For all your questions on Dark Heresy (1st and 2nd Editions), Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War. Not the wargame, not Chapter Master, not Space Hulk. Inquisitor is okay, but not many people know about it.
>Who's making the new 40k RPGs? Ulisses-Spiel, very well known in Germany. It's set post Gathering Storm, uses a Shadowrun-esque D6 dice pool, and is a unified line with Marines, Humans, and Xenos all playable in the core book.
There is a new Homebrew Megafolder option in above MEGA directory containing several things.
40K RPG tools, a site that contains stats or references for almost all weapons, armor and NPCs/adversaries. Not updated past DH2 core.
40k RPG Combined Armory (v6.48.161023), containing every piece of gear in all five lines. Now includes all DH2e books.
To be fair, we only did a fraction of that personally, the rest was collateral damage. I'd have to say gunning down an alpha-level psyker tops it.
Also, the salvation of Velasquez: >Kill-Team Theseus is making its way off a rapidly disintegrating Rogue Trader ship, a friendly rogue trader by the name of Velasquez locked in a stasis casket, along with his Seneschal/Paramour. >We have recently fended off the remains of the mecha-marines the heretical Rogue Trader created, and are getting the hell off this ship to deal with the boarding party on the friendly vessel. >We progress through the halls, Brother Gunnar's glorious multi-melta vapourizing assassins. >And then, the heretic's Alpha-Level Witch-daughter starts fucking with our minds. >Most of us pass the opposed willpower check (Including my Assault marine, who's been wise enough to invest in those expensive advances), except Gunnar. >Fresh from burning an assassin alive, he turns his cannon towards our mission objective, preparing to unleash the heat of the a thousand suns as he pulls the trigger. >CLICK >It has the recharge quality, giving us time to hold him down and shake off her influence. >Her hand played, we start to merrily jog towards the hangar, chanting prayers in high gothic to prove our purity and faith at all times. Those who falter, if only for a second, have fallen. >We make our way to the hangar, hop in Velasquez's salvaged stormbird craft, and fly across the void, during which we discover that mother-fucking Vanderlin, the heretic bastard who we've destroyed two body doubles of so far, has assumed Velasquez's identity, and turned the ship against us. >We dodge incoming point-defense fire, and crash into a hangar, only to find it filled to the brim with Sororitas pointing heavy weapons at us. >Our Wolf-Priest exits, making a convincing argument for why we should not be burnt alive. >Among his points, is that we have the Rogue Trader and his Seneschal with us, in need of medical aid.
Samuel Sanchez
>"But she's right here with us." >And at that moment, Alyssa Vanderlin, Witch-born daughter and lover of Severus Vanderlin, failed her deceive check by one, while surrounded by angry sororitas. >The command post immediately detonated, turning several sisters to ash, while servitors started to pour into the hangar. >We pressed onwards, pouring machine curses and bolt fire onto the servitors, closing in on Alyssa's position. >A sister's fire penetrated Alyssa's psychic aegis, drawing a cry of pain and a plea for help sent to her father. >It was at this moment that Vanderlin, butcher of Astartes, dealer in darkness, heretic, burst forth from beneath the hangar, clad in a modified Tau battlesuit, and engaged the kill-team. >Unfortunately, he was unable to stop a dozen bolt-shells from brother Gunnar ripping into his daughter, turning her into a fine red mist. >The battlesuit immediately turned and charged into the command post, only to be savaged by battle-brother Arkio, immobilized by Brother-librarian Hindenburg's curses, and peeled open like a tin can over the remnants of his daughter. >It was at that point, revealed it was either remotely controlled, or piloted by an abominable intelligence. Either way, it was burnt by the sisters, along with the witch. >Vanderlin, disguised as Velasquez, still breathed, however. >We went to rectify that, along with a contingent of sisters. >After passing the wounded Trader and his Sensechal into the care of the sisters, we kicked down the door, purging any traitorous bridge staff with fire, as the assault went for a flying tackle on wings of flame. >It was at this point that Vanderlin was forced to roll a fear test as he realized how much shit he was in. >He failed, and fell to the floor a broken man.
And so, Justice was done. Still have a heretic Explorator creeping around somewhere, and we're drifting dangerously close to Witchwood, but it went well.
