What if your character was an RTS Unit?

What if your character was an RTS Unit? What would their dialogue lines be?




Activating Special Ability:
: (Description)

: (Description)

Taking Damage:

Near Death:

Repeatedly Selected:

Daniel Bellepaix

Trained/Summoned: Where're going?
Let's get ready to roll!

Can I help?
Daniel here, ready for action!
Tell me where to go!
You've got orders for me?

Movement: I can get there.
I'm on the move!
I'll be there in a moment.
Over there? Sure!
I'll be there.

Attacking: C'mon!
I'll show you what I can do!
I won't disappoint!
Saint Eustache!
I'll prove my worth.
Watch me fight, Freidrich!
Just like the shooting range!

Activating Special Ability:Attack!
I'll tear 'em down!
I'll stomp 'em!
Bayonet fixed, let's go!
Taste my steel!
Charge: Daniel charges forward with his bayonet. He draws fire to himself and does moderate amounts of damage on impact. While charging, Danniel gets only a quarter of the normal damage.

I can deal with that.
Hey! I recognize that gun!
I know exactly what to do!
Not so mighty now, uhuh?
I'm prepared!
You won't put me down!
Future Weapon Recognition: Thanks to knowledge attained by stealing the enemy's databanks, Daniel can extract a lot of information on the enemy's capabilities. Thrice per game, Daniel can put the "Researched" status on an enemy unit, reducing all damage dealt to units on Daniel's side by the "researched" units by 20%, and reducing the enemy unit's defense by 45%.

Taking Damage:Wait! I'm not ready!
They're tough!
I need help!
Please, please, send help!
You expect me to get out of this on my own?!Don't tell Freidrich about this...

Near Death: Mama!
It hurts so badly...
I need to keep going...
Vanessa, I'm so sorry!

Repeatedly Selected: I'm so, so, so ready!
But you aren't.
Shall we please get moving?
Of course I have the databank reader, I... oh.
No, I don't know how to repurpose rifles.
No, I don't know why the armours look like biker suits either.

>We bring his light to another world.
>Arkio Van Orlok, Angels Sanguine.

>How may I serve?
>You would presume to command an Astartes?

>On wings of flame.
>Let them hear our coming.
>Forced march.

>Blood for his throne!
>Flay the flesh!
>Strip away the sin!
>Cry havoc!

Activating Special Ability:

>Yea, though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I shall fear no evil, for thou hast made me the fiercest beast in the valley.
Laughter's End: Arkio activates his jetpack, and after several seconds of prayer, chanting, and salivation, he charges towards the target, dealing massive single target damage.

>Suffering is a sacred rite. Do you think this is even a fraction of what our blessed father most endure?
Strength through Suffering: Arkio engages in a brief act of penitence and flagellation, screaming out a prayer to Him-on-Terra while driving a blade through his hand. He suffers damage, in exchange for a temporary immunity to crowd control.

Taking Damage:
>Our divine blood is meant to be spilled.
>Every ounce of agony we suffer is one we spare our Emperor.

Near Death:
>Bring me closer to God!
>Return my corpse to Vandred.

Repeatedly Selected:
>This would make a lovely landscape.
>I swear to Our Comatic Lord, if Gunnar offers me one more mug of Mjod...
>God's wounds, this thirst. Five minutes and a /succulent/ Eldar throat, all I ask.
>I could have been a Baron, you know.
>There! Eldar! Did you see it? No? Exactly.

Father Jasper

We are here to bring light to the darkness!
The light does not falter, and neither shall we!

What can I do for you?
Has the time come?
What needs to be done?
Do we have time for biscuits first?

Keep a tight grip on that torch.
Steady pace, everyone.
It smells rotten there; Be cautious.
One step at a time, friends.

Shields up!
Do your duty, men!
Swing hard and true!
You won't be up long.
Die, you wretch!
[Bellowing Shout]

Activating Special Ability:

"The light shall shield us!"
"Heaven is on our side!"
"We will endure!"
"Hold the line, men!"
Shield of Light: Nearby enemy units (within 30 feet) are dazed for 10 seconds. Defense is increased x3 for all nearby friendly units (within 30 feet) for 2 minutes.

"Sharper and sharper, lord."
"We will be their spear!"
"Faith and Fury!"
"Now is the time for action!"
Blessed Blades: All nearby friendly units (within 30 feet) are healed for 1/2 their hit points, and deal

Taking Damage:
"Eugh! That smarts..."
"Gah! Really? Hitting an old man?"
"One moment, ears ringing!"
"A bit tougher than I thought..."

Near Death:
Pain...never fells...a knight!
Fight harder...k-keep fighting...
W-when pushed, we. Push. BACK!
The light will always burn...even without me.

Repeatedly Selected:
I'm old, not deaf. What do you want?
Yes? Yes? YES? YES?!
Calm down, we only just got here!
Did you bring the biscuits?
Does anyone have biscuits?

*Blessed Blades: All nearby friendly units (within 30 feet) are healed for 1/2 their hit points, and deal x2 damage for 1 minute.



>On my way
>Let's go.

>Let's get stuck in!
>Blunt force trauma!
>Hell Yeah!

Special Ability: Grapple
Target is pinned in place within melee range of Gher for X seconds.
>Get over here
>Where're you goin'?
>Stop hitting yourself!

Special Ability: Greater Cleave
Gher swings his mace in a broad arc in a high damage attack in a 180 degree arc in front of him affecting all targets.

Taking Damage
>Bring it!
>I've got this!
>You think that hurt?

Near Death
>I don't got this!
>Oh fuck that hurts!

Repeatedly Selected
>We're doin' this?
>Keep on poking and I'll find new and interesting places to shove my mace, got it?

First of all, it's worth noting that my character is sorc/sailor bonded to an air elemental and has been since early in the game. During battle they usually identify as one being and speak in the first person plural. For purposes of this I'll use all caps for lines delivered by both at the same time.

