Why are there no good space fantasy settings besides Star Wars and 40K?
Why are there no good space fantasy settings besides Star Wars and 40K?
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I wouldn't call 40k one at all.
Neither of those settings are good. One is just glimpses of a world seen in three movies stretched immeasurably thin by obsessive nerds, and the other is a bullshit nightmareland full of retarded extremes but has staying power because it fulfills the power fantasies of stormfaggots.
I don't even like Star Trek, but I will unironically defend it as one of the best settings for an RPG because its built around exploration and adventure.
My brother!
Dune is better than those two combined.
>One is just glimpses of a world seen in three movies
the prequels had the best worldbuilding
There are space fantasy settings besides Star Wars and 40k?
How can you say that when all of the "worldbuilding" is just a bunch of bluescreen vistas serving as backdrop for soap opera dialogue? There's zero substance to the Prequels universe other than what has to be there to get Anakin in the Vader suit.
Star Wars WAS good
Treasure planet
because it adds a lot of cool settings
also there was more to the prequel era than just the film
The Clone Wars was animation kino
Nemesis the Warlock
I like Phantasy Star
Ender’s game was cool
Is Outlaw Star considered Space Fantasy?
>Showing the shitty CGI Clone Wars instead of the god-tier cartoon version
I question your taste user.
Is that really a space fantasy
A setting which combines the alien diversity and political scene of Mass Effect with the headiness and mystery of Bungie-era Halo would be absolute top tier space opera.
It has magic and space, so yes.
what's your problem with star trek?
not canon but I'll post some anyway because it was very good
not fantasy
>no rifts
>Humanity is post-scarcity and everyone gets along harmoniously
Sounds like space fantasy to me.
While it's stuck in activision games, Destiny has a ton of cool ideas and great potential in its setting.
It's where 40k took lot of influences. It's certainly not hard sci-fi.
The "fantasy" aspect becomes a lot more nebulous (hah) when you introduce science fiction elements to the genre. Star Trek has ships which fly around on bubbles of warped space; that's pretty fantastic. Shit, it even has space orcs.
You don't need wizards in pointy hats to have fantasy.
too bad they moved away from it being fantasy when they just up and got rid of "the Darkness" as a plotpoint in Destiny 2
>Shit, it even has space orcs.
>Star Trek
>Space orcs
You wot m8?
>implying 40k is good
>not canon
Lies and slander, lies and slander I say!
Cartoon Grievous is true Grievous. Accept no substitutions!
>Drug gives people magic powers
Yeah, pretty much.
John Carter of Mars is pretty good space fantasy too.
>You don't need wizards in pointy hats to have fantasy.
It has mindreaders and gods that fuck with the characters. Those are pretty fantastic too.
>People didn't like the execution of thing
>Throw it out instead of improving on it
That's unfortunately completely believable.Though I have heard that its just The Darkness is taking a backseat for a bit, it might come back into play once the team who handled Taken King and Rise of Iron release the expansions they're working on for 2.
It's barely a setting
What the fuck are you talking about? Everything to do with the last cutscene of D2 and the Callus raid zones is all about THA DAHKNESS IS CUMMING and Callus wants Guardians to Grow Fat With Strength so that they can help him become something to fight and conquer it even though it's likely already tainted him, Oh Champion Mine
I think he means the Reemans or however it's spelled
No it wasn't.
As someone who likes it, I half to agree with this. Its a mash together of things the designers found cool, and falls apart once it starts taking itself totally seriously.
You aren't
How hard does it have to be for it to be hard SF? Is Alastair Reynolds hard SF?
I remember how much of a disappointment movie Grievous was after the cartoon.
Never said I was.
But I went back and watched some rip that was supposedly taken from the film spool itself or some nonsense, and except of how cool the cloud city looked, the rest was pretty sour slosh.
john carter of mars is amazing
>I remember how much of a disappointment movie Grievous was after the cartoon
That CGI cartoon abomination just added insult to injury. At least the disappointment in the movie made sense given how he had his damn lungs crushed right beforehand.
there's also Incal/Metabarons and other French comics stuff
>psychic powers
>spoopy magic wormhole aliens
it most definitely is.
fringe science still isn't quite fantasy
What about mobile Suit Gundam ?
