Traviss: makes very powerful Mandos who can contend with Jedi, this is a bad thing. Zahn: makes very powerful top of her class graduate at Emperor Palpatine Memorial Assassin High School who don't need no man who is the elitest elite bodyguard of the Emperor and was trained by the KGB and has killed thirty men with a finger and doesn't need Luke because she's strong and independent and cool and edgy and brooding and you just don't understand her because she's so edgy and cool, she's considered the best female Star Wars character.
Maybe going a little overboard here (I've got some strong personal bias myself), but the comparison holds up.
Why's it bad when Traviss makes a Mary Sue, but when Zahn did it, he deserved praise?
Benjamin Cook
First for as much as I like halo, let's keep it out of the star wars gen, please. With that being said, what, is your dream team and ship if you were flying around the outer rim as a smuggler?
David Clark
She was a dupe.
There, I said it.
The Emperor fed her lines about how she was special and unique to gain her loyalty, but in the end of the day she was a deniable, expendable asset, and one of many. Just another tool in his expansive arsenal.
Wyatt Clark
>Find what you're looking for among the thread? No. It's time for Star Wars to end.
Jordan Brown
Zahn has been coasting on his Thrawn reputation for some time now, and Thrawn is genuinely good. The Republic Commando series of Traviss started good, but it definitely goes downhill fast.
Adrian Taylor
Tales of the Jedi is better
Daniel Collins
Honestly probably Master Chief and the crew of the Pillar of Autumn. How about you?
Caleb Barnes
Damnit. A few seconds late on that. But anyway, different user, but j think the reason is that, in Mara Jade's case, she had all that training and whatnot, but when it actually came to it, her skills and abilities fell flat. I remember in one of the books, before she joined Luke and become a Jedi, she tries using the force to choke a guy, and for a good solid minute or two, he pretty much stands there and take it like it's nothing before she gives up. Stuff like that, shows that she really isn't much of anything, and is mostly driven by hate and not much else
Camden Thompson
So what happens if I use the force neither for good nore evil, but for myself? It's selfish, so it's the Dark Side, but I'm not really a dick with it and not evil.
Ethan Miller
Personally, I'd prefer scooting around in a prowler, with Johnson and Papa Keyes, but that's just me
Oliver Martin
Are you trained in using the force, if so, with what philosophy?
Jaxson Turner
I dunno, even in the Void trilogy there's a counter to the heartpinch or whatever they call it. Psychics that just straight up grab the heart of their target telekinetically and make it stop.
>The Emperor fed her lines about how she was special and unique to gain her loyalty, but in the end of the day she was a deniable, expendable asset, and one of many. Just another tool in his expansive arsenal. Doesn't she spend like half a book brooding when she realises that was true?
His Cobra books, although not Star Wars, are pretty good. The first one feels kinda like a cheap Starship Troopers, but the sequels are great.
James Gutierrez
The dark side is born out of selfishness and desire, so you might start off vaguely neutral, but you'll be a yellow eyed burn victim before too long if you aren't careful
Wyatt White
Like a little bitch. Thrawn throws it right in her face, and it's pretty clear he's amused.
Landon Nguyen
Why are jedi the most heavily criticised organisation? Why is it that people see becoming a sith or grey the better option, when the jedi council aren't corrupt and would let someone dedicated join their ranks and that person could make changes for the better within the system?
Sebastian Cox
The Force has no morality, it all depends on you. Dark side and Light side aren't evil or good either, they just have different effects on you.
For what it's worth I think both Jedi and Sith are bad. Palpatine makes a good point in RotS.
>"They [the Sith] think inwards, only about themselves." >"And the Jedi don't?"
Isaiah Nguyen
But can I use both force lightning and force heal?
Juan Rogers
You can in Jedi Knight, Star Wars Galaxies, KOTOR, and in the TTRPGs.
Jason Scott
Jesus that review.
Christopher Gonzalez
Zahn has Mara literally at Vader's mercy in Allegiance when they fight? What are you talking about?
>comparing a force user trained by the strongest force user in the galaxy to a band of mercenary space-niggers
Connor Thompson
Newfriend here, I would like to dive into the Star Wars novels found in the OP, but there are a lot of them there, where should I begin?
Carson Collins
>people defending Traviss
That really ootas my goota.
Leo Allen
To each his or her own i guess. I find her CW stuff readable but i can understand why it's not everyones cup of blue milk. I won't touch her NR book with a 10 foot forcepike though, but i'm not really a fan of the Vong era stuff anyway.
But let's flip this discussion on it's head. If we don't count the big three (Zahn, Stackpole and Alliston) who is the best star wars author? My bet would be on Matthew Stover. I really dig how he weaves int he dark side as a very slippery slope of if not good but at least well-meaning intentions instead of the normal cliff edge of LOLmurderkilldeath
Noah Young
What faction will you be playing in Legion, and why?
