Would you follow Commander Mom into battle Veeky Forums?
Would you follow Commander Mom into battle Veeky Forums?
She should cut all that hair really. Seems like a hassle to keep clean.
I'd imagine her role is primarily spiritual and ceremonial - think headmistress / drill instructor / sister superior.
So while buzzcut would make sense pragmatically, the decorum takes precedent here.
As a male, I don't think I'd be good for unit cohesion
That's some S-tier yuri right there, thank you OP
Depends on what the battle was for and if we could work on the same field without getting in each other's way. My tactics are up close and personal which means it would end poorly for me if we were hitting the same target and she can't anticipate where I'll move to next so as not to hit me, might also get her and her's in trouble with hesitating in the middle of a fight. Of we could work something out then definitely, if it would do more harm than good then no.
What's the story here, if any?
Imagine being a raging lesbian making 3k a month just from drawing your own personal fetishes on patreon.
no, but i would follow this one
If only...
They seem to prefer defensive fighting style judging by the use of shields and small arms. I imagine if you are the one to go on the offense you could coordinate with them to lead enemies into their killzone.
The fluff is on the blog or tumblr or whatever but IIRC:
>post-apoc fantasy world
>gun mom uses is a relic of the old world
>she is a saint of an order who seeks out those relics to use, study and protect
>saints are not allowed to die and kept alive with horrible surgical processes and old-world tech
>children are orphans given or taken by the church
>each saint leads and trains a group of orphans
>if a saint does die or a new relic is found then an appropriate orphan will be modified and made to take it over
It's grimdark and suffering but that is the author's fetish.txt. Tons of burned and scarred up and broken girls getting it on.
It would be fun to have a unit of Big Daddy Knights ride into combat to save them, then show how cruel and bloody frenzy they are, terrorizing the girls and having the mom drive them off with foul language and harsh words. They drag their feet out as the 8-9 feet tall behemoths apologize with deep basso voices and melancholic cadence. But like the machine men they are, with machine minds and machine hearts, they soon restart their rounds, searching for enemies to destroy or children to protect.
A relic of a begone age with no real place anymore.
>But like the machine men they are, with machine minds and machine hearts
I get that reference, Charlie.
I want my next character to BE commander Mommy
I want to have loving, passionate intercourse that involves a lot of kissing, hugging,
and hand holding with Commander Mom.
living the dream
>One of the orphans walk in
>Try to keep it on the down low
>Forced to explain the birds and bees to all of the girls
>Tension rises the moment the group comes across a lost boy
For a moment, I thought that was Geno Five-Two Chiliad.
>Would you follow Commander Mom into battle Veeky Forums?
No, but I would follow Daddy Hartman into battle.
>I place my Lucifer Black in attack mode and end my turn.
That's the spirit user! but in all seriousness commander mom is like 90% of my fetishes
>white hair
>probably fairly buff under it all
Best of both worlds?
Sounds like the good life to me, fampai.
Did she get half her body blown off or something?
Please refer to
More likely that's two separate injuries, one took arm and part of the face. Another one on the leg,
>titties on Hartmann
>Hartmann looking young
>no muscles
miss me with that gay shit nigga
Yes, but she's all right now.
What could've turned her face into ground beef like that?
From the looks of how far into the eye area it starts while leaving most around the nose area unburgered, I'd assume it was some type of projectile that ripped through the eye and out an ear.
Alternatively, getting grazed by a splash of acid or some burning agent.
On a seni-related note, does anyone have screencaps of that on /gm/-mom thread?
I don't have a screencap, but it was good thread.
I assumed the state of the scar and the hair was the result of some magical surgery or something since they line up so closely. That shit doesn't look natural.
i fucking hate you carlos
Ada a cute.
The assistant is and always will be the best girl from that "series".
>best girl
I'll be damned.
Jaded Chinese doctor needs a hug.
I'd suck his dick at very least
I see you're a man of Texas as well.
I will not let this thread go quietly into the night...
Commander Mom didn't let me sleep, so you lot aren't allowed to either.
Can I get a source? Pretty intrigued by the style
Hushabyevalley on tumblr
Thanks brother
To hell and back.
Candy may or may not fall off the bustle rack when no one is looking, too.
Is that a fucking retractable horn?
oni are idiotic
god I wish that were me
Log, 7 Januari 2234
Expedition made landfall on the fabled continent Dern-Rika. None of the horror stories turned out to be true, as the beach was simply empty sand. Dunes as far as the eye can see, with only a single smoke plume further to the east. The delta nearby has fresh debris, hinting at a city or at least habitation further upstream. We're setting up a camp right now, and apparently command plans to send out scouts further inland. Hope I don't have to lead the scouting party. I don't want to fight radscorps for dinner.
9 Januari 2234
I have to lead the scouting party.
13 Januari 2234
Found fuck all besides wasteland and one burned out husk of a house. Our demo trooper thinks it was Orcs.
14 Januari 2234
Of course there's fucking Orcs here. Our demo-trooper is not happy.
16 Januari 2234
The source of the smoke was not Orcs. I am now five rubles richer and under fire from psychotic shieldmaidens. Goddamnit Carl.
Addendum: Finally got to see the woman in charge, managed to make peace once I convinced them Carl had an accidental discharge. Turns out this is a pseudo orphanage and holy sactuary type thing? They're guarding some sacred relic of their order here. We're allowed to stay, provided we move on quickly. Most of these girls are young enough to be my daughter. Most of my troops are young enough to be my son. Yeah, we can't stay here.
