As of to date - Creed. Because he's deep frozen in Trazyn's private collection.
Dylan Fisher
William Evans
Lincoln Clark
Joseph Brown
Are IG shotgun vets a viable option? Is the Demolisher Cannon on the Russ any good, specifically in 500-750 point games? Is the Trojan any good, or is it a waste of 90 points?
I get the feeling I should have consulted /40kg/ before building all my models.
Logan Jenkins
Someone help me name my chaos cult
Parker Perry
Have you ever hot glued one of your SoB minis?
Kevin Bennett
Mason Howard
Sly Marbo
Cameron Moore
I just started a GSC army. Should I reevaluate my life?
Cameron Foster
The Dove Purists
Cooper Parker
still not better than an eversor assassin, but probably cheaper
Matthew Sullivan
Angry Spider Dad's Fine and Friendly Fellows.
Nathan Ross
sons of the anus
Connor Scott
more of the lads if that helps
Benjamin Reed
it was asking for the coolest, not the best
Levi Flores
Thats totally a Malice cult dude with the big ass spider thing. Something like the Group of Discrepancy.
Blake Watson
and there big mama
ooh i like this one
oh shit haven't even considered malice. They were going to be undivided. I don't know much about Malice
Daniel Jackson
How to play Tau? I don't really understand when and how you're supposed to use markerlights.
Jack Gutierrez
Old One Eye
Nolan Moore
how to play Tau 101:
open your bin place models within reevaluate your life pick an army that's actually cool instead
Lucas Reyes
The dude on the left
Evan Torres
My dudes
Isaiah Sanders
Colton White
Aiden Jones
Luis Powell
>oh shit haven't even considered malice. I've referenced this a lot with my personal Malice force. Very well written.
David Gonzalez
>literally just a nameless bioorganism like every other tyranid >coolest character
And I say this as a tyranid player.
Levi Cox
Combat drugs. Not even once.
John Wright
IG shotgun veterans are very good if they’re going to be jumping out of a transport, high synergy with flamers and meltas.
I’ve seen people use a demolisher with three heavy flamers as a retarded hellhound with decentish results. Firstborn get to extend the range of it by 6” so a firstborn commander with twin multimeltas and a lascannon is good.
Colton Powell
Leman Russ
Kevin Murphy
Wyatt Stewart
Wew, is it just me or do those Loci for daemons suck ass?
Daniel Cox
Marbo is an out of date meme
Hunter Moore
He didn't ask for gayness.
Joseph Young
I dont think this is that bad. His explosives ability doesnt specify him being near anything, but that it needs to be on the field. You can use him to grab maelstrom objectives, blow up a tank or flier or something, fade out, and appear near another maelstrom objective.
Pretty sweet versatility, even if he's t3 5+
Grayson Walker
it's just you
Bentley Jenkins
there imagery and aesthetic is cool but there fluff is kinda alpha-legion tier
Adam Phillips
No, no. The gayness may continue for... research.
Dylan Rivera
>He didn't ask for gayness. Well you could just ignore Magnus if he bothers you too much
Caleb Reed
>sprue only comes with one of the weopons you can take two of
Andrew Butler
surely you mean retconned / 10
Andrew Evans
>sprue only comes with one weapon that can't be taken this edition
Brandon Watson
>The pain of being a mon'keigh Why can't I hold all this scatterlasers?
Thomas White
Bolters or Flamers for Rubrics?
Luke Fisher
>sprue comes with one of the weapons you can take 4 of >DE in a nutshell I really want to retry my recasting, but the first time I tried only 2/8 pieces were salvageable, the Power Sword and the Blast Pistol.
Hudson Murphy
Right now, only bother with one counter unless you REALLY need something dead. Focus fire is the name of the game.
Eli Fisher
Its not just you. The khorne one is underwhelming in MANY cases The tzetch one is useless when you do the math The nurgle one is useful for me but useless because it's not spill over damage Slaanesh is alright but requires the warlord follow along and is hilariously way better than khornes
Liam Gomez
That picture always gets a (You) out of me. Does anyone actually think the endless marines vs spiky marines wankery is a compelling narrative? They're barely even human for fuck's sake.