For anons who aren't interested, what (within reason, eg, "being 15mm instead" isn't happening) would make you pick up the game?
Hunter Bailey
I'll pick up Empire when i can afford it. Might wait until Veers and snowtroopers drop before i buy
James Jackson
I'd be interested in it if they made clone army expansions. Having the ability to field the 309th in some capacity other than on the pages of a book would be nice, even if I'd probably be the only one playing it near me
Joseph Barnes
>For anons who aren't interested, what (within reason, eg, "being 15mm instead" isn't happening) would make you pick up the game?
More factions. I worry that just having Imperials and Rebels alone will make the game rapidly grow stale and meta-solved.
Anthony Jackson
Are you me?...
This is exactly why I can't seem to get into it, and i fucking love star wars.
Jace Foster
Because social deconstruction.
Henry Davis
The Sith Code gets a lot of praise but personally I think it's anarchistic edgy drivel that results in the creation of a feudal state (Sith Empires in SWTOR and KOTOR as comparison, NOT the Galactic Empire which is authoritarian and all about law and order) that struggles to properly defeat its enemies as they're more concerned with killing each other than actually beating the Jedi and Republic.
Taken at face value, the Sith Code is chaotic. Be it good, evil or neutral. Still chaos, which is a shitty way to run an organisation. This is why Sheev directly shits on the Sith way and merely uses its teachings and power, but doesn't base his Empire on anything 'Sith'. He even makes sure Dark Side organisations are hunted down as much as the Jedi. Hell, he even lets Vader be the one to call himself Dark Lord of the Sith and in Dark Empire he's referred to as a 'Dark Jedi Master' even though the Sith term existed as early as ANH.
For all their faults, the Jedi are at least still (and I say this loosely) a functioning organisation. The Sith are just inherently retarded in their ideals. I don't know how one can compare them to authoritarians when the Empire, which is an authoritarian organisation, is Doctor Doom and Lex Luthor, the Sith in comparison as a chaotic one are the Joker.
Juan Nguyen
What would be a good exp amount to make characters for an EotE one shot game? The players are suppose to be Imperial Storm Commandos.
Blake Gray
Palpatine destroys all force users because he believes they're the only ones capable of threatening him
Luis Reed
What other factions would you guys pick?Thinking without using legends stuff. We could have Hutt Mercs, Pirates, CIS remnants, Moff regional armies (perhaps a bit like sectorials from Infinity), different Rebel cells (again, Infinity like sectorials). What more?
Nolan Murphy
Yeah and he shits on the Sith way, which anyone smart would do because it's THE way to self-destruct your organisation. Hell before I read the backstory of their code, I thought Revan embedded in with the intention of having the Sith Empire die because he only wanted to use it to strengthen the Republic against the True Sith.
Joshua Nelson
I don't think anything GCW era makes sense. You've gotta go to Pre/sequels or nothing.
There's no army of 40 dudes and a couple vehicles in the GCW era that anybody would recognize; let alone with enough variety to then have many different unit options.
Andrew Powell
Chiss or Quarren crime lord?
Owen Nelson
Carson Davis
Kreia and Luke were right.
Nathaniel Gutierrez
Quarren, the edgy twins of the Calamary make for a more distinct villian than a blue human with red eyes. Also underwater/shore bases, amphibian guardian beast etc.
Joseph Morgan
In theory the SW is very vast and with plenty of cultures. You could adapt a mini army with each race (like Twi-leks, Duro/Neimodians, Wookies, Trandoshans, Gungans etc) and make plenty of distinct armies if you where down to make it work. It's only the new films make the galaxy feel so small, the battle of coruscant had hundreds if not thousands and tens of thousands of capital ships ducking it out.
Bentley Robinson
No, not at all.
First, it's gotta be recognizable. Nobody is going to see a Hutt mercenary army and have any clue what they're looking at.
Secondly, it's gotta have options. Mini-armies, with one unit per rank, would be boring as hell. Nobody wants to field a Wookie army with zero unit variety and zero future releases to look forwards to, it'd get stale fast. The ability to swap your Stormtroopers for Snowtroopers or Beachtroopers or whatever else when you want to play something different is essential.
Evan Ortiz
I'm interested and I'll be following it, but I don't think I'll pick it up unless they release some seppy holdouts or something so I can field an army of B-1s. "Roger-roger"
Sebastian Nguyen
Qui-Gon is the only movie Jedi with known apprentices, to not drive at least one of them to the dark side
Isaac Cruz
You could add sectorial like armies as I said in the other post. Let's say, you have the Empire and empire auxilia units, the different Rebel cells plus allied races/units like the MonCal or Wookies. And then the Scum like faction of the Hutt, bounty hunters, and outside the empire or rebel armies, like Cis Remnants than are canon btw and armies of pirates, mercs and species outside the old Rebel/empire dichotomy (like the CIS, Mandalorians and Hutt if you are an autist about the movies/series). So you have the big two armies with all the variety you could want (we are only showed a sliver of the GCW anyway) plus the Scum mercs than can be fielded be both factions or as they own force. Best of all worlds.
