I've had it. Why does everyone hate GRRM, whose writing still in many ways still represents the great characteristics of pre-Tolkien heroic fantasy (complete with heroic knights going on fabulous adventures and great heroes fighting against incredible odds, with fucking Frazetta-style neanderthal barbarians with axes), instead of hating Patrick Rothfuss?
The man is a complete tit. His books are full of crudely expressed leftist attitudes: all rich people and noblemen are stupid because they haven't checked their privilege and women are all pure angels who are oppressed by the patriarchy, you have to see the story of poor people who are all victims.
Like John Green, another writer who is universally-hated on this site, he has a fixation with high school and his teenage years: not only does he set his first book in such a setting (complete with student loan problems, ain't that a scathing critique of modern America), he also uses references and comparisons to high school repeatedly.
He's also a very annoying type of feminist: not a cool, aloof academic and not a hilarious kill-all-men LARPer, but a woman-worshipping, effeminate wuss. Just look at this shit he wrote, concerning the main character's relations to his love-interest's boyfriends:
>I have known her longer, my smile said. True, you have been inside the circle of her arms, tasted her mouth, felt the warmth of her, and that is something I have never had. But there is a part of her that is only for me. You cannot touch it, no matter how hard you might try. And after she has left you I will still be here, making her laugh. My light shining in her. I will still be here long after she has forgotten your name.
I've had it. Why does everyone hate GRRM...
Other urls found in this thread:
In addition, his opinions on the genre are absolutely retarded ("Fantasy should move on from Tolkien", which would shackle us to be different for its own sake and also includes the false premise that all fantasy is based on LotR). He has also been a complete and utter pig to his fans.
So let's shift our hate from good old Sword n' Sorcery GRRM over to the pathetic loser Rothfuss. He's getting more popular by the minute, so we also get contrarian points.
Because GRRM is actually well known.
>>I have known her longer, my smile said. True, you have been inside the circle of her arms, tasted her mouth, felt the warmth of her, and that is something I have never had. But there is a part of her that is only for me. You cannot touch it, no matter how hard you might try. And after she has left you I will still be here, making her laugh. My light shining in her. I will still be here long after she has forgotten your name.
What a fucking cuck.
Rothfuss is one of the best-known contemporary fantasy authors. You see recommendations for his books everywhere.
Self proclaimed genre literature is garbage.
Protip: Tolkien wasn't genre.
Shame his only good book was the first one, as the others were god awful.
>women are objects
*tips kippah*
What is this? One neckbeard angry with another?
>I have known her longer, my smile said. True, you have been inside the circle of her arms, tasted her mouth, felt the warmth of her, and that is something I have never had. But there is a part of her that is only for me. You cannot touch it, no matter how hard you might try. And after she has left you I will still be here, making her laugh. My light shining in her. I will still be here long after she has forgotten your name.
I don't know anything about his general politics outside of this quote, but this is way more stereotypical Nice Guy™ than it is feminist, and it's creepy as fuck.
There's no difference between genre and non-genre.
that's a nice quote.
>academic consensus doesn't exist
There's a difference between works that limit themself and work who don't.
There's a difference between this faggot and Tolstoy.
Because GRRM used his newfound surge in popularity to push his opinions on American politics as well as fantasy literature. Just like Stephen King. The difference is that King is actually American and I actually like some of his books.
Consensus is no argument.
Also his self-insert protagonist is an ubbearable faggot and his books are basically kilometric fanfics.
I mostly see people praise his books because "they have a good magic system", like just having a unique way of handing out superpowers has any real bearing on a good story.
Nobody's arguing otherwise. But even if you don't limit yourself, your books will be considered "genre" if it has certain characteristics.
By plebs like OP, maybe.
Do you consider Dante to be pulp by chance? I don't think so.
What do you expect from autistic stemfags that read this shit.
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Master Author" bullshit that's going on in the GRRM threads right now. GRRM deserves much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine story from George for 2,400,000 ASOIAF character deaths (that's about $20,000) and have been choosing which will die for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my edge.
