>>>RULESReminder that nobody is entitled to a delivery under any circumstances within these threads. >Ignore the bait, you're better than this >Stay on topic
Artists and Artists-to-Be: >Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but: >If you're dropping your commission info, consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising
Posting request from threads past. Requesting a drawing of my Orc Gothi. 1 is his hair, but it's black/dark brown instead of blonde. 2 is his skin color. 3 is his pose, sans shield. 4 is his sword. He has a triquetra (5) carved into the center of his chest.. He only wears brown leather pants/breeches with a bit of bear hide falling around his legs, and boots (6, but a little bit less gold, and more scratched up.) He's 7 feet tall, and weighs about 300-400 pounds. Also, he has small(ish) tusks, and pure white eyes. His ears are pointed, and are on a slant in such a way that they sorta go towards the back of his head. Thanks in advance if any drawfriend is interested!
Kayden Martin
A recolour would be great, anything more would be incredible.
Lincoln Wright
Hello drawthread, I would like to request my Dark Elf rogue. I know she is not overly original but her is her information.
Numbers in relation to reference pic.
1 = Body type, she is only 5' tall and has a slim body, no big boobs/hips. Her figure is this way so as to allow her maximum flexibility, and the ability to slip through opening that most full grown adventurers could not. 2 = Facial looks, she has short shoulder length hair and tattoos just below her eyes from her youth. 3 = Her daggers look like this, she has at least two on her person at all times. More are kept in her pack. 4 = As a general pose idea would like to see her balancing one of her daggers on her finger tip like shown here but with a more playful manner of an expression. 5 = Ivory goggles, these help her to see during the day. When not using them she wears them on her forehead like a bandana. 6 = Wears a very long red scarf like this one only hers is a little more tattered from years of adventuring. 7 = Wears a harness setup like shown here, keeping her thieving tools and equipment light and tight so as to minimize the chance of getting snagged on something. Also from this pic she wears the short glove on just her right hand with the forearm wraps on both arms. 8 = Most of the outfit here is like what she wears. The skintight body suit that ends at the shoulders and calf's, knee pads, and the toe shoes.
Nathan Russell
Migrating! Requesting my hexblade. Using this image as a base for and outfit. Then a long sword that is cracked and notched from wear in one hand.Then the other holding a blackened copper piece with a purple spell effect around it. Darken up the skin to a more chestnut brown and throw some dreds on him. Maybe a hat of some sort and more dynamic posing is up the the draw friend. Thanks in advanced! Game finally started recently and Harlow has done well thus far.
Asher Butler
I need someone to draw the most metal and awe-inspiring bard ever. Its Joakim Brodén as a Gnome Bard! Good luck!
Christopher Stewart
A 40k request, could I get a conquistador-esc looking character like pic related covered in purity seals and the like riding on the back of a cybered up Horse with his musket/blunderbuss in hand.
Eli Thompson
so I have a character in a weird war game. Subverted German, did undercover work for MI13, now involved with a squad hunting down and shutting down rogue weapons programs. Has a bionic hand ala Gotz ironhand, wears a british uniform. If I could get him smoking or drinking whiskey that'd be nice.
Jordan Ramirez
Requesting my new cleric. 2 is the base for how he's dressed, but with the blue and grey cloth replaced with red on white, and the Sigmar iconography (hammers, eagles, etc) replaced with snakes and specifically 4. Maybe a book on his hip also?
3 is his hammer, which I'd like him leaning on or doing that weapon on the shoulder thing. He's only got the one, and it's about 5ft long.
Face is a mixture of 1a and 1b. He's supposed to be kind of grotesque and inhuman, but trying to be charming. Maybe doing 1b's wall eyed grimace-smile
4 is his holy symbol, so replace the golden hammer on 2 with a medallion of it.
Camden Torres
Jason Stewart
This picture but with clanrats instead of people.
Mason White
I think a version like that already exists, but with the major skaven characters.