Samuel Taylor
purge the techies desu
Charles Price
>And at that moment, Alyssa Vanderlin, Witch-born daughter and lover of Severus Vanderlin
Charles Bell
>And at that moment, Alyssa Vanderlin, Witch-born daughter and lover of Severus Vanderlin
Owen Kelly
The day the dice betrayed us and we still prevailed >Party is a navigator, sister of battle, cadian shocktrooper, crazy psyker and techpriest >Infiltrating probably chaos old laboratory >Cadian sneaks up on the two henchmen guarding the door and rolls 100 >Cadian slips in puddle and falls flat on face >Sister of battle hurries over to his aid and has a flamer jam >Cadian tries to attack in melee and gets knocked out due to second crap roll >Seeing this, the psyker and the techpriest climb into a rhino and decide to ram the door to the lab >Navigator barely jumps out of the way >Psyker decides to go all psychic powers blazing >Rolls a perils of the warp >Disables the rhino and the techpriest >Lab door opens due to ruckus and 4 chaos marines step out >Sister of battle decides to beat in the face of the first with her broken flamer but fails >Cadian still trying to get rid of henchman and fails melee roll >Two chaos marines start trying to pry open the rhino >The psyker gets another chance to roll and does a second peril of the warp, vanishing to another planet >Techpriest tries to restart the rhino and fails >At this point, the navigator decides to run into the action with a loud "LOOK AT MEEEEEE" >The dice betray the chaos marines who don't get the deception and all look or start to aim at the scrawny man >Lidless stare bonanza >One outright dies and the rest is knocked out >Sister finished basking one's head in >Techpriest fails again with the rhino and the GM, seeing our desperate situation, decided that the machine spirit went in reverse and flattened the chaos marine that was still in the vicinity out of sheer annoyance >Cadian finally rolls something decent and kills the henchmen >Last chaos marines blindly shoots at navigator and miss because the dice weren't in their favour either >Cadian and sister of battle take care of the rest Needless to say it is the session we do not speak off.
Liam Gutierrez
When we found a long-lost Knight House. It was a fixer-upper.
Asher Morales
>the GM, seeing our desperate situation, decided that the machine spirit went in reverse
Noah Cruz
So guys. I need advice.
My squad is trapped on a ship with a single Rak'Gol. We thought the ship was dead and it already killed our retinue of guardsmen. We got the power going and it woke up from hibernation and started killing.
Party is: Rogue Trader Marine Errant Astropath Explorator
We only have power swords and a couple plasma guns
Zachary Foster
>marine errant
Why are you worried again? You're already breaking the system.
Mason Anderson
A signle rak'gol, and you have plasma, power weapons AND a space marine? What an easy fight. Even a squad of guardsmen can take on a single rak'gol - your GM probably fiat'd them dead to create "atmosphere."
Ryder Thomas
Assuming your group has the same XP, that makes everyone but the Marine rank 4 by default. So, what's the problem?
Joshua Sanders
I've seen some pictures of humans with nartheciums, is that a thing? Would it have the same stats as the Apothecaries?
Brandon Williams
It is, check sisters hospitalier.
Elijah Lewis
So I'm going to try Deathwatch for the first time and Wolf Scout caught my eye. I'm not very familiar with the system (I mostly play RT when I play a 40K rpg at all) so I' like some clarification. The characteritic advances for WS replace the standard Tac Marine one, but what about the speciality advances? Does it replace the Tac Marine ones, add to them, does it replace general or Chapter advances?
Ayden Nelson
Hey, I noticed there was a pretty cool user who said they converted a bunch of stuff from RT a thread or two ago and posted a link to their weapons stuff.
If you are around user, could you post the rest of your conversion?
Ian Diaz
How do I get my friends to play a 30k game? Whenever I try, all they say is "lol space marines" and brush it off.
Jaxon Price
Any ideas for DH2 Psykers to gain astro telepath powers without soul-binding?
Jeremiah Davis
Unfortunately 30k is pretty much all “lol space marines”, like 90% of the lore is about the great marine slapfest. Maybe try a game of Deathwatch and see if they like it? Not sure that solves the marine problem though.
