I'm going to run a horror game set in a modern setting. What are good places to have horror adventures besides the woods and the suburbs?
I'm going to run a horror game set in a modern setting...
A large industrial district or docklands.
A theme park (bonus points if it's NOT an abandoned old one).
Gang-ridden slums.
City utilities - sewers, waterworks, etc.
Underground train system.
Secret government research facility, as that can be located under any of the above.
nu/tg/ is too /pol/ for this, but the ghetto.
You don't have the resources to escape, and even if you could, no one is going to believe you poor trash that these murders are some kind of serial killer and will blame you.
Remember, the thing that lets the fear thrive is isolation and lack of power to handle the situation.
Desert at night. Cold, isolating, easy to get disoriented, nowhere to hide.
OP is confusing horror with whore
A hospital. At night. Really any place that is normally bustling with activity but isn't when the players are there.
Skyscraper after business hours.
This is actually a pretty good sugestion.
The cops will show up, in about 45min to an hour.
I'm sure nothing bad could possibly happen in that time.
High up Ski Resorts cut off by weather conditions (though this is honestly inspired by a half-remembered scooby-doo episode, but make it more serious and the show's locations are likely a great source for modern horror settings)
Any underground structures
Boats in cross-ocean transit
Ghettos generally have more of a police presence in them.
presence yes. But they're doing what they want. 911 response times are terrible.
Australian outback
A moving train on a multi-day trip through countryside, preferably hostile countryside like mountains.
Horror is about isolation and a lack of control or escape - if your train is going through the country in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and leaving is almost certainly death by exposure or lack of resources, the quickest way to get any help to you is just to wait out the train ride.
The Arctic ala the Thing.
Could also pull a "Murder on the Orient Express" and have the train stranded in a storm for however long you need it to be. That way your players won't know how long it will be until they could potentially be saved.
I'm personally working on a Call of Cthulhu adventure set in China town and the downtown eastside of Vancouver where all the drug addicts are. A lot of ethnic enclaves like that are kind of poor, involved in grey market and maybe a little bit odd and also a bit isolationist.
As another example, you could have people investigate a series of vampire attacks in an Orthodox Jewish community in New York. The community wants to keep the matter to itself and being known as an informer would be a great shame.
The lore vs gameplay balance issues in this issue make me itch. This is worse than Injustice where a Catwoman v Superman matchup somehow takes long enough to be detectable to human onlookers.
So Attack the Block?
>Insular religious community within a larger, populous city.
That's a good one.
A guy ran an AFMBE game set in Bush Gardens once, because it was his favorite place in the world, and the way it is set up is pretty isolated with one way out that doesn't involve a sea of parking lots and a bunch of fences/gates (that way being the train/monorail thing).
Hell ya East hastings. Set some shit at the rickshaw
Eh, some of the characters I don't recognize, but a lot of them are basically "Murderer who's hard to kill but moves slowly". There are a few reality manipulators, like IT, but even he's got a physical form that can be harmed/driven off if you've got the willpower. Just assume the Invisible Man isn't afraid of anything, or knows he's in a dream or whatever.
Any more?
How about a war zone (active or inactive)? I imagine a sufficiently clever and sturdy monster would love to prey on soldiers and civilians alike. Maybe the ghosts of an long-forgotten battle haven't moved on. Or maybe the war itself is some sort of sapient meme or wait that's just Guns of the Patriots.
Abandoned power plant. The machinery still whirs and ticks, just occasionally...
Husk of a beached boat. Whole thing is on it's side, the gemoetry is just slightly off.
Subway system. Extra points for disused subway system. Long ass concrete corridors, no lights, and not a clue in the world where you're going.
You can always fall back on the classics:
Creepy Mansion built centuries ago. Horrific backstory optional.
Insane asylum. From the 50's for extra disturbing shit.
Churches, castles, or anything that makes use of Gothic Architecture. Extra points for crypts.