what usually happens if a fantasy and a 40k fanboi meet each other
What usually happens if a fantasy and a 40k fanboi meet each other
In old times fantasy player would downlook 40k player for playing simpler and more casual game made for kiddies. Now I guess 40k player would pity fantasy player for AoS incident.
40k has already been sigmarized *cough* Primaris Marines *cough*
Most of the time they'd play both.
Fantasy player cucks out and licks up the 40k player's cum.
what Veeky Forums does
>"what a pathetic [x]babby you are, liking [thing i like less] more! consider suicide plebeian"
what a normal person does
>"ah ok. cool i guess"
Depends on the type of fanboi, there are types of fans that would happily chat to one another about the similarities between the two and shit like that while there are other fans that see it as an us vs them kind of deal. Considering how autistic most people who are into any kind of wh are though I'm gonna assume it's mostly the latter.
>hurrr, Primaris marines are inspired by sigmarines despite those being inspired by space marines
Found the retard
Age of Sigmar happens
>Now I guess 40k player would pity fantasy player for AoS incident.
I don't. The fantasy fans I knew were the most toxic players I've ever seen and incredibly hostile to newcomers.
They deserve Age of sigmar.
I'm a giant fantasyfag and what's the point of this picture? Sigmar war just a man, albeit a visionary and a paragon of his kind and armed with a really rad hammer. He's quite literally GW going "What if Conan founded Germany?"
The Pre-Heresy Emperor can accidently hate people to death. What's the fucking Death Battle?
He's either memeing or a retard.
Ever since GW decided to cut WHFB off, there's been a bunch of mongoloids on Veeky Forums spouting shit like "WHFB was full of toxic grognards that scared off newcomers!", "It was utterly impossible to ever please those toxic, hateful faggots with anything!" or "It's their fault, WHFB hasn't been profitable in twenty years because nobody bought any models!"
What actually happened was that Fantasy was trucking along fine, then GW killed it towards the second half of 7th Edition with three legendarily broken books. Then they revived it with short-term gain in mind in 8th Edition by jacking up the modelcount to near-unplayable and ridiculously expensive levels and killed it again through a mixture of greed, lack of vision and complete mismanagement. Cue sales failing and Kirby deciding to cut the entire thing loose because WHFB wasn't trademarkable by virtue of having Germans, Medieval Frenchbrits, Elves, Orks and Ogres instead of more disinct and easily trademarkable by namechange factions like the Adeptus Astartes, the Astra Militarum, the Eldari or the Drukkhari.
If Roundtree came along a little earlier, AoS would probably never had happened.
To be fair, weren't there a few cases of people literally burning their armies in protest of the move?
Granted, that's not so much 'toxic grognards scaring off newcomers' as people voicing their displeasure with Kirby's fucking disaster of a so-called reboot in the only way they could think of.
>To be fair, weren't there a few cases of people literally burning their armies in protest of the move?
On one hand, I'd be surprised if anyone would be stupid enough to do that.
On the other hand, not really. People smash their PCs or Consoles all the time and considering how autistic the GW-Only crowd is...
trivia: space marines were originally inspired by wfb chaos warriors
>three legendarily broken books
>Dark elves,
What's the third one?
Vampires, if I recall.
I like both settings, but prefer Fantasy because I can't get enough of Veeky Forums as fuck landsknects clothing.
That's why I don't like the empire. Then again, I'm more at home in Late antiquity/Early Middle Ages.
Vampires, Daemons, High Elves.
Sorry nigga. I was here for 7th edition WHFB general.
It was cancerous, filled with "Muh State troopers" Dogma, hating on Demigryphs and the constant CONSTANT linking to recasters and knock off sites.
I watched (the only?) one. Guy was having some tiring rant, so I muted the video and put on some bagpipe music. Was fitting end for FABA and my relationship with it and the company.
Oh shit, they're drinking form the Fountain That Turns Your Outfits Increasingly Gay!
That shit broke my heart. Fuck if there isn't some egotistical nepotistic bullshit story behind the scenes to explain all this. And someone made a post the other day talking about how the GW designers and writers are doing things on purpose to piss off grognards, which read a little too personal to be anything but an employee.
Much of the last few years on this board has felt like an argument between AoS's cough cough designers cough cough and every person they can pick a fight with. "No you smelly asshole nerds our game is better fuck off fuck you nyeh nyeh nyeh" it was really bad when the game first started but never really abated.
Roundtree is stopping the bleeding with nostalgia but it's still not healthy.
somebody spergs out and a setting gets erased
>That's why I don't like the empire
>Muh Guard
>Chaos Autism Circus
>The Chaos vs Nids Autism Shitshow that has been going for two months
>An entire trove with every publication in PDF and epub format
>Constant Chinaman posting
>Buy more Stormcast
>Jewish Stormcast Shekel Shekel
>Fuck Dispossessed lmao
>Let's talk about Stormcast
How is this any different from back then?
>Linking to recasters
You are so full of shit, you could power a small town with a biomass power plant built on top of you
Dark Elves, Demons, Vampires
High Elves were only A Tier, even with ASF on everything, the Teclis Shitshow and BotWD
>Fantasy goes full force ghost and becomes more powerful than anyone can imagine
>AoS gets a shit general and Soycast Jewternal
>40k gets primaris marines
It is a glorious thing to be a empire/high elf boo