Is it possible to have a good fantasy setting set in the modern day?
Is it possible to have a good fantasy setting set in the modern day?
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Sure, why not.
While it's not impossible, it's very difficult to make at first. You gotta think about how magic would affect literally the entire world among other things. Shadowrun did pretty good, but it might not be exactly what you're looking for
yes and many systems do it. Just be careful of Shadow run. Use background setting and almost any other rules set.
Shadowrun's system isn't terrible, the core mechanics of the dice pool system are actually pretty decent. You just have to have a GM who knows the system well enough to "trim the fat" and get rid of all the superfluous bullshit that adds nothing to the game.
Shadowrun is fine as long as your GM isn't a tard. It only suffers under noobs/morons who can't make good balance calls.
Yes, but the critics won't like it.
I wouldn't mind having a centaur partner.
>I wouldn't mind having a centaur partner.
I don't know, there wouldn't be too much room in the car.
you would ride him around obviously
>you would ride him around obviously
That would be... *troubling*... on many levels.
not really, centaurs are half horse and you can ride horses easily enough
do we really need this thread every single day?
It's been less than a week since the movie dropped. Give it some time.
Also some in universe lore for people that missed the last thread
If you ride the horse half its nbd. Mount a SAW on him?
Having ran SR games before, this is the key. Most players learn to love the system and mechanics once you strip the more intricate parts away from them. i.e. the heavier math
Its not really worse or more difficult than making an ancient or futuristic setting, the difference is that people are fucking autistic when it comes about their personal temporal reference and insist on projecting their concerns onto your work
> TFW the movie references dwarves, but we didn't see any in the film
you see a dwarf cop in the police locker room, I forgot to save a screenshot
Are you sure it just wasn't some squat human?
Are you sure the orcs weren't really humans in dumb makeup?
>Is it possible to have a good fantasy setting set in the modern day?
Yes, it's possible, but it's also very difficult to pull off.
I personally enjoyed Bright, but the only other setting I've seen do 'modern fantasy' well was an old 90's anime called 'Hyper Police'. Hyper Police is a setting that takes place 22 years after the ethereal paranormal dimension collides and subsumes itself onto the 'real' physical world of humans, this causes a number of things to happen including: making magic real, driving 'pure' humans to almost extinction, introducing essentially every single folklore being, monster, creature, material, etc into existence.
I liked it, I'd recommend it at least.
>Also some in universe lore for people that missed the last thread
That's real neato, user.
I'd like to see and read more information about Bright, I feel like we only got a little snippet and the movie would have worked much better as a television original series like stranger things or something. If only because of how much needed to be unpackaged, elaborated, explored, etc..
That video makes it sound like you don't actually need to be a 'bright' to do magic- you just need to be a bright in order to use a wand.
I also keep fucking seeing these.
God damn it, I want to see all the racial infographs.
Stop shilling this shitty fucking movie, netflix.
Fuck back off to your containment board, /tv/
What's that about?
It doesn't make sense though the way they have done it, but I am fine with it.
Shadowrun makes it make sense to have a modern setting with our history in that the awakening is a recent event.
For universe consistency Bright falls more into stuff like star trek mirror universe, makes no sense, but it can be fun.
There's a human cop mounted on a horse in the background behind the orc crowd btw.
I wonder if they're partners.
You realize we've had a thread on this movie constantly since it came out, right? As soon as one drops off, another one pops up. It's pretty obvious netflix is trying to market this movie to us.
Super Crime Fighters in the Future, obviously.
Sorry, user. No idea.
So hide the threads or, at the very least, don't post in them.
>From The Director of Suicide Squad
They're not doing a great job so far.
Honestly, I never really liked Shadowrun and would rather like to see the period in time before shadowrun, where 'Shadowrunner' isn't a recognized profession and they're still just freelancers and mercenaries with all of the lack of prestige that entails.
When people are still investigating exactly how magic works, and when people are still in that grey area where they aren't certain whether metahumans technically have human rights if they aren't truly human anymore.
I want to see Big Companies slowly overtaking gubmints but not yet holding land even though everyone can see the writing on the wall.
I want to see cyber implants that haven't had all the kinks worked out yet so borged-out runners are hideously misshapen and hardly look people-shaped from the amount of clunky mechanical components grafted onto their rejection-sore-wracked flesh.
Slightly Post-Modern Fantasy > Post-Cyberpunk Fantasy
ah there in the backgrounds a little fellah
I'm honestly pretty okay with how Bright handled it, which was basically "literally just slap them into modern times without thinking about the actual knock-on effect of having fantasy races."
Just permit for a little bit of suspension of disbelief and save the massive headache of trying to actually explain how thousands of years would be different with fantasy races.
Yes, but you have to change the common fantasy adventure fare to something modern.