GRRM spends years working on a single chapter and redrafts it up to a million times to produce the finest stories known to mankind.
His stories are thrice as good as Tolkein's stories and thrice as realistic for that matter too. Anything Tolkein can write, GRRM can write better. I'm pretty sure one of GRRM's stories could easily crush a knight wearing full plate simply by dropping it on him.
Ever wonder why Tolkein never challenged GRRM to a write-off? That's right, he was too scared to write against GRRM and his incredible writing ability. Even at the Hugo Awards, judges make sure to read GRRM's books first because his ability to create a masterpiece is so feared and respected.
So what am I saying? GRRM is simply the best author that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for George:
(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork
(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork
Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of George's seminal writing in real life, don't you think?
tl;dr = GRRM needs better representation, see my new stat block.
Fuck, it took me a minute to remember it. You got me, user.
>That greentext
This man calls himself a feminist? How is this different from the "Nice Guy(tm)" phenomenon so many women on the internet complain about? He's still obsessing over some girl. Being non-sexual doesn't make it any better.
We also hate him.
Dante definitely limited himself. He literally wrote a self-insert fanfic where he gets to be his role model's sidekick. Doesn't mean it's not good.
>GRRM spends years working on a single chapter and redrafts it up to a million times to produce the finest stories known to mankind.
I think he is someone who doesn't enjoy the process. Take Steven Erickson who wrote Malazan, he admitted he couldn't stop writing.
GRRM is different, he rather blog, review other stuff, go to the new season opening, go to a talkshow etc than to write. Writing for him is tedious, as you said he constantly revises and rewrites never satisfied. I think that took its toll on him
Erickson on the other hand, writes mostly in one go, even though GRRM's work is more linear and Ericksons work is far more intermingled their writing style is opposite, with erikcson writing quite linearly while GRMM constantly moves around.
I mean Dance of dragons came at 2011 and he still couldn't manage to finish the 6th book. I don't think he enjoys the process as much as Erickson does.
Of course I'm just speculating here, but this is just my hunch. Partically speaking as an academic who despises writing Articles, I sympathize with GRRM on this regard.
The quote is kind of cheesy, but it seems like the guy really likes sex and genuinely enjoys the company of women. I wouldn't be surprised if he got it on with a lot of women during his younger years.
... Oh shit, I mean; DOOD, LOOK AT THIS QUOTE!!!!111KEKKEKKEK*furiously clutching my pearls and schlicking my engorged hate clam where my brain used to be*
>In high-school Pat was something of a class clown. His hobbies included reading a novel or two a day and giving relationship advice to all his friends despite the fact that he had never so much as kissed a girl.
>what are the 4 levels of interpretation Dante uses
You tried and you failed.
All man feminists are nice guys. Women don't date feminist men, they try to turn the man they're dating into a feminist (with varying degrees of success).
From the same biography:
>For the next seven years Pat studied anthropology, philosophy, eastern religions, history, alchemy, parapsychology, literature, and writing. He studied six different martial arts, practiced improv comedy, learned how to pick locks, and became a skilled lover of women. He also began writing a satirical advice column which he continues to this day: The College Survivial Guide. Through all of this he continued to work on his novel.
>Patrick Rothfuss?
>Jewish Name
>Worships women
>hasn't written a single book I've ever heard of
>Worked on Numenara
why would I care?
You're just proving my point: you can still be good and meaningful while being pulpy and "genre".
academic consensus was that the black plague was created by miasmas
You are talking out of your ass. You should probably get some actual life experience before sounding off on things that you rightfully should pass over in silence.
There's no genre literature, there's only good or bad literature. Literature that proclaimes itself to be genre is most certainly bad.
Has this fat, lazy fuck released the third book yet? He's objectively fatter and lazier than GRRM, and that's quite the accomplishment.