Ryan Peterson
So, in DH2, There are the temple assassins. who have that super dodge ability. What should that be worth to PCs xp wise?
Xavier Butler
I didn't see GBAL have solar auxilia, mechanicum, or cults and militia. Are they in another book?
Jace Rivera
So why is healing in DH2 so much harder than in Dark Heresy 1st edition. Does anyone just ignore the "once per 12 hours" rule on invigorate and endurance?
Luis Rodriguez
Even in Permadeath I still serve
Carter Peterson
Landon Wright
How the Warp does the blimp relate to the Dark Angels?
Levi Anderson
They're a high-flying relic of the past that's often romanticised but would burn to cinders if exposed to the slightest spark of the flame of truth?
Leo Hall
Player’s online handle is Dirigible. After familiarising himself with level of carnage unleashed by the Kill-Team on every mission he decided to get a fitting name and thus Brother Hindenburg was born.
Dylan Clark
A little different from before and a lot simpler, which works better as the symbol of a Sisters of Battle Order? Left or Right?
Bentley Cox
I like the left. The fleur de lis pops better.
Luke Ortiz
Hi, Veeky Forums, newbie GM here. I've cobbled a group together to play Dark Heresy (or possibly Rogue Trader, but DH won ). Three of the four aren't familiar with too much of the setting, although I've sat them down and given them a quick summary of the important bits; "heresy is bad, cute aliens are not for cuddles, people with visible deformities are not going to have a fun time" - that sort of thing. The fourth is a tech-priest nut that I'm a little worried is going to be a little hammy and alienate them, but I'll ask that he roll a non-techpriest at first, so he doesn't go full Mechanicus right away. Anyway, they've committed, we'll start after someone moves house in just under two weeks. My problem is, what's a good sort of one-shot scenario to act as a tutorial? No-one's actually played PnP stuff before, bar me. I was originally going to see about altering Shattered Hope to fit DH2e, but I saw that a few people last thread were saying that it's basically a dull dungeon grind - and having read it, I can sort of agree. Is there any pre-existing one-shot that combines investigation, combat and talking? In other words, got three receptive normies interested along with a tabletop player, how can I rope them in good and proper?
Isaac Miller
Holy shit user, so they never played PnP and they have no idea of Warhammer 40k. Frankly I would go with a more easily understood world, like DnD, where even normies will get what an elf, a dwarf or a halfling are. If you really want to, I'd play a one shot scenario which is basically a couple of clues and then blow up a chaos dude. Something real easy and simple.
Jaxson Rogers
whats the best way to play RT atm? original ruleset or some port?
Joseph Gutierrez
Which game line handles psykers the best, and why?
Carson Gonzalez
Only War, because playing one is discouraged.
Nicholas Anderson
OK most important question...where is more 40k scooby doo? I need that in my life.
Andrew Moore
>The psyker gets another chance to roll and does a second peril of the warp, vanishing to another planet What happened to him?
Elijah Jackson
Dumb Krautfag here,with two questions. First, could you explain me, whats the difference between Aptidutes and Characteristics in ONLY WAR? Sadly, I only found the Rulebook in english. Second, does weather (Heavy Rain, Snow, Blizzards etc.) effect Energy Weapons (Lasguns, Melters, Plasmaguns etc.). The Gimmick for my groups Regiment should basicly be, that the have more or less "All Weather Proof, including Radiation"-Armor and therefore can be deployed in even the shittest of places." Pic more or less related.
Kayden Robinson
>First, could you explain me, whats the difference between Aptidutes and Characteristics in ONLY WAR? Characteristics are you char's stats you roll tests with. Aptitudes are your char's leanings that make advancing characteristics/skills/talent cheaper; everything has two aptitudes listed; the more aptitudes your char has fitting for a thing, the cheaper it would be in exp. >Second, does weather (Heavy Rain, Snow, Blizzards etc.) effect Energy Weapons No such rules, IIRC.
Thomas Sanchez
blew up the Tricorn palace to stop a necron invasion of scintilla and later sacrificed a good 70% of battlefleet calixis in a mad 3 way battle to shoot the tyrant star out of the sky. seeing as we rammed the bugger in a game of World Engine/Operation Chariot and survived i would like to think we succeeded.
Dominic Clark
Left it is then. Thanks.
