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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Jumpers! Overlord will be getting a second season this year, so in honor of that let's talk Overlord. Have you thought about your build, both from a gamey Yggdrasil perspective and a narrative perspective? What were your goals going in? Did they change after spending time there?
Tell me your tales of Nazarick and Overlord, jumpers!
Confess to your sins
Thread theme youtu.be
Confessing will solve nothing. It won't save me. Not after everything. Why give you the satisfaction?
Why don't you confess yours, mulleted priest.
>a gamey Yggdrasil perspective
I don't even bloody know where you people are finding this information in order to make the "builds" for Overlord.
I like to hold hands with my one waifu.
It's all fanwanked
I ignore drawback limits.
Not from a game perspective, just a narrative one. The entire plan was to actually be what the NPCs thought of Momonga, controlling everything from the background while I used his salesman tactics on the forefront.
I've killed people. So many people. And I've made shitty jumps.
Ever had times you fanboy'd/fangirl'd over someone? Particularly when they were present as you did so? Alternatively how idol are you?
I once sealed away Megumin's ability to cast magic after she blew up a bit of landscape I was painting.
I am precisely 0% idol.
I was a huge fan of Eggman in the Sonic jumps. What? He's awesome, always coming up with new crazy plans to take over the world, never getting up despite his many defeats, and even winning a few times despite Sonic's best efforts (Sonic Adventure was just one long string of successes for him right up until the very end, and he would have probably won in SA2 had it not been for Sonic somehow learning and using Chaos Control and his grandfather's interference).
>bullying titlet chuunibyous
That's not a sin, silly.
Well, my first background/incarnation was responsible for the death of the planet and the extinction of modern humanity. In that Jump I then slaughtered many thousands of post-humans and aliens.
I spent the whole decade of my second-Jump as a drunk miscreant who contributed nothing meaningful to society.
I slaughtered the entirety of a several thousand man strong Black Ops faux-PMO with countless civilians and marines getting caught in the crossfire.
Killed at least a dozen serial killers/horror movie monsters in self defense.
Assasinated a head of state (Darkseid).
Through drawback selection doomed another iteration of humanity to extinction along with all the supernatural natives of the planet.
Oh, I occasionally jaywalk.
I use other CYOAs with Jumpchain. Even Meta ones that increase points. Especially the Meta ones that increase points.
... The hell was your first jump?
SlutLife is all you need. 60% bump.
What jumps offer dragons? Especially small cute ones like the pseudodragons in D&D.
>Assassinating Darkseid
he deserves it that isn't a sin
I made The Treadmill.
According to SlutLife's rules, you should only get 1600CP in a single jump.
Angel Notes.
Went in as the Aristoteles of the Moon, i.e. Crimson Moon Brunestud, who Nasu accredits the state of the world to in that iteration of the setting.
Honestly not sure how he did it, being functionally dead for most of the relevant timeframe building up to the Land of Steel, but apparently he pulled it off.
But hey, I got a plethora of powers, an aesthetically pleasing body, and those people would all be dead anyway.
....taking the World War drawback and the resulting casualties is 100% on me though.
Oh, I know. But I also like the Head Start one. Becoming a nigh-immortal sex god AND doubling your points in your following CYOAs.
Sometimes I feel dirty for doing it, but then I look at some CP vampire jump and the feeling goes away.
Alright so which Snake would be best as a bro and why? Thinking of grabbing him and Adam Jensen.
I ate two cookies before a proper meal tonight. . .
What is the Treadmill?
I only see one Snake there.
Sent hundreds of good people to die And or go mad over a period of decades in darkest dungeon.
created a horrible Neurovirus in Star Trek That destroyed the philosophical and cultural identity of an entire species As well as giving them a Weaker form of space Alzheimer's
so god damn many muggings.
created machines in the Likeness of the human mind
practicing magic
Yeah most of them.
you don't want to know
Jumpers, what is your favorite color scheme? Did you rip it off someone else, or devise it yourself? Is there a meaning behind it, or do you just think it looks sharp? What contexts (clothes, giant killer robots, etc) do you use it for?