Dylan Taylor
I'd like to request my Fire-Aspected Dragonblooded Sorceress for a game of Exalted (and since not everyone knows what the fuck that string of jargon means, she's basically a Firebender who uses literal fucking magic instead of boring-ass firebending. And who is also rich as fuck since her and her kind run the world.)
She's got the head/hair/face of the girl on the top right, wearing pure-black (the frame, not the lenses - those are made of clear crystal) glasses like on the bottom-right, and the outfit on the left.
She doesn't have a staff (and in fact doesn't wield *any* weapon, relying on her sorcery and the fuckhuge fox made of fire that is her Familiar to get her through fights), and her robe isn't missing any of those odd panels on the side (bare thighs and bare upper arms are both desired, however). She does have the book, and in fact it should have two golden gemstones embedded in the spine, and maybe an circling Asian dragon (the snakelike ones) instead of the lizard-looking thing.
Thank you in advance!
Wyatt Reyes
Requesting my Twi'lek ex-commando medic for an EotE game - all the relevant information should be in the reference image. Thanks!
Austin Mitchell
Oh shit, somebody made one of those a Space Marine? This ain't gonna end well.
Gabriel Peterson
Anyone interested in drawing one of the major deities of my setting? She's the goddess of the sun, and is a bit of a nerd that likes reading and writing.
>Half-elf lady >She has her hair hurriedly put into a bun with a crystal made of sunlight >She dresses in tunic, breeches, and leather boots of high quality given to her by her followers >Green or golden eyes >Almost always smiling
Carson Williams
Migrating If someones interested can you please do my Star Wars character for an upcoming Star Wars game?
My character is a Neimoidian, his skin is in a mix of green and red hues (with a touch of grey), his clothing is in a similar fasion to the far right picture, but with more blue and grey colours. He is wearing/holding a backpack like in the middle left picture that has a faded C.I.S symbol on it (the middle picture). He is also wearing a hat like the one you can see in the reference picture, and finaly he can be holding/beeing seeing carrying a pistol version of the blaster gun pictured at the bottom.
I thank you in advance Drawfriends!
Levi Martinez
David Jenkins
Hey Lewd user, hows it going?
Hudson Flores
Sebastian Miller
Matthew Russell
But what if I already use firefox?
Joseph Taylor
I would like a picture of a child Eldar, around 9, crying/yelling at an adult Eldar going
>I'm actually 98 and a half! I want to do the Path of the Warrior!
Since I learnt you become sexually mature at 100 as an Eldar and that's adulthood and when you start your paths.
Ryder Adams
It's not even by me, it's been a thing for years, I just gave it to you to save people trouble. But I felt a brief moment of joy thinking about you thinking I did it
Ethan Ross
Anchoring this for my own sake.
Kevin Gonzalez
I'd like to have an important NPC drawn.
Generalfeldmarschall Wolfgang Sebastian Bergmann
Known as the Avatar-of-War to elves, Lord of Iron to dwarves, Storm Eagle to centaurs, Engineer of Extinction to gnomes, and the Drawn Sword of Mankind to orcs. He participated in 231 battles from skirmishes, to sieges, to grand pitched battles and won 219 of them. He fought with and aganist every power in the times of the Rearrangement and the Dance of States and highly responsible for humans becoming a major power on their own from the border duchy of the elven empire. He is beloved by his own men, respected by his enemies and refused every gift, titles or land lavished on him by grateful allies because his loyalty to his ruler is paramount and cannot be comprimised. He even refused the status of nobility from his own king, lest he would be accoused of wanting a political carreer. He is a highly popular subject from all sort of art, from war epics, to folk songs, to scluptures. Unfortunately, they all got it wrong.
Wolfgang himself is a short(about 158cm), slightly pudgy, heavily balding middle aged man with a prominent and crooked nose. He also wears thick glasses and has a duelling scar on his cheek. He likes to wear unadorned, plain uniforms and never wears a hat. He likes tea, chamber music, and modelling ships and dislikes talking, smiling and alcohol.