Henry Jones
The dark side is a literal slippery slope >It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it.
Anthony Reed
>Qui-Gon >Obi-wan
>Obi-wan >Anakin, Luke
>Yoda >Dooku
>Sheev >Maul, Vader
>Luke >Kylo, Rey
>Snoke >Kylo
The betrayal batting average is really shit overall.
Xavier Allen
James Luceno Matt Stover
Chase Ward
He had Xanatos in the Legends canon.
Levi Barnes
>So what happens if I use the force neither for good nore evil, but for myself? It's selfish, so it's the Dark Side, but I'm not really a dick with it and not evil.
The Dark side doesn't start off "baby raping evil". It starts out with simple and very understandable desires- fear, anxiety, personal power, etc.
Then, once you've gone that path, you kind of get hooked on it to the point where you eventually end up all evil and shit.
The force- in its ideal state- is about the big picture: life and the cycle/energy that binds all things. The dark side is a corruption of the force: moving away from this big picture to focus on the individual above what's right for the galaxy. It broadly mirrors many Eastern religions in which the universe operates on certain harmonious principles and the way to reach that state is to abolish your ego, your wants, your desires, and your selfish needs.
Those needs in this cosmology, are consider baser things that lower us when we have the potential to be powerful, knowledgeable, all encompassing entities like the force.
That's why "ideally" Jedi are supposed to be similar to many Eastern monastic traditions in which they're supposed to eschew wealth, personal power, binds, and look to lose their ego, and gain spiritual apotheosis before moving on to become one with the universe.
But the Jedi repeatedly become embroiled in worldly affairs, grow to form bureaucracies that become more about the continued existence of the Jedi as an institution than guiding its members to apotheosis, and generally get fucked by people who disagree that seeking harmony with the universe should have priority over satisfying their mortal desires.
Anthony Martinez
>The Dark side doesn't start off "baby raping evil". It starts out with simple and very understandable desires- fear, anxiety, personal power, etc. >Then, once you've gone that path, you kind of get hooked on it to the point where you eventually end up all evil and shit.
So they're basically Scientologists?
Gabriel Walker
>Why are jedi the most heavily criticised organisation?
Biggest and most prominent organization gets the most criticism because it's the biggest and most prominent. Especially when it tries to take a position of superiority. That invites challengers.
Jaxon Garcia
More like Hindu/Buddhists.
Christopher Davis
Imps, wanna kitbash stormies and scout troopers to look like these dudes.
Jordan White
>Dark side >Not evil
Leo White
Nah, people actually like the Sith sometimes
Well I do, they make great bad guys and its fun to torture players going down the teflon lined hole of ultimatefuckingpowa!
Henry Peterson
>But the Jedi repeatedly become embroiled in worldly affairs, grow to form bureaucracies that become more about the continued existence of the Jedi as an institution than guiding its members to apotheosis, and generally get fucked by people who disagree that seeking harmony with the universe should have priority over satisfying their mortal desires. Their allegiance is to the republic; to democracy.
Noah Carter
Dark Empire is such a good comic. We will never have a movie about Imperial remnants killing each other.
Chase Myers
Either way you're succumbing to a galactic parasite that manipulates both sides of an artificial conflict to further its own mysterious goals.
Charles Johnson
It really depends on the canon you're following. There are examples in legends of jedi who were able to balance mortal desires such as love and anger and not end up sliding into cartoonish evil.
Jolee Bindo and Kreia both come to mind.
Nolan Myers
Kreia is not grey Jolee is just gay
Connor Butler
>Maybe going a little overboard here (I've got some strong personal bias myself)
Ya think?
Nolan Wright
But Kreia was cartoonishly evil.
Mason Ward
If Jango is not Mandalorian, then who is the most famous Mando in the canon? Sabine?
James Rodriguez
Andrew Barnes
>Doesn't she spend like half a book brooding when she realises that was true? If anything, those books have a relentless tempo and all the main players are proactive and constantly on the move. So no, not really.
Michael Reed
How so? She always struck me as a figure straight out of greek myth, like Cassandra. Cursed to give advice that nobody would ever listen to. And she was right to attempt to destroy the force from a utilitarian perspective.
Xavier Fisher
And this was the flaw and attachment of the jedi that they could never recognize.
Luis Morris
But how could Boba be Mando if Jango isn't? Unless Boba was adopted as one of them? None of this makes sense.
