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Romancing a methuselah. How would that go?
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Wow, I'm the first on the thread for once. What a strange feeling.
>Romancing a Methuselah. How would that go?
Depends on the Methuselah, but probably poorly.
nigger faggots
I know I am but what are you?
suck my black cock
>black cock
Ah, a magical negro. We must be discussing oWOD.
Who here has read the Apportation Sojourner psychic merits from Hurt Locker?
Is it just me or are those the most broken merits in the game?
If you want to see broken, read The Plain in Hurt Locker. Give them a smartphone, and they can beat an archmage.
>Romancing a methuselah. How would that go?
I like the idea of a methuselah, or elder in general, possibly trying to present an air of bravado, but being hopelessly naive and intimidated by the modern world. This especially works for a methuselah that is extremely worried about breaking the Masquerade and has a lot of power, but not much that is subtle enough to deflate a situation in a non messy fashion. So they may have to lean -- hard -- on a ghoul or fledgling they create, maybe even needing to be taught english or whatever and have the most basic of things explained, be driven around, and so forth.
In the case of it being a ghoul they rely on, or a mortal they are grooming for the embrace, just imagine the methuselah trying to seem normal and hospitable at first -- a la Dracula, who hasn't tasted food in over a century, having to figure out how to obtain and cook a meal that isn't horrid. It could be quite endearing.
>probably poorly
Quite possibly.
So, should a morphean, spirit mage, or ghost mage have both essence and mana, or just mana?
>Quiet, vampfag, before I turn your sire into a lawnchair
Isn't that helpful to them, if their sire is just a lawnchair?
Nothing about the splat requires mages to be smart.
The whole point is cucking the vampire by making it watch as you sit on their lawn chair that used to be a sire. The lawn chair is happy because it has a big plump ass resting on it, and because it can provide support, and has relief from the crushing Jyhad. The mage probably is a real huge fat mess too but that just makes the lawn chair vampire happier. It doesn't want for anything else. Just to be sat on. That's the entire essence of turning vampires into lawn chairs. Happy sat on by fatass lawn chair.
>The whole point is cucking the vampire by making it watch as you sit on their lawn chair that used to be a sire.
Only turning their sire into a chair only promotes their goal, you mong.
Truly mages are like toys to the children of the night!
What you are forgetting is the lawn chair can still use Presence to make people want to sit in it, but the mage won't let them.
>Romancing a methuselah. How would that go?
Like playing tour guide for your whole era to a 3000 year old alien with intervals of them having such sights to show you.
could they beat a Methuselah?
All they have to do is hold up a smartphone, and all the Methuselah can do is kick rocks and sulk off back to its crypt.
Virgin clans:
Followers of Set
Chad clans:
Virgin tribes:
Black Spiral Dancers
Get of Fenris
Red Talons
Silver Fangs
Chad tribes:
Black Furies
Bone Gnawers
Children of Gaia
Shadow Lords
Silent Striders
Virgin traditions:
All except Cult of Ecstasy
Chad tradition:
Cult of Ecstasy
>gets called a faggot
>performs psychic castration on that shitlord trump-supporter
>Tries to psychically castrate Trump-supporter
>forgets he's a Obrimos Mystatogue
>ends up more beaten-up than a Hillary supporter on election night
>stupid Free Council
The call through the Garou nation can be heard across all corners of the globe.
Thousand Tales sept needs your help.
All have heard the story of how Stefan the Fianna Galliard showed up and challenged the mighty and powerful Get of Fenris for the Caern, and have hard the tales and songs written from that day and fight. Of how two mysterious strangers from Ireland Showed up to take something from the Get of Fenris. But can they hold on to the Sept and all its wonder.
Rumors are swirling about from attacks on the edge of the Sept by a Black Spiral Dancer pack that’s up to nefarious schemes involving the body parts of slain mortals.
