>the party finds a homeless half-demon who lives in a wet alleyway
>the party adopts her and saves her from a life of discrimination and homelessness
The party finds a homeless half-demon who lives in a wet alleyway
Was that slut ORCED.com though?
What even was the fucking point of this thread?
Good on you if you save the day
That slut fucked Orcs. I know it. She was craving BOC (Big Orcish Cock). No man will ever touch her now. Orc-fucking whore.
Not if you save this whore, she literally fucked Orcs. Only a true cuckold would save an Orc-fucking slut.
are you ok? do you want to talk?
I'm just warning you that she fucked Orcs and probably has STDs now. Orcs are nasty creatures and Orc-fucker needs to be socially ostracized.
Can you please keep your stupid fetish in /gif/
It's not a fetish, it's the truth. She fucked savage disgusting bestial Orcs. What a whore!
Could be worse, she could be an Elf-fucker
Elves are racially superior to bestial smelly Orcs. I bet you're one of those whores that love green dick.
>mind broken
>half naked
>smells of fish
There's not really any way back for her now. I'd just tie her to a public toilet with her legs open, scrawl lewd graffiti all over her body, and charge Orcs 1 copper piece each to fuck her. I'd probably make 100+ cps a day so it'd be an alright way to help cover my basic lodging costs.
That's right. Once an Orc-fucker, always an Orc-fucker is my motto.
but if its your motto then that implies you fuck orcs yourself
No, it means I look down on whores who fuck Orcs.
I mean would you ever settle for a woman who fucked Orcs in the past? Really?
How kan u hoomans even kompete?
t. elf
Orcs are such fucking subhumans.
>lowest IQ out of nearly all the races
>never achieved any civilization
>highest crime rate
>tens of thousands of human and elvish women raped by Orcs every year
>smell like shit
>refuse to integrate into civilized society
>Orcish culture and religion essentially consist of MUH DIK or declaring holy war on humans
Can you fucking Orcs get anymore subhuman? Fucking parasitical animals.
Demons and orcs deserve rights too, they're people.
What's wrong, user? Did your wife cheat on you as she gurgled a gaggle of smelly orc penises?
No. I won't run with a bleeding heart party
But you literally admitted you fuck orcs, right here.
There's no way I would ever agree to marrying a woman that even THINKS of fucking Orcs. Orcs are subhuman in every way and need to be genocided.
I meant that as a motto that I avoid women that fuck Orcs.
U hoomans take horde land. Not r fault. We dun nuttin'.
Shut up you fucking Orc vomit-skin. The only thing you Orcs are good for is being slaves, you fucking lazy rapist parasites.
U hoomans, all same. Orc can't make life 4 self.
I came in here expecting the "eat ALL the eggs" meme, but I'm pleasantly surprised by the Ork hate!
What even was the point of you're mom.
I feel like this is a blatant rip off of this picture.
Did this whore fuck Orcs as well?
I feel like this scene composition is generic enough to make both millionth rehash of something far older.
>the party adopts her and saves her from a life of discrimination and homelessness
Now why would I do that?
>orc-fucker desperately backpedals
nice damage control
It's supposed to be the elf girl from the Hobbit movies, so probably.
Why are you so obsessed with fucking Orcs? There was nothing to.imply the OP fucked Orcs, that's just a dumb fabrication you made up.
Seriously, is this some wierd psuedo-meta shitposting that's meant to "ironically" emulate /pol/ or something? What the fuck is wrong with this thread?
I mean, I get that the thread is shit, but you don't derail shit threads by acting like a bigger piece of cancer. You derail them by take the topic super-seriously and derailing it with talk of the economic and cultural strife amd hardships of demihumans in the ghettos, self-fulfilling poverty and degeneration caused by insular tribal culture of impoverished minorities, or something like that.
Seriously, why is the quality of shitposting so incredibly shit nowadays
>self-fulfilling poverty and degeneration caused by insular tribal culture of impoverished minorities
They're poor because they are stupid. All orcs and demons think about is sex and violence.
Look at that fucking slut. Half-naked in an alleyway, ready to suck any passerby's dick. You don't think she had Orc dicks in her ass, pussy and mouth? That fucking whore probably had more Orc dicks inside her than a brothel. Why are you such a cuck, user? Would you ever agree to date a woman who had more miles of Orc cock inside her than a marathon? Or are you an Orc yourself?
