I want to make a game set in (not)WW1, but I dunno what races to cast other than goblins being the krauts and elves being Ottomans
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I want to make a game set in (not)WW1...
Okay. Good luck with that I guess.
French are centaurs, British are ogres, Austrians are humans
Since I'm also running a game in NOT!WW1, does anyone have any indoor maps that feel like WW1 era? An apartment complex or something would be EXACTLY what I need.
Where during WW1 will this be set? Because my first thought when you say 'WW1' and 'map' is 'trench diagram'
I need in-city buildings. It's going to be in NOT!Germany
>X fantasy race is Y real world culture with zero changes!
Is this the laziest form of """clever""" worldbuilding or is there a worse one I don't know of?
I want to make a game set in (not)LOTR, but I dunno what cultures to cast other than Austria-Hungary being the elves and English being orcs
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If you want it to be easier on you, have half of the map (town) be already shelled. That way, you don't have to worry about aboveground houses half the time, and you could only map some basements in the destroyed part of the town (if they have basements).
Bad Neo! No dabbing!!
Just chuck random fantasy races in place of actual WWI factions like you was doing from the very start. Go on. Won't make your game any better, I guess.
>Goblins the Krauts
....... Putting aside the laziness and sheer dumb fuckery of directly translating x race into y real world nation. Goblins doesn't even make sense aside from "Goblins = Bad, Krauts = Bad from a British historical perspective". If anything ww1 krauts were the elves (or you know, as ludicrous as it sounds, humans).
The French are elves because they're graceful, refined and cultured.
The French are orcs because they're smelly, savage and militant.
The French are humans, because they're the most generic West European country.
The French are goblins, because they were pretty tech-savvy at the time (the Eiffel Tower was built purely to show the limitations of engineering at the time, some of the first tanks were French, the French tank corps was the largest by the end of the war, the FT-17 tank defined modern tanks)
The French are dwarves, because they had some good engineering at the time and like alcohol, and they're also shorter than Germans
The French are a hivemind insectoid race, as evidenced by their fanaticism to die not for a single individual but such a vague concept as "the republic"
See what I did there?
I want to make a game set in (not)LOTR, but I I dunno what cultures to cast other than Austria and Germany being the WWII elves and Soviet Union is the Mordor.
Ottomans - Dragonborn
AH - Humans + Orcs
Germans - Warforged
Russian - Dwarves
French - Elves
British - Humans
Americans - Goblins
Human only low fantasy historically accurate™ dirt farming douchebag simulator.
British are clearly orcs and goblins. The most ill-cultured, hated race of mongrels and cruel cunts in all the world.
X fantasy race is Y real world culture with two arbitrarily picked touchstones to represent it!
Also backwards people living on some bumfuck corner of the world who, through surprising amounts of cunning, took over multiple corners of the world.
I’d recommend having the Americans be giants/ogres.
Beings that care about freedom and consumption.
Alternatively, a mixture of multiple races
If anything, Germans and Austrians should be the same thing. Hungarians should be something entirely different
The last one doesn't fit entirely though seeing as the whole French army was close to mutiny at several points in the war, and a total collapse of the front was barely avoided
shouldn't the English be !hobbits?
this tbqh senpai