How do you feel about MtG's reserved list?

How do you feel about MtG's reserved list?
Wizards seems to be getting more aggressive with their reprints and product releases.
I just can't see them keeping the reserved list in the future and missing out on reprinting older sets to bring more players to the legacy/vintage formats.

I hope they do it just to see the reactions of Rudy and all the other backbirth investors who hoard that shit.

Honestly they should just give the investors a 5 year warning. That alone will see the prices tank, while giving people a chance to offload their stock.

That or say you’re allowing Legacy/Vintage decks 5/10 proxies in official tournaments. They could then print a FTV: Gold or something with gold bordered staples, circumventing the list.

They closed that loophole a couple years back

On a hypothetical scenario of the Reserve List ending and reprints actually happen (ignoring that it'd probably be WotC's biggest Jew scheme of all time), wouldn't some of the original A/B/U cards retain their value anyway due to them being actually rare?

>How do you feel about MtG's reserved list?

Even if WotC contiunes to maintain the RL, some of the cards there can probably be safely removed from the list without causing a panic.

I just want a bloody chains of mephistopheles in a modern border. Is that too much to ask?

>bring more players to the legacy/vintage formats.
WotC makes money from draft, standard, and (to a lesser extent) modern. Legacy and vintage don't require players to constantly buy product the way draft and standard does. Wizards isn't going to risk damaging their credibility for negligible financial gain. Reserve list will never be lifted.

They can technically reprint any gold bordered cards actually, they don't have the same card back so they're fine, it's like WotC printing proxies.

I just think whatever Rudy tells me to think to be quite honest with you family

Literally yes

eugh at the risk of sperging out i can't stand collecting for value

fuck the reserve list


Investors and """"collectors"'"" for this game are obnoxious

>wouldn't some of the original A/B/U cards retain their value anyway due to them being actually rare?

Of course they would. The whole "getting rid of the RL would crash prices" is a complete fabrication. Just look at the price of A/B versions of cards that have been reprinted to oblivion, like Birds of Paradise or Swords to Plowshares.

You know, there are 18 magic threads now. THAT'S MORE THREADS THAN QUESTS HAD.

Let it go.

That being said I wouldn't mind /MTG/. Veeky Forums would be comfy again.

>Splintering the board
>making Veeky Forums comfy ((((((((((again))))))))))
Pick one!

i can't even see other threads so this might as well be /mtg/ already

Splintering any community between separate boards will only cause the host community to devolve as shitposters gain more room to spout nonsense for (you)'s.

Look at /v/ after /vp/, Veeky Forums, and /vr/ were created. Hell, look at Veeky Forums after /qst/ hit the scene.

This, games are for playing.

they would end the reserve list if they could, but their lawyers have probably advised them not to

obviously they would make tons of money by being able to reprint the most iconic cards in the game. any loss in investor "trust" would pale in comparison to how much they could milk the p9, dual lands, etc. but they're afraid of losing millions in a lawsuit

/v/ is actually in a good place now.

wotc is not actually bound by the promise. They could absolutely end it, they probably just don't see any profit in doing so. I think they're mostly afraid of (((collectors))) not stocking MtG anymore, but honestly I never understood why Wizards isn't cornering the secondary market more aggressively.

whether they are actually bound by the promise is what the court would decide, assuming the suit got that far

It's pretty clear cut, though. The promise isn't tied to the IP rights.

>/v/ is actually in a good place now.

>"board culture" is gone
>shitposting is vidya relevant
>Shilling is actually contained
>an actual diversity of topics
it's the best it's ever going to be.

>"board culture" is gone
Stopped reading rght there. You're full of shit.

Wouldn't people believing that the market is crashing and panic selling as a result cause the market to crash anyway?

Im glad they're reprinting, they could run a print on demand service.

Fuck investors and speculators, fuck Rudy and everyone else.

At this rate with the shit quality new cards have, the chinese will end up making better quality fakes

Knowing WotC event if they did remove the reserve list they'd still fuck the consumer over with something dumb like $15 booster packs and make the staples masterpiece level rare.

There are plenty of non-reserved cards that after several master set releases still cost a fuckload. Unless they ever decide to do releases like Pokemon and Yugioh they will eventually price people out of every format except limited.

I don't care that much about the reserved list since it's banned in modern.

My biggest problem with Wizards in general is that they're so fucking stingy about reprinting staple cards like Snapcaster, Liliana, and shocklands.
Okay, Liliana is mythic that's fine and great. Why did Snapcaster need to be rareshifted in MM3? Why did Mana Drain need to be rareshifted in IMA?

