Well /b/, I'm honestly at the end of my rope. The girl I've been with since I was 13 is gone. 20 now, couldn't keep her happy. Perfect 10/10, perfect personality (Although she was Bi-Polar), took her virginity. God she was the best thing to ever happen to me. Now I have to live my life knowing I'll never have a relationship that perfect again. I worked so hard. Put so much fucking time and effort into making it work. I gave up so much for her. Now I don't even have anyone to bitch to so I'm posting on here. I go weeks at a time without showering, I don't sleep anymore, I hardly eat... Why can't I just have the one thing I want in life? I just don't care anymore. I found someone who fits my definition of perfection who loved me for the autistic ugly bastard I was and I ruined it.
Not like posting here is gonna help, I just needed to vent I guess. Cheers lads.
Jack Butler
You're on the wrong board dude.
Colton Brooks
/b/ is my main board. Which one should i be on?
Hunter Bailey
The issue is you're currently on Veeky Forums
Chase Thomas
This is/tg/, user
Carter Morales
Oh god, you responded. Now the thread starts.
While we're all here, anyone wanna help me flesh out a J-Idols vs Lovecraft/Illuminati RPG homebrew?
Xavier Hughes
Fuck, wrong board. Sorry guys. Didn't notice.
Luke Peterson
You could always just reroll and try again.
Ian Martin
Jace Johnson
user, you're drunk. This is Veeky Forums, not /b/.
As for your personal life, have you tried picking up a hobby that can help you vent your frustrations? Like perhaps persuing Traditional Games?
Brandon Reyes
Wait like magical girl style or hard realism
Nolan Ramirez
I wanna write fluff about goblins being huns but I don't want to go too far into cliches what should I avoid?
Anthony Hernandez
All good dude, if it means anything, I can empathise, I recently left my partner of five years after she cheated on me with a known sexual predator. Things are shit now, but they'll gradually start to get better, just do you for a while, focus on what you need, and come out of this better and stronger than before.
James Allen
>since I was 13 Did you seriously think that would be it? Just trap yourself with a girl when you're a stupid kid, and then spend the rest of your life dealing with the fact that people change after puberty? Why the fuck are you crying you stupid twat, it's like grieving that your last baby tooth fell out after years of festering. She's only so important to you because you let her dominate your life, and secured yourself in being a scared little faggot who made their entire identity revolve around someone else because they're too pathetic to change the things about themselves that they don't like. Fucking kill yourself you failure. Or take it to where they'll tell you that she's somehow to blame for ruining your own life, so you can once again hide from any real strengthening of your character.
Levi King
Don't know what to avoid but remember to emphasize that the Huns weren't just rampaging barbarians but had a lot of representatives from other cultures.
Joseph Diaz
So just a refluffed Mage: The Awakening?
Julian Ward
Research more about Hun organization and focus more on the less known societal structures then apply that to what a goblin lifestyle is like. What type of weapons they would use, being smaller and weaker than men? etc.
Ayden Wright
not those Huns, Germans
Joseph Johnson
I've been drinking a bit, yeah. I play Xwing and Dungeons and Dragons
I've been told but I don't honestly feel that I'll ever feel the same way about anyone else.
It was worth it dude. "Trap" isn't the word i'd use. I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. She made me happier than I've even known I can be.
Julian Adams
Sorta magical girl. The classes are based on the traditional roles in a boy/girl band (tough, cute, sexy, sweet, down-to-earth). Fights are done by singing and dancing using a system that allows you to wager fans (xp) to deal bonus effects or gain more fans at the end of combat.
Jonathan Walker
We had a whole thread here some time ago where a History user dumped a bunch of info on historical Kyrgyzstan and it's natives. I suggest trying to find it in the archives
Logan Watson
She turned 14 these things happen user you can either kys or play warmachine
Ayden Brown
>this is not /b/ Good joke.
Jaxson White
>She made me happier than I've even known I can be. Not that you would know since you have literally no life experience outside of her. But no, don't listen to anyone else, you're 20 - that means you know everything there is to know about life. God you're such a pathetic child.