Easton Stewart
So one of my players rolled a 33 in WP in DH and still wants to play a psyker. I'm not too sure if I should let him since that seems like an awfully low WP for it and I know he'll bitch constantly if it doesn't turn out well. Do you guys think advances would be enough to let him still work reasonably well?
Ethan Sanders
can you just let him swap two characteristics or is this a HARDCORE game
Landon Cooper
its HARDCORE for sure, and thats the way they wanted it. He says he thinks he can just take advances and get away with it even though he'll be stuck in the 40's for who knows how long but I don't think its a good idea.
Elijah Nguyen
would it be hardcore to swap two stats in exchange for burning a fate point?
Alexander Thomas
They don't want to. I said he could just do it if he wanted to but they've never played HARDCORE and now they want to. The question isn't what can I do to make it work the only real question is can it work at all or should I just tell him no?
Colton Sanders
whats the range of stats in DH typically? I dont remember anymore
Jason Myers
Due to not wanting to piss off the player, GM ruled that he landed on an imperial world and managed to send an astropathic message to mention were he was. We went and picked him up later.
Ethan Smith
Average is about 30, so his 33 is technically above average but even the book says you should min 35 and ideally be closer to 40. Its really expensive to increase stats past like +10 so realistically his willpower won't even go beyond like 48 for forever which isn't that great for dealing with all the bullshit psykers deal with. He'll be able to cast powers but not really deal with the side effects probably
Sebastian Gomez
If he's dead set on playing this out then he has to accept that he is more likely to die than most characters in a system where turnover is already high. With a low score in his critical characteristic he's going to fuck up sooner rather than later and potentially catastrophically so. If the player is known to be a bitch about things not going well then you only need to tolerate that until he dies. If he wants to play a hardcore game he will face hardcore consequences. Maybe next time he won't be such a sperg.
The bigger threat you face is how the rest of the party will react when they get punished by his reticent stupidity. Psykers are inherently dangerous in a meta sense because their fuckups endanger everyone else disproportionately to how easily they can fuck up. Your campaign isn't doomed but if people are quite taken with the characters they've initially created then the psyker splatting the party by accident will be a miserable wake-up call.
Elijah Sullivan
pls respond
Alexander Lewis
Original ruleset is fine. It's meant to be a high powered open game that you can take extensive liberties with regarding the universe and character interactions and the RAW support that.
Mechanically, it's not balanced with the rest of the games as RT characters end up being insanely powerful if they make it to just the middle ranks. That's more easily offset within the system since you can juice up opposition to still make combat interesting and social contests are the meaty and substantive part of the system since everyone is meant be a master unto himself and inherently human, unlike DH and OW where you're lucky to survive the day, or BC and DW where you're generally incredibly far removed from base humanity.
Most of the splatbooks are useful ASIDE from the canned adventures, which are all terribly railroady shite with maybe one exception.
Ian Brown
>Inquisitor >Has the two strike I of the Sisterhood on her shinguard >Wears an I with no strikes, the Chaplet Ecclesiarchus, icon of the Ministorum >Sister of Battle >Wears tripple strike I, the Inquisitorial Rosette, symbol of the Inquisition. Every single time.
Easton Wright
Can you imagine an Inquisitor pulling his Rosette out, expecting the fucking Imperial Guard pointing their flashlights at him to quiver in fear and piss them selves into a coma, and instead they laugh and say >The fuck do you think that means? Just because you're with the church doesn't mean we're going to stop.
what would you do?
Kevin Ross
Is there precedent for Eldar manipulating Orks, or are greenskins squarely in the "kill on sight without exception" category? Want to send some freebooters at my DH2 group, rationale being that the Kaptin was bribed by some Corsairs to keep the mon'keigh away from a planet with a broken warpgate or something.
Isaiah Fisher
It's valid. Eldar manipulate everything.
Evan Brooks
Eldar have manipulated basically everyone, it's just a matter of degree and direct involvement. They probably wouldn't have face-to-face'd with Orks but they could probably finagle some nonsense with a human catspaw. Kaptinz are weird since they have ambition and could easily be hired as long as there's fat lootz at the end.