I like Veeky Forums more now than it was with quests, it reminds me of 2010 Veeky Forums

I have not been to /v/ since 2012, I just clicked on it out of curiosity and holy fuck it actually is ok. I don't know if I would call it good but I can browse it without my brain leaking out my ears.

Amongst the ridiculous consolewar faggotry, rampant paranoia, /pol/ crossposting of both sides and e-celeb spamming there are sometimes worthwhile threads now.

Of course you do, now anyone can post stupid shit and have it linger in the catalog for several hours on end. It's trivially easy to shitpost now that the traffic has slowed to a crawl.

IP law is completely irrelevant to the question of whether retailers who relied on the promise WotC made (and continues to affirmatively make) not to reprint Reserved List cards and relied on that promise in purchasing WotC product and supporting the game could succeed in a lawsuit against the company. Specifically, a suit based on promissory estoppel.

>If we ignore the 97% that's hot garbage, it's actually ok
Yeah no, /v/ is still one of the shittier boards on the site.

I prefer slow trafic than be on /qst/ with a couple of interesting tabletop threads.

>it's actually ok
Never said that and it is. It's not "Better off deleting it"-Tier anymore tho.

How can you have promissory estoppel without consideration? Except for things like duel decks and beginner decks, you can't buy specific cards from WotC.

Last time they tried they actually lost a lot of money. Investors are actually big fish and have enough to ensure Wizards can't end the reserved list and benefit from it.

I'll take /v/ at any point in time over /pol/ as it has been for the last six months and will be for the foreseeable future.


Fuck investors. One of the main cancers of the game.

>/v/'s actually in a good place right now

>how can white boiz even compete?
>How do you feel about Gardevoir?
>endless console war shit posting

/v/ is just as bad as it has been in this decade.

oh no, 18 threads about traditional games on the traditional games board

It's not like it's a popular game or anything... Wait a minute.

you clearly haven't been on /v/ since 2012

Fuck the reserved list and fuck everybody who is in favor it.
Shit basically killed Legacy as something more of a super niche format.
Legacy back in 2007 was fucking huge.
Nowadays its just a curiosity with 0 official tournaments in my fucking city of 1.4 million people.

>pauper lets people play with old cards
>is exploding in popularity
>legacy could be the same way if not for the reserved list

I agree user, there is no format like it.



get fucked son


Because fuck you, that's why.
Nah, shocklands are at a decent price, fetches are what needs to be hit hard with the reprint stick.
They should downshift those to uncommon in some master set.

>That or say you’re allowing Legacy/Vintage decks 5/10 proxies in official tournaments.
I honestly think a large amount of legacy/vintage decks in tournaments are composed of fake proxies.

Except as far as I am aware the promissory estoppel (unlike the proprietary estoppel which is irrelevant to this discussion) cannot be used as a cause of action - even if there is detrimental reliance on the promisee's side.

The "investors" can suck cock - merely acting in reliance on a public statement, especially not the one personally made and without a unilateral offer present, is not good enough for a suit.

Promissory estoppel exists precisely because there is no consideration - just actions by the promisee to its own detriment in reliance on the unilateral promise. Importantly, as a matter of public policy, it cannot be used to start an action against the promisor but merely to defend against an action brought by him

>delusional /v/tards

Would MtG abolishing the reserved list, but then fully supporting Legacy counteract each other? Legacy seemed to be dying, and Wizards seems to want it dead.

So you basically prefer shitposting, gotcha.

>gets shifted in MM
>scalding tarns for eight dollars
let the bodies hit the floor

Hey dude, you are the one shitposting here, and I would love you to go back to /qst/

Rudy is 100% ok with this. His reserved stuff is all black bordered stuff that would have the same value to collectors anyways. The people it would hurt the most see the ones who just spent 10k on their deck using while bordered power.

What they should really do is just print slight variations in cards. A lotus with a line that said its all colors instead of colorless would not matter most of the time (except hydro/pyroblast after side board), but still have the power of the original card.

>NO U!
Wow, ebin comeback faggot.

>Why did Mana Drain need to be rareshifted in IMA?
This is a retarded statement. You take a $200 uncommon NO ONE thought would get reprinted, then rareshift it so people can crack it at a rate relative to its power. It's one of the very few situations where something positive happened out of it being rareshifted: we got a card no one ever thought would be reprinted.

>he thinks his comebacks are good

Wow, that's the best you can come up with after 2 hours? You'd think after spending so much time on /v/ you'd have better banter.