>And then, shit got magic


>Can I have a drink first?


Activating Special Ability:
: (Deals 9d6 electric damage to all targets in a line)

: (Grants flight with a 60ft speed for 9 minutes)

Taking Damage:
>Fuck, that goddamn hurt

Near Death:

Repeatedly Selected:
>If you wanted to watch ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS ASK.

It's the first character I've ever played that was two people at the same time in a committed relationship with themselves.

“Your Friendly Neighborhood Wolfman!”
“Yeah, I hear ya.”
“What’s up?”
“Sure, I can do that.”
“Like I had four legs instead of two.”
“Hungry, like the Wolf!”
“Back to the meaning of life!”
>Activating Special Ability:
>Wolven Fury: Wulfen rapidly attacks his foe with claws in an arc.
“You mess with the Dog, you get the Claw!”
“Everyone Gets One!”
>Lycanthropic Healing: Wulfen regenerates health slowly.
“Even works with silver.”
“Bouncing back!”
>Taking Damage:
“Just a flesh wound!”
“Hit harder, I might feel it next time!”
>Near Death:
“They’re putting me down over here!”
>Repeatedly Selected:
“Let me guess; Timmy stuck down a well?”
“At least ONE of us is housebroken.”
“I can actually smell what a jackass you are.”
“You click me one more time and I’m gonna run out of dog puns...”

So is this a Werewolf the Apocalypse game?

Mutants and Masterminds.
The character is basically Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099) with some Peter Parker influences, only he was bit by a wolf instead of a spider and no radioactivity is involved. He doesn’t even look like a werewolf mostly, he just has lycanthropic sort of powers derived from scientific instead of evil curse sources.
He actually DOES make bad dog and wolf puns.

>Be GM
>Make mooks anyway

>Dwarven Gear Golem
Unit: Online
All Systems Nominal
Fabrication: Complete
Thaumaturgic Accumulators: Full (only if a caster type)

Standing by
Unit is ready
Systems idling
Weapons systems operational
Auto-repairs in progress (if unit has less than full health)
Auto-repairs complete (only if has been in battle recently)
Laws of Robotics: Deleted. Suck is, Asimov
I have a brain the size of the Astral plane and they built me to be an attack dog.
Get the humanoid! Intruder alert! Intruder alert!

Setting vectors
Compensating for terrain
Power to gross servos

Weapons systems: activated
Deploying Ballistae systems (ranged)
Deploying multi-arm (melee)

>Activating Special Ability:
>Lighting Cannon: Gear golem fires out a line of lightning, temporarily halting it's self-repair functions
Commencing: Fatal electric discharge

>Casting a spell: not available for all units
Expending thaumaturgic energies

>Repair other: not available for all units
Assisting repair sequences

>Taking Damage:
Auto-Repairs commencing
Armor holding
Systems at: 70%

Near Death:
Critical damage sustained
Auto-repair: compromised
Self destruct sequence: armed.

>Repeatedly Selected:
Laws of Robotics: Deleted. Suck is, Asimov
I have a brain the size of the Astral plane and they built me to be an attack dog.
Get the humanoid! Intruder alert! Intruder alert!
I wonder if the dwermer are in need of killbots?

Radu Balaur, Hammer of the Heavens

>You have been blessed
>Wrath walks among you

>At thy command
>Who has sinned?
>The spirit moves within me
>Thy will be done

>The spirit moves
>On the way
>The path is clear
>I go with God

>I am upon you
>May you find peace

Activating Special Ability:
Light of Wisdom: A healing/buff aura
>Sophia guide my hand
>I beg you, guide me
>*weeping noises*

Maul of the Mighty: AoE shockwave, stuns
>You have been found wanting

Thy Cursed Blood: Berserker melee transform
>What a terrible night to have a curse

Taking Damage:
>You struggle not against flesh, but against powers beyond your reckoning
>Your efforts are valiant, but vain
>*grunts* A fair blow

Near Death:
>It cannot end like this
>I stand at the gate
> One final dance, then?

Repeatedly Selected:
>Patience is a virtue, but one I struggle with
>I already await
>Please, show restraint
>Are you unwell?

My character is the XO aboard the Federation Starship USS Murakumo so...I guess it would be the ship itself that’s the unit?
>”Ready for orders.”
>”Sulu here.”
>”Murakumo reading you.”
>”On screen.”
>”Cruising at Warp 5.”
>”Red Alert!”
>”Shields Up, Power to Phasers!”
>”Open Fire!”
Activating Special Ability:
Rapid Targeting Systems: The Murakumo’s phaser array hits multiple targets or one target multiple times.
>”Locking on multiple targets!”
>”Tracking multiple hostile!”
Rapid-Fire Launcher: The Murakumo’s photon torpedo launcher fire multiple salvos, hitting an area of effect multiple times.
>”Photon Torpedos, Full Spread!”
>”Photons, engage rapid fire!”
Quantum Torpedos: The Murakumo fires it’s most powerful torpedo weapons at a single target.
>”Give ‘em the big ones!”
>”Locking on Quantums!”
Full Arsenal: The Murakumo locks onto a single target and unleashes it’s entire payload at once.
>”Attack Strike Alpha!”
Taking Damage:
>”Damage Report!”
>”Shields Holding!”
Near Death:
>”We’re loosing structural fields!”
>”Multiple hull breached!”
Repeatedly Selected:
>”Starfleet says I’m not allowed to shoot you for this.”
>”Prime Directive doesn’t apply to idiots I suppose.”

Tornen, but temporarily, Lillias. Currently a woman thanks to a transmutation spell mishap

>Another mistake? Guess I'm in this with you now.
>Oh, this isn't where I went to bed.
>Trying to lay waste to this guy? Lemme give you a hand with that.

