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Okay, 1-10 how weird is it if my first thought was having sex with her with her spider animal companion crawling all over our naked bodies?
I dunno, a 2? I mean, that's a pretty natural thought. She's cute and the spider is just gonna be there, no way to stop it.
That, right there, is why you never make Wis your dump stat when rolling a barbarian.
spidro spidre :DDDD
sprelelelelele sper spol XD
Why does this give me a boner?
Nvm, boner dead. Thanks papa nurgle
That's illegal.
>Boss fights on the whiteboard
What kind of bosses would Violent Semen Inferno : Shota Rape realistically have ?
I only need this part
>we sell rakes
>only rakes
>miniboss is the chair of the local PTA who tries to stop your rape rampage through her elementary school
>final boss is Chris Wray, the director of the FBI, and you get V& if you lose
>optional postgame boss is you fighting against a shota who attempts to shotadom you
>Final boss anyone but Chris Hanson.
You had one job.
This is beautiful
I think this made my evening user
thank you
that's in the DLC
thanks mister skellington
How could we add microtransactions and ruin the game?
>>optional postgame boss is you fighting against a shota who attempts to shotadom you
How hard can it be to fight off a little boy? Especially since you've spent the entirety of the game overpowering them
Hentai logic does weird things.
Gameplay and story segregation.
I mean, how many games right now actually have their mechanics obey their writing (or vice-versa)?
Game devs never let their own mechanics get in the way of the story (or vice-versa).
>Draws other people ugly
Well, I suppose projecting your own issues onto others is her thing.
Seriously, though. I'd take these comics more seriously if the author could pass or was not fuckin' ugly.
Devil himself has possessed the boy to have ultimate battle of dicks with you.
What's this from?
something something Unteralterbach
The boy is equipped with enchanted dominatrix (male) gear, giving him +5 to his rape stat.
Got pics then? I never saw the author.
>implying /k/ wants anything to do with airshit
>5eg threads
Proposal that we derail filename thread effective immediately and hammer out the Violent Semen Inferno : Shota Rape game.
>Ken Burns intensifies
Far right and center get interviews. Everyone else can go home.
She looks uncannily similar to that blonde repair girl in FF15
>dismissing candidates at a glance.
What is this? Movie casting?
Center is willing to go to any lengths to tilt the opposition.
Far right keep her cool and kept her eyes forward in a trying situation.
Everyone else got triggered by center's mind games and started staring and scowling. They clearly aren't made out of stern enough stuff for this firm.
This is a hirer's economy. I've got hundreds of girls lining up for the position. These ones are lucky they even got an in-person interview. Literally, luck is all it is. I get a thousand resumes a week. I print 'em out, then have one of the interns take them up to the roof. At my command, they throw them off the roof and they scatter, 40 stories up. Meanwhile I'm standing on the sidewalk, where I've drawn a 5 foot by 5 foot square with chalk. All the resumes that land in the square get interviews. The ones that don't, we call them and say that they're "put on consideration" and that we'll call them back in a few weeks, and then we never call them back.
Who's this?
I like that big awkward grin.
t. Nosferatu
This cartoon looks absolutely fucking insufferable.
I think its Alexandra Daddario
ty kyne beast
So you allow the random hand of luck determine who does and does not even get the chance to get a job? Well your methods sir are quite frankly insane, but it is fair in its insanity.
Oh...that hurts.
This pic makes me unreasonably upset. They better have brought home both puppers or they don't deserve either.
What do you do if the stack of resumes are all stuck together so they land in one big pile in the square?
I didn't need this.
>So you allow the random hand of luck
Well, yeah. Why would I want to hire unlucky people?
We fire the intern who dropped them.
Because they're used to being prepared for things?
Then they should have prepared for our hiring methods.
Writing resume in white text on black background would help. Once printed it would be heavier than the standard typeface and therefore have more stability in the drop, thus increasing chances of landing on mark.
>dismissing candidates at a glance.
Hey, they're lucky to even get this far.
That's why my resume is engraved on a slate of lead.
But why
I am VERY upset
Goddamnit that's good
I didn't need nor want to see this today.
The dog was "too sad" despite gleefully wagging her tail when they came by, said they wanted a happier one. For whatever it means, the hyperlink to her adoption page 404s and the ID gives no results in their search engine, so I hope that means she found a family that actually deserves her.
Further elaboration, the pupper's dad had died a short time earlier and the family was fed up with her incessant whimpering and crying. She then jumped the fence and the neighbor called Animal Control on her, and she stayed at the shelter for a short time.
The family then came by, pet the dog through the fence, then told staff they were going to adopt a different dog for the previously mentioned reasons. The most recent I can find is that they were rightfully denied adoption, and the renamed Zuzu has found a home with a couple and their dog Dodger who himself recently lost their fellow canine friend.
Still fucking pissed, but at least it's a happy ending.
The entire story is a fabrication. If you've ever worked (or volunteered) at a shelter, you'd know that pretty much every dog does this whenever a potential client walks into the kennel. Here's the entire text of the "Read more" link so you can see the substance behind the image: