failed paintjobs thread?
Fresh OC, my friend tried to paint that new Sly Marbo model
failed paintjobs thread?
Fresh OC, my friend tried to paint that new Sly Marbo model
Where did he get it
Also bost datasheet
every mini I've tried painting ever could go in this thread
This is why I just stopped painting mine. I just look at them and wonder.
I would love to comment but I'm not a fucking ant
I remember a long time ago, someone posted a pic of his freshly "painted" Plague Marines. It seriously looked like the he just fucking dipped them in a can of window caulk.
I really wish I saved that pic.
Is that dipped? You could get that result with three minutes with paint and a dip.
This post gets no respect
>New generation hobbyists not accepting getting what they want in an instant.
You do know getting good at something takes time, right?
Took me 4 years of on an off to get to this point and it's still looks trash to me.
can you try uploading a picture?
Wanna trade?
If you could make me go back in time 4 years, then yes.
I think it doesn't look that bad but then again my own standards are pretty low.
My standards are only a bit high cause I've been to some of the painting competition and those minis are amazing.
This is bait right? That looks fine, better than almost anything I've painted
Bait was if you could send me back in time 4 years, you could have my current painting skill. In all honesty, watching tons of people paint and reading how to do certain techniques while combined with thinning my paints and a wet palette helped me quite a lot in the last year.
This hobby isn't a quick hobby and requires a ton of patience.
this is my 13th mini. the weapon and shield need a ton of cleanup, might've been premature to glue them on
You're not even trying are you? What the fuck paint are you using?
I didn’t paint it. A friend of mine did. Who does it as a hobby.
Well as others have stated, its not half bad, and a pretty good standard. Is it a price winning piece, perhaps not, but its still a long way from bad if you ask me. Now you didn't present us with a "before and after" picture, so Im not able to say that you're just about right in your skills, but if you started anywhere near where I did (almost something like this ) and go to this point its a huge improvement.
My tip, if you want to get better, watch "how to" vids, read guides, and practice, practice, practice. You get good by doing this and painting at least some every day. I have painted for a good 20 years, and Im not even nearly as good as some of the pro-painters we have today, do I paint bad stuff? I don't think I do, and I think I can present a pretty good quality, but I didn't get here in a day or two. But its far easier to learn in today's age with all the free stuff we can have at the click of a button, than when I started out.
To be the 13 miniature you have ever painted you should feel proud man.
My first models looked like complete ass if you ask me. I didn't have the slightest idea of what I was doing, I didn't use the right paints, brushes and tools. I can safely say I did this the full first year, due to nobody around playing this game where I lived, and nothing (not even internet around at that time) to teach from.
When I first discovered dry brush (by a freak accident I might ad!), it was like I had invented electricity! I was that exited my weapons and chainman (oh god, the chainmail!!!) went from flat, chrome pieces, to grim derp awesomeness in an instant!
That's not bad at all mate. Work on getting a smoother basecoat because it looks a bit patchy. Maybe another thin coat.
As terrible as these are, I was intrigued by the ingenuity of the conversion in the middle. I think I still have one Second Edition rokkit chukka left, and a whole squad of plastic ASC scouts ...
I'm guessing the extra paint buffs up his armour and invunerable save.
This is my 2nd miniature I painted 4 years ago. I have come a long way I know that but no where near I want to be.