I usually start with meaningful colors (Alizarin, Eigengrau, Pine Green, Rose Copper) and end up rounding it out with word or source association. Shit like Eigengrau to Feldgrau, Rose Copper to Malachite and Egyptian Blue (both copper-based pigments), then Malachite to Mauve (malachite's named for being the color of the mallow plant's leaves. The plant's called mauve in French, and the color by that name is the plant's flower).
Then I go full circle and find out the Egyptian afterlife is sometimes referred to as the "Field of Malachite." I'll take it.
Blasphemy. Lot's of Blasphemy. Oh! and Sacrilege
Is that... is that the treadmill I think it is? Because that's fucked, if so.
True, but it’s still a sin in the context of Faux-Catholic theology.
Take a gander at Boktai, user.
I regret nothing.
>What is jus ad bellum
I reminded people that overconfidence was a slow and insidious killer.
How’re you doing on Chrono Jumper?
Well considering Yggdrasil was based on D&D, it’s not too hard to make a build. Also given how little we know of the game and it’s really open nature, we have to go with what’s available to us via Ainz, Naz’s NPCs, & the NWers.
Although the jump could use some minor changes. For instance we know “Blessing Magic” is a thing, Dark Knights & Paladins use it. However I doubt it’ll get changed, Brellin doesn’t seem to be on Veeky Forums often and just stays on SB.
That and Tsukihime are both things I haven't made much progress on in a bit. I'll be getting back to work on both tonight and the following weekend.
The recurring characters in my chain appear regardless of reason, pods or cosmology. I eventually just gave up keeping track of it.
Although maybe it's not much of a sin since I never import them and they're not actually my companions.
Didn't he give up on making jumps too?
Procrastination and making that pic I guess
>A +200 trap option that leaves you running on a treadmill for 16+ years with no breaks.
The fuck is this bullshit?
How are you doubling your points?
>Jumpers, what is your favorite color scheme?
vantablack and white
white and blood red
vantablack and gold
Gold and white
Violant on Violant
>Did you rip it off someone else, or devise it yourself?
made it myself, I like stark contrasts.
>Is there a meaning behind it, or do you just think it looks sharp?
my jumper has a heavy duality theme,stark contrast Serve to emphasize that
>What contexts (clothes, giant killer robots, etc) do you use it for?
Everything,it's one of the motifs.
It's funny how well the old red/white/blue combo works, but I also like white/yellow/green and the occasional black/blue/purple.
Hell. It's Hell.
Everything has a price.
Blacks, grays, white, and unpainted metal.
Because that's what you use when you're trying to pretend to be a globe-spanning technothriller conspiracy.
Leg day.
If you sacrifice your companion servant to the grail, do they still come back since they're a companion?
Honestly I don’t think any Snake would be a good bro. They’re all pretty mentally damaged. Big Boss was spurred that he had to kill The Boss, his mentor, and formed his own mercenary group which after some setbacks he set up a country that he then tried to use the technology of metal gears (mechs with nuclear rockets) to ensure world domniation.
Solid Snake basically never had a real childhood. He was raised to be a soldier, joining the special forces and eventually retiring to Alaska. Yet he kept getting dragged back into the action by Liquid & Ocelot (later Liquid-Ocelot).
In the end he was aging pretty rapidly and had became pretty cynical. Even if you stop his rapid aging, I doubt he’d be a good traveling companion.
If you want someone similar to Jensen, I would suggest Kaze. Or if you can man him up, Raiden is similar to Jensen in they’re both cybernetically enhanced.
>Jumpers, what is your favorite color scheme?
Red, black, and white.
If you got that Servant new in the jump I think they stay dead but imported Servants come back later
Yes actually, on both the gamey and narrative perspective. I was a member of Ainz Ooal Gown as well.
-Ring of Elru
Obtained from being the first player to use Shooting Star 50 times at max XP expenditure in the course of the game.