Julian Lopez
I used to like Kreia until I've played Fallout New Vegas and met Ulysses. And then I realized that no, Kreia isn't a tragic villain and a liar, she's literally Avellone's mouthpiece spouting retarded bullshit, just like Ulysses is.
Zachary Gutierrez
Everything kreia says is less retarded than anything lucas has done with the IP though. If you don't like retards, why are you a star wars fan? The IP is built by and for retards.
Jordan Cook
>people dislike Vader's use of the force while piloting his Xwing despite being able to force choke people in different SDs in ESB
Kuat made the best ships. >Delta-7 >Eta-2 >Alpha-3/V-Wing >A-Wing
Wyatt Ramirez
Ok Veeky Forums what was the worst thing the prequels added to canon? Most people say meme shit like midichlorians but those aren't even that bad. The absolute worst thing in the prequels is ninja flipping Yoda and Sheev. These masters of the force should be so above lightsabers. Yoda using a lightsaber goes directly against his character. And Sheev is an evil space wizard. Why would he use a jedi's weapon?
Colton Parker
Imagine owning a Victory-class. Literally the manlet of Star Destroyers, I'd be embarrassed. So bad the Anaxes War College classed it a fucking HEAVY CRUISER, not even a real Star Destroyer. JUST.
Samuel Sanchez
Karen Traviss is also a shit-tier writer by comparison to Zahn.
You buy Mara Jade because he wrote her well. You don't buy anything Traviss is selling because she wrote nothing well.
Dylan Carter
Why are you spaming this? I seen at least two times in /co/.
Gabriel Hughes
Yoda and Sheev using sabers and flipping around, and by extension the rest of the jedi acting like they're in a wuxia film, doesn't bother me - it just adds to the idea that ye olde jedis and their sith enemies were that strong.
Jason Rogers
>Jolee Bindo and Kreia both come to mind.
Jolee didn't balance love and desire. He just went off into the woods to be a hermit- about as far as one can get to earthly attachments.
And Kreia was pretty damn evil/anti-Force to the point where she was going to kill damn near every force sensitive in the Galaxy in order to destroy the Force.
Charles Gomez
>It's selfish, so it's the Dark Side, but I'm not really a dick with it and not evil. According to Luke what matters is whether your actions generate an imbalance. If you use the Force for yourself and your actions don't really fall on either "good" or "bad" it wouldn't necessarily be of the Dark Side.
Brody Campbell
Yet the best of Isaard's pet captains ran the VSD of the fleet. If he'd been in charge of the Lusankya, Wedge and the boys would have been left the old canon much, much sooner.
Jackson Myers
>And then I realized that no, Kreia isn't a tragic villain and a liar, she's literally Avellone's mouthpiece spouting retarded bullshit, just like Ulysses is.
Does it count as being a mouthpiece if your character is the antagonist who is ultimately expected to be proven wrong and lose? Maybe the guy just likes those kinds of antagonists and likes slamming Objectivism.
Alexander Wood
And this pissed her off to no end that people would compare her unfavorable to Zahn. It almost certainly played a part in the deaths of Mara and Pellaeon in the LOTF novels.
Kayden Howard
>in his Xwing >Vader What
Sebastian Thompson
A body double was in the TIE advanced. Vader was undercover a Wedge.
Colton Nelson
TIE advanced
Jayden Bailey
Is there a nice place where I can find lots of ship floorplans?
James Brooks
What would be a good cap for d6 for humans? Both in stats as for Skills.
Nicholas Flores
Nice place? There where a lot of ancient web sites, but I dunno how many where axed. I got some from devianart, but you know, devianart.
Caleb Turner
ST space and ground battles are roughly scaled to the OT...
Leo Taylor
I figured the Mandalorian homeworld would have monuments to how great they once were during the Crusades, and have atleast preserved Basilisk War droids.
Jordan Lee
>guys lets put the bridge right in between two sections of hull so we can't see anything out of the window. >Also we need to make it kinda look as much like the Millenium Falcon as possible.
Isaiah Walker
You don't need peripheral vision when you gotta go fast
Jayden Sanchez
Clone Troopers
Jaxon Allen
>kreia >objectivist
Jaxon Anderson
Making Anakin a prophesied chosen one.
Bentley Johnson
>flying by sight
Justin Flores
Every movie has more ridiculous force antics than the previous movie
If you were rewatching the movies blind, would Obi-wan's mind tricks, or Luke "using the force" to aim, lead you to believe that Luke would go on to lift X-Wings with his mind or that the Emperor could shoot lightning?
Tyler Davis
It's also why the EU fandom told her to pound sound.
She's a mediocre writer, which is basically Del Rey's sweet spot. They're lucky when they pull writers like Zahn, Hearne, Stackpole, Denning, Luceno, and Gray. They know it, too, and basically let them write whatever they can get past the story board.