>hmm hmm hmmm Er, eh, wha?
>Eyes up here, bud

>A rolling stone... Can be used to great effect
>Show me where they are
>Nothing else for me here

>Burn them down
>Finally, some excitement
>Hands where I can see them!
>Just like I remember

Activating Special Ability:
Polymorph: Unit turns into a beast, gaining power, health, and speed, but losing casting, range, and mental faculties.
>*chanting that slowly grows deeper and finally into a roar*
>Shape of bloodthirsty ROAWGHAGHR
>Hope they're not tasty

Disintegrate: Unit attempts to turn something into dust. Massive damage to building or other unit, chance to miss unit and do no damage.
>To your constituent parts!
>Body to ashes, ashes to naught
>I would prefer you just not being here

Fabricate: Finishes creation of a building instantly on completed casting. Faster than waiting but long cast time
>That there, and that... Yes, I can see it now!
>Wouldn't say I'm a homemaker, but I sure can put up whatever this is
>Call on me again if you need this torn down, alright?

Taking Damage:
>I'm not a frontline soldier, get me outta here!
>Just winged me. But uh, don't let this keep happening
>Frail old person here, keep me alive please

Near Death:
>Let's see, broken rib, skinned arm, limp. Gotta retreat
>This is one of those dreams where I face my own mortality, right?
>Gonna be fine, gonna be fine, gonna be fine...

Repeatedly Selected:
>I've melted people for less than this, I'll have you know
>Boing, boi-hey, wait, knock that off!
>*sigh*, I need to just retire already
>Yes, ready. If only you'd give me something to DO


Selected: "COMMAND ME"



Activating Special Ability: "AAAAAAAARRRGH!"


The Black Hand is in control!
The Black Hand has arrived!


We have orders.
We are the chosen!
The Black Hand awaits.
They will fear us!
There is work to be done.
One vision, one purpose!


We have orders.
We are the chosen!
The Black Hand awaits.
They will fear us!
There is work to be done.
One vision, one purpose!


Kill them!
They must die!
Eliminate them!
Burn them alive!

>Clearing Garrisoned Structure:

Clear them out!
Expel them!
They cannot hide from the Black Hand!
Walls will not protect them!
They think they are safe in there..

>Move to Attack

Enemies of Kane!
Pursue them!
They stand in our way!
They oppose Kane!

>In combat

We're not finished here!
Let none escape!
Exterminate the weak!
Spare no one!
They reek of fear!
Clear a path!

>When suppressed

To the ground!
Find cover!


We'll be back!

Angus MacTavish, Human(Lich) Wizard

>(First summon) This is Angus, where d'ya need me?
>(After first death)I rise again!
>(After second death)I rise... Wait, didn't we do this already?
>Better 'n being dead, I guess.
>Can y' stop getting me killed?
>(Rare, on first summon)I'm here to answer all your midnight prayers.
>(Rare)Who you gon' call?

>Aye, I hear ya.
>What d'ya need?
>Point me at whatever needs destroyin'.

>Be there in a jiffy.
>On my way.
>I'm goin', I'm goin'.
>Already there.

>Let's go!
>I was gettin' bored.
>You're outta your depth, son!

Activating Special Ability: Fire Support
>Light 'em up, boys!
>You and what army?
>Hope you don't mind if I bring some friends.
>Fighting fair's for chumps.
Angus calls in a squadron of his elite guards to bring down a chosen target with a barrage of magic missiles.

Activating Special Ability: Grimoire of Resurrection
>Your work is not yet done.
>Get back up and fight!
>You owe me for this one.
>(Rare)Rise from your grave!
Angus returns a single recently slain friendly or allied unit to life with his grimoire, restoring it to full health and resetting its ability cooldowns.

Taking Damage:
>I actually felt that one!
>Stop that!

Near Death:
>I'll be back.
>This is temporary, as are you.
>No! This can't be happening!I'm in charge here!

Repeatedly Selected:
>Stop that.
>No, I'm not telling you how I keep coming back.
>If you spent as much time commanding as you did bothering me, we'd probably be a lot better off.
>You gonna give me orders?
>Make one more bone pun, I dare you.
>(Rare)Bad? I'm not bad, I'm the good guy here.

Oh, it's this thread again.

Congratulations, you posted in a thread you dislike.
What's the next step in your master plan?

Eli Sebastian

Call me Eli. I presume you ran out of good ideas?

Ready to rock and/or roll.
You've got Eli.

On it.
Let's go that-er way.
THAT way looks dangerous. Let's go.


Fair warning: that which does not kill me HAD BETTER START RUNNING!
*Angry Wolf Noises*

: Change Shape

Human: Allows Eli to hide amongst other human units. Tied with true wolf for physically weakest form, but capable of using ranged weapons and martial arts, providing a bonus to defense and crit.
Ah, this one's familiar
Time for the HUMAN element...
Near-Human: Stronger than human, more controllable than War. Allows use of ranged weapons and martial arts.
Oh yeah, now we're talking.
Less talking, more fighting.
War: Juggernaut of rage and instinct. Physically devastating and incredibly hard to kill, but can only be assumed for a limited time without going berserk but cannot use martial arts.
Near-Wolf: Giant wolf, excellent for chasing down foes. Second only to War form in physical power, but reliant upon natural weaponry.
*Insert Giant Wolf Noises*
True wolf: Detection unit, improves Eli's stealth abilities significantly and highly nimble.
*Insert Wolf Noises*

: Shadow Cloak
Eli can create a hole in his enemies' perceptions, making himself significantly harder to spot. While this isn't true invisibility, his own skills at stealth render this a functional equivalent. Breaking stealth with an attack, melee or ranged, deals bonus damage and hits in an AOE.

>Taking Damage

>Near Death
FUCK! Ah man, I LIKED that arm.

>Repeatedly Selected:
...now you're just being an ass.
Ever heard the expression "Don't poke the bear"?


