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An author has died. user, could you give them a quick eulogy to send them off?
Previous: "Eulogy of an author" edition
An author has died. user, could you give them a quick eulogy to send them off?
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this bread tastes like shit
:< looks the cutest to me... but I miss SDA so I'll go with the one that likes it in the butt.
Reposting fresh OC, because it's fresh.
Should I post a WIP?
Visual design is for squares.
If it's yours and not stolen from the discord WIP channel.
She is like PPP+ now.
And of course, the mystery box.
I miss fatposter
Only Tok is here now...
>WIP is so garbage that no one would even bother trying to steal it.
Life is good.
I want to bully :
me too
>ignoring the fact every last wip posted in the last few days has been taken from WIP, without the author knowing.
It's okay anons Skellingtons are still here for you.
Oh your still here huh.
I'm new around here I came from /r/makeyourchoice
please be kind
We accept everyone but reddit fags.
Let's gang up!
>literally introducing yourself as being from reddit
Lurk moar or kill yourself.
Cute cat!
Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.
Who died?
a5 or celt
Here's the OC I promised yesterday. Yeah, the first page is pretty meta but the next 3 are all about the usual cyoa stuff -- there are bits of adventure, waifus, husbandos, friends, comfyness, superowers, etc. Tried to cover lots of different things instead of targeting just once group of cyoa players (readers?).
>Where would you go strawpoll
If you got any feedback or questions, I'm willing to read and answer
Page 1/4 – here you decide what kind of cyoa author you want to be (so it doesn't have to reflect who you were or what you did in the past)
SDA in Venezuela.
Better not be a shitpost
How'd they die?
caffeine overdose
>How'd they die?
Venezuela user, you look it up.
>Page 2/4 – some explanations and first 3 facilities
Cyoalin Temple – Making cyoas gives you special powers here. You can meet tryhards and autsits like those in autism prison. Some of them are normal people too I guess.
Hotel Tranquility – free luxuries and no duties in exchange for you making a cyoa once in a while
Cyoa Monastery – For those who want to treat cyoas as their hobby or religion. You make cyoas or help in making cyoas and everything else is not your problem.
Nice CYOA!
I know there's been the usual generic sci-fi settings, but has there ever been a Star Wars cyoa?
He juryrigged a gravity bong and fucking died from overdose.
You messed up
hah fag
committed sudoku after a corgi banned him for shitposting too much
>Page 3 / 4 – “getting weird”. Lots of facilities where cyoas are intertwined with doing other stuff.
The Dream – totally not a spooky, decadent version of pre-revolutionary France with demons and magic.
Cyoa Academy – you get another childhood, this time with more comfyness, friendship and of course, cyoas.
Cyoa Inc. - Cyoas are serious business here, good paying business.
The Village – Anarcho-Primitivism-Cyoanism is the only right form of government.
bls no bulli
>Implying Monika isn't a yandere. Or are you?
I bulli out of love!
wait seriously someone died?
>Page 4/4 – this page is so manly it should have a beard.
Cyoan's Legion – you help a space lich king in conquering worlds and make cyoas in-between your adventures.
The Caravan – Silk road but in low/medium fantasy setting with dozens of mythical creatures and peoples.
And the ending.
Ok it was Venezuela government gang
Yes is was SDA.
fuck off
Thanks for the hug, Monika! Here's a present!
>Cant waifu nyx
Also in deep need of tomboys
Fun fact a single tomboy character in anything makes said thing good no matter how many other issues it has
I have a feeling Italics will deliver.
Monika thread?
Of course I am!
Types: Waifus/Lewd
Styles: Grim/Gritty
Settings: Modernity/Primal
Perks: Artist and practical skills
Drawback: Weekends off
Hotel Tranquility
Claire & Elvira
They look like that one actor with the fucked up eyes, steve bruschetta or something like that.
And than the end.
Dude, this shit looks awesome.
Worthy, Tricky, Destined
I am the one that shall kill the greatest of all evils. I silver fist in the dark that smites any in it's path.
Alistair Macleod
Not only can I hone my fighting ability, I can hone my mind to be just as deadly as my fists.
Dinah Heriot
Derek Mayhew
Yuki Nakamura
The perfect people I can rely on for a fight or to chill. I'm sure Derek and Yuki will get along, so that means I get Dinah all to myself.
The Mystery
How ironic that the holder of the silver fist partners himself with demons and an enigmatic figure. True they are oil to my water, but I would have no one else by my side. Plus, is it just me or does The Mystery have my eyes and Dinah's hair?
The Mask
Even odder still, I choose to enshroud myself with the same darkness I claim to hunt. It is perfect too hide my actions from my opponents until it is too late. Plus, the whispers my just reveal things greater.
The Magic Store
A quaint place to use as HQ for both work and play.
>Big Bad
The Elder
When I first met him, he tossed me aside like nothing. I got back up, but he grabbed hold of my arm and broke it as easily as one would a toothpick. I only survived because Alistair got me out of there at the cost of his capture. I trained and trained like crazy to finally confront The Elder, and to finally save my mentor.