>the party finds a homeless half-demon who lives in a wet alleyway
Yeah, sure, just another homeless street urchin.
>the party adopts her and saves her from a life of discrimination and homelessness
...You lost me. If I wanted to do good (which is unlikely in the first place), I would change society that creates street urchins such as her, not help them on case-by-case basis.
user. There are no Orcs in this city. They were all killed and driven off during the Purge, remember?
It sounds to me like your some degenerate criminal so obsessed with fucking Orcs, that you're probably secretly harbouring them for sex slaves.
user, you are hereby arrested for Crimes against Racial Purity in the Grand City. You have no right to an attorney, you have no right to a fair trail, and everything you do and don't say will be used against you. Say goodbye to the surface creep, it's off to the Mines with you
I'm not taking it seriously, I just find it funny, and I assumed that the other guys were joking too. although makes me think that they might be less self aware than I gave them credit for
I ain't 'saving' nobody. I am employing them. Get them some ramshackle equipment and a club. They can start out as a trapfinder, if they are good then they can work their way up through the ranks. If they aren't then they'll probably be dead after the first or second run.
>She is regulated to carrying the baggage and loot
>Poverty has broken her to a point she wouldn't consider refusing the roll
>No one speaks halfglish so everyone just calls her Bags.
>She does nothing but carry the load and vanishes on her free time which everyone assumes she spent out getting orc dick.
>Party eventually tires of the mortal plane that can no longer challenge it and descends into the abyss.
>Eventually end up facing Asmodeus and nearly end up wiped due to DM's bullshit pulls
>Rogue speaks up and fakes him out as child services here to collect on his social contract to provide for his bastard child Bags.
>Bags this entire time has in between gaining muscle from hefting around the burdens has practiced her fraud against those who could reasonably been her parents.
>DM scoffs and says if they can pull 3 nat 20s in a row they'll accept it.
>Bags makes it happen, the party collects child support and departs for the world above.
>The party retires to live a care free life scamming humans and demons alike for child support.
>Bags comfortably settles down after buying her way out to live quietly as the mistress of a whore house catering to orcs.
Judging by the responses, it’s a desperate cry for attention
How can you be sure there are no Orcs in this city when we have these half-demon half-human sluts walking around? I'm pretty sure there's gotta be a few Orcs in this city. At the very least, there are Orc travelers who probably spend their time filling whores like these with their smelly nasty green cocks.
And yet here you are, defending these sluts, pretending as if they aren't cum dumpsters for filthy Orcs and other miscreant creatures. You are nothing more than a cuckold and you don't have the authority to send anyone to the mines.
Look at the way he talks bout orcs and how praises blade ears. Truth couldnt be more cleaner fella but I'll put in terms that these dendrophiles can understand: he wants the Big Meaty Orc Dick
See, these limp-dicks spend years eating shit like poems and books written by sad fuckers a millenia ago 'fore actually boning a woman. Unlike the average orc who fucks or is fucked as soon as it enters the world.
So imagine this prude fucker, struggling to piss as he cant stare at his tiny dagger-shaped dick, casually watch how these sweaty buffed green diggers engage in primal carnal love by clashing their "swords" right on the fucking forest his ancestors blessed. And the tree fucker feels anger, not for the now desecrated woods covered in pig jizz, but for the fact that he will never have that.
>quoth he, crying for user's attention
>you spot a faggot OP
I tell him to kill himself
Dwarves are barely any better than Orcs. I hope you mountain-humping, cave-dwelling freaks get genocided. Fuck you and fuck Orcs.
these threads always make me uncomfortable
Shes way too clean to be homeless
Because she fucks Orcs for a living.
I'll probably shove her up my ass and grind her down into a paste which I shit into a summoning circle to summon ass goblins.
What makes me uncomfortable is the fact that this whore fucks Orcs. That's uncomforting.
innate spellcasting from demonic heritage -> Prestidigitation
That would make her dirtier.
You have such a fixation on orc fucking, you're likely a closet orc fucker yourself, wanting that big green shaft inside you, swollen balls slapping against your skin until a final hot release.
You orc fucking faggot
>when we have these half-demon half-human sluts walking around?