I'd like to have him standing before a napoeon-in-the-alps styled outrageously heroized painting of himself and being obviously very entertained but showing only the tiniest of smirks.
Levi Rogers
Also, forgot to say, willing to add extra information about his office or extra details if anyone wants to draw this.
The PCs will meet him for the first time and it will start a new chapter in the game, so I'd really like their dashed expectations illustrated a bit.
Kayden Harris
anchoring color ref for drawfriend working on this
Luke Miller
Same old.
Gabriel Garcia
Remember when threads used to regularly go into multiple ones? Good times. Now look at us. Glad you're still drawing, always enjoyed your shit.
Landon Morgan
>Lewdanon back this new year
Okay, might as well take the oppurtunity to ask him.
Yo Loods, requesting a female human soldier rescuing an elven prince.
The human female soldier essentially wears the same gear and or getup in the left, except for the helmet. She wouldn't be wearing it, maybe make her have a bob hairstyle or a cutie tied-up or ponytail hairstyle and Eye black markings on her face beneath her eyes. Have the female soldier rappelling or fast-roping down from a helicopter and she'd be extending her arm reaching out to the elven prince.
And the Elven prince looks like the one in the left side of the image, he'd be a young man and would be happy and glad to his saviour. And he would be teary-eyed with joy.
And go ahead and add a few or so dead badguys with bullet holes around the background if it's okay. Thanks and happy new years to you.
Ian Powell
Here's to hoping I can finally get this fulfilled for the new year.
Requesting the Husky-Dog-Monster Girl in the right pregnant with her human husband at the left snuggling with her and rubbing her pregnant belly as they're sitting on a couch in their living room.
Bentley Moore
40K request; requesting two higher-class imperial officials who are the parents of an adolescent girl disapproving of her in trying to become a sister of battle/sororita.
The father; wearing and or looking like the uniform on the left, is face palming disappointingly and the mother; who's wearing the uniform on the right, is sternly and bluntly telling their daughter "No." With her arms crossed. Also just add the appropriate Imperial Military emblems and logos on the parent's uniforms; two-headed eagles, gold skulls, etc.
Plus the adolescent daughter would be holding a poster that's basically saying: "Join the sororitas, become a sister of battle." While also looking sad that her parents disapprove of it
Lucas Ross
Re-requesting Requesting a male dark eldar, perhaps an short haired cutie archon. Daydreaming and or fantasizing about being cared for in a femdom relationship with a human woman looking like pic related.
Dark Eldar male is fantasizing about human woman in pic related hugging or holding him like a teddy bear while giving him head pats.
DEldar guy is hugging himself and smiling with eyes closed.
And maybe one or two of his fellow Dank Space Elves looking at him confused with raised eyebrows, also implying one of them knows what he's thinking about
Aiden Foster
Fucking kek, on point right when this faggot arrives
Tyler Peterson
I'd say coincidence. 'Cause goddamn how has my monstergirl-related request garnered the hatred of furry hate? Monstergirl and furry shit's different.
Plus I'm also wondering when that one lore-fag who'd pretty much be "those clothes are not lore friendly!" at 's request.
Jaxson Evans
>people post requests when a guy who's been doing requests for Veeky Forums for the past 4-5 years appears Wow, whodda thunk?
Hunter Green
William Rivera
>people (pl.)
Elijah Sullivan
How does one get over the fact that the people filling requests are actually really fucking good and you are just starting out?
Thomas Young
you practice until you're really good. This is what the threads are for, practicing or bored artists. Most people will be happy with whatever they can get.
Lincoln Ward
>cybernetic lekku Isn't the brain stored in the lekku? What the hell happened to warrant that?
Wyatt Thomas
>Isn't the brain stored in the lekku? You are correct about that. A part of their brain is stored in their lekku however their have been Twi'lek's who had a lek completely severed and did not appear to suffer any permanent brain damage.
Not OR.
John Cook
Requesting the character on the right with the expression on the top left, grinning and revealing teeth like bottom left. The scar and cut ear that he has should be fresh. If you want to add any background I'd appreciate if it was desert inspired.