I will fuck them both
I mean probably, if she's competent.
What I'm wondering is why she has no occular or implant of some sort. There clearly are advanced prosthetics in the world. I guess magic/technology isn't far enough to replace eyes and ears?
Sorry user, they're for each other
it looks like her flesh is turning into clay or something. Must be a chemical weapon
Second Addendum: The troops have mixed. Condoms are not standard issue. This is a colony mission now.
T-t-this is against Foundation regulations!
17 Januari 2234
The burned building happened fairly recently. The ladies are going out on a search and destroy mission of the horde that did it. Sadly unable to stop this rumuor from spreading, so I'm bringing the boys along. Not out of generosity but I just know I'll have to defuse a mines every time I brush my teeth, get dressed and fucking breathe irregularly until all Orcs in the neighbourhood are dead. The Mist here apparently oozes with the damn things, as well as a variety of nasty shit we don't get at home.
Caught the leading lady (Dana? Language is a bit weird here) at a bad time as she got suited up. Damn that woman's been through some shit. Hope she didn't catch me stare too long. Thank fuck I wore my peaked cap to shadow my eyes.
19 Januari 2234
Found trails of the horde. Dana thinks that's it's headed for some port or another? We didn't see anything sailing up the coast before we got here, and we'd have seen a horde this big. Thing is, we sure as shit saw no ports around either.
20 Januari 2234
Small horde tried to assault us. Some Orcs, some spider-bull-thing and a swarm of rad scorps. Between Saint Dana's seriously big gun, the shields, and of course Lavrov's high ex they never got near. Me and the lads ran the runners down before they could get away: No way in hell was this the horde we were chasing, far too small. Feels good to bayonet something.
Been swapping stories with Saint Dana these past few days. Apparently their lands used to belong to the same Empire our isles do. Makes sense given we talk the same language bar a hundred or so years of drift. They revere the ancients much like us even.
24 Januari 2234
I take back everything bad I've ever said about demo trooper Lavrov. We'd be right proper fucked by the horde if it wasn't for him. Apparently the guards had gotten into a legitimate 'My CO is better than your CO' argument rather than watch the fucking surroundings. Only lost a few tents.
Problem: My tent was one of those.
I will be back to finish this later.
I swear to god if you ruin good yuri with dumb dicks n shit
This is fucking legit cool though, don't care about the fetish aspect. The mom in OP seems like a cool as shit character. I always love battle scarred vets that act as parental figures for those around them.
Man I appreciate the effort but the artist/author of this is like 3000% gay and I just can't get into a straight interpretation.
I like this dynamic. Girls are given huge guns and shields and are trained to serve as defensive and support fire. Boys are shoved into armor and given swords, axes, and hammers and sent to go smash whatever is not on their side. Maybe fed a few alchemical cocktails to make them stronger/more aggressive.
Well I don't see you writing anything, dumb yurifag.
I mean I guess I could put together a bit of exploration in post-apoc and a heavy skinship bathing scene but it's awkward being put on the spot
Hush singlehandedly justifies the continued existence of Sweden
And then they kissed, and it was sweet and soft and tasteful and then it faded to white.
How can you ruin garbage?
Futa yuri is best yuri after incest yuri
I like, no matter what the others say. Please continue.
Futa is for gays
Yuri is literally gay.
There is nothing in this 'yuri' that went any further than what user has written so far, delusional yurifag. And that's the way it should be, do not ruin a pure and pleasant familial relationship with your disgusting yurifag thoughts.
depends, it would be at least nice if she stops to take care after me, I can take care after myself
Do you not know this artist or something
for the sole purpose of procrenation
As is futa
Why didn't her comics start in Feb 2017 like she promised then?
I know she does yuri, and that's fine. The problems only arise when you put smut where it doesn't belong, like in the lovely relationship between these girls and their adoptive mother.
what if the girls start to have strange feelings towards commander mom though
what if they just can't sleep at night because of it
what if they get all sweaty and nervous thinking of commander mom complimenting them or taking a bath in the river or her big... guns
Procrenating is what I fucking live for dude
>lovely relationship between these girls and their adoptive mother.
Sounds like the perfect place for smut to me, fag
You goddamn plebeian.
...in fact it's a gas.
Irregardless of yuri definitely being more than just smut, that is explicitly a great place for every form of yuri.
Wait a second...
>more than just smut
Not your bullshit again. Yeah that's right, romance and/or sexuality aren't involved in any way so it's not yuri. You don't get to expand your definitions to encompass any close relationship between girls. Skinship or whatever may count since even though the characters see no sexuality it's still designed to appeal sexually to the viewer.
Sex doesn't necessarily need to be there, but romance definitely does (sex with no romance may or may not, but desu at this point it might as well since that's what it's often associated with)
Learn something for once, ya ignorant plebs
>In memory of my grandfather
lost it.
I definitely would. Is Only War a good system for a military campaign? I want to play out some comradeship and fight against bad odds
Ah yes, the "it's still yuri because tentacles don't count" rule.
>you will never introduce your granddaughter to the wonders of yuri, putting her on the path to getting a doctorate in the field
>likes: tomatoes
>allergies: tomatoes
Oh, the suffering!