New Years Edition
>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version!
New Years Edition
>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version!
>Old thread
Isn't that an RPG only thing though? And even then that was Brann, and Brann would get a long with anyone.
It is, but it's also 1) some of the only fluff we actually have on Azjol-Nerub with nothing to fill in the gape not using it leaves and 2) it's from Lands of Mystery which is basically an RPG supplement for WotLK that was printed while it was still being developed with all of the zones and everything the ones which would end up being in WotLK including the random inclusions like Sholozar and all new locations for previous landmarks.
And it wasn't Brann, either. Brann came across them, but it was an independent group of dwarves that actually had their own small town down in Azjol-Nerub which is situated at the gate that leads from the Upper Kingdom down into the Old Kingdom. Their the remnants of Muradin's company that went to ground after Arthas went full batshit and made nice with the Nerubians in order to secure a home for themselves. They work with the bugs to fight against the Scourge that occupy most of the Upper Kingdom and the toys of the Old Gods which lurk in the Old Kingdom.
To quote the book
>There are precious few dwarves left, decimated by frequent skirmishes with the Scourge, and unable to hold back the full might of the assault, should one take place. They occasionally trade with what remains of the nerubians for food, information, tools or other goods. More an alliance of necessity, in the vein of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend", both honorable races are unlikely to devolve into backstabbing and trickery.
Fair enough, but the RPG is only as canon as Blizzard wants it to be, and it's the truth the living Nerubians in Wrath itself gave the Horde extra quests and expressed interest in working with them.
I personally always envisioned the Naga as the Alliance counterparts to Horde Nerubians. Two previously Old God serving races striking out from their roots to find a new place in the world, separate from their gods.
pick one and only one
user, dwarves being beside Nerubians in Azjol-Nerub was even in WC3. We aren't given any information on the exact relationship between the two, but Arthas actually kills the leader of Doorward on his way down into the Old Kingdom. The remnants of Muradin's dwarves being down in the tunnels beside the living nerubians wasn't just invented from air, but rather expanded from what we saw in WC3.
I'm aware. But "being in the same general area" and "being allies" are two very different things.
Our ramblings don't really matter though, I think. I strongly doubt these pipe dreams will ever come true. The only reason I hold onto the hope of a return to Azjol-Nerub is the fact we are rapidly running out of places to hold expansions in.
If it weren't for that, I am fearing a retcon in Chronicle 3 that the reason the faceless attack the Nerubians was "Yogg foresaw that the Scourge would be a great asset, so he commanded his forces to end the Nerubians!"
I fully expect the Nerubians to return as villains or not at all.
Any lore savvy people out there? Trying to design an armor set for a Dark Iron paladin, which symbols would you put on it?
Does Azeroth have toilets, or is it outhouses and stuff?
last thread was stale shit
this one will be good
I doubt that, but we can all hope.
A flaming anvil behind the light Icon.
Also now that they retconned in astrally projecting Naaru as the teachers of the first Human Light Worshipper do you think the core of whichever one led that batch of Naaru looked like that symbol?
Was there ever anything like the Emu War in Warcraft?
I dunno, maybe the Vermin? They're literally just giant bunnies obsessed with carrots but they get everywhere.
The Zhevra War.
Fought over a barren waste, with theoretically nonsapient enemies to the great consternation of the hunters.
>return to Azjol-Nerub is the fact we are rapidly running out of places to hold expansions in
I'm calling either Emerald Dream or Argus
Isn't that just a Paladin exclusive quest? I meant the entire planet.
No, it's 7.3. Three zones, fighting the Legion on their home turf.
Blame Illidan.
Oh wow, never mind. I was unaware they added that.
stop it, youre bringing back nightmares
I have my own personal in-lore theory to that kinda thing. I believe that when you're using an ability/spell/weapon, it just so happens that you damage the dingus far too much for the item you're wanting to be useful. It explains why it's sometimes hard to have things like hooves, heads, internal organs, or hide of one variety or another.
Yeah, I have no life.
Probably legit, considering a lot of later "fetch a body part" quests try and specify it has to be a PRISTINE body part.