Benjamin Bennett
Keeping with our motto (You don't need the other boards anymore!) mixed with our favored form of help, which can be summed most nicely as "tough love," I will offer you this, user-
Like said, if you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with the girl you've been with since you were 13, you seriously lack perspective. You're 20 now, so that was a 7 year relationship, which is about as long as most relationships last. Congratulations, you're normal. Sure, this one was kind of special. She was all your firsts, you were together through high school, went to the prom, all that bullshit. But- and here's the kicker- none of that really means anything. It's not recorded in some book by angels or something. You're not chained to those memories. You have a chance now to make a fresh start. Look, you say your girl was bipolar. That's her damage, and if she couldn't deal with it, that's not your fault. So don't blame yourself, there was nothing you could do. Couldn't keep her happy? More news for you, and this is from a guy who's been married for a decade- her happiness is not your job. Sure, her happiness is important to you, but you can't give it to her. She has to find it for herself. Now, all the work and sacrifices and everything- ask yourself, for everything you put into her, what did she put into you to make a you a better person? If you can think of something, awesome, you still have it. If you can't, than she was a parasite, and you just got your life back. You're free to go to university, move to a new town, join the French Foreign Legion, whatever. But you get to make you now. You're young. You're about to have a whole new batch of experiences. But you don't need her for validation, you never did. And somewhere, a D&D group needs a paladin. Check them out, maybe?
Cooper Garcia
This is a sign user. You need to redirect your love for a human girl towards love for killing players with devious traps and circumstances they can only blame themselves for.
Join us forever GMs and revel in the loneliness.
Matthew Foster
I'm 24 and I've never even flirted with a girl, user. Man up.
Oliver Moore
>telling some fuck that was lawful stupid enough to practically marry a girl when he was 13 to play a Paladin What did that group do to you, user?
Jaxson Johnson
God the fucking detail in that manga.
Noah Rodriguez
Incredible fabric detail; shitty weeb featureless indistinguishable manga face
Nicholas Morgan
Every good pally had his heart broken at least once. It's how they respond to it that gives them a chance to be a hero.
Luke Adams
The steps to recovering from a broken relationship, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the WAAAGH!!!:
Buy $500 in ork boyz as well as some painting/modelling tools. Spend an entire fortnite assembling and painting your newly acquired ork horde in your basement/beneath your local underpass. Cover yourself from head to toe in orkhide shade. Make sure to use two thin coats of paint for maximum results. Soak yourself in a tub of nuln oil overnight. Awaken as one with the WAAAGH!!! energy. Go to your FLGS. Krump some gitz.
By this point in time the fumes and lack of sleep ought to have made you lose enough brain cells to make the last 13 years a hazy memory. At this point you will have also made the realization that the pursuit of the ork life is all that matters, and everything else is just muckin' about.
Jaxon Campbell
Well user you’re on the right board to become a wizard!
Eli Wright
>took her virginity >wizard He already fucked that up, he'll have to settle for Warlock.
Chase Gonzalez
When I was 20, I fucked up a relationship and I knew, I fucking KNEW, that I would never feel better and would never forgive myself.
That was 6 years ago and I almost never think about her, and realize that the relationship was a bit toxic in the first place. I'm sure that's mostly true, and some of it is maybe just me justifying what happened, but the point is it doesn't matter. And you will get over it.
It might take 6 months, maybe even 12 if you're really fucked up. Just make sure you have someone to talk to.
James Bell
For all it's faults I still love this board.
Juan Scott
>perfect personality (Although she was Bi-Polar) >I worked so hard. Put so much fucking time and effort into making it work. I gave up so much for her.
user. user I think you're still wearing those love goggles
Henry Brown
Try /adv/? They seem to have a large population of femanons and from experience can be quite... Receiving.
They would probably provide you with a better audience user. I am sorry about your difficulties though user, truly. It will get worse before it gets better, it always does, but it will get better
Julian Reed
You’re twenty years old dude. That’s like....fucking nothing. I’m not going to say you have your whole life ahead of you because that’s cliche as hell. I AM going to say that you’ve put in maybe like two years of solid living as an adult with adult responsibilities and thus clearly have zero conception of time outside of high school so far.
Benjamin Morales
My dude, you were a literal child when you met her, growing up and experiencing nearly all of your romantic and sexual firsts with her.
Of *course* you are going to think and believe that's the best life is going to throw your way. Particularly if she was making you sacrifice parts of yourself and your life and your future for her. It's called the sunk cost fallacy.
But here's the truth. You are only 20. Even if you're ugly, autistic, and a bastard, you have decades ahead of you to make yourself something worth attracting someone better for you.
So go fucking do that instead of feeling sorry for yourself. You've already spent weeks of your life being over fucking dramatic. That's enough. Go take a fucking shower. Holy shit.
Damnit, this person already said a lot of what I did.
This person also knows what's up.
I was in a similar place in my late teens/early 20s. I severely damaged myself trying to hang on to a relationship that wasn't healthy in the first place. Took me awhile to even realize I should have been angry about the way I was used. It took the anger to burn away the hooks that had been used to manipulate me for years and kept them from wandering back into my life whenever they felt bad about themselves and wanted my love and attention without giving me anything in return.
