Last time, on Kamigakari! >Waiting on Kansai user >Ruth user deciding to continue isekai storytime on their own >Idea for an action packed trip to detroit >Misfits in osaka shitposting, thread proud. >Is time wizard as bad as it seems?
And here's the big question, Did you do any christmas themed stuff, in this system or another?
/jttrpg/ Discord - Look for games in #on-topic, not #general.
Kamigakari is a JTTRPG focused on episodic storytelling, with simple but tight mechanics.
Its design goal is to start players spread out, getting involved with the episode's peculiarities, and eventually coming together to fight a big bad, A la tokusatsu shows, magical girl shows, and/or other such shows in that vein.
TL;DR, Its a Monster of the Week Format game with an emphasis in the fluff on high power shenanigans of just about every type. Remember boys and girls, Japanese schedules suck, so JTTRPGS are optimized toward quick and easy sessions. That said, they can be adapted for longer ones.
Personally, i didn't get to do anything christmas themed regarding tabletop. It was too busy.
One GM i knew was doing something in 3.5 or 5e though. How about you guys?
Ryan Garcia
On another note, now that we've had some time off and everyone has had time to settle after the holidays, how were said holidays for you guys? Get anything neat? Do anything cool?
How was your guys' holidays?
Michael Wilson
Woops, forgot the class rundown thing. And for that matter, the storytime Imgur. I also didn't notice the Isekai user one was out of order. I'll get to tagging MIO when i've got a bit more time.
There any good "support" style combinations that aren't strictly healing? Digital Sorcerer looks kinda weak.
Jason Russell
It only seems that way. Reducing the costs or giving overflow to allies in and of itself is far stronger than you give credit. Most spirit fixers just bump a dice up or down by 1, but instead you are giving others free dice of any number, or outright paying a portion of the cost, which means your main damage dealer can nuke far more often.
If you want something to go with that though, i would suggest divine talker B. Its got a fair amount of buffs, a res with a long range, a better but more expensive heal than elder mage B, a major damage boosting buff, and thats just taking into account its stuff from the first expansion. Expansion 5 has even more talents for it, most of which have to do with defenses, healing.
So elder mage B, time wizard A/B, Digital sorceror A/B, and Divine talker B. Those are the "Support" type classes, so to speak.
David Clark
Christmas puts my games on hold until since its impossible to find a gap in everyones schedules that fits nearly, but I might have a new game starting in the year if all goes well
Jordan Kelly
Well shit, nice for you dude. Christmas games are fun, but if they can't happen its understandable. Still, a new game is almost always a good thing.
Levi Powell
Okay, i've got a very short storytime for you guys.
I dunno if any of you know of touhou, or even care, but i was planning to do a touhou campaign using a system that was made specifically for it. Some of our members from another game were out of town and will be till midway through january, and the idea was thrown around of a one-shot in the time off with whoever we could scrounge up. So i'd stepped up and said i was willing to try something, using this system me and a friend had found and were interested in.
Unfortunately, whoever had written this system failed to test it and the rules are an ungodly mess. It seemed a simple system good for a quick one shot at first glance, but that was simply not the case. So i had an idea. Kamigakari is made with refluffing in mind. So all i needed to do was fluff whatever options they took as something that would exist in a psuedo-old world japan, as well as the various races.
So now i've got plans to do a touhou themed kamigakari campaign. One player actually knows anything about touhou and the system, the other two are ignorant at best on both, so we'll see how this goes. Once we've actually gotten it up and running, i'll post more about it if anyone is interested.
Aaron Lee
I should mention, everyone involved is more or less enthusiastic, they just don't really know a lot about kamigakari or touhou
Charles Myers
Brody Parker
Aw, r-right! I forgot I needed to make the thread...
But hey, it's done just like my style. Hey all, it's me, Meijin Threadmaker III! Had a small session today, but couldn't get it that long, 'cos the GM's busy with finals and all. Plus, there's the whole "didn't prepare the whole scenario" and all. At least everyone's characters were introduced all proper-like, though!
Gabriel Torres
S'all good man. I, meijin threadmaker the first, keep an eye out for this kinda thing.
Carson Cooper
Probably a good thing we had a few days off anyways. What with holidays and 3 threads in a row, hopefully the time recharged peoples batteries, so to speak
Tyler Diaz
Joined the kamigakari game that was recruiting last thread, didn't have a session last week due to Christmas, hopefully this week will be the first session
David Morgan
Here's hoping man. The more people that play, the merrier.
Thomas Hernandez
Any news from kansai user and/or ruth user?
Jonathan Johnson
I said that I would give it a shot, so here we go! I hope I can tell it well enough.
The first scene of the very first episode of the Isekai Campaign starts in typical isekai fashion: in a classroom, with Shedo-sensei (pic related) giving minor announcements to the students. This is classroom 2-A, one of the sophomore classes in Manzanar High, which is one of the more prestigious high schools in the urban city of San Fransokyo. Twenty desks line the classroom, five of which straddle the windows for optimal protagonist daydreaming. Not wanting to miss out from that window-staring action, Rei, Hayate and Ruth all sit next to the western wall, while Su tends to pay more attention in class and thus sits one row over. Not having met yet, all four are politely silent while announcements are said, evidently not having anyone to converse with unlike the rest of the class which chatters incessantly.