There are tales coming across the weavors webs of a new threat, a Rouge AI that some Glasswalker has designed that got free and is corrupted now by the Wyrm could it turn into the nightmares of Skynet, Ultron, or Hal 9000
In the city there are multiple plots from the Kindred populace as well as rumors that the Independents of San Diego and the Garou of the three sept alliance have made a non-aggression pact with one another, could this be true.. Garou and Creatures close to the Wyrm working together for the betterment of Gaia?
Finally there have been tales coming from those traveling the Pacfici of a great beast, the drunken ramblings of old men talking of the long since dead Kraken returning from the Locker itself to wage siege against the oceans again. What could be behind this plight of the oceans?
This and much more can be found at Thousand Tales sept.
[Thousand Tales Sept](
Notice: This is a 24 by 7 online role-playing server running Werewolf the Apocalypse 20th anniversary edition. We play on IRC and would love to see you stop in to check it out. Our staff have put in a lot of time into the game and the world to make it feel like a living breathing world.
Just stop making threads. Let the general die. You aren't doing anyone any favors by giving what few remaining shitposters and masochists there are a place to shit up.
It sucks, I know. But the best thing at this point is to just let it be dead for a while.
I have strong suspicion that one of Brucato's unpaid writer assistants is responsible for the White mare bits but it's hard to tell.
Wait, I'm new here, you mean this entire general's purpose ISN'T to constantly have dick measuring contests between Vamps and Mages for months on end?
Might be running a Chronicle for a few friends, like 2-3 players at most. Nothing huge or ambitious, just a mystery centred around a string of suspicious murders that the players have to solve.
Any tips for a first-timer running either Vampire or Hunter? Also, which would you think is better for that kind of story?
Why not just go by core CoD stuff, then switch if you need to? Makes it easier for beginners.
Hello, my children. I come bearing the next session of /wodg/'s Mage Chronicle, despite how super fucking dead this place is.
Current Mage AP:
Current Mortals AP:
Hunter. Or hey, Mortals.
Keep up the good work, fellow Magefag.
So I am thinking on a houserule for Forsaken 2nd edition.
Yiff´s "Beaten down and surrender":
Assuming both parts in a combat didn't have the intention to kill each other and are Uratha who enter Gauru.
When one combatant gets hit with 6 points of aggravated damage, he must spend a WP each turn to continue fighting or change back and surrender giving his attacker what he wants according to his intent. If he gives in, he gains a point of Willpower and takes a Beat, but he takes no more
part in the fight. If the other side wants to attack him, they’ve got to spend a point of Willpower to do so and its a violation of the oath of the moon.
I make this rule so there is an actual dilemma about killing Pure in my game. As the rules stand, there is no logical way for a Pure to "surrender" once you enter Gauru or vice-versa. Because if you revert back you have to hope that the other side is not gonna kill your or drag you back to conversion. And considering the amount of propaganda both side throw about each other I cant see why any Gauru wouldn't just choose dying taking as much of "those bastards" as they can and let Kuruth take him if the fight is going bad.
I didtn wanna use Stamina in aggravated like Chrod as that was too little damage but size seems more reasonable. Thoughts?
I'm not a Magefag.
You most certainly are!
We're all Magefags on the inside.
Embrace your inner Magefag.
Denial is just sad and ugly.
so do magefags take up more than half of the playerbase
Define "mage fag."
a gay wizard
You haven't been here long, have you?
This is a correct characteristic for magefags though.
You can be a gay wizard without being a mage fag.
That means very few of the thread-resuscitating arguments that happen are cuz of magefags though.
I will never understand this picture. Dave has said that it's supposed to show that Libertines are about participating in Sleeper culture, not just studying it, but who would approve this?
Not all gay wizards are mage fags, but all mage fags are gay wizards.
We can't help it of mages are *fabulous*!
Hey, nothing screams wizard like magical minorities and chaps!
Just your average Acanthus
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The Mysterium club is two blocks down.
