1 mana cards edition
>Comprehensive Rules
>Current Modern Metagame
>thread q
What's your favorite 1 mana card?
1 mana cards edition
>Comprehensive Rules
>Current Modern Metagame
>thread q
What's your favorite 1 mana card?
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Fuck one mana cards, 0 and 3 mana cards are where it's at.
Are you trying to meme me son.
so what do you store your collections in?
>1 mana cards edition
inspectorino is low-key the best creature in modern d&t
death & taxes!
not much. pretty fun across the board.
just variant d&t lists. i got a lot of 'em.
>>additional namefag blogposting
picked up a judge promo gaddock teeg today for just under 30 bones at the lgs. also played 3-round standard and went 2-0-split for 12 bux each. red decks real good.
i also played legacy d&t (moon tax) on thursday and got to helm combo game 3 against sneak & show.
I seriously think you're lying. That list is memes as fuck.
Nothing wrong with meme lists friendo
hi tg. I want to get into a red deck. I'm probably going to either buy Elves v. Goblins, Merfolk v. Goblins, or the Fire/Lightning precon. I realize you can probably buy the singles for a cheaper price than just the product, but I've got my reasons.
Which deck is objectively the best of those three? MvG Goblins, EvG Goblins, or Fire/Lightning Primo deck?
Best one mana card coming through. Amulet shitposting coming through.
You can also buy singles that will better than those.
I hope you realize what you're buying into and only intending on playing kitchen table magic with them.
Theyre all shite. Buy a burn deck.
I hear Merfolk v. Goblins is good.
Nice mana dork you got there
user's please help. What is the name of that land that gives your lands "add g or w to your mana pool" as long as it is in your graveyard?
we get it, you like dick
legacy staple Riftstone Portal
Gatherer fucking sucks, use Scryfall instead.
Relatively new modern player here.
Currently building a somewhat budget UB faeries. I am not sure what to remove or add.
4 x Faery Miscreant
2 x Quickling
4 x Spellstutter
2 x Pestermite
2 x Scion of Oona
2 x Vendillion
2 x Mistbind
2 x Bitterblossom
4 x Remand
2 x Mana leak
1 x Cryptic Command
4 x Opt
2 x Duress
2 x Fatal Push
2 x Go for the throat
A playset of Inquisitions are cheap. Much better than Duress in the mainboard. Thoughtseize is also pretty low right now compared to its usual price due to a recent reprint, although it's still like $14.
Should I drop 2 Inquisitions if I go for 2 Thoughtseizes?
Fire and lightning is pretty sweet. I have heard good things about merfolk and goblins too. Can't say much about elves and goblins though.
You guys are dicks.
What the fuck are you talking about
TS/IoK are best on turn 1 so you want at least 4 between them, if not 6
>car broke
>can't go to FNM
it would have been my first, I was so excited too
>plays Tron
>calls other people dicks
Honestly, I dunno enough about faeries to say.
Thinking about it, IoK is probably better than Thoughtseize here because Bitterblossom is competing for your Life as a resource.
Just depends on if you want more than 4 discard. I'd run a full set of IoK and use Thoughtseize for slots 5-8 as necessary.
>calling people dicks
>on a handcrafted chineese colored pencil enthusiasts board
What the fuck did you expect? for all of us to sing baba yetu and piss on the rug?
in the end it was the fucking namefag that was helpful
Since when is giving you the information to figure it out for yourself the next time not helpful?
Fuck off babby
Amulet would arguably be the thing to post out of that deck then yeah?
Back to /pol/ dick head.
>can't manage to do simple things on your own
>get insulted
>"they must be from /pol/!"
Do you get paid to be stupid or is it just for fun?
SOI was a terrible set, but secretly had good 1-drop commons.
Pic related
Fiery Temper (you're casting it for 1)
Thraben Inspector
Shit. Needs to have mesa enchantress and devotion land.
Is the uw taxes version any good?
you and shitters like you are the reason this site is a cancerous lump of trash. TWO fuckers help you end your retardism. but instead of learning literally anything, you take the handout and reeeee at the two anons who tried to help you.