"Firstly," the teacher begins, "We've got a new student in our class. As is custom, she will be known as 'new girl' for here on until she does something to prove her worth. This also means that the one kid in class 2-B will need to be referred to by his real name from now on. So I suggest all of you learn it. And when you do please tell me so I can know."
Taking her cue, our final missing character enters from stage right...
Connor Scott
>"Firstly," the teacher begins, "We've got a new student in our class. As is custom, she will be known as 'new girl' for here on until she does something to prove her worth. This also means that the one kid in class 2-B will need to be referred to by his real name from now on. So I suggest all of you learn it. And when you do please tell me so I can know."
Okay, this is already something i don't remember isekai user mentioning. This is pretty fucked up.
Also, for the sake of storytimes, could you use a name? Makes it easy to find it all and screencap it later.
Christopher Howard
Ryuko, evidently the new girl, walks into the classroom after some goading from the teacher, at first avoiding eye contact with the room until she's standing center-stage, at which point she flips her hair over her shoulder and holds her bag in front of her with a small bow. She introduces herself as Ryuko Inari, and several students immediately start to whisper amongst themselves, trying to make guesses about the new girl. After some more goading from the teacher, she admits that she likes to sing in her free time.
"Hey hey! That's what I like to hear." Otto Oto, a musically-oriented student who runs the school's radio show, speaks up amongst the chatter, "Done any shows yet?" "Shows...? I don't know if you could call them that," Ryuko speaks with the slightest of accents, evidently hard to place the origin of, "I perform, yes." Su furiously fiddles with her pen, trying to contain her journalist urges to assault the poor girl with questions. Rei stares in silence, while Ruth glares at the new girl. It's hard to tell if Hayate is even looking at her or not through the sunglasses.
"Alright students," the teacher interrupts, "Seeing as our new student is already performing outside of her school that makes her more interesting than most of you. As such, new person status has been switched back to...what's his name." "Aww, poor whats-his-face," says Su. "Nice to have you miss Inari," Shedo-sensei continues, "You can take any seat that's available."
One of the students points out that there's only one seat available, between Ruth and Rei, and asks if the teacher is up to something. Shedo-sensei quickly tells him to shush, and Ryuko's forced to sit in an anime protagonist seat-- near the back corner, next to a window. Ruth's glare follows her until she sits down, while the rest of the classroom continue their hushed whispers and stares at the pretty new girl.
Righto, nametag initiated.
Jaxson Morgan
>"Aww, poor whats-his-face," says Su.
I lost my shit at this.
Nolan Nelson
"Next announcement," the teacher declares, "There will be a practice fire drill early this morning. I should also inform you that the vice principal is in a very bad mood today seeing as how she woke up alive this morning." The various students give waves of varying levels of shyness towards Ryuko as she sits down, Su being more outgoing on that spectrum, while Rei bites his finger and internally flips out that Ryuko's sitting right in front of him.
"I don't want anyone giving her an excuse to do anything," Shedo-sensei continues, "The last time I saw her in this foul a mood she had some poor kid dust all the erasers in the school." "Wha'd the poor sucker do?" "He had chalk dust on his clothes." "Oh."
The teacher continues to explain the proper procedure, stressing not to dally lest you evoke the wrath of the school's vice-principal. He also stresses to avoid bears, but that if you do find a bear, it probably doesn't matter what happens next, you're on your own. He glances nervously out the window as he adds that the zoo is only a few blocks from here, to the utter confusion of Ryuko. Everyone else seems used to this behavior, and Su whispers to her that he's only joking...probably?
"If there are no other questions, we will begin with today's daily quiz question," Shedo-sensei speaks up once more, and the entire class looks towards him in unison, "As always, the person who can answer it gets a two-minute head start to the cafeteria before lunch. I hear it's jelly donut day." Properly incentivized by the prospect of the school's famous jelly donuts, which oddly contain neither jelly nor dough, the class sits with anxious attention.
Caleb Flores
"Now, who can tell me...the English translation of our school's name?" Thus was the party's first formal introductions to the mechanics of Kamigakari, rolling their Spirit Dice pool and making a simple Intellect check which they were then allowed to influence with said spirit dice. To nobody's surprise Su's hand shoots up first, being the smarty pants she is.
"Apple Orchard, Sensei!" "Correct Chen Su!" the teacher shouts, dramatically pointing with a piece of chalk. He clears his throat after that outburst, and explains that Manzanar was built in the 1940's, though it was originally not planned to be a school, but rather an internment camp for the Japanese Americans during World War 2. A great deal of pressure was on leading officials to do something after the Pearl Harbor attack, but instead of giving in to international paranoia, the leaders of the state instead built a school for all prospective races, which eventually gave rise to San Fransokyo's population today. "Let that be a lesson. No good deed goes unpunished. But no good deed is not worth doing. Now if you'll all excuse, I need to see something about a cup of coffee." One of the students, the same that questioned the teacher's motives earlier, points out that he's currently holding a cup of coffee. Shedo-sensei quickly tells him to shush and skedaddles out of the room, leaving the classroom now unsupervised.
Several of the students devolve into chatting amongst themselves, while Chen Su gives Shedo-sensei exactly 0.1 seconds to be out of the room before she turns to Ryuko, extending a hand in cheery greeting. Though Ryuko remains somewhat quiet, Su has energy to spare and excitedly explains the classroom's various students and quirks, notably skipping Ruth's quirk of beating up crippled people. "You know quite a bit," Ryuko comments somewhere within the wall of text. Su beams, and redoubles her gumption.
