Does the shopkeeper give a better deal to the hero that cleared out the goblin camp, or his best friend?
Does the shopkeeper give a better deal to the hero that cleared out the goblin camp, or his best friend?
1 time deal to the Hero IF the hero didnt use his stock, then a smaller permanent deal.
What about his best friend who cleared out the goblin camp?
What if the goblin camp is where he got most of his merchandise from?
It varies from shop keeper to shop keeper. Most of them charge their best friend extra, right bastard that guy James, asked for too many freebies cause he knows me from grammar school, still hasn't given back the 50 qid I've lent that one time.
What if he did most of his business with the goblins in the camp?
What if the hero is his best friend?
If I cleared out the goblin camp I AM his new best friend.
I'm getting war flashbacks.
how well off is the best friend?
Is the hero trying to trade goblin made crap in trade?
It depends on how much he is paying in taxes
Depends on how big a dick his best friend is.
>psychopathic murder destroys goblin bottling factory, kills many, maims more
>factory owner and local shopkeeper distraught, ruined, will surely starve this winter
He secretly gives a 'deal' (selling at regular prices, just below what he advertises) to everyone in order to incentivize regular patronage.
He gives a better deal to the heroes if he knows what's good for him!
Bullshit. I give the hero the best deal ever. Slightly less of a markup than everyone else on better hero related goods.
Can't sell all the goblin camp's goods if Louie up and dies on me before bring them home, after all.
>not pushing Louie through at 1HP because that bread you could feed him to heal is worth more to you in the store than his well-being
I ain't losing the thousands worth of other items he's holding to save some walnut bread. Besides if he just kills something else, LIKE I"M PAYING HIM TO, we'll make up the loss.
Now little girls, don't let me get started on little girls.
You were saying?
Little girls are a plague on the good businessmen of the world and should be outlawed unilaterally. Unfortunately the weeb lobby is too deep into their Chinese propaganda cutscenes to realize they're actually defending the spread of an elite, communist superweapon!
Do you not understand the good pr and advertising that a slight discount to a hero brings in? Why I have to wonder if you know even the slightest thing about capitalism, spunky child.
What if his best friend was a part of that goblin camp?
No friend of any self respecting shopkeeper is a filthy goblin
Depends on the shopkeep
But think of the tales they'd be able to swap!
I gave the adventurers a good deal when they were buying equipment that would be better than what they had right now. It meant that they could grab better loot which would end up in my store. I'd go as low as a 50% discount. Heck, I crafted weapons, armor and accessories specifically so that if they had special orders for "something metal" or "something to wear", I'd have something in storage just for them.
When they wanted junk that didn't improve their performance, like fucking Louie saying he just NEEEDED that cake on display? Or a damn wand even though he's a fighter? Yeah, he's paying 120% or more for that.