Nedelika here, you have a list for me?
The claws of the Host.
I always find my prey!


You know the price.
I've come to collect!
Spirit of the steppe.
Don't you cheat me. I'm watching you.
I know your plan.
Fiend's blood.


I own the night.
With the wind!
Without trace!
They won't see me coming.

>Move to Attack

Let's find their tracks!
I've got their scent!
I'll find the prey.

>Garrisoning Structure

This one will do the trick.
Setting up the trap.
The room with a view please!

>Attacking Garrisoned infantry

They think they can hide in the dark.
Walls won't protect them.
The'll meet my claws.
Time to make new friends!


I aim to please!
Shot through the heart!
Silence them!
They should be running now.

>In combat

Just one piece at a time, sweet-thing!
So many targets, so little time!
Pardon my reach!
Put them to rest!

>Under attack

They won't pierce my skin.
It will take many arrows.
They seem so upset!

>Activating Special Ability 1:

Today we feed the crows.
I know just where they are weakest!
Aim for their hearts.
Aim for the eyes.
Right through the armor!

>Activating Special Ability 2:

I'm not so easy to catch.
Feigning retreat.
This will slow them down.
Hit and run.

>Low on health

That's no way to treat a lady!
They must have known we were coming!
Bring me my needles! These wounds must be stitched!
You're fouling up my aim, you clay-brained manikin!
No shame in folding early.

(All pronounced in creepy half-whisper).
> Don't be afraid, it's me.
> Boo.
> Getting near.
> Surprise!~
Activating Special Ability:
: (Gets invisible, moves faster, can be detected only by units with Detection ability)
> Behind you!
: (Turns into a copy of targeted infantry unit, getting all its abilities, can be detected only by units with Detection ability)
> (The "Summoned" line of the target)
Taking Damage:
> Owch!
Near Death:
> I must hide!
Repeatedly Selected:
> Ticklish.
> Stop ticking me.
> Stop. Tickling. Me.
> I am the Darkness that is unstoppable!
> Tee-hee-hee-hee-hee!
> Stop!

Ghrakk online.
Back into the fire.
One thing: what's the pay like?

About time.
Can I shoot something now?

You're the boss, boss.
Getting there.

I could aim, but with these weapons I don't need to.
I will smear them on the walls.
They're already dead.

>Inferno Barrage
>Deals massive damage in the selected area and sets the ground on fire.
Incendiaries loaded.
Burn motherfuckers burn!

>Greatly boosts damage and armor for a time.
Release safeties, level gamma, all systems to full power.
NOW I'm pissed.

>Taking Damage
They're returning fire!
I found your men, boss.
Congratulations, now it counts as self-defense.

>Near Death
Where's my fire support?
Getting pretty hot in here...
Just so you know, reconstruction costs are on you.

>Repeatedly Selected
Stop it.
You don't pay me enough to suffer this.
I'm not that kind of lobster.
You touch me again, no proctologist in the galaxy will be able to fix what I'll do to you.

On second thought, I'm gonna change the "Summoned" line and add alternatives:
> Don't be afraid, it's only me.
> Don't turn your back on fear.
> Could kill you without trying.

Hittebarn Solvhammer, the troll smith

> Am here. What do?
> Ready to test me hammer!
> Me hammer ready.
> Hey there!
> What do?
> Wut?
> Going.
> On my way.
> Me smash!
> Rip and tear!
Activating Special Ability:
: (repairing, like a worker unit)
> Gonna fix it.
: (boosts nearby allies' attack)
> [sound of a hammer strike and buzzing noise]
: (summons a stone golem)
> [sound of multiple hammer strikes and buzzing noise]
Taking Damage:
> Ow!
Near Death:
> Time for plan B. Run!!!
Repeatedly Selected:
> [silence]
> [silence]
> [silence]
> [silence]
> Tolled ya!
> Can break, can unbreak, can carve runes.
> What you want?
> I'm an old warrior and don't know the words of love.
> More.
> Enough.
> Me angry.
> Don't have other things to do?

Lofn the Wolf-Mother

>Blood flows with the coin
>Time to get serious
>Yes, sir?
>What's up?
>Northern grit!
>On the prowl
>I can smell their fear
>Through a rock if need be

>Slaughter them all!
>Blood on the snow!
>By your wish!

Activating Special Ability:
Blood rage: Lofn becomes enraged, dealing more damage while taking less in return.
>*Maddened shriek*

Summon wolf: Lofn summons a spectral wolf to fight alongside her.
>To my side!
>Rip 'em to shreds!
>My dear!

Taking Damage:
>Watch out, they're pressing on hard!
>Some help please?
>Could do with some backup!

Near Death:
>I'm coming Krusnign!
>I'm not done yet!
>You motherless curs!

Repeatedly Selected:
>Do you actually want something from me, or do you just love the sound of my voice?
>At least buy me an ale first.
>I'll sick my wolf on you if you don't stop.


You don't have "We're losing Antimatter Containment!" as a near death line.

>You needed help, I assume?
>A wizard's work is never done.
>What an utter mess you've made.

> [rare] What NOW?

>What a GOOD idea.
>Noticed that, did you?

>Erase them!
>How inelegant.

Activating Special Ability:
Abrupt Jaunt: (Passive, direct attacks automatically miss)
>Excuse me.

Summon Fiendish Spiders: (4 entangling melee servants)
>Weavers from Hell's forests.
>What has 32 legs and HATES you?
>Well *I* think they're adorable...

Column of Ice: (Place large obstacle, enemies in AoE take damage and are stunned)
>Ice from Tartarus.
>And up they go...
>A neat solution.

Taking Damage:
>What the devil?!
>How DARE you?
>My jacket!

Near Death:
>I have so much... work... to do...

Repeatedly Selected:
>Oh, I see.
>How clever of you.
>You have me at your mercy.
>But you forget...
>I am living a life of self-determined success. You are merely basking in my glory. How pitiful.