Joseph Wright
So just once per unit or what?
Ryan Richardson
I was talking about my warwalker...
Kevin Ortiz
Dark Eldar are easily my least played army this year. Given there's no sweet Drukhari box sets comparable to Calth or Prospero, and that people haven't been swarming out of their faction at the new edition unlike Tau, I've also not got as many points worth of them versus my Chaos and Farsight armies.
What's meta for them right now? How are they performing? I've heard they have trouble against hordes-- is that problem insurmountable, and how do they perform when compared to Craftworlders?
Noah Rodriguez
How do you think he'll look like on the tabletop? A Guilliman-esque statline with better melee but worse buffing is my guess. If he gets some sort of specific anti-Magnus feature (ignore invulns/strong deny/FnP versus psychic powers) it'd be pretty funny.
Sebastian Perry
>marines >armywide -1 to hit, advance and charge >guard >hordes of s4 guardsmen, rerolling all misses gunlines >tyranids >3 dice to advanced, can’t be tarpitted >daemons >use only 1/4 of your codex and stand within 6” of character for... rerolls to charge We’re being punished for Tzeentch being OP, he’s a giant fucking shitter who’s ruined it for everybody. >inb4 daemons are good if you take nothing but 200 lesser daemons and princes
Samuel Edwards
Dude, everything in the eldar line is convertible and compatible with everything else.
What do you need? Trueborn with blasters? Clip off the long barrels of dark lances, put them on the "action pose" models from the raider kit.
Haywire blasters? Attach the decorative blades to the end of weapons and paint it different.
Get creative, DE weaponsmiths should be in a constant arms race, so unique looking weapons should be your thing.
Parker Gonzalez
Yes. That's what makes it great.
Lincoln Rivera
>No sprue
Easton Howard
>sprue comes with 1 flail and 1 great axe, unit can take any 2 combination of the two weapons >flails are dramatically better, axes are embarrassingly bad >axes look so fucking cool though
Andrew Edwards
>DE in a nutshell
Logan Hernandez
How can I kitbash this dude to look a bit more Librarian-ish? I am gonna use him as my Libby. The wing on the arm I'm thinking of keeping, as my chapter are Blood Angel successors who are still very wingy
Xavier Long
I've already spend $50USD+ in casting materials, I'm pretty sure I could get by with Oyumaru+Greenstuff casting... Spare Dark Lances fucking where? I use them, too.
Jack Scott
it was just a joke reference to his fluff. just chillax dude.
Aaron Morales
>>marines >>armywide -1 to hit, advance and charge
Oh wow now I don't feel bad for alatoic, what the heck is this.
Sebastian Campbell
Put a book on his sword.
Julian Ortiz
Eli Hall
So would this guy be too big to work as a daemon prince proxy?
Brandon Turner
This sucks, but like said, conversions should be your bread and butter. Cut the rifle part off of a dark lance and put the tip on a splinter pistol-- you've just turned your dark lance into a blaster and blast pistol. Get creative my dude!
Thomas Sanders
Hang a book from his hip I guess.
Robert Hernandez
for how pretty the models are DE are cheap, it's great.
Asher Sullivan
the head is so bad
Alexander Ortiz
give him longer sword add book and a scroll or three
Luis Sanchez
Unironically Abaddon. I don't care for the stale memes. He is a ruthless Cthonian barbarian that is fighting to liberate the husk of the Imperium against impossible odds, trying to unite the shattered Legions invoking respect and brotherhood in his warriors, all the while trying to win at any cost and never backing down. He is simply the best and I couldn't be happier that current BL writers are finally doing him justice with their writing.
Jeremiah Hernandez
nah. he's bigger but not by to much.
Ryder Martinez
Add a book somewhere. Headswap + psychic headgear in GS. Paint helmet blue.
