I have a system called the E-Kat system that I've used to brainwash all of my players to constantly pay attention.
Myster E-Cat a mysterious feline who appears seemingly all over the town in obscure places.
I use roll 20 and map everything out so to make sure players were properly surveying areas ended up making this mechanic.
A mysterious cat that seems to crop up in countless locations. When found he mysteriously scampers away and despite the attempts of many he cannot be followed.
When a person finds an E-Cat they absorb a vestige of his power.
An E-Cat is channeled through an intense desire or emotion and unlike hero points is not meant to be used as a meta device to represent the players interests, but rather, the characters.
1 E-Cat can be used to gain a +1 on ANY roll
2 E-Cats can be used to gain a -1 on ANY roll
5 E-Cats can stabilize ANYONE within five feet provided they are not already beyond stabilization.
10 E-Cats can be used as a Hero Point
20 E-Cats can give you the ability to use a feat or mythic spell you qualify for taking excluding the mythic requirement. Feats last one minute; spells last for duration of the spell.
99 E-Cats can be used to start a special questline that will take a minimum of 10 sessions and reveal the secrets of this world.
For different campaigns I plan on using different gimmicky animals, one of my players has managed to gather 11 of these bad boys aiming for the 99 payout.
It actually helps a lot with keeping peoples continual attention because I will often place E-Kats behind objects that move and are only visible briefly.