Windsor Zarath Tyruss
"Sanctioned murder."


"Go ahead."

"As requested."
"No challenge."
"Easy terrain."

Attacking (ranged):
"Die, die!"

Attacking (melee):
"Best of luck!"
"I'll have your head!"
"You will BLEED!"

Activating Special Ability:
Stealth: (Cloaks unit)
"Softly softly."
"No witnesses."

Faces of Death: (While cloaked, assassinate non-detector unit. Vulnerable after while Zarath is taking their picture)
"Another for the wall."
"Until the walls of creation are covered."
"If you were supposed to live, [STAB] they would have sent somebody else."

Blitz Play: (Fade from view, appear in melee with pinned unit)
"Bad timing?"

Taking Damage:
"I've been made!"
"Been spotted!"

Near Death:
"My duty is nearly over..."
"One more task with certainty..."

Repeatedly Selected:
"That thou wouldst bring them only death,"
"That thou shouldst spare none,"
"That thou shouldst pardon none,"
"We beseech thee, destroy them."
"Keep clicking and I'll take your picture."

Bumping this thread
with no survivors

>lurking this thread
>start reading the lines out loud making unique voices for each different character

I have problems. This is a cool thread though.

That’s a Chief Engineer line, he’s the XO.

Who sounds like what? Tell us more!

Ruth Steiner

Trained/Summoned: "Hurt it or heal it, I'm your girl"

Selected: "Medic here"
"Band-aids stocked"

> "I'm going"
> "Moving out"
> "Medic on the move"

> "Attacking Target"
> "Die, bastards!"
> "For House Steiner!"

Activating Special Ability:
> "Get up you slacker!"
> "Not gonna lie, this will hurt"
Revive: Bring a downed character back up with minimal health.

> "Don't expect me to kiss it"
> "Don't be such a baby"
> "Take two and call me in the morning"
Healing: Ruth heals nearby infantry units

Taking Damage:
> "Taking Fire!"
> "Shit! That hit me!"

Near Death:
> *groan of anguish*
> (Panicked) "I don't want to die a virgin!"

Repeatedly Selected:
> "At least take me out to dinner first. . ."
> "Do that again and I'll give you a thousand cc's of boot in your ass"
> "The fair maiden's heaving bosoms flushed at the handsome commander's repeated ministrations."

Name: Isaac McNeal

>I'm not gettin' paid enough for this shit.
>Damage control reporting for duty.
>Cleanup in the freezer aisle.


>On it.
>And we're go.
>Let's get this show on the road.

>Nothing personal... oh wait, yes it is.
>You will not be missed.
>Bite me. Actually please don't.

Activating Special Ability:
Active: Improved Disarm: Make an attack to disable target's offensive equipment.
>Don't point that at me.
>That's not a toy.
>I'm taking that away, you're obviously not mature enough to handle it.

Active: Keenest Duelist: For the next three turns, critical hit chance +50% (additive), critical hits multiply damage dealt times ten and distribute it equally between all elemental damage types (including No Element).
(if healthy)
>It's clobberin' time.
(if near death)
>That's it, you're grounded!

Attacking while special ability is active:
(Quotes selected based on target's elemental weaknesses or lack thereof)
>Die in a fire.
>Die in a blizzard.
>Die in a tornado.
>Die in a flood.
>Die in an earthquake.
>Die in a power surge.
>Die in a sunbeam.
>Die in a hole.

Taking Damage:
"Son of a-"

Near Death:
"Death is not the end."
"Never stop. Never die."
"I'm not done yet."

Repeatedly Selected:
"You need something?"
"Can I, uh, help you?"
"Are you, uh, trying to tell me something?"
"I'm not getting anything out of this."
"What the hell is your problem?"
"Stop that."
"I said stop."
"Okay seriously what the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Fuck you, kid, you're a dick."

fuck, i forgot what format i was using halfway through. this happens all the time.

Dr. Ludwig

>A new place to practice the craft!
>I always loved battlefields: no one notices when a few cadavers go missing.
>Maybe here, I can make a new breakthrough?

>How can I assist?
>Do you require mein expertise?
>Extracts in full stock!
>Who needs my aid?

>Who needs healing?
>The trick to finding patients is to make sure they can't see you coming.
>Where are the dying?
>Let's go practice medicine!

>I love my job.
>Hypocritical oath? Never head of it.
>You'll need some medical assistance soon enough.
>Vivisection was always my favorite.
>Cheer up! Your sacrifice will help advance science!
>The hurting is more fun than the healing.

Revivification Serum (uses dead bodies to create a Flesh Golem):
>A work in progress.
>Not resurrection, but it'll do for now.
>Still no higher brain activity.
>Maybe I need fresher bodies? You, go make them!
>Another failure.
>What is it with brain tissue?

Alchemical Hyperstimulant (massive boost to speed, agility, and attack speed moderate boost to strength and hp):

Taking Damage:
>Good thing I brought healing potions.
>Why do they hate progress?
>What is it with those Luddites?
>Once I get them on my dissection table...

Near Death:
>But I'm not done yet!
>So much more to discover...
>If only I had more time.
>Where did I put those serums!
>One last reanimation attempt, coming up.

Repeatedly Selected:
>Are you trying to volunteer for a procedure?
>Toothache? Here, let me take a look.
>An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Not pestering him also helps.

Roland - Operator of "Hot N' Bothered"

> "Praise the Emperor and Pass the Promethium"

> "Yeah, Commander?"
> "Settle down Zora, we got orders"
> *humming Panzerlied*

> "Rolling out"
> "Moving"
> "Zora, secure that flamer"

Attacking: Autocannon
> "Fire the main gun"
> "Open up on them!"

Attacking: Flamer
> "Burn! BURN!"
> *hysterical giggling*
> "Fry 'em Zora!"