You can do urban action or urban fantasy adventure, but it won't feel very grounded. Think more like a series and less like a movie.
you don't think it's possible that some people actually like the movie, do you?
Nah, that can't be it. People can't have different opinions than you.
Leaving thighs un-shielded while every other part of the body has protection makes no fucking sense and you're literally asking to get hit in there the moment blows start flying.
If fixed armor would cause mobility issues it can be apron that stretches down from body armor, but there should be something.
>I also keep fucking seeing these.
>God damn it, I want to see all the racial infographs
Landis also released bad screenshots for orcs and giants
>-Family oriented
no space after dash
>- Primal culture
double space after dash
Whoever did this chart should get fired.
I think that's just a midget cop, not an actual dwarf, but who knows.
>Whoever did this chart should get fired
The graphics design and layout were obviously done by orc affirmative action "diversity" hires.
>stealing the jobs of more qualified humans
I hope it's just a midget because I hope dwarves look a bit more fantastical in Bright
Where are these from? Did they release the infographics for the other races? You can kind of see the Brezzik and Panahu graphs and I want to know more
Well this confirms that Lizardmen do exist in the setting, the brezzik. I’m pretty sure you see a street sign with them in the opening credits
Then why doesn't the core rules just get rid of the more intricate and useless parts if most people just homebrew them out?
Maybe that's just another kind of centaur. One with the front half of a horse on the bottom.
Max Landis tweeted them over a year ago
>Where are these from?
Landis released them a long time ago. I believe there are no more than the three in the thread.
I wouldn't be surprised if Netflix released more of them in the new year as part of the marketing for Bright.
Have you seen Bright's History of Magic released yesterday on youtube?
Kekkai Sensen (Blood Blockade Battlefront) is certainly good.
He's probably shaved because he's a cop.
Then why don't you fuck off to /tv/ instead of posting this shit here?
considering 40k, star trek and star wars are basically fantasy in a futuristic setting, fantasy in a present day setting should be possible.
but remember to put a coat of paint over the traditional fantasy stuff.
Damn, I was hoping there was an official sight or somewhere we could see all of these pictures.
I did check out the history of magic video, really wish they would have hinted towards more of that in the movie
>really wish they would have hinted towards more of that in the movie
They're saving that for the sequels, possible series and viral marketing.
Really hope they continue this franchise up to the Dark Lord returning. It was really interesting how that Shield of light guy implied that modern militaries without magic would get BTFO, so I want to see that play out
Why not a chariot with a mounted weapon?
That would be demeaning for the centaur. it would be the equivalent of treating him like a dirty orc.
>more orcs than Hispanics
>as many elves as there are Asians IRL
>greater chance of seeing Ogres and lizardmen than Native Americans or Pacific Islanders
I wonder how the demographics look in other areas of the world. Are any countries predominantly non-human?
>any countries predominantly non-human
Elfsrael ?
How much are they paying for you to shill this show so hard?
There isnt a day in Veeky Forums where you are not opening threads about this show again and again.
1 in 4 people are orcs. 1 in 1000 are centaurs. Centaur cop, no one bats an eye, Orc cop everyone wants to kill him. Even with the stigma of joining the dark lord 2000 years ago, there should be more orc cops imo.
>How much are they paying to you shill D&D so hard? There isn't a day in Veeky Forums where there isn't a thread about 5th edition, again and again.
Centaurs are noble, law-abiding and practice proper hygiene, as well as not supporting the Dark Lord.
>Comparing D&D to a show that came out yesterday
The question is are they paying you by the word count or by the number of threads you open?
>There is a star Wars general
>A flames of war general
>aSoOaF general
>A starfinder and a Pathfinder general
>And about 10 Warhammer threads (one of them is literally just posting your Army and the points cost)
But the modern-day fantasy movie that just came out on Netflix getting a thread about it it's shilling
Ignore the haters.
>Elf envy
People who are saying this are just contrarians. Such people belong on /v/
Could they literally have used any other fucking god damn name?
It's actually based on real police horses riot gear so it's probably due to how horses movement and how much you want to restrict them.
It's good enough for these horses.
That was Britain, this is Brazil. World Cup.
What's next, centaur porn?
Horse pussy.
So, are elves hung like centaurs or goblins?
Neither. Elves actually have cloacae. In mating, they "kiss" them together and the male excretes his semen into the female.
>thinking any company would ever try to shill on a Bolivian taint waxing forum
Even if someone actually were shilling, what’s the insult supposed to be? That they got paid to post this, while you’re here shitposting in a thread you don’t like for free for the same amount of effort? Sounds like the only one who lost here is (you)
>>thinking any company would ever try to shill on a Bolivian taint waxing forum
Do you know how many people use Veeky Forums? It's one of the most popular sites right now.
