Would creepypasta or other modern horror work as a tabletop thing or is it just a pipe dream?
Would creepypasta or other modern horror work as a tabletop thing or is it just a pipe dream?
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No because creepypastas tend to be terrible.
You could easily get the creepypasta experience by making a horror tabletop campaign that is mediocre in every way. Make it a video game creepypasta for maximum mediocrity, especially if it's a cartridge possessed by Satan.
A horror tabletop could work well, creepypasta's are absolute garbage though most of the time
It can, as long as you segregate it enough from memes.
I still maintain Slenderman is pretty damn creepy, though there may be too much cultural osmosis for most normies to appreciate him.
I would look at the creepypasta and urban legends that you like, try to pin down what elements they have that appeal to you, and then have a go at making your own OC with those elements as inspiration.
Creepypasta doesn't even work as a horror genre
Does anyone have the one with the McDonalds and the bomb? I fucking love that story.
>tried to make my own videogame 'creepypasta' once
>About a City of Heroes private server with a special halloween event that used lots of Creepypasta, urban legend, and J-horror stuff.
>No actual supernatural elements and the narrator is psyched for next year
>The real horror is that there is no such thing.
Figure out what makes a TTRPG scary.
I don't think you could really horrify your players, at most make it tense and creep them out a bit.
But still find the elements that reach the mood you want and use those.
Just throwing in an enemy from creepy pasta doesn't make it scary, if Slenderman turns up in my Only War game I don't suddenly pee myself.
Actually that’s not slenderman.
That’s looksee from cryptTV. He’s similar but different enough to be interesting.
Some might work, but it's seperating the gold from the dross. Very little creepypasta is good, and basically nothing that bills itself as creepypasta is. I'll admit to cribbing some ideas from a creepypasta or two for a horror campaign and it worked well, but I think that's mainly because they were pretty good stories and I adapted the fuck out of them.
My Dad Finally told me what happened that day and An Old Fashioned Ghost Story,
if you were wondering. Both by the same dude.
I steal shit from creepypastas all the time for stuff like WoD. The trick is to steal elements you like from them, and rework the parts that you don't like. There's a bunch of shit from the Bogleech Creepypasta Cookoffs that would make excellent monsters/anomalies/events for a WoD game.
A lot of the original stuff with slenderman, especially the photomanips from the original SA thread, are fucking great. It's a pity so many of their elements got lost along the way. I was always a fan of the pictures that had the hanging sacks of meat implied to be the organs of the victims.
I was and still am an absolute sucker for Slenderman stuff, especially the Youtube series stuff. Marblehornets, Tribetwelve, EverymanHYBRID, and Darkharvest00 are all crack to me
Have you guys seen “the cry of Mann?”
It’s a live action theater/stream that somehow wasn’t ruined by the internet.
Plus some of the text/theming was ripped straight from Lovecraft.
Good stuff.
>no scp
Shame on you guys.
Wham City/Alan Resnick are amazing in general
I reallly wish he hadn't become a meme and shitty indie game fodder. The Slenderman is a really interesting bit of modern horror-folklore, but there's absolutely no way I can use it for basically anything. Hell, I've gotten flak for using things that are only sort of reminiscent
Haven't seen Cry of Mann, but basically all of Wham City's stuff is pure gold, especially This House Has People In It, which goes from surreal horror-comedy to just fucking nightmare fuel once you watch the videos hidden on the site.
Hey now. SCP has some good stuff, it's just buried under a lot of bullshit and dumb nonsense. Antimemetics Division is dynamite stuff, for instance
I've seen nightminds video on it, that man has the silkiest voice ever
Nightmind's voice makes me want to cum. Thanks for reminding me he uploaded a video recently I was meaning to watch
The thing which really sucks is those games actually do get Slenderman right. They just attracted a bunch of fairweather fans.
I don't think it works so much as an entire game, but rather you take things you like and adapt them into other games.
You also need some neat source material and the more proliferated something is on the internet, the harder it's going to be for you. Like the Hound of Mons, nobody is going to see that coming.
Delta Green
>Antimemetics Division is dynamite stuff, for instance
I'd say they only sort of get him right. There's not a lot of atmosphere and buildup,which I think is crucial. Not to mention the fact that there a whole lot of shitty indie cash-ins
maybe focus on the 'modern horror' angle more
Original slenderman and some of the early stuff is genuinely good.
It just got memed too much and the stuff been done now with it is shit.
They could work well as "side missions" in a WoD Hunter game. Something to give a break from just vampires and werewolves, but also put the players out of their depth.
Some of the things featured in creepypasta could be re-purposed for tabletop, but the actual narrative structures used in creepypasta are totally unsuited to an rpg campaign.
I’d use the SCP foundation as a base, a whole organization made to deal with stuff like this is a great opportunity for stories.
You can’t use blood and scary costumes so focus on creepy world building. Like Jorden says about albino lullaby, it’s not scary until you learn more about the world and use your imagination.
Damn, that's a terrible creepypasta