruise missiles are terrible on the Gunboat.
What are your self imposed restrictions? Eg- do you need 3 gunboats with missiles? Can the list be just "mostly gunboats", or should it be 100% Gunboat? Are you willing to include FO stuff? Cannon gunboats?
Mason Morgan
>No hurts allowed Would not game at your table.
Henry Barnes
In what? A wet T-shirt contest?
Elijah Reyes
odds are White Armor wins that one
James Smith
I've just found them a bit of a black hole plotwise. You get a Hutt in the party and their doings and background are almost guaranteed to have a disproportionate amount of weight to them vis-a-vis the other characters. Pun not intended.
Dominic Watson
Its a great series, never thought fett talked too much and the big spider infobroker/kuar/xizor sections are great
Justin Clark
Plagueis is a lot of behind the scenes politics like Cloak of Deception, but also a lot of continuity from previous legends stuff.
Hudson Sanders
Darth Plagueis It's Darth PlagueIS
Caleb Evans
That depends on if you're more interested in old Extended Universe or Disney Newcanon stuff.
Jason Ramirez
Both of the Han Solo trilogies are good. The Lando trilogy is fun too, if you can handle how cheesy it is. And then there’s Jedi Prince...
Hey, that’s unfair. The Nazis had good tanks.
Oliver Richardson
rebel commandos, unless the stormtroopers are some kind of elite unite as well (but you'd have to specify)
Zachary Sanchez
Stormtroopers would probably win in a straight-up firefight, but the Rebels would stand a pretty good chance if they set an ambush.
David Lee
Bounty Hunter trilogy definitely has a lot of dialogue in the form of "2 characters take turns logically dissecting each other's motives and potential actions until a plot twist forcefully intervenes." Which isn't terribly consistent with Star Wars in general, and Boba Fett in particular. I enjoyed it anyway.
Lucas Ortiz
Depending on the quality of the replacements, yes.
But then why not replace the whole person?
John Young
starting my first ffg campaign tonight as a smuggler - wish me luck!
Liam Walker
Curious, but when the Jedi were in charge of things in the Republic era, how would they handle happening upon a large number of Force Sensitive children that had already been introduced or initiated into the Darkside?
Are they going to go to the trouble of sorting hat out or is everyone going in stasis till they can figure something out?
Christopher Rodriguez
Funny, my like test list was Asajj and Dengar, so I'm probably just gonna go with that one. Are there enough upgrades in those two sets to get me by or are there some specific ones that I should really look to get my hands on from other sets? Might even do that IG-2000 list since IG-88 is hilarious.
Liam Campbell
Break a leg, user. Tell us about your character-is it a pregen, or did you make your own?
Jason Lopez
Besides "Hunt down whoever was indoctrinating kids to the dark side"?
If they're still young enough to be trained, probably that. If not... stasis, maybe. Could be they're all taught Vaapad by people already skilled in Vaapad to try and make use of their dark side tendencies.
And I hate to say it, but bearing in mind these are the people that kidnapped kids to begin with, if they were too old to be trained (like around 10 or older) and considered dark side tainted, then...
Xavier Flores
well you don't really choose the kajidic life. the kajidic life chooses you.
Lucas Cook
The X-30 Blaster pistol pack any firepower, or is it puny?
Mason Edwards
Side Question, but did anyone else's EoTE stick with their pre-gen characters?
I'm actually surprised, I've never seen players stick with pregens for more than a session or two, but my players insisted they stick with them.
Joseph Robinson
Wow wait, what does that even mean?
Blake Hernandez
That's probably the worst tank ever designed.
Caleb Thompson
I dunno but it looks really painful.
John Collins
One of my players did, though he rewrote the story a little bit. It was his first ever tabletop game though, so he was still learning the ropes.
Adam Smith
It's a strong competitor, but this thing is just silly! Look at it's leetle feetsies!
Andrew Brown
There is probably a good reason we don't see many of those after the Clone Wars. Or even during the Clone Wars, after the initial battles...
Levi Martinez
>Shut your whore mouth! >Raith Sienar 1ABY
Luis Jenkins
Did it even get a Lego kit? You know it's bad when it doesn't even get a lego kit.
Gavin Butler
“break a leg” = good luck
Thomas Brown
>Tell us about your character-is it a pregen, or did you make your own? I meant that. Should've quoted the other post about it.