I like ahn'qiraj more than azjol-nerub. Too bad I am the only one...
But what if I'm a warrior and I'm just hacking it's head off with a sword? How would the hooves even be damaged?
I like how they're strangely more humanopid on average. And I like the art that shows versions with scorpion pincers rather than the bigger goofier ones.
You hit it REALLY really hard, or when it reared up and hit you it damaged the front ones on your armor and the rear ones by taking all its weight on them.
The problem with the Qirajji is unlike the Mantid or the Nerubians, we never learned much about how they operate or think. They were just old god worshiping bugs.
Maybe the sword will bring the Qiraji back in a way that will give us a better look at them.
So you're telling me that emus, alone, were able to win a war the abbos couldn't?
Well, in the old fluff, aside from the Priests and Generals, most of the Qiraji were just mindless bug slaves.
Emus > Abbos
"My father once told me the world was gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed" -Jaina Proudmoore
I'd be fine with Azjol Nerub as long as they bring back best King.
Let him rest, he got killed so many times already.
Bring his son or something, we probably gonna get an Empress tho
Would anyone want to marry Jaina knowing she's Arthas' used cumrag with incredible bloodlust?
>In life, he was our king
>In death, he was our conqueror
>Now, in our time of rebirth...a second chance
Haven't played any WC games since WC3 (never got the expansion). These bug people look pretty cool.
So, anyone running a game? I'd like to play a BElf slut that bounces on Taurens and Orcs.
Go to a RP realm you'll get plenty.
maybe some kultiran noble
Stop it, ideas like that was what got us Illidank back
His bad deeds were under Scourge mind control though, so it's not really whitewashing him.
And since he's not an edgy elf, it's not like they'd make him "the chosen one" or some shit.
I'd kill to have Kael'thas back as a good guy.
There's a massive difference between roleplaying and having a TTRPG game unfortunately. A freeform WoW roleplay isn't really going to hit many spots a TTRPG will.
I like a sense of progression, narrative and whatnot. While I've never played WoW all the horror stories I've heard about it haven't made me inclined to download it for any reason, much less pay money for it.
You never know, user. Blizzard already returned Illidan just to please his fanboys. Was it worth it?
Please, stop. I am really tired of WC3 characters. Let blizzard make stories about new or forgotten characters. Like Grizelda Blackhand (maybe she survived her assassination?), Turalyon, Alleria, Turok, Garona, Meryl, Danath, Teron.
>Plebs on this thread didn't unironically enjoy Illidindu nuffin's return
Fuck you niggers.
>Please, stop. I am really tired of WC3 characters.
I'm not. Considering the fact that every old Character has either been turned into a villain and killed for no reason, or shat on, I think Blizzard has enough on their plate just trying to fix their old ones.
Lucky you. Cause I am really not interested in seeing Thrall, Sylvanas and Jaina as main characters again. It's like kicking a dead horse...
Every character and story is compromised to gameplay and mechanics, don't expect them to come good often
Wow's gonna fall off in a couple more expansions, then the characters will live exclusively through novel's/comics and I'll have what I've always wanted. The warcraft story without the smelly MMO writers fucking it up.
Sucks to suck chuck. Name a single WoW original character that's objectively decent not named Garrosh
Too bad half of them got killed, went neutral or just got forgotten. Also, Alonsus Faol brought back was the worst shit ever.
I just want coherent stories with well built up characters. Not blatant waifubait shit like Yrel whos entire story just screams LOOK AT THIS HEROS JOURNEY, HOW OSSUM IT IS? LITTLE TIMMY, YOU "'GET" THE STORY TOO? They just keep bringing up literally all the names peopel might remember and throw shit at the wall hoping people wont unsubcribe. Characters like Alonsus, Garona Halforcen and the likes could have easily carried major patch-tier storylines on their own, doing stuff that deserves deeper exploration.
I'd also like to see the lesser characters people liked and have quite a history to themselves. Koltira Deathweaver, Thisalee Crow, Gryan Stoutmantle etc. They always feel like marque characters to me, an example of their race/class combinations and how a player character would be seen from a third point of view.