Caleb Bennett
Requesting my "creepy doll"-styled halfling hunter for a pathfinder game with her animal companion/mount. Just the major thing of note is that she's missing an arm and the scarring looks more to cracked porcelain.
Grayson Sullivan
Carson Roberts
Most people don't get their requests filled at all. So even one more drawfriend coming out and giving them something is good. Especially since the really high tier artists usually only fill a few requests before they leave for a bit. Most people will be happy with any skill level.
Secondly, it helps you practice. The more practice you get in, the better you'll be. Especially if you don't "just" draw, but critique yourself or seek critique for where to focus your practice.
Thirdly, even the artists you're presumably looking up to may feel that their art isn't "good enough" or that there are so many better artists than them. Meanwhile, see point one and keep in mind artists are usually their own worst critics.
And fourth thought - some people improve faster having "competition" or a "goal" to reach. If you're the type who responds well to that, the drawthreads can help get you quickly to the level where you feel a bit more comfortable posting. I think that's part of why I keep returning. The art communities that used to help me improve by giving me a brass ring to chase have split apart.
Eli Davis
5 great years lewd.
Samuel Clark
Holy fuck this guy has been posting this shitty request off and on since at least January 2017.
Cypher is the Emperor disguised. He get a full set of plasma pistols, He dual wields one pair, but have like four more pairs on Him. Just an idiot idea a friend and me had the other day, I would love to see it
Gabriel Stewart
Why are Imperial officials wearing these shitty uniforms? Not even guard uniforms are this pants on the head retarded? Maybe if you picked some cooler uniforms that were in line with the lore and "look" of 40K you wouldn't have to ask for this for a year?
Oliver Allen
Its like a worse of Veeky Forums 2017 drawthread requests list.
Blake Evans
No desu if it was actually important to him he would cough up $20-$30 USD for a commission. I actually love illustrating a request that means something to a player. Like a drawing up a long time player character. Too many requests are whims of the requestors fancy or fetish that they will forget about in a week or two. Waifus, fetishes, weeb scum and raiders from other boards that have nothing to do with table top games.
Connor Brown
Charles Morales
Taking this one, I changed the pose though.
What? I just picked a name at random in the codex dark angel since it's one of their successor chapter.
Camden Foster
Shit I just realised he doesn't have a shield.
William Gray
I doubt the OR will care, keep going
Cooper Bell
I just erased it, I can live with 30 seconds of wasted work.
Cameron Long
ages ago I asked for a CATastrophe work, bunny people or catgirls or whatever with a giant turtle. I did not ask for riding I asked for the person leading the turtle.
the artist actually felt bad about the girl being on the turtle but I loved it because I didn't expect anything and I got a nice image of a turt and bunny merchant traversing a desert.
never be afraid to throw in some artistic details mon ami.
Nolan Baker
OR here - the brain *is* in the lekku, but she's not the first Twi'lek in what used to be canon to have lost a lekku and have it replaced by cybernetics.
Ayden Brown
The Afriel Strain is basically an Imperial project to clone their great heroes, but every time a batch is created something terrible happens after initial successes, because something about it fucks with their souls/the warp
Dominic Bell
It's the Imperial Guard version of the Lamenters, basically.
I'm just waiting for Cawl to reveal his Primaris Guard or whatever the fuck they're going to do in order to fuck over fans of the old-school Guard.
Bentley Fisher
Will finish later.
Ayden Reed
Holy shit, what a thing to wake up to! Thanks, drawfriend. I've been sick lately, and you just made my day.
Elijah Parker
The Lamenters just have bad luck/put themselves in bad situations and aren't better than other Marines, while the Afriel Strain soldiers are better than other Guardsmen but are subject to legit weirdness due to the cloning.
Levi Bailey
All set!
Caleb Myers
Holy shit! I'm stunned! Thanks so much!
Anthony Hernandez
Not OR, but the eyes seem to be set a bit low in the skull.