Michael Perez
Thanks for the quick responses. Using a human stooge to stage the inital deal is something I didn't think of, good way to add an extra layer of mystery; could leave a database with the ship's coordinates or something in the breaching vessel as a clue (instead of the more obvious pile of Eldar guns I was considering).
Kayden Howard
Dark Heresy is about investigation. Though Rogue Trader gives the most variety race wise.
Benjamin Perry
how do I handle RT giving players an army basically? basically every combat encounter has a shitload of underlings on their side
Julian Nelson
Why do space wolves act like niggers?
Luis White
Is there a tool to help convert DH1e material to 2e?
Is there a collection of DH 1e material that's been converted to 2e?
I've heard that the mechanics for 2e are great, but, that the fiction/missions/setting are a bit naff.
Levi Gonzalez
A brain and common sense. The vast majority of things just need a slight rules update or can be ported as-is.
Jackson Wood
So it's more of a DIY thing then (ya git).
Cool enough.
Joseph Brown
>what would you do? Just kill the guardsmen if there are only ~40. Or try to not get into such silly situation in the first place. But I drag a killmarine and a Palatine, so it's not that big of a deal, they would shit their pant anyway.
Connor Young
>players spend time and effort equipping and managing squads >try to use said squads >oh just fiat them dead :^)
That is not a solution
Tyler Scott
Are you slow Acolyte? Read who he was responding to.
Aiden Rivera
You can separate them from their underlings, but that only works once or twice before players will start giving you shit about it. Your best bet will probably be to dynamically scale encounters depending on how many dudes they bring to still present a challenge and devise logical reasons for why bringing a whole bunch of extra gunmen might be a bad idea otherwise.
Julian Clark
If they just bring the entire army every single time I'd make a largish force attack their ship once while they were off it with most of their forces. See how many times they bring out all those goons once they get robbed. Alternatively just scale the encounters up and if you PC's have 40 guys just say the enemy has 80 and then let the PC army and their army fight while you just focus on what the PC's do.
Alexander Phillips
Lincoln Diaz
It's early in our campaign (OW) so our squad hasnt done anything that spectacular yet, but on our first mission my guardsman insulted the GM's mother and survived the mission (and still lives currently).
Story: >We're mechanised infantry rolling around in our chimera and we run into 2 traitor leman russes (later found out there were no russes/false intel/group wide hallucinations) and fuck off in another direction. >We disembark to to achieve our objective of neutralizing an AA-Battery. Then we discuss what we should do about the two potential Russes on our tail. >Discussion between my guardsman (M) and the guardsman of another player (B), who is the GM's brother.
B:We should try to sneak up on the tanks and take them out from behind, we all have 2 krak grenades each and M managed to get demolition charge from the munitorium for this mission. M:Sneak up on them? We dont know where they are. I don't want to round a corner and find myself starring down the barrel of a cannon. B:It's big, it's loud and it can't look behind itself... M (interrupting): Stop talking about your mother we have a mission to do!
Elijah Torres
I grant this to you.
Hudson Campbell
Not sure about the robbing thing myself. There are a fucktonne of millitant personnel onboard a Rogue Trader vessel. It'd be pretty bullshit to say "whoops those 60 dudes you had with you out of the hundred thousand on board where the ones stopping you from being robbed." The rest was solid though. Do consider just talking to the player and bring up that it's presenting a logistical roadblock for you though. If they're reasonable they'll understand and you csn work towards a solution that's more permanent.
Gabriel Morales
I agree, on the other hand I guess it's not really feasible to land an army every time AND keep them supplied
even then, landing some squads is a no-brainer but I guess I can just say "during the fight your reinforcements are occupied with holding off a horde"
Aiden Jenkins
So, I get to make a Psyker in second edition. I've got access to a force weapon, and so I'd like to make something based on melee.
Now, forgetting powers entirely, which world/aptitudes should I take? I should probably go Adeptus Astra Telepathica and Mystic, which leaves me without Finesse, offfense, Strength and Fieldcraft. My DM is also giving us one extra aptitude.
What should I do?
Daniel Williams
If you go biomancy eventually you'll get iron arm and warp speed to help with your melee stats, but force weapons do big damage even without much of a strength bonus. Offense is probably the better aptitude to take since itll cover more bases. Grabbing prescience from divination will get you a decent boost earlier on, psyniscience is a skill you'll increase a lot so it'll be easy to cast at full power.