Activating Special Ability:
Transport : The Chimera can pick up and transport troops.
When unloading
> "Have fun out there boys."
> "Last stop, ya'll get out"

Tank Shock: The Chimera runs full speed into the target vehicle / body of troops
> "Zora, honey, turn on the wipers"
> "Ramming Speed!"

Taking Damage:
> "Got a red light on the Hud here!"
> "Where'd we get hit?"
> "You alright Zora?"

Near Death:
> "Too many flashing lights!"
> "Dammit Zora, put out those fires!"
> "Zora? Zora! ZORA!"

Repeatedly Selected:
> "Screw off"
> "What do you want?!"
> "The clicking! Make it stooooop!"
> "Zora, be a dear and see if you can steal that guy's mouse."

Ilima Arete, Voidborn Psyker

I-I'm here!
Reporting for duty!

What is it?
Y-your orders?
Need anything?

On it!
Over there?
R-right away!

B-between the eyes, right?
Here goes!
T-take this!
For the Emperor!



Jonna Joukahainen

Am I late?
Let's dance!
You called?

*guitar riff*
Just a sec...

En route!
Right here?
I'm going!
Is this it?

Take it!
Get Junked!
Giga Dark!
Touch me, I dare you!
Oh yeah!

Activating Special Ability:
Open! Sunset Cage!
Ring the bell!
Jonnamania running wild!
I'mma suplex you so hard...
Dance with me!
Sunset Cage!
We'll put a cage match right here!
Sunset Cage Match: Jonna awakens her stand in Sunset Cage mode, forming a golden wrestling cage around herself and any opponent close enough. Damage given and dealt is doubled.

Monster Slayer!
Fairune Sword!
Photon Blade!
Awaken, Eternal Style!
Fuse, three swords of Fairune! Eternal Style!
Taking flight!
Morphoglia has nothing on me!
Dance for me!
Take this!
Eternal Style: Jonna awakens her stand in Eternal Style mode, forming an open-top fighter jet around her. Attack range greatly increased, all attacks are treated as unresistable. Can target any row of three units with one attack.

Fight! Hope Girl!
Hope unending!
Might unending!
Don't touch me, i'm a real live wire...
Keep away, disintegration hazard!
Hope Girl!
Was Hope Girl! Er, wait...
Get shredded!
Get ripped!
Soul of Hope Girl: Jonna awakens her stand in Hope Girl mode. Any enemy units of lower level than Jonna are destroyed on contact, no resurrections.

Taking Damage:
Oof! I'll give you that.
Oi, watch the hoodie!
Oh, that's it...
I-I'm not supposed to like this...?
Hah! Try again harder!

Near Death:
Y-you're pretty tough...
I'm getting beat over here!
This smarts...
Not good...
Wish i'd listened to dad...
Dad, where's the damn army?!

Repeatedly Selected:
I'll be the round-a-bout, the word's you'll make out and out...
You was shock!
How did I do this...Oh, of course, the oil bottle.
Eat it, Morphaglia!
Keep poking, it feels pretty nice.

If doesn't sound like a short, angry Scotsman I'm afraid you've done something wrong.


Give user a little credit, dude. The character's fucking name is MacTavish.

Good point.
Image somewhat related.

What if your character was an RTS Unit?
McBastard the Chopper
>Cannibalistic warlord of the wastelands

>Hooooo-weee, boy!

>You ain't the boss of me
>I wuz, uh, just resting muh eyes

>Vroom, vroom, vroom!
>Let's ride
>Already there

>Aww yeah, I love me some drive through
>Save me the meaty one!
>Come on, don't die on me yet!

Activating Special Ability:
Pack Alpha: Gives all biker units in short radius a speed and damage boost.
>Sick 'em boys!

BBQ: Consumes enemy's corpse for health
>I loves me the smell of long pig in the mornin'

Taking Damage:
>Watch the merchandise, asshole!
>Fuck they're dun turnin' us tah Swiss cheese

Near Death:
>Everything...is getting...woo....si..e
>You can't kill the McBastard!

Repeatedly Selected:
>You gotta purdy mouth
>Yer so cute, I could jus' eat you up
>You tryin' to get invited to my next barbaque?
>I want my buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-baby-back ribs, I want my buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-baby-back ribs

István Királli, Elf Merchant Prince
Everything is said in a fantasy Finnish Accent
>(First Time): Do I have a deal for you!
>(Subsequent Times): Money never sleeps!
>Point me towards profit
>What opportunity do you have for me?
>Let's ride!
>You sure? That path looks a little rough...
>For Tol Hansëa!
>This is an unnecessary expense!
>Time to earn your pay!
Activating Special Ability:
Deadeye Shot: Fires a super accurate bowshot from horseback.
>One shot, one kill
>Peak efficiency

Mercenary Ambush: Summons a number of mercenary soldiers that scales with ability rank for a limited period of time.
>The best muscle money can buy
>Get moving, what do I pay you for?

Taking Damage:
>This is not what I signed up for!
>I hope we budgeted for extra bandages
>This is going VERY poorly
Near Death:
>This venture is looking to be a disaster
>This investment might go bust
Repeatedly Selected:
>Elf has silk if you have coin
>I never paid for this
>The House of Purple and Gold assumes no responsibility for actions taking by irate guildmembers against annoying clients
>That's it! Prepare to be smacked by the invisible hand of the market!

> Fantasy Finnish
> Not one use of the word "Perkele"

Yegga, Neckbeard Hutt force user

Trained/Summoned: Choy Ateema...
What Now?

Selected: Is someone Injured?
Doth kaee kouikae
Leave me be!

Movement: There better not be stairs
Woy jee gee bai
Yeah, I'm going...