-Lots of classes, divine tier items
Went a doppelganger build, figured at some point I found a secret capstone class (96-100) that massively increased my shapeshifting abilities, letting me access L90 equivalent class levels and maintaining two sets of powers at once. I figure that power level also justifies L100+Realm of Heroes. Using a caloric stone weapon I crafted before joining the guild, and spent all of its crazy upgrades on being able to shift forms and shift enchantments when it does, so it's the equivalent of a divine tier item in raw stats, while still functioning for all of my selected classes in what it contributes to. Incidentally, I helped Momonga mechanically design Pandora's Actor, being the resident doppelganger expert (NPC couldn't fulfill the quest requirements for capstone class though).
imagine how deliciously toned will everything be when you're done
I'm curious about how many jumpers took that while saying "fuck you perkless future me" and "fuck you asshole past me".
Black, Red, Purple, and Yellow!
Black and ice blue.
...this fucking name field, I swear to God.
Red, Black and White.
I touched the cow. I did it immediately.
I also fondled the gator, cuddled the dragon, petted the cat, caressed the crow, and scratched rubbed the dog.
I wear whatever is comfy most of the time. Except when things get serious. Then I dress in red. A bright, vibrant, spot-me-from-across-the-battlefield red.
A Red Mage always has impeccable taste.
It's okay, Disu. Everyone knew it was you.
I used an OC Pokemon that /vp/ made as my form in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. It's not even all that strong, just cool.
Huh, didn't know all that. For some reason I wanted to get Venom addicted to using the Fulton system and gifting him a infinitely replenishing supply of it that casts Silence on anyone who it is attached to, it seemed like a good idea.
Still sad about there not being any good companions in MG now. By Kaze, do you mean Miller? What do you mean manning up Raiden, isn't he already so?
Is Gwen Poole the average jumper?
>Has failed at real life
>Wants to live in a world of fantasy
>Her main advantage is meta knowledge
>Treats the world and the people inside it as toys with no agency
>Her main advantage is meta knowledge
Bullshit. Her main advantage is being a comic themed reality warper.
I've been trying to stifle the cannibalistic urges.
Well...yah, good point.
Great to hear. Good luck, and I hope you have a pleasant weekend.
Well if you ever take a "clone of you wants to kill you" drawback after that, you know what their deal is.
Don't forget
>Has a vastly more competant evil future self as a nemesis
>Felt the need to fuck with someone very powerful in their series and got schooled for her trouble
>Eventually ceased to exist because she wasn't interesting enough
...damn, Satan.
Satan is on point tonight.
She’ll probably be back at some point down the line.
what pic?
given it's GenesisAnon, probably Virgin-OAA vs Chad-Bancho.
Im thinking of doing a new chain, and writefaggoting it up and sharing it. Should I post it here, or is it one of those things where nobody cares about your jumper?
Do it, it could be fun. What jump are you planning on taking as your first one? Pokemon, or something else?
>or is it one of those things where nobody cares about your jumper?
This, unless you wind up a popular namefag after making jumps or spamming your shit enough to get grudgingly accepted.
Hey man, go for it. Seeing more writing here is always great.
I always love reading people's jumpstories here
I like reading others writefagging. I still miss Carl Jumper and Red Eyes Black Dragon Jumper.
Anyone here know how fast supcom tech can make slabs of metal? Im trying to build walls around my land, and I want to enchant the hell out of it. The property is right around 585 km long and wide. I have no idea how fast supcom is for something other than a couple robots.
Should I have the machines build the wall in sections or as bricks?
Should I enchant the wall after I build it or should each brick be made pre etched?
I want to keep out everything up to and surpassing queen mab herself unless it is invited in.
>Red Eyes Black Dragon Jumper.
One of my favorites
I believe it was said that all in-game times were real time for Supcom build speeds. So while those experimental weapons take a few minutes, massive slabs of metal shouldn't take more than a day with the right material and energy extractors.
Go for it. Always livens the place up more than what usually goes on.
If you want to keep everything out then yes, make it all pre etched. No flaws in Jumper's Grand Wall.
Also that movie was ridiculous and dumb, and not in the fun way.
pls use pastebin or similar
I disagree. It was stupid and dumb and wonderful in every way. Plus it was aesthetic as fuck.