Most authors are probably aware of the fact that their books are going to be called "genre", so they do the same pre-emptively. Self-awareness, especially when it manifests only as a single meaningless label, isn't probably worth condemning an entire work for.
>Jewish name
I did my senior thesis on West Germany and the Cold War and even though I was purple pilled at best in those days, I started just not reading anything written by anyone with a Jewish surname.
For one, they were all still salty about us not punishing the Germans more after the war. Second, they all had this distinct snivelly way of writing. Constantly begging the question, trying to impress the reader with obscure words, and going off on nonsensical tangents.
These people are so neurotic. I'd feel bad for them if they weren't doing so much damage.
Gurm is also american, brah.
GRRM is American you stupid faggot
Yup. It's not a fucking coincidence they have been persecuted and kicked out of every single country they ever resided in.
I liked ASOIAF, I thought it was pretty good and I like reading theories and stuff.
The Lord of the Rings was boring.
I think Sanderson's books have good ideas and generally good writing but he could use an editor or something to kinda work things out. All his books I've read come off as a 'first draft,' not in writing but in the story structure. I think some of his stories would make for good mini-series adaptations with some of these kinks worked out and a little of the drama puffed up, and a little more 'chemistry' in the romances.
Oh and I liked Good Omens and Going Postal but I haven't really read much Pratchett. Neil Gaiman sucks ass and American Gods is stupid, but Stardust was a great movie so maybe he should just be an idea guy.
>GRRM spends years working on a single chapter and redrafts it up to a million times to produce the finest stories known to mankind.
It's OK to dislike bad writing without it being because of muh feminism or muh jews
oh and other popular fantasyish author would be Jim Butcher. I've read the first... idk, 7? Dresden books? And they were fine. Kinda hate Harry, though. They're alright.
Not everything has to be Shakespeare, I guess.
Have you guys read Hyperion? Now that's a well written book. And a dude fucks a robot sort of. But the author is a tool and the 3rd and 4th books suck.
See: Emma Watson, postergirl of feminists for a more girly world. Her boyfriend? Chad Thundercock captain of the rugby team. No feminist will ever date a feminist man, maybe marry the guy and treat him like shit, but date and have fun with? Nope.
>it's yet another "political retards start a discussion just so they can slide it into bitching about women and Jews like they do on every single other board all day every day" thread
What joy. What new delights
You know, it's entirely possible to hate both of them.
Man, if Kingkiller Chronicles' MC was reincarnation from our world I would think I was reading a damn good translation of some Japanese Web Novel.
Sanderson’s novels always feel so sanitized. The characters just feel unnatural somehow. That said, I have enjoyed the stormlight series.
>Why does everyone hate GRRM
Because he's a bad writer who managed to become popular by making a big deal about sex and violence and how everyone being an asshole is "realistic".
And then she'll drop him again at the first sniff of Chad Thundercock.
The meme is the worst when it applies to real life.
My speculation is simply that GRRM lost control of the narrative when he decided to fill in what he'd originally planned to be a time skip with A Feast for Crows, which grew to such size that it was split into two books, the latter portion of which became A Dance with Dragons. I think he just introduced too many new threads while filling the gap with something he hadn't originally planned on and no longer knows how to fix it, leading to longer and longer writing periods as he tries to wrestle with it.
>I like to have opinions about people I have never met, but hate when other do the same to me
Quite the dick you are
I don't know, I actually appreciate the structures and connections and sense of feudalism built up in the books because the show doesn't have that nearly so much and really suffers from it.
>I have known her longer, my smile said. True, you have been inside the circle of her arms, tasted her mouth, felt the warmth of her, and that is something I have never had. But there is a part of her that is only for me. You cannot touch it, no matter how hard you might try. And after she has left you I will still be here, making her laugh. My light shining in her. I will still be here long after she has forgotten your name.
All I can think of here is the "Stir-Friday" conversation between Archer and Cyril.
I don't really think the structures are the problem, I just think he's a meticulous writer and that when he deviated from his initial plans for his narrative it ended up growing out of control.