5 seconds fukboi
5 fucking seconds it would've taken you to learn this mystical magical secret by yourself. i even used your own fucking post to test this. next time you think about asking a simple question like "whats the name of this card that does X" do us all and yourself a favor and kill yourself you subhuman swine
You already got 3 (you)s but I really have no idea how you see /pol/ in this post
So how'd you do in fnm tonight modern general?
I went 3-1 with amulet titan losing to a spreading seas on my simic growth chamber when I had a pact to pay
3-0 on saheeli evolution
There are simply not going to be enough cards that deal with the deck this thing will see play in when Kaladesh rotates. There's already a Brindle Shoat Dinosaur. Probably a lord or two. That 5/5 Trample Haste Limited bomb might even see play.
What do people think about Mardu Pyromancer? It looks fun, does it stack up to the meta? Pic is unrelated but is my answer to the thread question
So I'm building Bant Eldrazi and Bogles.
Kinda feeling R/G Tron and Titanshift after that.
Going off of the decks I enjoy/want to play. What else would you recommend.
jeskai or fish?
A drawback to multicolored taxes is your Leonin Arbiter hurts your ability to fetch. Also makes Nykthos weaker.
If anything, it would have to be a small splash. You might be better off playing UW Prison or something of the like.
Definite meme deck, but UW Oketra's Monument is fun.
>T3 Monument
>T4 Cast 4 Squadron Hawk and get 4 tokens
still don't know what I'm doing but I got this out of a booster, is it good?
How fast after the PT will Storm get banned?
could be a meme breech deck but other than that it's a dud
the very next bnr update guaranteed:
>bans grapeshot
>unbans BBE
>maybe unban green artifact land
>maybe unban SFM
>maybe unban JSM
>maybe unban GSZ
>tfw Green zentih's shadow
I thought bans were meant to normally keep archetypes in check, not remove them from the game? Isn't something like manamorphose more likely?
Zenith has to hit a green creature
reread green sun's zenith please
Thread question: Bolt.
Grapeshot itself will never be banned, WotC has always shown they want to preserve the archetype, just neuter it.
BBE unban is unlikely, the card is simply too undercosted for what it can do in a jund pile in modern. It's as out there as unbanning DRS.
Any color producing artifact land will never happen.
SFM is possible not very likely, the good archtypes it slots into are fairly poor right now though so it is possible.
JSM, which card? If you mean JtMS then no. The stigma that card has is too high for them to unban it even if it would be ok.
GSZ, fuck no. This makes titanshift too incredibly strong. You clearly don't remember how that card was in modern.
More interesting, what's the one card you would remove if you could? Not saying what you think is most likely, just what you'd most like to see in modern. Mine is Dark Depths. Maybe bring twin back too.
Punishing fire, hands down
God, could you imagine punishing jund in this format, I would be down.
Stoneforge right now would be straight up WB Tokens tech. No other deck can afford a minimum of 6 mana to get their creatures Pathed/Pushed for a chance to hit you with SoFaF.
How did you do at FNM, anons?
I brought Green Stompy, went 3-1.
2-1 against 3 color humans.
2-0 against Jund Delirium
0-2 against merfolk, got him to 5 life each time but didn't draw the pump spells needed to bust through, he spreading seas me with island walk lord and swung with 4 5/5's to win each game. Super frustrating, really could have won this one.
2-1 against mono-black devotion.
All in all did really well. 4-0 is definitely possible. Groundbreaker is amazing.
>The stigma that card has is too high for them to unban it even if it would be ok.
It annoys me that people flip their shit over Mind Sculptor. Like don't get me wrong the card is strong as hell but having a discussion on it's unbanning is impossible. Some people vastly overestimate the card. Always the same crowd of "ahuh huh I guess every deck will splash blue and 4 copies of JtMS lol huhuh"
Do people really think a 4 mana sorcery speed threat would REALLY be that good in modern right now?