I pity you, because you're still in that stage where you're not going to listen because you're still blinding yourself. Hope you don't stay in the tragic stage for much longer and can just pick yourself up and learn to live.
Henry Thompson
Block her on all social media, don't talk to her, don't respond to anything she does. It's hard as fuck but it's the quickest way to heal.
Also, bipolar women are terrible to break up with, because they know exactly how to make you feel good. Just went through this myself. It's not easy, but you'll forget her.
To get rid of the one-itis, I recommend going on Tinder or some other dating site. Not to get laid mind you, but to gain perspective: seeing half a dozen girls exactly like your ex (either looks, personality, or situation) was cathartic for me.
Levi Barnes
>perfect personality (Although she was Bi-Polar) You're a dum-dum
Wyatt Morgan
That sucks user, but you know what? Girls with mental issues are fucking horrid [All of em, amirite], but in truth, you can never keep her happy, because her brain, is just not up for it.
Sure, she will probably end up with some risky dude's baby, and they will live their trailor trash fairy tale life out, but that ain't got shit to do with you.
You know what you need? >Stability A girl who won't have highs and lows, A girl who wants to be at home with you instead of "finding herself". She knows who she is, and it might not be perfect. She might not be the quirkiest, little pixy ever, but candles that burn brightest have the shortest life.
Get your ass up, go to school for STEM [Preferably in europe], find yourself a woman who is into the same things that you are, without being an obnoxious harpy, who is sexually attracted to you, and who isn't a manic whore.
She will be in class. She will be a go-getter, type a, just business type of chick with a plan, and goals, and ambitions, and all you have to do is show her that being with you isn't going to bring her down, but that you are going to grow together. She will give you strong children, and suck your pee-pee well.
>This is why you don't stick your dick in changelings
Also pics or it didn't happen.
Thomas Gray
Hearty kek
Hudson Jackson
>couldn't keep her happy that's the key problem. You've assumed that she needs you to be happy, which she does not. Neither you need her.
If you love her, love her anyways, but the dependancy on other person to be happy is toxic. You've been together during all your high school years, and all the couples that go through that eventually find that they are "missing" certain experiences (which include other lovers, trying drugs, achieving dreams, discovering oneself, etc) that couldn't fulfull while they were subconsciously tied to another person who would require explanations for that.
The good thing is that you're in the same position, so you should maybe accept this new travel, while still cherishing her deep in your heart and even maybe helping her if she really needs it. The only love you own is the one you give. You're in fact a really privileged user at this moment even if you can't see it.
Wish her good luck, smile on yourself, go out there and grow. There is a whole world out there that you've forgotten about.
Bentley Hughes
Yes, true. The first bit is still worth complimenting at least.
Luke Bennett
Since teegee is the board that gets shit done, I propose we instead of /b/ try to comfort you and make an general loss thread about it.
I for example lost a group member and a really close friend too, was really heartbreaking and although it has been 2 Months since then, it still hurts and we haven't played any Pen & Paper game since then. But now, where she is gone, I can play Only War and all the other 40k Games in my Group, who she allways hated. I have read into the Core Rulebook now and want to make Mixed Regiment of Line Infantry/Grenadiers (Mostly since I the liked to play a more prestigious kind of Regiment than "Throwaway Infantry". Well and, even if I like them personally, I don't want to get any of my players get their hands on explosive that easily, that could go very wrong, very quick from my experience.) My Basic Idea is that the Elite Core of the Regiment is Grenadiers, but do it only with Plasmaguns, while the Regular Infantry is heavily focused on Energy Weapons.
So what I basicly want to say with that, Life goes on and shit. Do things, you couldn't to then, enjoy your freedom and such. I personally woulnd't burn her pictures or stuff like that. For example, I kept all pictures of our PCs she drew and our chatlogs and shit. I mean, it was a good time and I am thankfull for it, but its sad that its had to end.
Zachary Wilson
>itt: fa/tg/uys don't recognize over a decade old pasta
Ryder Myers
>never had a gf >doubt even fell in love with anyone >feel like under some slow chinese torture when I see this all
Oliver Long
>I couldn't keep her happy >bipolar girl You can't keep these girls happy user. Bipolar is a massive red flag.
I can read you put in a whole lot of effort into the relationship and basically you probably ran yourself thin for the girl. Don't. You'll eventually recover, realize you put in so much effort into her and she still dumped you. Don't let it put you off from being nice to the next girl and from making efforts for her though.
Meanwhile, I suggest you pick up a hobby and work on that.