In hindsight, chandere wasn't that bad...
MTG raid
Mods just need to start doing their fucking job.
Can I get a quick rundown?
a batshit crazy girl madly in love with sorin who used to post in mtg lore threads before /pol/ took over and started questioning asians and blacks in mtg.
Is it /pol/ though? We had threads move there jokingly by mods and it was never even half as bad on literal /pol/. It's probably Jeremy's patreon friends, maybe a discord group.
its just normal people tired of purpseful divisiveness being sown.
If you think the manner in which WotC has initiated their changes was entirely in good faith and for the betterment of all involved you are just wrong.
>MTG raid
>implying that it's a raid
It's same 4 people as the ones who keep making /v/ template threads. It isn't a raid, it's just some faggots who found out that the only mod we have is the automatic high-report deletion bot.
>inb4 the same guy that's doing the trolling posts the screencap he made of himself on /pol/ "proving" that it's a giant raid
Ding ding ding.
Will never happen with Hiro in charge.
>Every opinion but mine needs to be silenced
The fact that you can't express your real opinion without hiding behind centrism is all the proof anyone needs that your politics are retarded
Fuck I just remembered who that was. Did she finally get banned? And whatever happened to NiceDaemonette or whatever that faggot went by?
Are you taking shifts or just drinking a lot of red bull?
I'm waiting for the "NOOOOOOOO THEY CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS!" threads to start popping up. Maybe a poorly edited Pepe or Wojak to look incredibly angry or sad to accompany a link to some shitty opinion piece of YouTube.
Do you think they'll bring in the anal vore threads too? LIke a golden 3.5 PHB sucking up a 4e Essentials while making whirring noises?
Back to
I wasn't even insulting in my post.
muh /pol/ boogeyman
White mtg players should not use cards depicting people that are not from the player's own culture. It makes oppressed minorities feel unsafe when white people, who have all the power, are carelessly and thoughtlessly using the cultural heritage of other races for their own ends. Cultural appropriation, just like racism, homophobia and mysogyny, is a scientific FACT. Did anyone even ask these minorities if they wanted their likenesses appropriated for a card game? NO. Whites just take and take without asking. This has to stop. Be progressive and resist.
Oh god, I know you are trolling, but as someone with an anthropology degree, my blood boils every time I hear "cultural appropriation" misused like that.
"cultural appropriation" is misused every time it is uttered, regardless of context. It is a myth of epic proportions.
The post-modern sense of it is 100% resentment-fuelled bullshit, like a lot of things these days. There's an argument to be had about physical things like the Elgin marbles though.
call it what it was then: theft.
No culture springs up from nothing, not a single one. Why do you wear clothing in the style you do? Because a previous culture decided to do it and another adapted to it. Why do you eat food with utensils? Because a previous culture decided it is better than with bare hands and other cultures adapted to it. Why do people attempt to be "good Samaritans?" Because of the actual Sumerian culture adapted that way of life and other cultures thought it had merit for their culture.
All history is built on the backs of previous culture. To shit on a culture for doing exactly what all other cultures have done for the entire history of the human race has done is just asinine.
Does it make me /pol/ simply because I don't like hamfisted "diversity"?
You sound like one of those alt right people who screams shill the minute someone disagrees with them.
They were legally purchased. Theft is not the issue here.
In the rest of your post, you're not telling me anything I don't already know. None of that was ever in dispute here.
But arent we a multicultural society
We don't like hamfisted diversity. Samut was a meme for a long time. We are just currently under siege and all mtg threads are full of /pol/fags sperging out that don't even play or mention mtg. We want to talk about magic for the most part, not muh jews and niggers and everyone is sick of it. You picked a bad time.
Not an arfument
This shit is mainly coming off twitter from what I can see. Tons of take magic back alt-right faggotry there.
This game is t about white men. It's for everyone and if you can't be inclusive an accept the changes to the MTG you aren't really a fan in the first place.
It's not supposed to be, fag. We don't want to talk to you, get out.
I don't think we're under siege. I'm against the changing of the MTG as well. I think fans should speak up when they don't like something otherwise the creators will just ignore us.
Idk, I feel like everyone is taking this a little too seriously. Just let the angry fans voice their reaction and let /pol/ embarrass themselves if they don't know what they're talking about. The fan base is divided and this has to be worked out; ignoring the problem will only make things a worse.
Thats not at all what people are complaing about you guys. Its so fucking off-topic. At least other shit posters were on topic. Not only that but i never stated any opinion at all, so you're just jumping to conclusions that i even disagree with your opinions or politics. Typical tumblr&/pol/ maneuver. Shit this entire thread is off topic and needs to get nuked. Same with the 3 OTHER FUCKING THREADS UP RIGHT NOW1
>muh secret club
I've been here longer than you, ya' dip.
To be fair this tread was not about discussion magic in the first place. Also one or two dudes shiposting hardly counts as full, we always had shit posters and will always have them.
>I don't think we're under siege
check this shit out
As I said, what you're saying is generally popular opinion here, but everyone is sick of talking about it, at least until the shistorm passes.
I wouldn't have found out about what was going on without a post like that; I don't see the problem.
Not But adding onto this
It's really one person at this point. It's crossposting garbage. Nothing to do with my Ixalan spoilers thread, but the thread says /mtg/ so it gets hit. I just want to talk about Azor your cunt
nothing is going on. this guy finally got banned for harassment, is incredibly salty and makes shit up for clicks and /pol/ patreon bucks. And I won't dismiss anyone stating this but him. He's been doing shit like that for years.
Whoops, meant to point out this post
from this thread
being a crossposter from
Do you have proof that he "made it up" it seems like his sources as solid. Why are you so opposed to this?
We won't click on it Jeremy, fuck off and go masturbate to Sprankle.
If someone cried wolf so many times and is even more desperate now, I won't give him clicks or any attention. If this is serious, someone more trustworthy will pick it up.
meant for
Jeremy, what are you doing on /vp/
Jesus Christ, really?
Good thing I'm not browsing TCG related threads there.