Why is Zargothrax considered evil? He only wanted to save the multiverse from slavery and fear. He didn't do anything wrong.
Angus McFife is the real villain here.
Why is Zargothrax considered evil? He only wanted to save the multiverse from slavery and fear...
because he wanted to do that by killing all life in the universe
Also, I'm not sure whether that was Zargothrax talkign or the elder god tearing through the fabric of reality.
Zargothrax retreated to caribbean sea and became a pirate hunted by Angus, that shall be my headcanon
last i heard he tried to open a portal to hell to rule the galaxy
Raping the fucking princess of Dundee, for one thing.
Well, he's a chaos wizard making fireballs and lighting rain from the skies while riding undead unicorns into the fray, making ALL the people die.
That's pretty evil. What did Angus do apart from destroying the earth with the help of the Hootsman ?
This is the gayest shit I've ever fucking read.
>Goofy setting that willingly put lots of stupid shit and doesn't take itself seriously
Wew lad
The better question is why aren't we discussing an RPG for this kind of setting right now? Not only would it make this thread Veeky Forums related, it would also fulfil the universe's dire need of a Gloryhammer RPG.
Maybe because the band is using parody as an excuse for how incredibly shitty they are. This music isn't even fun to listen to.
Are you saying we shouldn't be running our games in crazy overblown wacky science fantasy settings featuring chaos wizards summoning elder gods who fight against cyborg barbarian movie stars? Because I respectfully disagree.
>Zargothrax retreated to caribbean sea and became a pirate hunted by Angus, that shall be my headcanon
Crossover album when? Gloryhammer was founded by Alestorm's vocalist, it can be done
>What did Angus do apart from destroying the earth with the help of the Hootsman ?
And even then, it was the only way to stop the Elder God Korviliath of the 18th Hell Dimension from being unleashed into the galaxy.
>This music isn't even fun to listen to.
>liquid ice
...so like
Isn't that like just you know
Kind of
exactly what I meant
it's still cold, I think it's like magic liquid nitrogen
Dungeons the Dragoning. Players are a band of knights, barbarians and wizards on side of Justice fighting chaos wizards, either to defeat or to win time until main forces arrive.
Problem with the song (at least Apocalypse 1992) is that it doesn't have the full story of what happened to everyone involved in the final war.
The Questlords of Inverness were retconned out of existance by an infinity bomb.
The Spaceknights of Crell were destroyed again by the Chaos Wizard that resurrected Zargothrax.
The Dwarf King and his army were killed by the Goblin King from the Darkstorm Galaxy, not by the demon hordes.
Also the story of the third album was spoiled.
Angus McFife XIII finds Ralathor again, somehow, and they begin building an army of Hootsmen that they send through the time portals. Then they lead an army of good unicorns against Zargothrax, who stabs Angus with a Knife of Evil, the thing he used to corrupt the unicorns in the first album. Angus manages to kill Zargothrax once and for all, and then himself to prevent being corrupted by the Knife
Problem is the power level. I mean this setting contains magic hammers that literally contain star lasers (we are talking millions of Kelvin here, getting hit probably evokes a thermonuclear explosion), cyborgs powered by neutronium (a material so dense that it is constantly on the verge of collapsing into a black hole), wizards that cast spells that turn entire species undead in one fell swoop, and so on
That's the joke
Well, it's not like you would wield Excalibur in a normal game.
I think a rigid system wouldn't work with it anyway
>Also the story of the third album was spoiled.
B-but they're still going to record the album, right?
Look at you, so edgy and hipstery. I bet you don't even like power metal in the first place, let alone epic power metal.
Don't forget the stuff that survives those attacks. The Ancestral Laserdragon, for example, survives multiple blows from the Magic Hammer and the same would apply for Angus' enemies.
Then Zargothrax survives the detonating Neutronic Transnova bomb that destroyed the Earth.
>This music isn't even fun to listen to.
Go back to /mu/ and jerk off to some Burzum instead then. I bet you hate GWAR too.
Visiting family in Dundee over new year right now.
They don't believe the undead unicorn invasion is about to happen. How can I make them ready for the battle during hogmanay/new years?
The better question would be, how would you stat the Hootsman.
Here's your (you) to add to your growing collection, kid.