Meanwhile, Rei's been pulled into a...different conversation.
William King
"So I see you eyeing the new girl," Haiyu Hamilton, head of the school's Drama Club, leans over to Rei, "Are you seeking some rrrrromance?" In traditional fashion, Rei flinches and stutters, trying to cover a flushed face. "W... What? N, no? Isn't that more than a little sudden, Haiyu?!..."
"Ah, but if it was too son, how could you call it love at first sight? I see it all now! A high school romance growing like the same cherry blossoms you'll walk between, holding hands and growing closer, until you're forced to choose between her and your friends, only to realize too late that it was the balance of both that kept you sane and alive all these years. Only it's far too late to crawl out of the bottle you've dug yourself into, and you'll and wallow in the fact that you'll never find the fantasy that was in each others eyes ever again, and so you go back to the bar only to find her there and you rekindle your romance for a time. But then, shock! She dies of cancer only a few short months later too soon for you tell her how you really feel about her!"
There's a moment of awkward silence between the two, Haiyu having taken quite a dramatic pose on top of his desk while glitter inexplicably falls through the air around him. Meanwhile another student, Torio Uta, has jumped into the conversation between Su and Ryuko, followed by Otto Oto. Ryuko's proving quite quickly to be a popular conversation topic, and they posit ideas of her lending her voice to the school's radio show on occasion. She says that she'd rather keep school and work separate, to the dismay of Otto, but he proves persistent. "I didn't realize you were all so...lively," Ryuko comments, now surrounded by a small mob of students. "...not quite everyone, I would say," one of the other students replies, thumbing towards Ruth who's sitting only a desk away. She turns to glare towards all the noise, and the group falls silent.
Lincoln Flores
Though there's no other reaction from Ruthless, Rei takes advantage of the new silence, waving his hand through the crowd to introduce himself. "Hi, I'm Reiyou, Reiyou Mori. C-call me Rei." Ryuko waves politely back, "Hello, Reiyou." There's a moment of awkward silence. Su offers a chocolate chip cookie from her ever-present tupperware container. Ryuko seems ready to politely decline, but before she can do so a shrill ring throughout the classroom stifles any answer.
Ruth stands up so quickly she knocks over her chair, while the rest of the class prepares to leave in a more normal fashion. The class representative, Jade Suryoku, takes charge of the class since the teacher's away, trying to organize everyone into something resembling an orderly class. Rei bolts for the door as soon as she gives the okay, Chen Su is more of a 'near the back of the pack' kind of girl, Ryuko tries to follow the crowd to the best of her abilities, Hayate saunters in typical cool-guy fashion, and Ruth wades through what is comparatively a sea of midgets. In any case, everyone makes similar progress during the fire drill in trying to keep up with the crowds pouring into the hallways, all trying to evade the wrath of the vice-principle.
A few Awareness rolls are tossed around in the chaos, Ryuko and Hayate getting the best of them with Ruth and Rei towards the lower end, but it quickly becomes evident that none of the five PCs have their school supplies with them anymore-- backpacks and pastry-holding tupperware containers alike have vanished. Some panicked investigation (and another Awareness check) reveals a trail of scattered pencils and papers in the opposite direction of the crowd that has quickly abandoned everyone, leaving only Rei, Ryuko, Ruth, Su, and Hayate standing alone. Already late for the fire drill and now having been evidently stolen from, the five make the separate but unanimous decision to chase down their belongings.
Ian Williams
The literal paper trail leads them on a confusing trip across the school yard, the group always just *barely* missing whoever's got their bags, only to discover another trail of spilled school supplies to follow. Hoping to return before the class has noticed they're missing, everyone picks up the pace except Su, who's left gasping for air. Coincidentally enough there's not much farther to travel, as the group comes across the school's old gymnasium, currently unused. The door still creaks as if someone had just opened it, and Ryuko is the first to push past Rei and head inside, followed by Ruth who nearly knocks him over with the action.
Though the lights aren't on, the sunlight from the doorway serves well enough. All five backpacks are in plain sight, conspicuously piled into the center of the gym. "...Haiyu," Su calls out to the empty gym, "Is this one of your drama set-ups?" "This is elaborate," Ryuko comments, looking around the gym. "And random," Su adds. "I...don't think Haiyu has the balls to steal from Ruth," Rei pipes up. "He..." Chen Su ponders, "...can let drama overtake sense, at times." Hayate simply chuckles.
Ruthless stomps towards the center of the gym, evidently more interested in just getting her backpack. No sooner than she'd reached the center of the basketball court, however, there is a sudden echoed, grunting sound, followed by the deafening crack of splitting stone. Before anyone has time to react, the floor seems to glow with a blinding light and the gymnasium's doors slam shut. There is a falling sensation, and then each student loses consciousness.
And that was the end of Scene 1, and when the GM finally name-dropped the title of the 'anime': Chosen Classroom. He even picked out an opening theme song and everything: We have been informed to ignore the video itself and just listen to the music.
Angel Nguyen
This isn't the end of the episode, mind you, only the end of the first scene. But it still might be a good time to take a break from the storytime for now, since sleep sounds nice. Care to keep the thread alive until I can continue?