GRRM just wrote a trashy drama novel in a fantasy setting
That's why it's popular, nobody cares about the fantasy.
It implies an ownership based off of nothing, which frankly, is quite anti-feminist
I assume it's the prude/mormon thing that kind of leads to that. It's like they lack passion. Elantris is a great example, the main couple just don't have any passion for eachother, no chemistry. The girl starts to "fall" for the guy or whatever but there's no heart racing blushy nonsense, just "That fella sure is handsome. We should get married and then, only then, do some kissing."
I liked both books in the series desu. Lot of classic YA criticisms can be made, and I think that some parts, particularly Denna chapters are just not very good at all. Some of the stuff in there is pretty cringey like the quote in OP about knowing her better, but in context it is a bit more tolerable.
A few years back when the whole SJW vs nazi craze didn't really exist and the internet (Veeky Forums especially) didn't suck so much I never even noticed a lot of the common criticisms of feminism in the book.
One of the questions I have had regarding sexuality in his universe is about the austerity of womens sexuality when compared to modern and medieval times. Obviously most things parallel medieval times, but some things are curiously modern. It seems to me that sometimes women area able to be very free sexually, not including the Adem, yet other times they are extremely austere.
No, it's very feminist.
Feminism implies alot of things off of nothing.
i'm dying
Mostly because nobody knows who he is.
>He has also been a complete and utter pig to his fans.
How so?
>kilometric fabrics
This reminds me of a campaign I played in last year. It was supposed to be a medieval-esque setting but of course women are equal, which is fine or whatever, but then you have all these weird little decisions the gm makes like having socialized healthcare and everyone has a job and there are no bums. And you can get a mortgage and buy land. And everyone can read.
Eventually we started making fun of it and calling the setting "Canada circa 2017."
Oh and abortions were totally fine and nobody cares if you get one. And gay marriage exists. Again, some of these things are fine because you want to let players play women or notstraights without too much fuss, but it was like.. everything was like that.
>one of the best-known contemporary fantasy authors
People only know Tolkien, J.K Rowling and maybe GRRM. Tolkien usually gets a pass because of the way he influenced the genre, Rowling usually gets a pass because her books are largely for children/teenagers so attacking them is largely seen as a waste of time.
GRRM has become widely known (and even then your average person on the street isn't going to have a clue who he is) with the release of the Game of Thrones show and the viewership increases by a buttload every season. It's now got to the point where people are aware enough of GRRM for people who haven't read a lot of fantasy books who watch the show to repeatedly call him a genius. The hatred of GRRM (particularly places like here which are notoriously contrarian) is generally just the backlash to this.
Rothfuss is only known by people who've read his work (and presumably like it if they stuck it out), started it and gave up (but are probably not angry about it), and internet assholes who make threads like this and have seen quotes posted out of context.
>For one, they were all still salty about us not punishing the Germans more after the war.
>Hey, you know that thing that was a massive factor in causing the second world war?
>You mean the Treaty of Versailles?
I thought Jews were supposed to be smarter on average than everyone else.
They act like what r9k robots think an actual robot would act like. They simply don't know how humans tick at all.
Yeah, I read up on the Morgenthau Plan and was pretty horrified.
They're smart but they also seem to lack the ability to just cut their losses and behave themselves for awhile when they've lost or everyone's fed up with them. IE, how they're agitating for war in Syria right now.
>GRRM spends years working on a single chapter and redrafts it up to a million times to produce the finest stories known to mankind.
>Hey, you know that thing that was a massive factor in causing the second world war?
>You mean the Treaty of Versailles?
When Ferdinand Foch said "This is not a peace. It is an armistice for twenty years", he didn't mean that Versailles was too harsh.
>Yeah, I read up on the Morgenthau Plan and was pretty horrified.
All things considered, they got off really easy.
Because his books are shitty
Not a robot. More like a living time warping blender. And he didn't have sex with it. Just orgasmed in it.