Slightly disappointed by today's installment of Mage AP, but still looking forward to next time.
What was disappointing about it?
I won't get offended, I promise.
Aniki go and stay go
>but who would approve this?
Like anything done by OPP this days, the answer is "by an idiot"
Probably Rich Thomas
>trained warriors
>no muzzle discipline
I more concerned about Swole Jawa's obvious abuse of highly addictive, mana-enriched steroids.
I just expected more to happen. It was less exciting than previous parts. No offense.
Yeah, it was shorter. Only 16 pages worth of a write-up compared to our usual 25ish. But we should be making more strides next time.
>Probably Rich Thomas
So..... an idiot then.
What happened to the reference desk? It seems to be down right now :S
Whitewolf probably killed it to make their games harder to play.
What's the best or easiest game or 'adventure' to run through for someone completely new to world of darkness? Both for storyteller and players.
>What happened to the reference desk?
Whats that?
Core or Hunter.
I played Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines on my PC and want to learn more about Vampire: The Masquerade as a tabletop RPG. But shit looks really confusing from an outside perspective. Mage? Werewolf? New World of Darkness? What is all this?
What do?
It is/was a site that had most all of the OWoD rules for Masquerade like Discipliens and such copy/pasted from the books up there.
You need to look into the Vampire: The Masquerade tabletop RPG. Best advise is to get Vampire the Masquerade 20th Anniversary edition and the Clan Books for the main clans you want to play. Masquerade is huge and ran for years and years; lore and plot is strung out over many books.
Mage the Ascension is another 'type' of supernatural that you play, as is Werewolf the Apocalypse.
New World of Darkness is the games that were released after the old games (Masquerade, etc.) had their 'end of the world' and their game lines ended. It's not compatible or relevant to Masquerade in any manner.
World of Darkness has two different categories. The Old (or Classic ) World of Darkness was the original game franchise that inspired the game you played, while the New World of Darkness (or Chronicles of Darkness) is a successor franchise that isn't connected to the original besides being a series of horror RPGs.
If you want to get into VtM, check out the 20th Anniversary Edition.
Thanks! I'll do that.
Are mages more crossover friendly in owod or nwod?
Neither. Do not do it.
OWoD, surprisingly. A lot of what they can do relies on ST fiat. CofD is more set in stone.
Seriously. It depends on whether you value ST oversight or unambiguous rules more.
At risk of setting off some alarms, I have a couple of questions to ask.
1. I want to run a god tier game. How would I nerf / bring down Archmages to compete with Antediluvians, Caine, Angels, etc on an equal playing field?
2. How would I amp werewolves up to god status without turning them into Incarna? I'd also like some mummies in my game, at the request of one of my players.
You're welcome. I've been playing/running WoD of all stripes since 1997, primarily focusing on Masquerade tabletop and LARP, and Requiem tabletop and LARP and Changeling the Lost tabletop.
Do you have any questions or anything you want to ask?
Do you have an alternative site? I hate that companies keep doing this shit...
Yes, god forbid they execute their legal right to their IP.
I... er... what?
> bring down Archmages to compete with Antediluvians, Caine, Angels
Archmages have pretty clear rules and limitations. Caine's rules and most antediluvians are "LOL WUT." You can go into 2e to get ideas on level 10 discipline powers, however. Are PCs playing Caine? Why?
Assuming this isn't meant literally: just interpret archmage powers less liberally. In particular, any mage can by RAW rack up like +50 to stats or whatever (no apparent restrictions), so usually all you need to reign in are extended casts. An idea is to use Awakening 2e's rules for ritual casting instead of literally "you can stockpile arete * willpower successes through extended action casting :^)" (which lets even a fairly low level mage unleash totally retarded levels of nuking, buffing, etc).
The lazy ass way of bringing vampires up to mage/earthbound power is to let them have the blood familiar devotion (lets them have a pet mage they can use the power of) or the Koldunic Sorcery of the Well (lets them have, potentially, up to six pet earthbound). They can use blood as quintessence.