Connor Johnson
Yeah. For 2018 year I'm hoping I remember to recruit people like me who have nothing to do during the holiday season a month or 2 early so that I can run or play something that time of year.
Wyatt Smith
What is Meijin?
And why are you numbing yourselves? Are you some kind of noble family of spiders who took the surname Threadmaker to be more understand able to the human families that are now your peers?
Andrew Ramirez
I am excited.
Leo Ramirez
>all of this storytime only covers two posts of the isekai GM's version >not even halfway through episode 1 I feel retroactively robbed. I mean I can't complain, the original storytime was great and this is great too, but god damn it's nice to read up on the character interaction.
Luis Fisher
Ash sounds a bit "shaaa"
Blake Davis
Only 2 posts in and I already have a mental voice for one of the characters in this storytime.
I don't really know what I expected Su to sound like, but there you go.
Easton Anderson
Thanks for pointing out how autocorrect messed up my post so I could fix it.
Jayden Richardson
>vice principal is in a very bad mood today seeing as how she woke up alive this morning.
>try to drink yourself to death >wake up with a hangover.
Oliver Garcia
>GM picks out anime opening for your campaign >it's from an ero visual novel
Blake Butler
Meijin is a reference to Gundam Build Fighters, where the best model kit builders are given the title "Meijin Kawaguchi". The protagonist's rival is the third in the line, and boy, is he a Meijin. (This wordplay is repeatedly used in the show, mind you.)
Brandon Morales
So how do you explain recognizing it?
Wyatt Watson
Asher Taylor
Chu got it.
Also, holy crap did isekai user leave out a shitload of details.
Ryan Cruz
For i was just following suit for the sake of a joke.
Levi Lee
>Tfw no one cares about your story
Eli Hughes
Well, plans for a campaign that you're going to run is good news, but it's not really storytime in and of itself. Good luck with it though
Asher Evans
I trust you all had a good Kurisumasu and had lots of cake to go with it. Mine went pretty great but i've been up to my ears in work. Incidently there was a sort of "Christmas" themed episode of MiO, christmas being in quotations because it was more winter themed. Enough about that though, time to get back on track.
Fujiwara Ren is currently in his cell, no longer petrified and is conversing with the only friendly people he has encountered all day. The problem currently would be getting him out of his cell. Clearly the correct course of action is to use Medusaina's keys to unlock the cell.
Ito backs up for a running start and rider kicks the door at full force so hard that it comes off it's hinges and slams into the wall behind it, narrowly missing Ren. The Sprit Dectective hacks up some dust and makes his way out to see his would be saviors and a familiar looking snake. He looks at her and with a very angry expression calls her and I quote "You scaly fucking milkcow!". Shizune grabs the bridge of her nose with her fingers, another one.
Daniel Myers
Nanatsume says that Medusaina can't be a cow because she is a snake, completely missing the insult here. Ren explains why he was trapped in such a cell. It was simply an spiritual investigation gone wrong, the spirit he was hunting was in Osaka Castle and it just so happened that Ciero and his gang set up their domain JUST as he was in the process of capturing/dispelling said spirit. Just his luck. The idea of a spiritual detective intruiges Nanatsume and she asks if they are like the ones on TV that go into haunted houses and everything is green for some reason, Shizune calls those shows fake and Nana gets sad.
On another level of the castle, three monsterous beings are conversing. These are the captains of the upper floors of the domain. Gurei, a wolfish looking boy clad in chains. Freki, a large and crass hellhound. Sabbath, the head honcho of the tower with the appearance and gait of a powerful looking demon. Sabbath comments that the tower has intruders and he trusts his subbordinates to get rid of these interlopers. He has already learnt that Medusaina has turned traitor as her mark is no longer active. He asks that his captains show no quarter. Gurei says he'll serve lord Ciero and Freki doesn't give a damn as long as she gets something to eat.
The crew makes their way up the tower, the aesthetic of a japanese castle shifting into something more Nordic in origin
Matthew Evans
Kansainon-samaaaaa, aishiteru! Aishiteru!
Nolan Williams
That's not a storytime though. It is a description of how a game is being set up that hasn't happened yet.
I was lead to believe one thing, and got another. So instead of responding after reading I just scrolled on.
Isaiah Barnes
Sabbath finished his instructional talk and disspeared into a shadowy vortex, leaving his two subbordinates to challenge the oncoming foes, foes that had found their way closer and closer into the main chambers. They arrive to see a wolf and a hound conversing amongst themselves. Arriving at the scene, Akira looked at the two guardians and scratched his head, sword still in his hand. "Who are you guys? We're not interrupting something or anything, are we?"
Freki responds to the boy "Well if you must know I was just thinking about how fun it's going to be to grind you into the dirt, Haha!" Shizune responds with a succint "Poor choice of words." Everyone is getting in their lines "Poor thing. You're in for quite the dissapointment!" Jagasaki declares stepping forward. "Well it sucks to be you becasue fun's not on your menu" Ito proclaims. Akira ponders a question, he confuses Freki for a cat and finds it confusing, because cats and dogs shouldn't get along.
Shizune looks at the two, wondering and asking what even ARE these guys. "A hellhound and some kind of.. catgirl?"