Juan Sanders
Both make so much sense in so many ways, so I choose to believe both. >The Lion riding in a blimp because travel by horses on Caliban was too slow and resulted in crushed horses
Ryder Smith
Oh that's hideous and excellent in equal measure
Owen Mitchell
what other games have similar themes to Rogue Trader? Like RT without WH40k lore
Kayden Harris
Angel Morales
is there a specific edition thats relevant?
Jaxon Young
Why is it hideous
Christopher Ramirez
Does anyone have the Veeky Forums WIP thing of the Genesys draft of Dark Heresy? I forgot to save it.
Mason Bennett
>finally get a rogue trader group going >seem to have a pretty good dynamic >a heroic rogue trader who is basically a more narcissistic Archer but less overtly mean >a yesman Ork Mek sidekick who travels the ship eating all the black mould >a haughty eldar corsair who will get the d >the most mutant navigator
Last session degenerated into three hours of comic relief, and everyone had a jolly old time. Our Rogue Trader has just inherited the patriarchy of his family, and has come into a risky investment that could pay off hugely, so he's doing the rounds of all his current holdings. He's been to see his accountant, a fat man with a servitor who feeds him pies, he sent his ork to do the negotiating at an affiliated scrapyard (it didn't go well) and they ended up at his public relations office... one level above the underhive.
As it turned out, the senior clerk has a fault in his cognitive implant that makes him occasionally go a bit schizoid and think he's a commissar on his holidays, the junior clerk is an overworked Miss Pauling, and the juniorest clerk is a very bright young man who likes to clean things. Like the walls, the ceiling, the tax forms...
Gabriel Thomas
thats nice I wish I could get my friends to play RT
Brody Sanchez
Left, but I think it would look cooler if all the flames were joined together. Or maybe double the lines on the fleur de lys for the second; it's great for afar but isn't striking up close.
Luke Gutierrez
>>a haughty eldar corsair who will get the d
Tell me more.
Isaac Gutierrez
She doesn't *want* the d
but she's going to get it. someday.
RT is a full-on xenophile, and playing in a fairly far-out sector where Rogue Traders are quite well-known to do their extralegal shit, having xeno companions is seen as 'something we just have to put up with' from the general populace - barring a few worlds, places with a strong ecclesiarchy/etc presence, and if we're too overt about it.
We make the ork wear itchy sackcloth robes when he comes with us, while the elf just has to tape down her ears. She has a group of wounded corsair battlebuddies who sit in their gun-cutter aboard RTs ship and refuse to do any work, so one day - some day - there will be an elf harem in the RT's quarters. Fade to black, of course - we're not *complete* degenerates.
Jacob Ramirez
I'll try to get a pastebin together at some point. I don't have a tidy file to copy from, since everything's separated on Roll20 posts.
Luke Hall
Looking for some advice for a only war game I'm in. I'm playing a weapon specialist and I wanted to know if solid projectile weapons are any good?
Jackson Brooks
Autocannons are the best weapon in the game.
Hunter Perry
Oh yeah it is pretty good what about the rest? I think I'm going to end up being the pointman/scout out of the party and it seems like the Basic weapons are having a pretty hard time hurting anyone we have to deal with I was thinking of taking some time out of getting other kinds of ammo and on top of that I was thinking of looking into projectile weapon mastery. I do like the idea of getting a autocannon because it doesn't seem like any of the other weapons are really that strong but I'm pretty sure that's the point.
Jayden Cruz
An autocannon also makes you fire support, not pointman, especially since you'll need at least one friend to carry and operate it.
Chase Long
How does the autocannon compare to slugging around a M41 multi laser?
Mason Ward
I would recommend looking at warrior, assassin, or crusader and buying psyker if your starting WP is 40.
Landon Hall
Why aren't there all-Eldar rulebooks?
William Miller
This is the most dumb thing I've heard in a while, but I think it really does prove that players do not know what they want.
Tell him no, he needs to learn the consequences of wanting to roll straight down the line. If you let him do it, he'll just be disappointed as he finds he can rarely cast anything, and he'll just be a huge liability to the party.