Half Demons, or "Lower Humans" as they are legally called, are given special permission to live in the city for their efforts in using their Fiend-magics to immolate and destroy the Orc scum. While their impure lineage prevents them from possessing all the rights available to natural Human citizens, they are still allowed some minor protection under the law, much more so than those dirty Elves and Dwarves, who conspired to bring Orcs into our fine city, and as such were also purged and sent to serve their long lives in Labor Camps.
There are no Orcs in this city, and if you knew of any you would've done your duty as a citizen to inform the City Watch of them so that they may be erradicated. Since you have not done so, yet claim there to be Orcs, you obviously have been withholding information from the Watch, which in punishable by Torture, followed by 50 years in the Labor Camps.
You're under arrest creep.
Dwarf, you have violated your incarceration. You are hereby placed under arrest and taken back to the Labor Camps, where you shall be brutally scourged and starved before being put back into the production line. Creep
You are also under arrest for keeping information from the City Watch, and are charged with Crimes of Conspiring against Racial Purity. That's 50 years in the mines creeps
I'm just pointing out that she uses the money she makes from fucking Orcs to afford products to keep herself clean. Did you think that slut would let you see her with all that Orc jizz on her? Of course she would put on a clean image to lure human and elvish males to fuck her without even realizing they're sticking their dicks in a pussy that had a million Orc dicks inside.
They're made, not born. They have no sexual organs nor reproduce.
You just want to be her don't you? Guzzling orc jizz and getting your ass stretched by thick orc trunks. It's ok to be in denial about it.
You're a fool. I'm just warning you that you're fucking an STD-infected pussy that was fucked by every Orc within 100 miles. Be my guest if you want to stick your dick in that cooch. Don't say I didn't warn you though.
>every Orc within 100 miles.
Except there are no Orcs within a hundred miles. This is Megacity, and all the Orcs were killed in the Purge over 80 years ago.
Someone call the City Watch, this man is either a spy, or has gone insane and is trying to encourage Orc Sympathy and Civil Unrest!
If you want me to pretend to be an orc I'll fuck you if you're pretty,you seem desperate
The problem with ironically pretending to be Nazis, or in this case anti-orc racists, is that it allows actual nazis to feel at home and thus invites them to come be faggots here.
This thread may not directly be neo-nazi shit, but it's very thinly veiled. I don't like it.
>Except there are no Orcs within a hundred miles.
You keep telling yourself that buddy. Don't come crying when you find out your wife is getting stretched out secretly by 3 Orc dicks at the same time.
Hit em with the gay shit
I can two of my friends and we can fuck you. Hell we could probably get some free body paint to help with the fantasy if you want. Fill your boyhole with our filthy orc rods
The fuck is that? Every citizen of the Megacity is altered at birth and is unable to procreate without permission from the City Watch. And only then Procreation is only performed by the Civil Birth Servants who spend their whole lives living in the Civil Population Centers where they birth and raise the next batch of citizens. What is this "wife" thing you speak.of, and why would I use that, when the Holy Cathedral has Sacred Prostitutes for that shit.
Seriously, didn't you pay attention in the City Schola?
Gay orc shit, gay elf shit, or regular gay shit?
I am convinced this guy is just trying to make me want to jack it to orc gangbang porn.
This isn't GW general, kiddo.
Orcs are made out of evil, treachery and niggers.
Stop wanting to fuck orcs then.
Reminder Citizens, that owning, purchasing, consuming, and/or viewing any form of pornographic material that is related to Orcs, or engaging in any form of sex-act that is meant to allude to Orcs and/or Orcish practices is against the Megacity Purity Laws, and is punishable by 20 years in the Labor Camps
Citizen, you are hereby arrested for multiple counts of accusations of Orc Conspiracy for the purposes of causing civil unrest and panic. Both you and the Lower Human in question are to be arrested and taken in for questioning. You will be sentanced to 40 years of in the Labor Camps. If the arrested Lower Human in question is guilty of illegal solicitation with illegal Subhumans and/or Nonhumans, then you will both be instead sentanced to 50 years.
Get in the paddywagon, creep
Did she eat the eggs?
>tfw no savage orc boyfriend to fill my elven womb up with his bastard child
>mfw an elf boi thinks he is getting to spill his sap in my glade
>"look at me, i'm so smug, just look how superior and unfazed i am, who even wants grapes, they're sour lmao"
Yeah, you sure convinced me.