Daniel Reyes
>Sabbath, the head honcho of the tower with the appearance and gait of a powerful looking demon.
Be a demon. Mom names you "Sunday".
Carson Taylor
Wolf boy has a nice ass.
Cameron Ward
Those aren't pasties. They are some king of decorative metal claws for your tits. Titty claws > nipple clamps?
Christopher Johnson
Dogs and cats smell nothing alike! Then again if both of them bathe regularly with soaps and/or shampoo it may be impossible to tell what Freki is by smell.
Ayden Lee
Jace Powell
Yay! More storytime!
Brody Adams
Its time for our reguarly scheduled Ito points game! Where the rules are made up on the spot and the points don't matter (except they totally do though) Ito decalares 100 points for the cat girl and 150 for the dog. Akira points out that Freki is boy (it's something he immediately recognises). Ito is confused because he thinks he sees's tits to which Akira points out that they haven't met a single enemy without tits so far, which is poingniently accurate. Gurei says that perhaps he'll have to show them what a man looks like when he's finished here and Freki gets fired up, literally, like she is coated in flame.
The battle begins and everyone is putting out the stops, all of the stops. Our resident melee damage dealers pile onto Freki and Akira lands a combination blow. But he is caught off guard, as the physical attacks connect he finds his attacks reflected back with flame as he beats down on Freki. Akira is burnt but comments that the training dummy is broken, stuffing is coming out, "do they pad its boobs out with this crap?". Ren charges in with his spear (his art shows him using a sword but his character uses a spear, who'd thunk it) he also lands a combination with fire traveling up his arm.
Shizune takes an alternate approach, she creates a ball of intense magical energy [BESTOW TOXIC] which is separated into two and with a sweep of her arm she throws one at Freki and one at Gurei [GRAND SPELL INVOCATION]. Both blows land with massive power. Gurei takes it well but Freki is yelling out in pain, the attacks Akira and Ren did were clearly damaging her but her flames we reflecting them back.
Carson Cook
This might be the only/best time to mention this. Shizune naturally doesn't have the ability to bestow Toxic on her attacks, so how could she do this? Perhaps with a material fused with her weapon of choice, yeah that would work but that's not it. From this point onwards I have given my players something called the Reverse Arms System, they can now equip any one Aramitama assist to grant them powers, Shizune with the power of Medusaina gets the ability to poison it up, which is always good.
Ito comes in swinging his blade at Freki because he realises his target might go down before he actually might be able to do anything. He makes three swings and connects with two, the blades energy cutting at the hellhoud as her fire licks back at him. "Damn it! Just fall down for me!" he shouts to which she replies "I'm sorry, I don't do tricks" as she laughs and spits blood. If she is going down, she's going down on her terms. Her body is engulfed by flames as she stands up.
"Hestia!" She shouts as a flaming vortex covers and lashes out everywhere. Thankfully most manage to avoid the deadly flame by nicely timed rolls. That was the last of her power and she is down on the ground with not much fight left in her. Shizune tells her servant Jagasaki not to bother with a limping enemy. Twisting roots erupt from Jagasaki's hands, snaking their way over to Freki and binding them in place. Those same roots reach out for Gurei, their pitch-black tendrils hungry for the blood of demons. Freki is dealt a heavy blow and collapses, her hellfire petering out into smog and smoke while Gurei takes the blow with more nuance and grace, definitely hurt him though.
"150 points to Jagasaki-san" Ito bemoans. "...Or you could do that, yeah." Shizune comments.
Camden Anderson
>all that wood. >all that fire.
The castle is gonna start Bruning isn't it?
Joshua Murphy
>"150 points to Jagasaki-san" Ito bemoans.
Julian Ward
>This might be the only/best time to mention this. Shizune naturally doesn't have the ability to bestow Toxic on her attacks, so how could she do this? Perhaps with a material fused with her weapon of choice, yeah that would work but that's not it. From this point onwards I have given my players something called the Reverse Arms System, they can now equip any one Aramitama assist to grant them powers, Shizune with the power of Medusaina gets the ability to poison it up, which is always good.
Can you and some of your players write up a description for these special rules and then link a pastebin of it. I may want to apply them or have them on hand for future games where Aramitama aren't exactly like they are in the core book.
If you do this then take your time. Smooth, understandable rules text is better than something quick and hard to understand. I won't be in a session for a week at least and likely won't have IMMEDIATE use for it so you've got time.
Ryan Miller
What's so great about taking something like Contractor A over Arc Slayer?
Cooper Morris
It fits your character better?
Daniel James
Action economy fuckery as well as movement + magic of ranged attack fuckery are relallg powerful things contractor offers that arc slayer can't do.
Kayden Perry
>magic of ranged attack
Is supposed to be
Magic OR ranged attack
Brandon Lopez
Did Japan win WWII or at least take and retain part of California and the sue for peace in this timeline? Cause the city name and school history seem a bit strange.
Lucas Reyes
With Freki defeated her fire is out. The room grows deathly cold. The hellfire was keeping Gurei's ice in check and everyone can feel the cold nipping at them. A wind surrounds Gurei and he finally casts his attack.
"I wield the chains that bind you.