>2. How would I amp werewolves up to god status without turning them into Incarna?
They can almost already be so: all they need is an easy way of recharging gnosis.
Check out Thieving Talons of the Magpie. Rank 5 Ragabash gift. They can steal any other supernatural power, and use Gnosis as the dice pool for it (lame if they're stealing a vampire's power, literally godly if they're stealing a mage's power, since Gnosis 10 is possible during chargen, Arete 10 is expensive and annoying).
Check out Malleable Spirit. A Rank 5 Theurge (or whatever) can, no joke, turn a minor bane into a Willpower 10, Rage 10, Gnosis 10, friendly, naturae or elemental. Before W20 it was temporary; now its permanent. Also keep in mind some spirits are also powerful mages. A werewolf can just plain make his own paradox spirits, or help mages by turning hostile paradox spirits into friendly spirits.
I would pay for an app that does what the site does, when creating a char I dont feel like re reading 10 books to try to find where the fucking merit specific to obfuscate is that allows you to sleep invisible... There shuld be a register somewhere. I have the books but I need a fucking way to find what I need.
Werewolves and Mummies only ever up to six dots, same as mortal sorcerers.
High level Disciplines and the Arch-Spheres never met eye to eye. Mechanically, both are complete messes. It's just not worth it. Arch-magick is generally going to blow ten-dot Disciplines out of the water, by a notable margin.
Maybe eyeball Imperial Mysteries instead for some inspiration, they even suggest using the same rules for other 6+ beings.
This is one of their goals with the site, so give it time.
Also: the easiest way to regain Gnosis is, probably, by a spirit donating points of Essence, this recharges Gnosis on a 1:1 ratio. So yes, a rank 5 theurge (or whatever) can stockpile an unlimited number of friendly, powerful, gnosis 10 spirits who may keep him recharged, and use his gnosis farm to facilitate the use of true magick, elder vampire disciplines, or whatever else is desired.
The ONLY ST fiat element is that in a high powered crossover chronicle, the ST may wish to rule that a friendly spirit the werewolf saved from bane/paradox/whatever status will be happy to donate gnosis for the cause.
By contrast, an unhelpful ST that doesn't want a werewolf becoming uber can rule that "Uh, yeah, the spirit is grateful and all, but he's not gonna let you use him as a battery so easily."
Masters of the Art is second edition. Players obsessive over RAW and prestige classing in munchkinry are going to abuse the system and become unbeatable.
The writers didn't take into account how horrible the arch Spheres are when Wonders are brought into the picture. Watch them pull out five different supplements to lace it with. There's literally no way to nerf Archmages, not unless you make up your own system from the ground up.
Oh yea I am sure their site will be better than the fan made one. That is allways how this goes the fan sites are allways worse than what the companies makes...
Lets wait 5 years untill the cunts make their site good. Oh wait they are making a shit version with no actual hope and will drop it as flaming shit when they fail. And then we fans who have been playing the game since it first came out will still be fucked.
This is not the fist time this has happened man.
Mummies go up to 8 by RAW. Their shit is overly expensive XP wise for what it does (werewshit is extremely inexpensive for what it does, while mageshit is expensive but worth it), but you can balance this by letting them have more XP due to being ancient (this may require adjusting the fluff or using an older kind of mummy).
But EVERYONE who can use it (mostly just mages and mummies) will be grateful and happy to receive a mummy's amulets or potions.
Uber mummies aren't terribly amazing, but they can grant discipline like powers through their buffing items, give strong defenses, and, perhaps most interestingly, put a disembodied soul, wraith, or spirit into an amulet and then give it a body through Effigy.
They can also make mortals into also immortal demi-mummies (Balance & Sekhem 2-3) and a whole bunch of other neat stuff. They can also help keep vampires topped out on humanity, if they want to be (some crushing drawbacks can happen if they *lose* humanity while its inflated).