>"versailles was too harsh"
>disarm your military (rebuild it anyway when you feel like)
>pay a giant indemnity (which will be shrunk repeatedly and then cancelled altogether)
>lose alsace-lorraine (some admittedly dope industry there)
>lose your majority-polish lands and the port of danzig
>overall, suffer no meaningful damage to your ability to start or wage another war
Veeky Forums here, shaking my head family
Oh hey, I'm always up for shit talking Patrick Rothfruss, his prose is actually pretty shall--
Oh, you just wanted to bitch about politics. Never mind.
Do you enjoy life, with all that hate inside of you?
I think it's more that men who have no redeeming qualities and have nothing to offer mistakenly think that proclaiming their feminist allegiance would make them desirable. Men who are predatory also probably do this.
Goddammit NEA, stop making threads great without warning.
no, it's the difference. It exists.
There is a difference, and it's in perception.
These masculinity advocate types have a real case of the anecdoties
>Like John Green, another writer who is universally-hated on this site
I've never read his books. Why should I hate him?
It sounds more like a guy trying to tell himself something to make himself feel better.
At least, that's how I saw it.
not the case btw
>>I have known her longer, my smile said. True, you have been inside the circle of her arms, tasted her mouth, felt the warmth of her, and that is something I have never had. But there is a part of her that is only for me. You cannot touch it, no matter how hard you might try. And after she has left you I will still be here, making her laugh. My light shining in her. I will still be here long after she has forgotten your name.
holy shit is that an actual quote ?
that's pretty sad
I think he simply has no idea how to finish the story and is just buying time padding the books out until he can figure something out.
I think the Red Wedding was the point at which he went "Okay, fuck do I do now?"
If anything, GRRM is MORE American because he's a fatass.
>>I have known her longer, my smile said. True, you have been inside the circle of her arms, tasted her mouth, felt the warmth of her, and that is something I have never had. But there is a part of her that is only for me. You cannot touch it, no matter how hard you might try. And after she has left you I will still be here, making her laugh. My light shining in her. I will still be here long after she has forgotten your name.
This sort of philosophy wont age well. People want a gripping story that shows a world that they can get lost inside of. hissing at the world for being what it is isn't why people read fantasy and it never has been.
>Be Patrick Rothfuss
>Be an obnoxious cunt who thinks he's smarter than everyone else
>go through highschool as an outcast loser weirdo that no women want to give the time of day
>go to college for chemical engineering
>""""realize""""" that it's """""boring""""" after you're 3.5 years in (you're not fooling anybody pat, I know the "shitty GPA and no work experience and now I'm a senior xD" face when I see it)
>Manage to write halfway compelling book about mary sue engaging in various mary sue activities
>channel your frustration at women in your early years into making your character a massive cuck
>book is released and for the first time in your life you get some approval from people around you
>slam out next book
>the approval is still there but it's muted
>your autistic weeb assassin people are lame and Cuckvothe turning into a sex god for almost no reason is cringey as fuck
>oh no, people might not love you!
>retreat back into your hole and start """"""""""editing""""""""""""" the third book
>try to soak up as much fan adulation and free press from conventions and such as possible before people realize there is no third book
>name your kid some autistic shit and be sure they grow up as autistic as possible
>Fills his work with the words "shit", "piss" and "fuck"
Gurm is more american than King.
>not reading Hannah Arendt or Theodor Adorno
>Tfw I hate jews but I hate germans even more
>Tfw I see both of them as degenerates and destroyers of culture and countries, except jews are proactive and have a superiority complex and germans are reactive and have an inferiority complex
What does that make me
A fucking idiot for posting this in Veeky Forums - traditional games.
Is there anyone on this entire site that doesn't shit on Rothfuss? Is there anyone at all? He tried to write a subversive fantasy epic but ended up with a harem anime about student loans.
He didn't say it was too harsh, he said it was a major factor, and it's true.
It wasn't harsh enough to stop them from waging war but it was harsh enough to piss them off