Chains shoot out from the ground and those chains are ice cold and dangerous, Akira and Jagasaki are hit hard by this as is Shizune but she manages to deflect the brunt of the damage with a magical barier and her defensive martial traits taking no damage as she slaps the chains out of existance as they reach her. Shizune see's her partner is hit by this attack and freaks as the chain embeds itself in his wrist, the limb freezes over, and without saying much he quickly severs the limb with a swift chop from his free hand.
Shizune freaks out at this but Jagasaki assures her that she is fine, casting aside the limb that rapidly withers away. Seconds later a new limb grows but it shares a closer resemblance to fossilized wood than flesh and blood. "Let's just makes sure they can't do that again". Ito calls Jagasaki one crazy dude as Shizune nods nervously.
Nathan Reyes
Akira was unable to dodge the chains, and the ice tore into him. "Son of a bitch..." he muttered, as he tried to move. "It's payback time". Payback time indeed as he rushes in with his combination attack for critical damage. Gurei is bleeding head to toe but his demeanor doesn't change. He knows his defeat is up soon but he still stands firm, regardless of the coming result.
Ren see's the assault "He's either holding steady for something or just a stubborn mutt", as he goes in for an attack of his own. Gurei is still drawing breath, he's just taking these attacks. If he were not under the influence of Ciero he probably would have surrendered long ago. It's time for the final blow.
Shizune raises her arm.
"It's over. MIND CRUSH!"
Gurei is hit by a barrage of immense phatom damage which pushes him over the edge as he doubles over in pain and falls to his knees, defeated. Freki and Gurei can no longer continue to fight
Jason Reed
I meant i was more expecting questions, but yeah. My bad.
Joseph Long
It's pretty much how Kansainon described, but I'll give you his exact rules:
>Each player will be given the choice to equip an Aramitama and by spending 1x attack timing you can activate their abilities. You can also spend a timing Prep to cycle through any unused Aramitama, however you can not do this while engaged.
And some abilities so far:
>Medusaina [3, 3] Inflict Shift: Paralysis on Target 1#, range 7 >Freki [5] Increase Barrier and Armor by 5 until the end of the round, any damage taken will be reflected back /2 >Gurei [Doubles] Inflict 4d6+12 Cold damage ignoring Evasion
Kansainon is mildly confused though, Shizune does have a bestow toxic material synthesized to one of her weapons.
Oh this reminds me I've been forgetting to do that lately. I'll have to fix that
Cooper Morris
So its like a 1/Combat pseudo talent, devil may cry style?
Gabriel Sanchez
More or less, though they don't get used that much since everyone's usually saving/fixing their dice for our respective wombo combos
Nathaniel Bailey
>equip an Aramitama What does this do in-universe? FF-style summon attack/effect where they appear, do the thing, then disappear?
Is Nanatsume unable to be equipped due to her circumstances?
Carson Russell
Have you ever GMed before, or are you just a player?
Lincoln Jones
To my knowledge, none of the isekai user players have GM'ed a game themselves as of yet. To be fair though, isekai anons game is one of the first ones that was told of in thread, and is still ongoing, so its not like anyone else has needed too.
I could be very wrong about that though.
David Jackson
At first they were just sorta there-but-offscreen, but that very quickly became cumbersome because we started collecting them like pokemon so they now have a kind of hibernation crystal/pokeball form we can use to summon them when needed
Nana can be equipped I just didn't include the whole list of support abilities for brevity/spoilers
Isaac Smith
I've GMed in the past, but nothing kamigakari related. Pretty gunshy to do it after many failed attempts.
Adrian Torres
>many failed attempts
Isaac Morris
Picking up where we left off, the five highschoolers slowly regain consciousness, though not where they remember losing it. There's pained groans as people pick themselves off of the stone floor, too groggy to freak out just yet. When eyes finally adjust, it becomes clear that not only do they have no clue where they are or how much time has passed, but the surroundings seem to be nothing but stone-brick prison cells that separate everyone. Most confusing of all, the highschoolers that woke up don't seem to be the same ones who lost consciousness-- they hardly recognize their own bodies anymore, let alone each other. Well, mostly, anyway.
Everyone panics in unison. "Pissnelke!" Su shouts first, putting her hands on her face in disbelief, "...Wha...?" She appears to have gained a few feet of height, now thin and pale and dressed in priestly robes. "Skit!" Ryuko's eyes blink open with her own foreign curse word, "Ah! What? Watch out!" Though largely similar appearance-wise, Ryuko's sprouted a pair of fox-like ears and a tail to boot, her outfit now accentuated with ribbons and frills. They both calm down slightly just in time for Rei to realize his predicament, who has largely remained the same save for an oddly-designed green jumpsuit and metal cowl. "What the heck happened? Where am I? Are you guys still there?" There's a groan from Hayate as he regains consciousness, who checks his sunglasses and mumbles that his head hurts. Out of everyone he appears the least affected, even wearing the same school uniform as before. It takes a few minutes for Su to even recognize Ruth, having changed into something clearly inhuman, rather something more akin to a monstrous lizard. "...Ruthless?" she asks, the girl in question now grabbing the bars of her cell and grimacing at everyone else.
"Why am in a prison?! What's going on? Who are you? Is that a pokemon?!" Rei continues his panicked state, making the rest seem relatively calm in comparison.
Levi Cox
My first few attempts to GM ended up crashing and burning after a few sessions, so I've been pretty hesitant to try again. Nothing kamigakari-related, just miscellaneous other systems. I think I did my best with the last one, a pokemon campaign, but I don't think it's worth storytiming, especially not in a kamigakari thread.