Mummies are not that great, basically they're only about as good as vampires, and as expensive as vampires, but with no kind of elder mechanics. Just transplant some sort of elder mechanic onto them and they should keep up just fine.
>Players obsessive over RAW and prestige classing in munchkinry are going to abuse the system and become unbeatable.
The only thing in there you can particularly abuse is Forces 9 and then go "I create the force that makes me uber xD."
Almost all archmage shit, is either normal shit in nmage, or mostly undefined randomness.
Almost all world destroying shit is going to be almost intrinsically countered into nothingness. A spell that involves two Hit Mark X's at any point is probably gonna do nothing.
If you use revised style paradox, archmages are fucked if they try to do anything in the mortal world.
>The only thing in there you can particularly abuse is Forces 9
Umm, no. Lower dots in Entropy can dictate the outcome of entire species. Prime 9 is 'create universe'. Life 9 is invincibility, a la Caine's seven-fold curse. Forces 7 is plate tectonics, lower if we're going by HSoH, which already hands out broken six-dot abilities, namely Spirit's "I summon and bind Celestines, lel xD", or worse yet, Correspondences light-speed instant win. Now imagine mixing these, Forces 9 / Mind 9 / Prime 9 all-together? That's essentially an instant win and cheat to omnipotence, barring ten dots in any Sphere.
Forces 9 is, quite literally, the most broken ability in Classic WoD, but the other 6+ Spheres are sickening in their own right.
A player utilizing Charms, a batch of instant use 'no rolls needed' Wonders, or Artifacts, single-success Wonders, is going to dominate any higher tier game.
That's just how it is. Yet you brainlets, just like the original asker, still insist on running them.
My god, is it any wonder why DaveB is hailed as a saint for making Awakening's version of Archmasters actually *playable* ?
Other than that, Paradox strictly affects Archmagic even outside of the Consensus. Which is about the only thing going against them.
>Lower dots in Entropy can dictate the outcome of entire species
Not an intelligent or magical one, since you will be countered into nothingness.
Vicissitude 10 and Dominate 5 confer immortality as well, not really a big deal, especially since archmage immortality doesn't work on earth very well, if at all.
>plate tectonics
You can blow shit up, good job. It had better be an uninhabited locale, or you will be counteremagicked into nothingness. There is not much offensive stuff an archmage can do that is all that amazing without it being countermagicked into nothingness.
>I summon and bind Celestines
Yeah, yeah, a werewolf can turn the Wyrm into a harmless, friendly nature spirit too.
>create universe
Nothing bad, or abusable with that. Its ultimately just a weaker version of the ability to create a Horizon realm, since the stuff in it can't come back to our world.
Don't know too much about wonders, so, probably. Just remember that other supernaturals have countermagic that is usually stronger than a mage's (a normal vampire or demon can start with the same countermagic as a strong archmage with zero investment of powers).
>My god, is it any wonder why DaveB is hailed as a saint for making Awakening's version of Archmasters actually *playable* ?
Nmage archmages are way stronger than owod archmages, who are mostly just "shit you can do in nmage already."
>Which is about the only thing going against them.
And that lowbie countermagic works fine on archmages, whereas in nmage, DaveB gets pissy at the idea of anything being able to counter an archmage, even if by RAW nothing would stop it (see: Abjurism).
I know you have a big mage dick, but read da rules.
...Are you trolling or just retarded?
Most of this is blatantly false, especially the part about nMage Archmages being stronger then oMage Archmages. Your assumption that the Archmage effect will get countermagicked at all is ridiculous in the extreme. To counter it they would have to be aware it was being cast, you can't just have the entire west coast Mage population go "Oh well shit Yellowstone is erupting, lets all carebear stare that shit, clearly a wizard is responsible!"
What kind of bait is this
He/she sounds desperate