Army and Skirmish Warband builder > City generator > Art Database >
I for one would trade my tacky accessories for a potato sack.
Aiden Moore
The game is fine but it's hard introducing new players to a setting you yourself don't care about/understand/care to understand.
People come by the table and show an interest in the models and say it looks fun to play but when they ask about the setting everyone goes quiet or stammers about portals.
Ryan Jackson
Last time I'm posting this garbo since I'll probably drop money this weekend on whatever I choose.
Any last advice for Dispossessed or Fyreslayers, starting up a 1000pts list for a while? Things to avoid? Etc?
Just buy what seems like the most fun to paint. Don't worry about optimization.
Lincoln Campbell
whats hard to understand about it?
Each of the incarnates of the winds of magic created/rules over a dimension/realm coresponding to their wind. Chaos is still doing its thing, trying to murder everything for "reasons".
Brody Johnson
The plot isn't that hard to understand. It's just you already have to be familiar with WHFB lore to really "get" whats going on.
AoS is just a continuation of a long story, not really a story in itself
Jordan Hughes
>Mfw never have to worry about models aging because they will always look fucking good.
Daniel Turner
Dubs decides what color I paint my Longbeard armor.
Nicholas Turner
An ant color of your own choosing.
Jace Hill
the model is too busy, too many details, unnecessarily complicated, trying to do too much at once.
should be wearing a potato sack
Angel Hughes
Trips have spoken :0
Brayden Baker
muslim dwarfs will never be cool
Brayden Reed
The setting is just an excessive amount of style over substance to me. I just read the fluff from WHFB instead.
Brandon Clark
>no option for KO I vote for KO
Chase Price
should be learning new tricks
Jacob Bell
they are both gay
Michael Green
Just give us the RPG already - I truly hope for some kind of setting omnibus as a resource book
James Harris
Any PA folk here? Where's good to meet up and play in the east of the state (avoiding philly itself)
Xavier Carter
Just not fond of the overly ranged focus and the 'troop transport' stuff. I got tired of that back in 40k. No u
Henry Ross
They won't always look good because they never looked good. They're the midget generic chaos warriors. Real chaos dwarfs pretend that this disgrace never happened.
Liam Ward
This desu.
Jordan Lopez
Post your dudes
Samuel Edwards
Levi Ortiz
This almost looks like a chaos dwarf, almost. But >no full body robe >casting magic, but no part of the body turned to stone Sorry, it's still trash.
Aiden Evans
Daniel Brown
I'm looking for a second Varghulf for my FEC and I'm eying the Clawed Fiend right now, but obviously giving him folded-up wings I have left over from a Crypt Horror box, that sort of conversion work. Thoughts? I am really not fond of using monopose models more than once and third-party products are not an option.
Aaron Cox
>muslim dwarfs >clearly based on ancient Mesopotamia Is AOS full of low IQ retards?
Adam Gray
Looks better than the "real" one - do it
Austin Martinez
the high techness of this model breaks my immersion and is ruining the setting. I cant believe they thought it was a good idea to do this. terrible on every level
Hunter Gonzalez
Brace yourself for a stroke
Lucas Reyes
Ayden James
With some wings and the right paintjob , it should work.
Nicholas Rodriguez
>imagine having this kind of Slaanesh range
Daniel Davis
It hurts
Cameron Ross
I wanna start an AoS army, how do you guys recommend one pick one?
Models? Playstyle?
I like the look of Beastclaw raiders, they seem fun and cool.
Liam Thompson
New to the game, keep seeing people say they like slaanesh but cannot see much slaanesh stuff existing - intrigued what people think is missing? What have I missed? (shopping around for a second army, don't like pussygoys or bird-people).
Brayden Martinez
play Total War Warhammer first, play each army in battle mode, twice, make shortlist of armies you like, research further in AOS.
Its a BIG commitment, do not fuck it up, user.
Xavier Hernandez
Yeah, but now give it reroll 1s, a ranged attack (2d6@4+/3+/-1/2dmg),6 more wounds and the ability to teleport into range.
That's playing VS Seraphon.
Bentley Jackson
be patient friends your shadow elf slaanesh usurpers are just around the corner
Luis Miller
Models all the way. Don't worry about the playstyle, you're gonna be losing to waacfags with unpainted recasted models 90% of the time.
Carson Allen
decide what you think is the coolest looking models and get those, fuck literally everything else, and have fun painting them.