Hudson Edwards
Ah, thats fair then. Shit happens man. If you feel like starting up a game with this system, feel free to ask for help.
Christopher Martin
"Who am I? I knew I'd...seen..." Ryuko looks down at herself, "Ah! What's this?" Her ears wiggle in curiosity. "I'm...Ryuko." "You don't..." Hayate begins to comment, "Well you kind of do look like Ryuko I guess." "Okay, I think names are in order here before we get confused," Chen Su does her best to take charge in the chaos, "Hayate, Ruth, Rey, Ryuko, and Su are all here, yes?" A round of different answers from the various teenagers nonetheless point to the same affirmative. Su does a pretty good job of getting everyone to calm down despite the dire situation, even Rei manages to stop shouting. Just as everyone starts to discuss what to do, a voice echoes through each of their heads, causing the lot of them to flinch back into confusion: 'Inari-san is cute with those ears...'
There's audible confusion, particularly from Ryuko Inari, but another spoken voice interrupts the new topic. "Oh, please don't start without me!" "Who else is there?!" Ryuko shouts back with venom in her voice. In answer to her question, an exceptionally tall man steps around the corner, with bronzed skin and a height of at least 7 feet. He carries with him what appear to be a clipboard and a quill pen. "Ah so sorry. Good to see all of you awake," he taps on the clipboard with a quill, "Now if I could just get your names one more time...?" "Geez you're tall..." Su comments. "What's yours?" Ryuko asks back. "Oh yes. So sorry," he answers.
Jordan Watson
Cussing in German
Benjamin Brooks
"Annalas Res," the giant of a man answers with a polite nod, "Now I'll need names, so let's start with you, the Hanyou." The mental voice pipes up again: 'That name sounds foreign...where are we?' "What did you call her?" Hayate speaks up. "Hanyou...what?" says Su.
"N-no. I'm Ryuko," the girl in question answers, "Where's the school?" Annalas scribbles onto his clipboard, mumbling to himself. "Ryuko...Hanyou, fox variety. Polite." While Ryuko is left in silent confusion, he turns to Rei and Hayate, jokingly stating that they're the shortest Scions he's ever met. Annalas is barraged by questions from all sides, everyone wanting to know who he is, where they are, why they're here, the expected stuff, while the voice in everyone's head parrots similar questions. "Just basic processing is all that's happening," he tries to explain, attempting to calm everyone down again. Unsurprisingly this only raises further questions. "Processing??? Of what?" Rei stutters. "Of us? moving to another country?" asks Ryuko. Su speaks up again, trying to get a handle on the scene once more. She explains their situation, having only moments ago been in their school, and the next moment waking up in a prison cell. She tries to convince him that this whole situation would be a lot less chaotic if he would answer a few of their questions, to help them wrap their head around whatever's going on here. "...and please stop speaking in our heads," she adds, "It's rude."
" that so?" Annalas answers after the whole explanation, "Well, if I'm to be of assistance I'll need to know who you are. Believe me, I'd love nothing more that to get this settled. And I'm sorry; telepathy is a bit beyond my grasp." "...wha?" Su squints, "Oh. Oh wait. That" "Then who's talking in my head?" Rei asks. "Well why don'y you ask it its name?" Annalas answers with a shrug, "And while you're at it, tell me yours. Because I do need those."
Hunter Reed
Well, I for one would like to read about it. I bet it's not as bad as you think, and even if it is I think Veeky Forums could give you good pointers on what to do better next time. It's a tragic thing to see a GM with good potential shy away just because their first few attempts didn't go so well. That is, if you want to storytime it in the first place.
Also, this is ruth user, right?
Jayden Cruz
What kind of Pokémon game was it?
Were the Players Pokémon who were part of a trainer's team?
Or were you a group of trainers who were hired to protect a nature preserve?
"Kastsuo," Hayate grunts, crossing his arms. "Name: Kastsuo. Scion...question mark...?" Annalas narrates his note-taking. Hayate doesn't answer.
Annalas walks over to Ruth next and eyes her. "Name, and," he pauses and seems to smile, "...which one is your owner?" "McKillen. Ruthless McKillen," Ruth answers with a glare. The telepathic voice pipes up again: '...owner? I don't like the look of this guy.' "Owner? You're a prick," Hayate spits. "Please sir," Su keeps calm, "The jokes are not appreciated right now. I'm Chen Su, prefer to go by Su." "Su. Divine Soul," Annalas quickly scribbles onto his notebook, looking back towards Ruth, "So...McKillen. Ruthless McKillen. Darkstalker. Unknown variety. Seems a bit redundant for a name, but alright..." Ruthless simply glares at the man, but the mental voice speaks up again: 'I-it's not like I picked it...'
"And lastly," Annalas finally points to Rei's cage, "You are a...dwarf?" "" "I'm sorry, I really can't tell. You do look too tall for that." "I... I'm a human. I think? What is this place, seriously?" "A-human? Is that your name?" "W-what? No, my name is Rei." "...Rei, and I'll just put 'race unknown' for right now..."