>a guy I played at FNM tried to just pile shuffle for his shuffle and I had to tell him he needed to mash shuffle after
>Do people really think a 4 mana sorcery speed threat would REALLY be that good in modern right now?
It's not.
We only have to reference Standard to get the checks for Jace - Bloodbraid Elf and Maelstrom Pulse. Now, we don't have Bloodbraid but we do have the next best thing - Collected Company. Jace gets two activations at best then you're maintaining a winning position from a winning position otherwise you're just maintaining parity or losing because you cast a 4-mana sorcery as you put it.
Wizards just cares more about the price fallout. It would put a cherry on top and focus a lot of eyes on how fucked up the market is. They know it and they want to avoid that. The players on the otherhand are fucking retards and will either riot over prices or cry about the power, another situation Wizards wants to avoid.
It's a lose situation no matter what if they unban it. And they don't give a shit about the quality of the game so the win of letting players play with it doesn't even count as a positive to them.
The problem with caring is that it not only takes effort, it takes repeated effort over and over to maintain the message that you care. It's easier to not ever offer to anybody that you do care, that way they won't expect it again. And Wizards is not in the business to show they care because really, they don't want to put in anymore effort than they absolutely have to.
I've been testing a few builds.
So far my best success has been adding 4 death shadow to the deck list and tweeting a few spells here and there.
Aginst other fair decks and midrange strategies it's got great game. Especially death shadow variants. Big mana Decks like Tron and valakut are a pain in the ass. Overall the deck is solid abs lots of fun. I reckon it's the same match up consistency as jund, just a hell of a lot cheaper and imo more fun.
>What's your favorite 1 mana card?
The tears of burn players sustain me
>I thought bans were meant to normally keep archetypes in check
Hahaha look at this new fag.
I'm laughing. But I should be crying.
Yes, they should. But this is Wizards we are talking about. No sense of right and wrong.
I'd put my money on Electromancer or Baral, personally.
I've brewed a few Martyr proc lists that ran a one-of or two-of Aetherflux Reservoir but it never works out because I never get to 50. Usually just won or lost like regular Proc would
Got a fatal push and sold it, did I dun goofed?
Technically 1 CMC, yet pulls so much weight.
Been considering getting into magic recently. Did a draft yesterday with some friends, and quite enjoyed myself. What's a good way to start mtg? There seem to be a whole bunch of WotC-sanctioned 'beginners sets' and so on, but obviously I'm a bit skeptical of those.
Honestly, pick up one of the prebuilt commander decks and play commander at your LGS or with friends. Every other format is expensive and competitive, there's no point jumping in with something like that. Commander is all about crazy things happening with unusual cards, it's cheap and a great way to learn the game. You can pick them up online but please do support your LGS if you have one and get one from there. Pic related is the kind of thing you're after, but these ones are from a couple years ago. They make a new bunch every year.
Hadn't looked into commander before. Thanks for the solid advice, user.
Don't fall for the commander trap. Games are long, dwindling and usually end up in chaotic board states that teach you very little about "real magic"
Your bet bet is too attend draft session at your local store. If you enjoy the game still you should download a client like xmage and play magic online for free. Play test as many modern decks as you can till you find one you like.
Don't fall into the trap of buying boosters or boxes. They are worthless. Buy singles.
Just draft. It's $15 per go and that will be the end of that. The whole 60+ card deck situation is only going to end in tears and an empty wallet. The only people who would reasonably play the game are established; you're not so it's going to be expensive and inconvenient.
>Don't fall into the trap of buying boosters, do drafts instead!
>Play lots of modern decks!
Like dude, there's no point in a new player jumping into modern. Commander is fresh, fun, and best of all it's cheap. As a way of learning the game it's amazing, in no small part because it actually has the potential to be fun unlike competitive formats that rely more on purer gameplay to keep you entertained.
Seconding for staying away from Commander. It straight up teaches you how to play the game wrong. Leave it for when you are bored of 40 and 60 card formats.
Commander games are long, dull and full of dumb shit that sap all fun from actually playing the game. Politics takes way too much from being able to actually strategize. EDH is the last thing to look at if you want game play to have any meaning, at all.
