What's to stop an adventurer from carrying hundreds of pillows and comfy blankets with him wherever he goes in a bag of holding?
What's to stop an adventurer from carrying hundreds of pillows and comfy blankets with him wherever he goes in a bag of...
Nothing really, though that money is better spend elsewhere.
>this nigga doesn't like to be cozy
So could you fill it with pillows, and as long as you kept your from going all the way into the bag, could you use it as a sleeping bag?
Bags of holding are prohibitively expensive.
Prohibitive comfiness demands nothing less.
The opportunity cost of not using the carrying capacity of said bag of holding on other objects that might be more vital to success or survival. Like healing potions and shovels and stuff.
Suffocating all your sluts in the bag.
Nothing and they do. Also complete sets of cooking ware . No need to skimp on the creature comforts on the trail.
I believe you'd have to reach into the grab to pull out each individual pillow one by one which is mildly inconvenient. Aside from that, nothing.
Carrying around lots of pillows and blankets attracts the attention of anonymous scissor demons.
Can't you turn the bag inside out for an explosion of comfy?
>having to carry pillows in a bag
There's better places to have them.
Well this was certainly a worthwhile thread.
Look at all of the discussion it's prompted.
Just think if quests were back you might have an excuse because this thread would be marginally better by comparison.
Here's hoping your ban actually lasts longer than three days this time.
>people don't actually do this in game
a portable hole is really better for this use.
Surely if you can afford a bag of holding just to carry hundreds of pillows and blankets, you can come up with something even more comfy? Such as an item that casts Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion once a day or something.
>pull out each individual pillow one by one
Have them all linked by a short silk strands.
Get your donkey to pull it all out.
This is alarming. I am alarmed.
>Can't you turn the bag inside out for an explosion of comfy?
>Attempt to turn the bag inside out
>Bag explodes
>Blows off your arm
>A rain of flaming pillows follows
Bags of holding don't exist.
Pillow´s guild policies.
Cutting off their splendid capes?! That’s simply cruel!
>The guild of pillowmakers jealously hoards the comfiest blankets and pillows, harshly punishing non-members who get too cozy
Pillows get heavy if you have enough of them. Encumbrance becomes an issue.
Hey everybody, get a load of this guy! He doesn't like to be cozy!
So you should be. All who oppose the glorious march towards comfy sleeps shall be purged.
Once, after a great battle, I borrowed our wizard's bag of holding. It took some time but I managed to fit nearly a hundred dead horses in before it was full.
Imagine his surprise when he reached in to find his spell book and found it under a foot of rotting blood and horse offal.
bitch got pissed
>le cozy xD