I'm trying to play a character who uses sword and also has the ability to make potions and brews, I'm actually new to tabletops and I'm not very creative. I've got the ability to do it mechanically, I'm just looking for what to actually DO with this power.
like a sword that releases a pre loaded potion, a potion that melts enemy armor, a potion that turns objects into weapons i can use
my GM said i was allowed to get pretty creative cause hes willing to home-brew anything in
could i get some help on anything?
Colton Mitchell
ill bump with a couple alchemists
Hudson Sullivan
Christopher Cruz
Ian Stewart
Ryder Davis
Run it kind of like how Witchers do. It's not about fancy mechanical stuff to release potions on your sword, instead you have a big stock of oils, unguents, powders to coat your sword with to capitalize on the situation against enemies. Then you can also have a nice satchel of throwable potions and other alchemy stuffs. Hell, invest in shit like stimulants and toxins to use when you need to. Nothing like having the alchemical equivalent of an energy drink while dungeon crawling.
Use your potions less as the primary weapon, and more of a means of accentuating your weapon skills.
Daniel Wright
Carter Parker
Kevin Morales
Jace Nguyen
Samuel Bailey
Have some bandoliers, fill them with whatever potions you think you might need, things to buff yourself, things to debuff enemies, poisons for your sword. Use the alchemy to augment your sword play, it doesn't even have to be that special, basic strength improvement, heals etc would work fine.
Blake Jenkins
this gun, launches these long metal pikes loaded with potions, do it.
Elijah Campbell
or just straight up rip off Darkest Dungeon
Juan Murphy
Adrian Jenkins
both worlds
Colton Ross
Couldn't find my old notes, but here's some ideas:
Who carries swords? How about a bottle that has an alchemical compound which turns into a sword when it reacts with air (whipping motion for cool factor)? Back-up sword at worst, surprising main weapon at best. Can also be used in conjunction of other effects, such as making SPONTANEOUS FLAMING SWORDS or the like. To make it even cooler, make crossguards for the bottles, or make the bottles into sword handles. Carry multiple with different effects.
Also, put potions to the end of a long polearm and smack opponents. Much more reliable than trying to chuck bombs. Have a specialized weapon for that if you can.
Zachary Bennett
sweet idea
Cameron Gutierrez
>I'm trying to play a character who uses sword and also has the ability to make potions and brews *cough*
Hudson Gray
why not keep it in a metal bottle that has the shape of a sword handle ? or in a hollow sword handle ?
Cooper Garcia
Aesthetic snowflake shit.
A character is not this. A character is beliefs, desires, fears. Who are they? Why do they fight this way? Where do they want to end up by doing so?
Landon Smith
Style yourself like a renaissance era grenadier, mixed with a mystic alchemist.
So you are a huge, tall dude, chosen because you are imposing, trained to throw explosives & fight on the frontlines. You also know all the crazy magic & formulae to craft potions & brews.
You can have an alchemical sheath, covered in runes & reactive to the potions & poisons you use. When you pull out your sword it is effected by whatever magic you prepared in the sheath.
Luke Perez
>I'm just looking for what to actually DO with this power.