If the person is in the market for dumb bullshit and freshness, sure Commander is the thing to do.
If the person wants to learn the game in a consistent setting, they won't play Commander. They'll be overwhelmed by everyone's stupid bullshit and the inadequacy of their own deck/wallet and get the wrong impression about how the game works in a heads-up mode.
And everything's fucking expensive. We all fucking lie to new players about doing shit on a budget but that just means we want to kick their shit in or we want to pass off our dogshit cards on them while they're naive and ignorant of what is or isn't powerful.
Don't play Modern, don't play Standard, don't play Commander. Don't fucking play Constructed unless it's with someone else's deck. Draft a couple times and get into the habit that your money is gone after drafting - and once you figured that out, realize we just saved you the effort of buying tonnes of useless fucking sealed product and opening it in your bedroom except you actually got a draft experience out of your money. And once you have an idea of how much experience you want for your money you can take a hard look at Constructed, and not that budget bullshit, but Tier-1 Constructed, and ask yourself, "is this worth my money for this experience?" I'd say no, but I'll let you decide for yourself.
Draft (obviously), but me and my friends just play 60 card casual. It beats modern and standard, and is cheaper than legacy
When was the last time you people had fun playing Magic?
FOund the commander scrub who can't handle high intense games and thinks competitive is unfun. Don't listen to this loser. You'll learn nothing more from commander than you would from drafting. At least if you draft you'll end up with a few ok cards you could sell or trade for.
While commander is fun, 4 player games can go on for a long time. Board states become a nightmare when figuring out attacks. Pre con packs are ok but if anyone in your friend group buys a single card for their deck it becomes an arms race.
The last time i played. It's because we decided to not pull out our Commander decks
The arms race is inevitable in any play group, user
I just had a great game up against grixis death shadow. Turn 5 wins. Heavy interaction. Most importantly. I didn't hate my friend afterwards
I enjoy consistent decks with redundancies without relying on tutors to achieve it.
Try not to rape any kids while you’re playing your little card game, faggots
Do you call advising someone of not making the learning and spending pitfalls of the game "not fun"?
Magic is possibly one of the greatest games in the world. It's also expensive as fuck and hard to learn and people will teach your wrong and sometimes it will be expensive because you learned wrong and were fooled into buying garbage.
This is how every player should learn the game:
- Draft, learn the rules, treat it like a movie ticket, the cards are a ticket stub and souvenir; listen to LRcast.com
- If you have a judge around, ask them for help; otherwise trust everything everyone teaches you to avoid conflict and afterwards look up the rules yourself to confirm whether or not they were correct
- Decide if you want to do Constructed; go to mtgtop8.com and see the cost of the top decks at the moment
- If you decide to start into Constructed; buy decks; don't sit on a pile of singles that you won't play with; buy singles to make decks, set deck goals and spend your money to achieve goals and not a fucking collection of random cards
- Do not trust that longevity and collection size translates to actual skill in the game; there's a good chance that people who have the largest collections and have been playing the longest are still fucking useless at the game
The arms race in modern or standard Is pretty limited user. Commander can get out of hand, especially when you start buying niche cards that see no play in a real format but have such a shitty printing they are pointlessly expensive.
Shouldn't you be in a commander thread talking about how it is or isn't fair for people to go infinite. Which is another reason why commander sucks. You have to agree to a power level or nobody has any fun.
Commander is a shit show. You're delusional if you think a new player should start there. Or you're just shilling for your shitty format and shitty general.
Why the fuck would i be there, you fuckwit? I fuck hate EDH. I just pointed out that the arms race will always happen. Competitive Magic is the end game to the arms race.
Snake waifu was the pic I had saved on my phone. Couldn't be bothered to download a pic of amulet.
cut keranos, gideon, evolving wilds, terramorphic expanse, ardent plea, as forestold, bow of nylea, monastary seige, supreme will and a post
add black, doomfall, real fetches, demonic dread, dismember, chandra, koz return, bontus, and two bloodmoon