Hunter Moore
Tfw I bought a box of stormfags just because I walked by a GW shop and thought they looked cool
Brody Rivera
Slaanesh is next year. It will be a dual release. Order aelves hunting down Slaanesh worshippers first and then Slaanesh release with his great comeback
Eli Davis
I've encountered WAAC people for the first time recently, and they totally live up to the stereotype. I'm guessing they suck so badly at painting and being good people that they don't actually attend tournaments in high numbers due to social skills problems and lack of painted models.
Jordan Ortiz
Beastclaw are indeed fun, and the Icewind Assulat box is a pretty good deal and makes for a 1500 points army
Also, another fun thing about BCR is that theyr monsters (Thundertusks and Stonehorns) are battleline!
But yeah, pretty much do as said, just go for the one you like the most and enjoy painting and collecting as much as playing
Andrew Cruz
Models. Only SCE can be sure about updates so trust me - grab whatever you find looking cool. 90% of the hobby is assembling, painting, reading and putting hot glue on your dudes. Pick the shit you don't truly love and you will be crying over it for a looong time like I did with fuckin skaven
Grayson Wood
>Get into the hobby a year ago >Make a rule for myself to try and finish my models before playing and buying a new unit >tfw you see some people at your store with a full army of grey minis Even though I'm not that good of a painter, it's nice to hear "Wow what a nice army" simply because everything is painted.
Ryder Jones
Go the next step now and tell those people "Sorry, I'm only playing with people who respect the hobby"
Robert Phillips
>hot glue >mfw
Jaxon Cox
>thinking greytide is bad wait till you meet the acornator
Angel Morris
I've never been a fan of Samecast but tonight was the first time I saw them from the back. The jetpack is cute but I seriously hope you guys don't play this.
Owen Young
Tallking about BCR, what do you guys think about my army?
The Ironblaster os more of a theme thing, really like the model and I think it really fits the BCR to a point I don't even understand why it doesn't belong to them.
The Stonehorn's general will probably chenge to another Thundertusk, though
Brandon Lewis
Real men wear potato sacks on their backs.
Gabriel Jackson
And what do you do when the stuff ends up being bad, and you just spent all your money on it. I can only imagine this way of buying an army working, if either you are planing to buy every model in the whole game anyway or if you have a ton of extra money, and just can buy more stuff, if what you just bough ended up being bad.
Jack Cook
You worry too much. Just do what you want to do. Don't think so hard about it.
Brayden Rivera
Thomas Wood
??? R u dum?
Joseph Cooper
Not him, but that's what it looks like.
Nolan Lee
I have limited resources. If I buy a 1000pts army and it ends up being bad, and bad would be unfun for me, as am not in to painting or converting. Then I have to wait till next christmas to get extra money to buy more stuff. That is 12 months of suck, while others who are more lucky or knew what to buy have fun. But what is worse, there is a chance that some people after a year will just quit, and then I end up with bad stuff, that was unfun to play with and no opponents to play against.
That is why am saying, that I do not understand the whole buy what you want. How the hell can someone new know what they want, if they aren't sure what is good and what is bad?
Connor Sanders
Looks kind of like Jango Fett's.
Anthony Phillips
Indecisive guy here. I can agree with being hesitant as fuck. It's nigh around $300 for an 1000pt army not to mention the time you spend building and painting. It's a huge investment.
Which is why I've been spamming these generals with peer reviews and questions and army lists to narrow down my thoughts and get something concrete.
William Cox
>How the hell can someone new know what they want, if they aren't sure what is good and what is bad? And how the hell can we know what you want?
Luke Morris
>as am not in to painting or converting That's the point. If you are not into hobby aspect of AoS you should brew up a list and buy specific stuff for this build. If you are "hey guys, I want to play with cool dudes on kitchen table and paint some neat shit" then you buy whatever you want
Luke Perez
Maybe try asking a more active community than /AoS/ then? You're less likely to get a shitpost advice that way and most likely more replies.
Grayson Reed
This miniature represents everything the Old World stood for. It was a gritty and realistic game about simple people eating potatoes from sacks who managed to stop literal hordes of horrible daemons because of their simple and gritty diet. What do we see in Smegmar? I bet they don't even have potatoes, they're too grimdark and gritty for them. These faggots probably wash their food, too, or even worse: cook it! Where is the simplicity and grittiness of the realistic Old World? Sometimes I even wonder if they have sacks at all. Surely they won't include stupid trash from WoW like bags into the game? But at this stage, I really don't know.
Nathaniel King
its not a jetpack it is a fantasy version of a space marines power pack. It even has a cpts iron halo on it.
Evan Fisher
>I have limited resources. stop being a poorfag it's not a hobby for poor people
Levi Martin
Please stop you fucking autist. How many times are you gonna post this shit for the 'final' time?