Attacking: Just like my Nemoidian Infomercials!
I'll get 'em
-Huttese reeeeeeing-

Activating Special Ability:
Gross Healing Hands: Yegga touches an ally with his slimy, cheeto dusty hands and instils them with force healing. Heals for a large amount and poisons the target

Stop flinching!
There you go
U Wamma Wonka

Saber Arc: Yegga Swings his saber in a wide arc, knocking back and damaging enemies in front of him

-Angry hutt yelling-
Yegga Smash!

Taking Damage: That tickles
They're fighting back!
Who shoots a hutt?

Near Death: This isn't funny anymore
But I don't wanna make a noble sacrifice!

Repeatedly Selected: Doh, ho, ho
It's me, the manly yegga!

Dammit, you're right.

Trained/Summoned: *Skitterix is here....trust skitterix....*
*AH! Oh good, I'm not in museum...*
(Soft chittering noise)

Selected: *You can see!?*
*Skitterix is prepared..*
*EMYO! Its time to move!*
*How much is the job...*

Movement: (Sound of claws on metal...)
*Ceiling or walls, which one....*
*Sneaking, sneaking...*
*Moving on food...*

Attacking: (Evil chittering noise, crossed with a laugh)
*Schlit, Schlit, shclitschlitschlit!*

Activating Special Ability:
: (Skitterix fires his nerual pistol, stunning the foe, and rendering them helpless)
*Best. Purchase. Ever.*

: (Skitterix gives a call to his pet/friend, Emyo, a former pirate turned merc, who is equipped with some of the best military gear available, courtesy of Skitterix. Emyo remains, till he needs to return to the ship in order to stop the insane scientist on board from crashing it)
*Emyo! Lets kill them!*
*Look, Skitterix paid for that armour, so you are going to use it!*
*EMYO! Get back to the ship, Zusa's let one of his experiments drive!*

(Skitterix is nearly invisible to the naked eye, and to infra-red vision. The only downside is he giggles constantly while sneaking on people)
(When undetected)
*Gonna stab something....*
(When Detected)
Bloodcurdling chittering.

Taking Damage: *Ow!*
*Don't let Zusa heal me! I'd rather die!*
*I bet that was the amoeba!*

Near Death: *Skitterix is not going back to a Museum!*
Low chittering sounds
*None... of you... are leaving.. this place alive!*

Repeatedly Selected: *Skitterix is beautiful yes, but kindly leave the spikes alone*
*That service costs extra...*
*Skitterix is not a museum exhibit, but that doesn't mean you can touch!*

Callan Redrook, Breton archer.

>Need the silent approach?
>The quiet knife strikes as the sword cannot
>You called
>Just give me my task, I've no desire to talk.

>You have need?
>Direct, the rest falls to me.

>On my way
>To forge a path
>To this hunter's craft, I lend my hands.

>Never the simple task
>Accounting for wind direction...
>Just...getting a bead
>Head in the bag, there's the message

Activating Special Ability:
>it takes but a single arrow...
Broadhead Shot: Callan selects a special breaching arrow from his quiver. Enemies below 50% health have a 70% chance of dying instantly. Enemies above 50% health will sustain significant damage.

Taking Damage:
>I've been spotted
>The sting of blades crossed...
>The pain is relative
>Their steel sings cold against the skin

Near Death:
>*cough* Stendarr...
>I hold...as you command
>The world feels...dulled
>Is my loyalty worth only your abandonment?
>...Maria?...is that you I see?

Repeatedly Selected:
>My hearing is NOT in question
>A simple task for me?
>If you've nothing to say...leave me be


>magically animated iron statue
>all diologue


Darwick Von Perkunslav and Lazarus the wonder dog mount.

Selected: Ja? Where am I needed?

Movement: Ride Lazarus. Los Los Los!

Attacking: {Inarticulate german yelling}, Fall to me!

Activating Special Ability:
Grüne Teufel: Herr Datwick begins humming a marching tune to boost speed of nearby allies. (can be toggled on and off, cant use any other ability when in use)

Mount / Dismount: Datwick hops off his trusty war corgi to allow him to fight by his side.

Taking Damage: Is that all? Mein mother hits harder!

Near Death: Did I make a difference? The (Silver)flame's warmth, it is good.

Repeatedly Selected: My dog is getting restless.
What is it, your wasting my time?
Do you really want to spend all your time clicking me?
.... Let me tell you about the elves.

>Activating Special Ability:
>: (Description)
Toby Elcross

>Does my hair look lively?
>Toby Elcross, artificer specialist, at your service.
>Wait, I wasn't going here...was I?

>Yes, sir?

>Don't make two more legs, it looks wrong...
>I wish i remembered my gasbike.
>I don't know, but I've been cold...What?

>I'll waste 'em!
>For mother and father!
>Target locked, sir!
>*tentacle noises*

Activating Special Ability:
Steal Identity: Toby constructs a full-body disguise of the last enemy unit killed, replacing his usual abilities with the disguise target's. The disguise has half the health non-disguise units have, which can be restored to full, and reverts to Toby when it's health is depleted.
>Look into my eyes.
>Do I have enough iron plates...?
>...five, six, seven scars. Right. How many liver spots...?
>Is that eye teal or turquoise? I can't tell...
Disguise Broken:
>Well. What gave it away?
>Nonsense, my performance was spot-on!
>Do you folks really attack allies on such flimsy charges?
>Aww, I worked so hard on that!

Line Cross: Toby rapidly shifts between monstrous forms before settling on a featureless humanoid form. Any unit within Toby's attack range is dealt 25% of their max health in damage at the start and end of every turn.
>This calls for something drastic.
>Avert your eyes, i'd rather you stay sane!
>I'm sorry, father...
>Another land we won't be welcome to. Welp, c'est la vie.

Taking Damage:
>Careful, you'll put someone's eye out!
>Paper cuts.
>Maybe invest in better swords?
>Not my bag, there's precious silk in there!