Oliver Parker
Hey, OR here, thanks! That's really good! I only have one comment to make, but I don't expect you to redo the entire drawing just for that: her left thigh (our right) looks a little off - it's about as wide as her waist, I'm not sure if it's because of the pose or if the cuisse is throwing me off.
In any case, it's a great drawing, thanks a ton for delivering her so fast!
Carson Flores
might finish this tomorrow
Michael King
Hey Retard that started the thread: You need to put Drawthread in Comments section or we can't find it in the catalog.
Jace Brown
Maybe you're the retard, it shows up when I search it in the catalog.
Joseph Rivera
Eli Miller
this is beautiful
Ethan Lewis
Daniel Rivera
Not him, but no, it does not. Regardless, OP did indeed fuck it up
Xavier Robinson
It's literally right there when I search the catalog.
Jose Ramirez
looks amazing so far
Carson Harris
Pretty sure that image was based on some erotica I wrote for Veeky Forums. Can't remember now.
Lincoln Brown
Requesting Sanguinour hugging/holding intimately Saint Celestine, while the two Geminae look on anime style squeeeing. I can't really search for that as a reference, I just hope any kind artists understand what I mean from my comment.
Thanks in advance.
Jose Wilson
"draw" does. Drawthread (what youre suppose to actually use) does not.
Michael Richardson
Just what we need more anime/40K waifu cross overs!
Adrian Reyes
>64▶ >File: 1514188214581.jpg (181 KB, 500x488) >Anchor post. Drop your WIPs here.
*Scooby doo music*
Jayden Myers
Can I get a BranchWych standin on the top of hill/the edge of a cliff while fighting of a herd of beastmen, the background can be a great forest of some kind. Optional for the background would be one or two massive trees that one can only see the stem
Dylan Evans
The fuck?
Luke Garcia
*Scooby doo music*
Blake Rogers
Anchoring this He's coming back. R-right?
Justin Rivera
And here it is, not too happy about this one so don't hesitate to request it again.
Taking this one.
Cooper Morgan
Anchoring in case my drawfriend is working on it. Not sure if they're going to go with different colors or not since there wasn't an answer last thread. My thoughts on colors, near the threaddeath last thread Drawfriend's first colors As stated before I can still use the green version but I would prefer something less grass colored lol. It's free though so no pressure, just anchoring for an answer for or against changing it.
Liam Stewart
Thanks based drawfriend.
Tyler Anderson
I had to pull up youtube I'd forgotten what the scooby doo theme song sounded like.
It's not 100% finished yet.
Kevin Bailey
IDK, my Veeky Forums X doesn't have any problems with it. But ok, thanks for the info and fuck you as well for your politeness
Brayden Edwards
Would you mind if I mention the scar is important? It's a magical miscast that was very related to the backstory. The scarring looks very precise and weby, so delicate it's almost...otherworldly.
Wyatt Diaz
Yep, it's just the first go got painted out, I'm going to paint it back in.
Thanks for the extra info though, it's always good to hear the backstory (in my opinion).
/r/ing a half orc paladin of Pelor and his halfling wizard girlfriend.
He's huge and beefy and she's small and thicc. Both of them have a tan-like skin tone, but the halfling also has vitiligo so her skin color is splotchy in small spots across her face and hands.
Please and thank you, many thanks if you take this on.
Jose Moore
My God! It finally happened. Can't wait to hear his ungrateful response to a quality piece of art.
Jack Carter
Could I request a drawing of a pair of extremely stereotypical 1970s superheroes, DRAGON FIST and THE CHAIN, in a dynamic pose in the vein of pic related?
Dragon Fist is a stereotypical Asian martial artist girl with a long braid, qipao, and fire-creation powers.
The Chain is a brick shithouse-sized black dude from Harlem wearing a vest, tracksuit pants, and gaudy sunglasses. He fights, obviously, with a chain.
Thank you for your time.
Ayden Barnes
Not the OR, but that's a nice thing. Hope you have a good New Year's, Lewd.