I actually like this movie despite how dumb it was in places. My only real complaint is that the world feels... I dunno... hollow I guess. I mean I get the premise. It's America but with magic and sheeit. I like it, I dig it. Though it should have been set in an America-like, not a carbon copy with Elves pasted on top. I liked the Orc chieftan's antler room. I liked the Elf assassin who got melted in to a wall. That shit was so fucking cool, but that's the problem. It was all frosting and no cake. All cool imagery stacked on top of nothing.
This really would have been better as a series. I need some lore to flesh out the world. Why are there so many Orcs in North America? Did we import them in some kind of slave trade? Did they tag along as Humans and Elves colonized the continent? Did they simply immigrate for a better life? If so from where? Where is their homeland? We see a number of Human races in the movie. Are Humans indigenous everywhere?
I want some history, some real unique history. I don't want to simply see Orcs photoshopped in to WWI photos. That is the laziest way to do the history for a setting like this. "Lol! it wuz exactly like real history but there wuz Elves and shit too!" Don't give me that, it's stupid and makes no sense. I want to know that the world has a unique history that helps me understand how it all got to where it is. I need some meat with this meal.
>I need some lore to flesh out the world. Why are there so many Orcs in North America? Did we import them in some kind of slave trade? Did they tag along as Humans and Elves colonized the continent? Did they simply immigrate for a better life? If so from where? Where is their homeland? We see a number of Human races in the movie. Are Humans indigenous everywhere?
These are really not questions that should be answered in the first visit to a universe.
It's a terrible idea to try to sell it as a series first.
How exactly did they come up with racial equality in a setting where certain races literally have biological advantages over the others? Seriously, how do you take a 12 foot tall giant and a 3 foot tall dwarf and say “yeah these guys are equal and have the same opportunities. And why are Orcs shit on by everyone else for joining the dark lord while elves get a pass despite the dark lord actually being an elf?
The Dark Lord was a single elf with probably few elf followers. The elves *as a race* opposed him.
Conversely, while some orcs opposed the Dark Lord, orcs as a race fought for him in his quest for domination.
The Dark Lord and his tyranny was an anomaly for the elves, but the veritable norm for orcs.
Also, elves are prettier, smarter, smell better and have vastly superior pr.
>How exactly did they come up with racial equality in a setting where certain races literally have biological advantages
There isn't racial equality.
>despite the dark lord actually being an elf?
maybe it's not that well known, like not a fact that shows up in school books, but fairly easy to confirm by some research on your own, so a nice fact that "woke" people who hate elves like to bring up.
Didn't seem like things were that equal.
Elves above everyone else, orcs below everyone else. Maybe it differs by country.
Yeah, I get that. You're not wrong. Their focus was on making an engaging and entertaining movie first and making a living, realistic world second. I understand and even support that. I offered those questions not because I felt like they all should have been answered in the movie. Rather I just felt that the movie could have used a bit more world building.
The graffiti seen throughout the movie was a good way to do that. The graffiti we saw throughout the movie was fantastic. I wanted more stuff like that. We got little tid-bits, just enough to carry the movie honestly. I just wanted more. Show some children's books, some cartoons on a T.V. Sell me this magical world.
Also I stand by that it should have been a series. Netflix does tons of those and many do very, very well. Just look at how big Stranger Things got. That's a (mostly) modern setting with sci-fi elements thrown in. With Bright you'd just keep the same basic plot that the movie had. Orc cop joins the force, has trouble fitting in/getting along with his partner. Through trials tremendous, improbable and wildly dangerous the two cops bond, defeat the bad guys and save the world. Add a bit more in the beginning to help build things up, help establish the world and characters. Bam, there's your season one.
>The Dark Lord was a single elf with probably few elf followers.
Do we really know he's an elf? Sure there's graffiti supposedly portraying him him, but that just may be racial chauvinism or he may even be based off the most obvious analog -- Sauron's fair form.
Starring Will Smith? Probably not.
Boss of this gym.
There’s graffiti of him as an elf and also the fact that the inferni were all elves as far as we know. There isn’t much evidence to suggest he wasn’t an elf. Though I’m sure elves got away with the “not all elves!” Card or revisioned history to make it seem that it was only that one asshole and most elves opposed him.
One thing im curious on is why humans seem to have so many races and languages but Orcs and elves seem to be monocultures who all speak the same language
So, all orcs look and sound the same, huh? That sounds pretty racist.
Your "human privilege" blinds you to the differences and nuances of Orc ethnicities, accents and culture.
>However, those elves only have a singular culture - "better than everyone else."
>Wants to defend his country by becoming a cop.
>Has to shave his beard to be hired.
Oh the moral dilemma, why can't we have a movie about that?