This too. Those characters are spent and marred by retarded writing and contradictions. Do we really give a shit about whats thrall up to after he failed to reform the horde and just bailed out on the advice on his nigger waifu? Do we really care about jaina suddenly realizing that her father who she killed was right about the horde the entire time and her entire peacemaker persona was retarded? And now even vengeance was denied from her because... fiat. Lets not even start on sylvanas.
Its not a matter of gameplay and mechanics. Its a matter of writers are just not giving a fuck, pandering to the lowest common denominator and just constantly piling shit on the top of everything just to enable one more Epic Momentâ„¢
>Its a matter of writers are just not giving a fuck
True, but now they're outsourcing the in-game writing too.
I'm telling you guys WoW has been largely a shitshow, but it's been better than ever recently, and it's only looking up. BfA might even be "Good"
Honestly I just want Thrall and Jaina to be brought up to a respectable place to where they can both retire. Kinda like what they did with Illidan this expansion. I don't care how much people hated him coming back, him dying for no reason in Outland was too idiotic to let stand.
I'm pretty sure writers get told what to write most of the time be executives, probably they are already thinking "what's cool to write about" instead of "let's write something that is cool"
I'd rather the writers stop proving the worst people on either side of the RvB conflict right
I'm not talking about in universe, I'm talking about retards who demand that all orcs be warmongering jackasses, forsaken be unrepentant monsters, and humans be perfect paragons of goodness
>Fuck dude we had to burn our World Tree to the ground to defeat the Legion.
>It's cool bro we can just grow another one
The true red pill is realizing that Teldrassil was a fucking retarded concept from day one. And was literally Metzen going
>Wouldn't it be cool if the Night Elves who have patrolled Kalimdor's forests for a thousand years lived on a Giant Tree off the coast instead.
Hyjal Should've been the Nelves starting zone from day one in the Shadow of burned out Nordrassil. The Cataclysm revamp could've shown it being restored.
Agreed. And I think having actual writers brings that closer to reality.
Night elves were poorly executed in WoW and it just gets worse every expansion. Now Kalimdor will be all Horde and Tyrande will be living in fucking Stormwind.
It's like they want every single expansion to forever ruin something good that came before it
It's honestly impressive how reliable they are at doing this, it isn't a matter of making something that was good shit, it's doing it in such a way that it becomes impossible for it ever to not be shit again
Teldrassil being burned down is a good step in the right direction. If Blizzard's writers were smart, they'd make a big deal out of showing Tyrande moving the civilians to Stormwind while directing Shandris to begin a Guerilla Campaign from her Stronghold in Feralis.
Too bad Blizzard are a bunch of dipshits who couldn't write something that cool to save their lives.
I'm an orcfag since the times of WC2 and I'm exremely mad about that. They literally went out of their way to turn the Horde into retarded warmonger dindus to "put the WAR back to WARcraft XD"
I refuse to believe this isnt a springtime for hitler scenario. No one could be that bad of taking care of his own IP carefully nurtured over decades, right? Why would you keep taking giant steaming shits into the middle of your most recognizable and unique concepts. Just because Star Wars is going it too?
I just want the whole thing rebooted.
I am sorry, but at least nelves were cool in WC3. Draenei, Trolls and Gnomes suffered much more.
Why would they leave their ancestral homeland in favor of SW? Why not, you know, retreat into the forests like they did before? Why not go and live in Hyjal or something? Why not retreat into Feralas if they really have to run?
Draenei were pretty cool in WC3
Defying all odds and surviving on a burnt-out husk of a world overwhelmed by demonic forces
Well of course, they are just human and orcs sidekicks! The war in warcraft is between orcs and humans dummy
Well, obviously that would be the optimal outcome, but there's no way Blizzard would ever have the sense to do that.
>Silly Lorefag, they can't retreat to Hyjal because Hyjal is a neutral zone.
>It's more about Druids(tm) than Night Elves anyways
>Btw, Malfurion still isn't going to do anything.