Sebastian Perez
Did you use a pre-generated character? Or did you build a character from scratch?
Luis Stewart
>leetle feetsies! When you get to the eastern hemisphere of the galaxy I can see someone putting 3 Adidas stripes on them Then it squats outside your base and looks menacingly at passers by while smokes comes out
They're probably still in use because doing 'joint' service and maintenance on them will take about 30 years
Benjamin Reyes
Are their space fortresses? Not super weapons, but a fortress for garrisoning troops but in space.
Gavin Nelson
Like a space station? Like a Death Star?
Jace Martinez
Actually those aren't tanks, those are self propelled artillery guns.
Some do make use of Repulsor lift technology, but apparently the reason some are Walkers is anti-Repulsor technology is extremely potent and it's apparently the norm.
Really that gun is flawed though as in Canon now, it is a direct fire weapon so unless it's attacking a warship or a towering fortification, it's no good.
In Legends, it has more utility as it can do indirect fire and you have warmachines it is suited to shooting down on the battlefield, like the Seismic Tank.
Easton King
Does mobile artillery count as a tank in your world? It is very silly though yes, the tiny feetsies!
Austin Cook
Is that a real kit? If so link please. Dutch lego site has shit selection
Jose Price
Like a defensive fortress, but in space, and no super weapons.
Caleb Kelly
I think the Golan platforms might count.
Caleb Bailey
>Does mobile artillery count as a tank in your world? Yes. >Actually those aren't tanks, those are self propelled artillery guns. No, is tank.
Pretty neat stuff, any reason they don't see more widespread use?
Jace Brooks
>No, is tank.
Why is it called "Artillery" then and classified not as a Tank, but as a "Walker" in Canon?
Ian Morris
I didn't even know there were pregens.
Carter Roberts
Is that ment to be the tie version of a bwing? I'll dub it the D Wing
Aiden Garcia
In Legends, they did see frequent use.
Oliver Campbell
>Why is it called "Artillery" then and classified not as a Tank, but as a "Walker" in Canon? Because it is a silly setting where everything is made up and physics doesn't matter, let alone Jane's Guide to Feetsies.
Is a tank.
This is also tank.
Kayden Bell
They only showed up in one of the WEG magazines and the Imperial Handbook. I imagine not a lot of authors/game devs know they exist.
In-universe? I’d chalk it up to the Army/Navy rivalry over who’s in charge of the things, plus the glaring blind spot Wedge points out in one of the margin notes.
Hudson Hernandez
Nope. Stop listening to Traviss.
Juan Green
>X-Wing books except the first one But why? Also, "I, Jedi" is not a bad book, even if you want to keep away from Force related things.
Evan Watson
Papa Mandalore, how can the Jedi beat us when their pacifist nature makes them inferior warriors?
Gavin Lopez
Well, dual IG is also known as brobots- It's not bad.
For Dengar+Asajj, Dengar effectively comes with no upgrades- The upgrades in the box are torps and the like, and he can no longer take them.
Honestly, just print out lists. If you really need some cards, print them out.
If your local group is assholes who won't play against printouts or loan you the cards, post in this thread with the original card art/cool art that would work, and I can make you copies that look really good.
Dengar now wants something that lets him passively mod attacks, and something that lets him move more easily/give action economy. Asajj can be built similarly to Dengar, or just as a tank.
Brobots depend on how you want to fly them- Damage, Evasiveness, or control?
Ethan Roberts
Dylan Long
The Jetii have never defeated a True Mandalorian Warrior. Who has taught you such nonsense, adika?
Mason Johnson
So instead of “No True Scotsman”, it’s “No True Mandalorian”?
Ethan Wright
Massed TLT, Op Spec, Ordinance. Dormitz and other AOE deploy effects, Parking lots, bomb spam.
Just to start I assume.
Robert Gray
Then by that logic, I can call the AT-AT, AT-ST and AT-RT tanks then and then call Droedikas, Magna Guards, Octurras, the Snow Speeder, a TIE Fighter, and a the Clone Gunships "Tanks" then.
Cooper Jones
Well, then, that settles that.
Anyway, tell us about your smuggler, and the rest of the party if you’re up for it.
Sebastian Jenkins
In my headcanon it now is. Also the word commando comes from old high-galactic meaning co-mandalorian.