>Your party reaches the end of a dungeon and finds the treasure room
>one ancient artifact catches the eye of two party member who grab it at the same time
how do you decide who gets the object?
Your party reaches the end of a dungeon and finds the treasure room
Rock paper scissors
item was cursed and now they are both fucked. or they get mind swapped into each others bodies
Boxing match between two characters. Whoever K.O.s the other gets the artifact.
We collectively sell it to get better equipment.
So, it's a crappy piece of equipment from antiquity when they didn't have the craft and more sophisticated magic to make longer, more durable and deadlier equipment of the world today, probably rusted too after all these centuries have passed.
The one who doesn't die from the curse.
I wasn't planning on sharing it.. heh
*draws sword*
Let the two players decide. The longer they take to agree the more likely the object turns out to be some kind of mimic that feeds off of negative emotions
It's some sword made by some wizard who was many levels higher than the party and it's magical properties make it better than anything the party can obtain despite not looking particularly practical.
Y'know. Like every other ancient sword that isn't what you're trying to subvert them to be.
Whoever is less geared out or whoever could make better use of it
Bidding war or rock/paper/scissors with the understanding that the loser gets first pick between the two of the next treasure horde.
Solomon the Wise that thing and let them both bitch.
Works fine.
>buying and selling ancient magical artifacts
Works even better when the players act like adults instead of children.
Do you americans even roleplay? Let them duke it out in game. What's the big deal about that?
I dunno, depends on the artifact?
If it's cursed that could be an interesting thing, if it's a powerful item, it'll probably force them both to make Will Power tests and the better one will be able to control the item, while if they both fail neither of them will be able to use it.
Party of adventurers for profit? Auction. The party members bid and money is split between the rest of the party. Realistically this is the best option
ERP game? Sex competition. First one to orgasm loses.
Hot-blooded battle bros? Boxing. Only a knockout counts.
Comedy game? Trade insults and whoever makes the rest of the party laugh the hardest wins.
High-society ladies? Trade insults or take turns slapping each other until one or the other cries. First person to cry loses.
/pfg/ party? Argue over who gets the item OOC for an hour, ruin the game session, then spend months passive-aggressively sniping at each other with anonymously posted insults.
>grab it at the same time
there's only one thing you can do Xiaolin Showdown
They take it to get appraised first. That's one of the rules.
If it's a weapon or gear and it seems safe then whoever knows how to use it best uses it until it can be appraised.
Not even interested in the thread.
But I came in to say there are things I would do to Wuya which would get me put on watch lists.
Wouldn't all that treasure weigh a couple of tons? Gold is pretty heavy. You would need a forklift.
I shall help you in your quest brother.
You have my axe..and lot of rope
Just let the players solve it themselves you fags
>let them fight
>more loot for me