You're right through most of that, but Feralas was abandoned by the night elves after the sundering, and was only inhabited again after the 3rd war. It has far more importance to the forest tauren
I am against rebooting the universe. Just skip 100 years ahead into the future and start a new story, like Star Trek Next Gen.
But then you'd still have Tyrande and Malfurion and Velen hanging around being useless.
Why would the night elves end up in Stormwind? What is there for them? It's almost entirely urban, for one.
Look, everything up until Cataclysm is forgiveable, the harm done up until then was repairable
You only need to reboot from the end of WotLK to fix the vast, vast majority of problems with WoW
Because blue humans are just human elvish sidekicks
There is a moonwell in the park. It's also the Alliance capital now. So it's going to get a refugee crisis. Can't wait for all the political commentary and shitposting to follow.
>Illidan killed by nameless twats for no reason
>Vashj killed for no reason
>Kaelthas JOINS THE FUCKING LEGION and dies twice.
>Arthas kills Ner'zhul in a novel and takes full control.
That's going to happen either way. Hope you like the idea of see undead in Orgrimmar too.
>the park
>alliance capital
I just get my Alleria and Turalyon back and you want to take them away again...
Meh, I'd say only the first two count, Kael'thas was well on his way to joining Kil'jaeden at the end of TFT and the Arthas killing Ner'zhul thing was only ever mentioned in the novels so most people don't even know it happened, and thus it can be safely ignored.
Stormind now is like New York, a multiracial city.
>Kael'thas was well on his way to joining Kil'jaeden at the end of TFT
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Arthas killing Ner'zhul thing was only ever mentioned in the novels so most people don't even know it happened, and thus it can be safely ignored.
I'm not autistic enough to ignore lore destroying things.
at least the real nelf heroes will never give up their homeland and will make sure the hordies pay dearly for any advance
Illidan story in TBC was pretty logical. He was not a chosen one, but just a small demon, who gone insane after using gul'dan skull and drinking fel.
Yet you are autistic enough to read the warcraft novels
She was like a safe bet for becoming or just plain evil, I don't even know how she didn't become evil in Legion.
Probably hordes will kill her like Shandris, or just plain become neutral, next thing you see is tauren being wardens too.
Why are you so rude?
This. Kael was not a model of stabiltiy either. Their stories were fine just not communicated enough. WotLK went overboard in the other direction, with the Lich King showing up in every zone just to go all Dr Claw on you.
I do not believe that anything in any warcraft novel is viable as in-game lore. I see them as sort of being like the Eberron novels, fun little "what ifs" but not actually applicable to the game proper
She did gone insane in some Knaak novel.
>muh noble savages
>muh green jesus
Well, sucks to be you but books are fully canonical. They compliment the games with detail that the games cannot get across to the players. Not to mention, some of them are fun little reads.
>Neutral Maive
A fate worse than death
If players want to play as disparate races, what's a good way to bring them all together?
Argent hand is an option, but it sort of locks everyone into fighting undead, Steamwheedle cartel works, but explaining why night elves, draenei or tauren would want to work for the cartel is very difficult
Why? She is already neutral in Legion. And was neatral in TBC also.
And yet some contain Me'dan,and shit like Arthas killing Ner'zhul in his head
You see why it's so much easier to just ignore those things that barely anyone who plays WoW has ever read?
It wouldn't have to be if you just listened to Garithos
why wouldn't she be?
She doesn't give a flying fuck about the Horde or Alliance, all she cares about is putting Illidan back in his cell like he so richly deserves
No, it would just be full of Undead. He loved teaming up with undead so much he did it twice!
Bloodsail Buccaneers are always recruiting ya scallywag
Draenei, night elves and tauren are even less likely to hook up with the bloodsail buccaneers than they are to join Steamwheedle
She is like the last "W3 essence" night elf because she is still kinda racist and dislikes Alliance while hating the Horde, she was used in one of the books as "wew old night elves are evil and should go away, new world is human and human friends"
Expanded universe couldn't be all perfect. Like life itself there always will be good and bad stories.