Sadly 2H swords don't really look like a spellcaster.
David Johnson
It's mostly the paintjob from what I can tell it looks better without paint.
Owen White
I love helper pepe. He's like a better nurgling.
Landon Sanders
> that face Whoever drew that needs to stop. Like forever
Colton Peterson
I want to say Vect, but in my heart of hearts I know it's Ahriman. He's a villain motivated by a sincere and unwavering commitment to do good and to hope for the future. He's tragic while still being evil, but in a lot of ways despite this you kind of want him to succeed. Who knows? Maybe he's right. That kind of depth isn't really achieved by any other 40k character imo.
Easton Rodriguez
It's the shitty citadel paint job.
Nicholas Morgan
>deepstrikes 15 plasma pistol wielding Death Company marines behind you
Austin Evans
>wow this weapon sucks, but man holy crap it would be amazing against terminators >repeat adnausseum
And this is why terminators suck.
Isaac Turner
>what's meta
3 razorwing jet fighters 3 ravagers 6+ venoms Stuff to put in it
>How are they performing
Not great
>deal with hordes
We have plenty of mass attack units in melee but no mass shooting, the best we can do is shard carbines which is 3 poison shots, no ap or shredders which are d3 shots s5 no rend reroll wounds. It's kind impossible without dedicating a large portion of points to it at which point you'll probably still lose.
>vs craftworld
They have a codex and are thus much more powerful and in are stronger in pretty much every phase.
Samuel Anderson
It's not just you, I'm pretty okay with the Slaanesh one, but I'm really hoping these Loci are just bonuses for dedicating to a single god and not the meat of the army.
Sebastian Williams
You would need to fire at least 2 markerlights to get a guaranteed hit of one markerlight on average.
Dylan Ross
They’re less powerful than craftworlds who are now, one of the top dogs again with their codex buffs.
They’re doing pretty well but splinter is as useless against hordes as always. The meta is darklight spam all the way. Two archons with blasters and trueborn with blasters in a raider. 5 man kabalite teams with blasters in venoms Ravangers with dark lances And razorrrr whatevers, the jet fighters with the missiles, splinter rifles and lances.
It’s a super fast gunline list but don’t fooled, just because those three units outshine everything else it doesn’t mean thecrest of DE isn’t solid now (except for haemonculi who got nerf batted in to uselessness)
Ayden Hill
Probably not because I'm not a retard and I know how to properly screen.
Kayden Cruz
From last thread :
Current tier for 2K WAAC matched play, post CA.
>Emperor tier -Cadian against chaos
>Top tier -Imperial guard -Various chaos soup with primarchs/horrors/alpha legion zerkers/poxwalkers . -Fast melee nids -Eldars with Ynnari Dark reapers
>Low tier -Deldar -Footy Adeptus Ministorum -Chaos demon (codex soon) -Normal Tau -Harlequins (Now that flyerspam is over) -Renegades and heretics -GSC -Necrons -GK
>Squatted when tier -Non-green tide orks -Inquisition -Deathwatch -SoS, Custodes
Asher Moore
It's just you - outside the Tzeentch one they're all workable.
Leo Wright
>muh screens
Can't you fags enjoy a meme for once
Mason Watson
Creed. He smokes cigars, has two pistols, a dope ass jacket, and he don't give a fuck bout no one.
Colton Green
>His explosives ability doesnt specify him being near anything, Wait, it doesn't? *Checks* OH SHIT MARBO'S BEEN IN OUR CAMP! EVERYONE! GET OUT OF THE DEVILFI- *Boom*
Daniel Gutierrez
>Emperor tier Thank you
Gabriel Allen
Why does your WL have to follow along as opposed to a generic herald?
Jack Lee
I was referencing the various traits marine both loyal and chaos can get. Both have a -1 to hit trait but chaos also has a advance and charge they can put on their helbrutes and giant dreadnoughts.
Andrew Evans
>drops 5 eversor assassins behind your Death Company