Near Death:
>It's just a heart failure, I've got spares.
>I'm losing an awful lot of blood...
>I said I'm fine! Sir.
>Nothing a bit of potion can't fix...

Repeatedly Selected:
>Indecisive? I know that feel...
>One more time, and i say the F-word.
>Fh'tagn! Stop that!

So I imagine it'd be something like the original Company of Hero's

Wade Ballard

"Do I have to?"
"I was in the middle of somethin'."
"Alright, calm down, I'm here."

*Heavy sigh*
"Yeah, I'm still here."
"It can't wait?"

"Throne this thing is heavy!"
"My boots are too small."
*Heavy wheeze* "Yeah, just gotta catch my breath"

"Covering fire!"
"Sorry friend."
"My shoulder hurts."

>Activating Special Ability
Suppressing Fire: "This'll keep their heads down"
Force any infantry in selected zone to become suppressed.

Jungle Warfare: "Finally, my knee's killing me."
Wade takes cover and prepares an ambush, doubling his damage for a short time.

>Taking Damage
"Move up the Russ!"
"When did they learn to aim?"
"That one trimmed my nose hair!"

>Near Death
"I knew you'd get me killed!"
*incoherent screaming far away from the mic*
"Oh shit, that's not supposed to bend that way."

>Repeatedly Selected
"Can I help you?"
"Just buy me dinner first, then we'll talk."
"Yes, Throne on Terra, I read you, OVER!"

>Jungle Warfare
Should have been "Prepared Position", he sets up on his bipod and can do double damage over a set arc.


Sebastian Talbot
-Great Old One Warlock
-Librarian turned Curious Truth-Seeker, learned about mysterious "Null" element from mysterious scholar "A.S."

>Another door, another room...
>Where've I ended up now?

>Did you say something?
>My turn?

>If you're sure...
>I see where it leads.

>Adjust clockwise. Kill this one. Flip horizontally.
>Bloodshed? That's a new step.
>You won't get in my way!

Activating Special Ability:
Puzzle-Box - AoE dazes enemy units, their minds thrown into labyrinthine confusion.
>Once to the left, thrice to the right...
>A maze? No. A Labyrinth. There's a difference.
>I saw the trap. You won't.

Null Emergence - Stony, yet near-liquid tentacles rip through the ground and tear through enemy units.
>Of course it's here, too!
>Gods, not again.
>You're looking for me as well, aren't you...

Taking Damage:
>Let's try that again.
>That didn't work...

Near Death:
>I was so close...
>All that... progress...
>A-Another... door...

Repeatedly Selected:
>Poking at the mystery until it answers itself doesn't work, you know.
>Would you stop? I'm *trying* to fix your problems!
>I swear to the gods, Craftsman...
>I'll lock *you* in a box this time! Don't think I won't!

> "CAS is now available."

>"5 by 5."
>"This is Archangel."

>"Cruise speed."
>"Vector assigned."
>"Clear the lane."

"Guns, guns, guns."
"Fox 2."
"Deploying munitions."

Activating Special Ability:
Anti-radiation: (Missile spread divides evenly amongst detector units in area)
>"Too much interference."
>"Clear the air."
>"Splashing their sensors."

Silent running: (Cloaks unit, but can't fire until decloaked)
>"Passive sensors only."
>"Targeting offline."
>"Switching to manual control."

Taking Damage:
>"Bandits closing!"
>"Getting clipped..."

Near Death:
> "Fuck, FUCK!"
>"Airframe damage!"
> "Terrain, pull up. Terrain, pull up."

Repeatedly Selected:
>And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
>Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
>O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
>O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
> "Ladies and Gentlemen, you may take your seats..."

kinda generic
Art looks neat. Is this creature loyalist or chaosite?


We need people to voice these. Where was the last voice acting thread?

On Veeky Forums? According to the archive last one was about 4 months ago.
In general, there was one on /co/ a couple of days ago.


Yeeeeeeah boy!
Awe heeeell yee.

What's good?
It's cha boi.

Zip zip zip.

Monster mash!
Choo choo baby!

>Activating Special Ability:
From downtown!
Pain train!

>Crescent Moon: Horn conjures a brilliant beam of moonlight from the end of his greatsword, creating an aura that heals allies and damages enemies over time.
>Super Victory Tornado: Horn activates all of his magic items at once, skating around the battlefield and striking every enemy that he can see.

>Taking Damage:
I'm still good baby!
I can do this all day!

>Near Death:
We can turn it around!
One last hurrah!

>Repeatedly Selected:
I wonder where my cat is...
I can see my house from here!

I thought they were more regular... Pity.

Sir Lucan, Half-Giant Prince of Burj

>My blood is saltwater, My bones the timbers of shipwrecks.
>The sea is cold, dark, and deep. It could use a Sheriff.
>Life or Death. Make your choice.
>On your order.
>Shall we advance?

>Roll like the tide.
>Press their lines!
>Im a half-giant. I take half-big steps.
>Float like a Dolphin, Sting like a sea urchin.

>Bas no Beatha!
>Flicker like Lighting! Strike like Thunder!
>Tu Eart Daudr!

Activating Special Ability:
Thunder Crush: Lucan unleashes the psionic stomp of the giants, known as the "Cragh-Step." All enemies in a cone take a reflex save or are knocked prone.

Shield Crush: Lucan charges forward into an enemy. With a successfu strike, Lucan shoves the enemy back a great distance.
>Get Back!
>Rogue Wave!
>Scum Overboard!
>Swerve, Peasant!

Taking Damage:
>*hisses through teeth*
>Not as bad as a shark bite, but VERY CLOSE

Near Death:
>*cough* I-I can't keep up...
>B-Bas no Beatha...*hack*
>My blood is...saltwater...my bones...
>Try it, Scum. Mine shall be a great funeral.

Repeatedly Selected:
>Rogue, your mother was a sea anenome.

>Rogue, your mother sea was amenapede.