Early UC is really damn good
silence mortal
there is literal "believing it makes it real" and mythological entities showing up and having been real all along, something being set in space doesn't make it scifi
OP hasn't heard of eastern media at all, otherwise this thread wouldn't exist. He probably just wants to bitch about Star Wars or something.
I don't think it counts as fantasy unless you consider anything with psychics to be fantasy, in which case probably the majority of sci-fi is.
t. has no clue about worldbuilding, will never create anything nearly as appreciated
I thought the concept of newtypes countes as fantasy since it's kinda similar to Jedis
It is in my opinion. Once you've added psychics you've added magic to the setting under a different name.
>you can't criticize a shit sandwich if you're not a chef
read the post in its entirety
Realest nigga in this thread
If wizards get their spells from 'genetic manipulation' is that then sci-fi?
If so, then 40k is sci-fi, also.
Spelljammer is the best setting, space-fantasy or otherwise.
Stranger In A Strange Land had some fantasy elements (and it fucking changed my life, but that's a different story).
A Wrinkle In Time and the rest of Madeleine L'Engle's work in that setting (A Wind In the Door, Many Waters, A Swiftly Tilting Planet) are space fantasy, and pretty good.
The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall was a thing? Not sure if you'd call it fantasy or just Sci-Fi.
Green Lantern. Not the movie, just space-magic in the DCU.
Tenchi Muyo. It has an official RPG even.
Sailor Moon, which had an official RPG from the same company that made the Tenchi Muyo one, and was compatible with that.
Arguably Metroid.
Doctor Who? (Some people love it, some people hate it, but it is a setting with aliens and magic.)
And as mentioned, Dune is fucking fantastic.
>A Wrinkle In Time
holy fuck the movie looks awful by the way
Star Wars is popular because if the compelling characters and unique aesthetic, not because of interesting planets or cultures.
>Watching movies
You have only yourself to blame.
It's compelling because it's a timeless fairytale that also harkens back to the old scifi pulp serials.
The planets, aliens, and cultures are interesting because Lucas didn't explain them in the movies. You as an observer had to fill in the blanks, and so it engaged your imagination and made it memorable.
This is also done really by using ideas and concepts in your games, and giving them maybe only a name or short description, and explain hardly anything to your players. Tell, don't show.
I am pretty sure Halo has about as many diverse aliens as mass effect. Es[escially in significant roles. Hanar and elcor just stand around.
40k as a setting isn't good
Sci-fi & fantasy are a gradient.
Lots of otherwise hard sci-fi have psionics
Lots of gonzo fantasy have methodical magic
I feel like appropriate space fantasy needs a drop of mysticism, & pseudo-anachronisms. Like laser swords, or feudal worlds.
I just read the synopsis on wikipedia but it seems pretty limited in scope. Its just about some civil war hero fucking shit up with two races on mars. Is there more to it?
Also OP
I suggest perry roden, or whatever the fuck its spelled like.
Yeah, but the humans don't really interact with them in any context outside of warfare. Unlike in Mass Effect, you don't have moments where human marines on leave get cornered by Elites at the dom jot table.
Which is why the EU ruined Star Wars as a setting, imo. All those blanks have been filled by unimaginative fanboys taking the barest surface elements and stretching them to a literally galactic scale. All Trandoshans are bounty hunters, the Kessel Run was a real thing and not bullshit Han made up, Darth Vader shits by jamming a serated metal cone up his ass, etc.
it gets somewhat larger later on in the series
Darth Vader shits by jamming a serated metal cone up his ass, etc.
WUT? Can I get a source on that. I was to young to read much of the old EU beyond the three books I got my hands on and I never read that on the wiki.
Also yeah the kessel run not being a bluf on them not knowing what a parsec was kinda ruins it. Thrawn was great in the EU though. And old eu books are leagues better then the shit the mouse churns out. Every single one thus far hasn't meant anything in the long run out of fear of conflict with the movies.
>And old eu books are leagues better then the shit the mouse churns out.
Shadows of the Empire and Crystal Star exist, among other things.
99% of the old EU was shit, 99% of the new EU is shit but at least now its consistent with all the other shit
Yeah, Bungie has to dig themselves out of what they've dug themselves into in D2. Seems like they kind of forgot everything they did to make D1 a good final product.
Still, they've got a neat setting built. And recently fans have compiled all Grimoires into PDFs if you just want to sit down and chew some lore. Some of us have been scouting FFG's Genesys System as a potential to run a tabletop Destiny game.