The only way I was able to finally kill The Elder was when Alistair took the vampires blade and took a hold of him, keeping him from moving. It was then I choked the life out of the fiend, but my mentor still died so that it could be done.
I thought she was Polish at first.
Such disappointment!
>tfw there is no Deiz CYOA.
Rape Ending
What a godawful thread.
Do you honestly expect any better from us?
That was your first mistake.
>My WIP hasn't been posted yet.
I repeat. Life is good.
> vera
> her
That was going to into page 5 where I have a lot of explanations, but was curious how the cyoa will be received without that, so it's just 4 pages now.
Nyx would ask you if you know those Nordic or Greek legends about a hero wanting to date a godess and that godess giving him a seemingly impossible task to test him. Your first (and perhaps only) chance of impressing her would be when you're picking the cyoa you want to become real.
Anya (the girl from Cyoalin) had some more tomboyish variants when I was writing her. Sorry, thought the current one fits the Temple better.
Violet + Faith. Violet provides foresight and light magic which should be super effective against Rose's minions. Faith provides raw power with her summons and fire magic. Lydia and Rose are less effective if we stay in town. Rose can't bring her undead into town without clashing with the city guard. Lydia won't be as effective if she's removed from the wilderness. Emilia is the biggest threat, since she could rewrite the memory of various guards and make those guards think that my waifus are criminals. Violet will probably see that coming though, and we may be able to use Violet's sight to kill Emilia before she takes action.
Going with Adalyn on this one. She's probably the strongest while using her blood, but the fuel for her magic is in short supply. We'll be running away more than fighting. Hopefully her scrying ability can keep us ahead of those who track us. I'd like to move with her to a far corner of the world.
The picture is 100% right.
Could this ever be fixed or is it beyond hope?
Who the fuck died?
That picture is right though. Who in the fuck gives a fuck about NPCs; they exist for fun and to be made porn of.
>Of course I am
Cyoa Monastery. Sounds like a place where I can do what I like without having to worry about other things. It's not like I have to stay there forever.
My cyoas
>Primary Type
Adventure/Survival - I'll make big adventure cyoas where you pick your background, companions, maybe some special powers and missions. Lots of lore. Mostly low fantasy stuff.
>Secondary Type
Waifus. I'll make waifu cyoas whenever I'll feel exhausted after finishing some huge adventure cyoa.
>Not so important secondary types I would still make cyoa in
Lewd, Realm Builders, Age Regression and maybe one or two satirical ones
>Main style
Noble. Crushing evil fucking shits is fun only if they can fight back.
>Favorite settings I'm going to use, from most to least
Low fantasy -> heavy sci-fi -> high fantasy, old times, primal, light sci-fi, isolation, post apoc -> the rest
Nap of wisdom
I'll try to learn drawing on my own.
No thanks
The only difference is that Undertale appealed to the Tumblr crowd due to (very, very vague, then subsequently bloated all out of proportion by the fans) diversity themes while DDLC appealed to channers due to the "yandere" and waifuing themes (even though the one "yandere" in it isn't even remotely that by VN standards and the whole point of the fucking game is that waifuing is wrong).
So still a fucking mirror match.
I find this autistic, depressing, and comfy all at the same time. An odd sensation to say the least.
>Primary CYOA Type: Realm Builder
>Secondary CYOA Types: Superpowers, Tough Choices
>CYOA Styles: Realistic, Gritty
>Favorite Settings: High Fantasy or Light Sci-fi as foundations.
>Perk: Practical Skills
>The Village
Psychedelic drugs AND a loving social network? Sign me the fuck up.
imho, DDLC only became as popular because it's free, meaning its target audience includes people who picked it up "on a whim" and have never played another VN in their lives (except for maybe Katawa Shoujo, which isn't exactly helping their case here), so the idea that it could have something as groundbreaking as a fucking fourth wall break completely bamboozled them.
I guess you could maybe draw a line between that and Undertale being so fucking basic the fanbase is made up of relative casuals with no standards of what a smart video game is.
>I find this autistic, depressing, and comfy all at the same time. An odd sensation to say the least.
I'm glad about the other two, but why do you find it depressing?
Didon't do anything wrong.
A combination of "oh god someone was autistic enough to make this" and "oh god I actually want this to be real I am ashamed".
I have this weird condescension for most CYOAs (typically waifu and comfy), though I don't verbalize my very subjective thoughts and shitpost the thread. If a CYOA isn't like a game of chess to be won or a simulation war to be fought, I'm not a big fan. Hence realm builders are my favorite.
But your CYOA, it has touched me. It made me feel "comfy". Am I becoming what I mildly dislike?
>Undertale and Tumblr
Oh boy... DDLC is fun and free but yeah there is better VN but aren't free.
Maybe, but there's no shame in changing to enjoy new things.
>literally no women are below average intelligence
Yeah, even two if I recall correctly. But they're /d/ ones.
Do you want a stupid girlfriend? It's clearly only giving you a relevant selection. It doesn't have particularly average looking girls, either (despite those being, by definition, the majority) and nobody's complaining about that.