Su blinks in epiphany, and looks towards Ruth's cell. " that you in our heads?" "...what?" Ruth hisses back, turning her glare towards Su. "...just...processing," Su explains, rubbing her temples, "All of us are in bodies not our own. Oh dear. We...we died, didn't we. We died, and this is the Divine Realms." "Died?!" Ryuko's voice is panicked, "No way. We...were in the gym! And then I think...there was that spear, right?"
Before the group can devolve back into full-on panic attacks, a new feminine voice erupts from somewhere else within the prison: "Annalas! ANNALAS RES I KNOW YOU'RE DOWN THERE!"
Jace Young
2who lore vast and rather batshit insane from what what little I've learned of it on /w/ and Veeky Forums.
So I can see how it would be good for drawing elements from to flesh out a high fantasy world of past or modern bent.
What kind of story are you and your players looking to tell though in terms of tone and focus?
Logan Lopez
>"All of us are in bodies not our own. Oh dear. We...we died, didn't we. We died, and this is the Divine Realms."
Oh shit!
Jordan Brooks
I'm just going with a basic touhou incident where someones actions inadvertently fuck with most of gensokyo and someone has to fix it, Wandering around beating up whatever is in their path till they beat up the right thing.
I'd go into more detail on the story, but i dunno if any of them lurk these threads. I'll give a small rundown on the PC's as they are currently in a minute here
Adam Baker
Wait I thought Ruthless was a nickname?
Or has she just adopted it as though it were her real name like what happened with Osaka?
Easton Martinez
Full name of Ruthless Mckillen, Nicknamed ruth.
You had it backwards
Julian Taylor
Thanks user!
Justin Young
I'm suddenly curious what her parents are named.
I wonder if Mujihina is a grammatically correct woman's name in Japanese?
Hudson Morris
Hayate: man of mystery
Juan Ortiz
Yep, still the same user, just taking off the nametag if I'm not doing a storytime post since that's usually in poor taste. I'll always appreciate feedback on my GMing style, and even if only one person enjoys it I suppose it can't hurt to storytime it? I'm frankly flabbergasted (and flattered) that anybody is interested in this stuff, since rambling on about old campaign stories was always frowned upon in my other groups. Would you really want to read through all that, even if it's not kamigakari stuff?
It was a very small party, just two sisters living with their parents (a pokemon professor and pokemon breeder) and conspiring to run away from home in order to travel the world. One sister wanted to raise the world's strongest pokemon team, while the other just wanted to be by her sister's side and meet lots of bug-type pokemon friends. Because they were geared towards wilderness survival, I made a new region and filled it with places to explore in hopes that it would be fun to travel. Sadly the campaign spontaneously died, but I've still got all of my notes and records of the campaign at least.
Thomas Smith
Sleep time.
Grayson Gomez
"There you are!" an elven-looking woman rounds the corner, her call followed by a crashing sound somewhere outside. "Is that an elf???" Rei ponders aloud. "I think you're right," Ryuko mutters.
"Ah, hello Mere," Annalas gives the furious-looking elf a polite nod. "Don't give me that right now, mister. I can't believe you came down here when you knew this was going to happen," Mere answers in the vaguest possible way. There's another crash from outside, evidently some sort of violence is going down. "Sounds like it's getting bad out there," he comments in an equally vague fashion. "We're dead," Chen Su mumbles to herself, having a hard time staving off an existential panic attack, "We're dead, and I'm going to be reborn as a always tried to warn me off the sweets..." "They've evacuated everything south of the main square," Mere continues, "We may need Lord Sarrum himself for this if it keeps up." "Well, I believe I have everything I need from this place." "I don't care what you have and have not I am dragging you out of here by the ear if necessary!"
"Why are we here?" Hayate speaks up, hoping for an answer before they leave, "Who are you people!? Let! Us! Out!" "Oh, I'm sorry," Annalas answers, already being pushed towards the exit by Mere, "I got a little lost there. Don't worry, you'll be taken care of soon." "Wait!" Ryuko shouts, "Taken care of how? Can't you put us back? Where are we?!" "Are they seriously going to just leave us here?" Rei asks the air. The mental voice says 'They're not even paying attention to us...' "...Right. Right. Okay," Chen Su calms herself again, "Jumping to conclusions. Can't do that even if we're...GET BACK HERE AND LET US OUT YOU SCHWEINHEUNDE!"
"If anything happens I'm sure you'll do what comes natural!" Annalas calls back, now pushed out of view by the elf several feet shorter than him and leaving everyone else with no answers.
Jaxon Clark
and by a minute, i mean after i wake up, because i need to pass out.
Adam Bailey
That sounds cute, I'd absolutely want to read it! Assuming you have the time to tell it and all, I know you're kinda in the middle of a different storytime right now. I don't know how easy it'll be to tell in comparison to this isekai campaign, seeing as how you're the GM in the pokemon one. In any case you'd definitely want to make a different thread for the storytime itself if you decide to tell it. Who knows? Maybe some other anons will like it and give some feedback that we wouldn't.
Caleb Hughes
Righto, it can't hurt to give it a shot. I'll definitely want to finish up this episode first, but some time afterwards I can give the pokemon campaign the old college try. Since it was a mythweavers game I could probably just take screenshots to let you read the story exactly as it happened, would you prefer that?
Jordan Clark
Whatever makes the story easier to tell, or that you think would make it better to read. Screenshot format would also make it easier to save, though, if you care about stuff like that.