I dunno my man.
In 1981, maybe.
Has anyone here played Baroque Space Opera? Looks super good but my players are basically filthy casuals who have very complex and full real lives and just want to roll some dice and kill some orcs at night on the weekend, so I can't seem to sell them on it.
A Fire Upon The Deep definitely deserves a mention here. Reading it took my breath away as a kid. I also find myself wanting to argue for Babylon 5, but I'm realizing most of the best things about the show weren't the setting per se.
Re weeb properties, I really liked Crest/Banner of the Stars, although the will they or won't they got old. The side characters were definitely the most interesting. But the setting itself, I find myself wishing I'd seen more of it. The fight for Aptic Gate was up there in drama with Wolf 359 or Coriana VI, no question.
Looks dope. Have a pdf?
It's poor taste to thread yourself, man. And 40k has lots of neat elements, they just don't go so well together
I've heard this name before. What is it?
Says max file size is 8 mb, but I think it's in the pdf share thread archive
40k isnt.
Warhammer could be.
He's basically superman and upsets the balance of power wherever he goes. Also, he gets a sweet red princess waifu.
The more I think about it, the more it resembles a power fantasy
Starwars relies too much on leaving things to the imagination of the viewer. A few instances of karfrixian emerald liquor and bolangian milkohol can be intriguing but after a while the mind just processes it as space booze #256.
How about Star Wars but plausible situations and not everyone is somebody's child or sibling. That would be something.
Come on now.
I'm gonna trigger the fuck out of some EU fanboys and say Star Wars doesn't work outside of the context of the original films. It's a story, not a universe, and when you deviate from that story then you're no longer playing with Star Wars. You're playing with Star Trek but with stormtroopers. This is why the vast majority of the EU was absolute shit, and it's why the new movies are all so predictable.
Star Wars also does not work at all for an RPG setting because every single person has their own idea of what Star Wars is, mostly because as you say it leaves everything to the imagination. You're honestly better off just homebrewing your own setting than trying to please Star Wars fans.
I liked Star Wars better when it was just a few good movies, not this massive mythology with a creepy cult-like fanbase.
>Stranger in a Strange Land changed my life
Did you join a free love "water for all" cult?
The rules look fun but fuck the art direction with the models, why does my drone controller/maintenance crew/whatever the fuck a Tech-Bee is wear a zip-up but only barely zipped crop top, booty shorts so small that they're basically panties(and can be painted as panties or even a g-string), thigh high stockings and high heels? That's not the only complaint about the art and models
I recently learned that Christopher Lee did a few heavy metal albums, particularly some christmas-themed ones that were altogether pretty decent. Also that he fought in WW2. Seemed like a cool guy.
He did. Admittedly it was mostly him talking dramatically about slaughtering the Saxons, but that's still pretty metal considering he's (allegedly) descended from Charlemagne.
Hell, they even retconned the whole "the light that comes out of a Fallen's head when you shot it is actually their soul being violently seperated" into "it's a gas"
I remember during an early 2013 dev video they specifically said that one guy came up with a scientifically plausible reason for the light and the rest of the team shrugged it off and said "nah m8, it's their fucking souls," the fuck happened?
>Naboo: A planet with giant cities filled with less than ten people each. Aesthetically, it's just fucking Space-Italy. That's it. Also home to the most annoying race devised since Kender.
>Coruscant: A big city that we, the audience, never get to walk the streets of or see anything of really besides an empty jedi temple, a comatose legislative chamber, a dive bar, and a 50s diner.
>Kamino: A planet of fucking nothing but water. Such world building. I bet a lot of interesting adventures could happen here.
>Geonosis: It's another desert planet with some expendable bug bad guys and more droids
>Mustafar: Everything is red and some stuff is on fire.
It's worth noting that on none of these planets do we get to:
>See native species that aren't just giant CGI monsters on screen for two seconds before they get killed
>Even notice the weather or natural conditions
>Meet alien species (besides gungans, oh god)
>Star Wars
>"Fantasy" aspect is basically just some levitation powers while everything else is basic sci-fi
Fuck, I wanna see a fantasy sci-fi where magic is fucking everywhere, people legit using wooden boats in magical barriers and shit with a circle of chanting magicians propelling it through space