Lincoln Hughes
>It's nigh around $300 for an 1000pt army not to mention the time you spend building and painting. It's a huge investment. user, you can build a 1000pts army just with two start collecting boxes. It's all about your opponents. If you just want to play casual games with your friends start with a single start collecting box. Share the spray paints with your friends to split the cost. Play small 500pts games or skirmish campaign and slowly paint your shit. When you are done with your first box, buy another one.
Hudson Rodriguez
Then scope tourney results and pick amongst those. Seraphon, tzeentch, Khorne, stormies are all consistently strong with large model ranges
Evan Ross
The Space Marine power packs actually has rocket thrusters on them for stability in low gravity environments. So they are basically a weak jet pack.
Chase Hall
'Eavy Metal fucking up the paintjob as usual.
Jaxson Johnson
Well, the question was asked by someone else. But am a noob too and I did not understand the response given. yeah, well that is why I was asking. The pre requists for someone to be happy with the tip saying buy what you want, is limited to people who like to paint. And how many people in wargaming could be in to painting. AoS models aren't really suited for that, as most of them are not that well looking. There are better fantasy or steam punk or scifi models .
well I don't know any other. The only forum that had a sub AoS forum in my own language has the last post from 4 months ago. And I do not know many german forums, and even If I did, I read and write in german even worse then in english. And yes, it is possible.
Anthony Taylor
in fucking stitches
Adrian Walker
>the coolest looking models Then everyone would play Bloodthirsters
Jackson Nguyen
yes, I did check those. my problem though is that all tournament lists I could find were 2000 or 2250pts. I couldn't find any 1000pts tournament lists that win on a regular basis.And I can't just cut a good list in half, because not everything is run as a dub or a quad in those lists, plus the boxs are , no idea why, build in a such a way that you always either end up with left over models you never use or with too few models to form a full unit.
Andrew Gutierrez
Well, you are annoying people here now, so you can't expect/AoS/ to be sincere with you anymore. Try asking one of the big Facebook groups?
Matthew Lee
But you can easily assume that a strong army has good 1000 point builds. Just use the warscroll builder on the community site to figure out a list
Camden Baker
Because 1000pts is not a competitive format. You play 1000pts to avoid weird combos and waacfags. If you want a good 1000pts army just buy the Tzeentch battleforce. It has about 1150pts so if you drop 10 acolytes you will have a nice competitive 1000pts list
Lincoln Diaz
Who /brothermine/?
Luke Parker
Dude, they literally have the manlet body type with short height and disproportional muscles making them look even shorter. I kek every time I see one. They're so angry because they're manlets.
Christopher Sanders
And thank you for the advice. And you think that being given,buy what you like as an anwser is no annoying? But I wasn't even asking for a list, just wanted to understand how people come to the conclusion that such an answer is a valid one. In sport/ if you had a group of kids, and had to pick a team out of them, and someone said pick what ever you want, it would be the last time anyone played with them.
Nolan Lewis
Dat westcountry accent tho
Xavier Collins
What is the community site for Age of Sigmar? there is an official GW one, though I doubt that.? All the table top forums are knew are either no longer there, or don't have a AoS sub forum.
Connor Hughes
Cameron Turner
one of those cases where yes, its bad. but from the time period it came out it looked amazing. kindy cheeky too
Jack Bailey
Dude what? The warhammer community site has a link to the warscroll builder at the top. You are trolling though right so I need to stop replying
Alexander Williams
Try the Grand Alliance.
Jose Price
How can one man be so wrong?
Caleb Ross
ok, and here I though I couldn't seem more retarded.See when I type TGA in my browser. local porn site pop up. TGA is the the great Army??
Adrian King
the grand alliance
Jose Thomas
The Grand Alliance community forums are a good place.
just help us out here, do you like good guys, bad guys, or guys that don't care either way and want to smash up everything?
Henry Russell
Ok thanks.
what is a warhammer community site. facebook group? And no am not trying to troll. The last time I had anything to do with any sort of gaming it was the first edition of warmachine. And from that time I only remembered warseer.
ok what faction are dryads now, because wood elfs is the wrong anwser.
Josiah Howard
You said you wanted to play dorfs right? Just get one unit of something safe like Longbeards and a Warden King or something else you like the model of (Assuming you want Dispossessed) and paint them while slowly thinking of a list. I find it better to slowly build an army than buying the entire thing at once. Just look at what army lists other people have made and read up on the army you want to play. Play around with Scrollbuilder and see what fits you too.