>The party is a smuggler, a togorian mercenary, a twi'lek gunslinger
>Wow, things are going pretty well. I can already see all kinds of space western adventures we'll end up in.
>DM says a new guy is joining, and he's gonna play a sith of some kind
Is there ANY way this isn't going to spectacularily wrong? Any fa/tg/uys here with similiar experiences?
The party is a smuggler, a togorian mercenary, a twi'lek gunslinger
sith as in the force user, sith as in the followers of the ideal, or sith as in the actual race?
if he's gotta take out a fucking ligthsaber to solve a problem, you're in trouble.
>of some kind
I mean if he means a member of the Sith race that isn't so awful.
If he means a dark side user who has been trained in the Sith arts then yeah shit might get real fucky real fast
Depends on how he plays it, of course, but there will probably be a shift in the nature of the game toward edgy.
Tell them it better be a sith on the run from vadar and being a force user is his biggest secret or I hope you are playing TOR.
Either no sabers and powers or there are people to oppose him with powers and lightsaber.
Either all Jedi(/Sith) or none, desu.
Aren't all siths, the race, dead? Or hybridized into dark jedi or whatever it was.
He could be an ex-Sith who tries to be all dark and edgy but the second you call him on his bullshit he crumbles.
>"Okay okay okay! I never finished my Sith training! I learned how to use a lightsaber and know a few Force powers, but then I was sent into a room with my greatest fear to try and teach me something about using it and they all laughed at me!"
>"And then from that point on I was just the Porg Guy and everyone kept going May the Porgs Be With You and someone snuck a Porg into my locker and I had to get out! So I stowed away on a starship!"
>>"...am I being punked?"
>"Look, please, I CAN use the Force! I can really help you guys!"
Massassi and the other off shoot are considered extinct by the time of A New Hope.
This kind of fades though when you know they were spread around different places, had gene splicing to include human dna in some places and they are said to still be in the unknown regions.
By the time of any game outside of The Old Republic, anyone knowing what one of the old sith look like would be a miracle and knowing that a sith was not just a rogue jedi would be a miracle as well. Sith are so rare that the jedi doctrine to find them faded out of existence and what remained became temple guards.
What system? Because I made an astromech in an AoR game who really twists the panties of the two fugitive Jedi in the group by never needing their help for anything. Including soloing Star Destroyers in his X-Wing thanks to nearly maxed out gunner and pilot specs, immunity to restraining bolts, and integrated flight armor and heavy blaster rifle with micro missile pack. The Force ain't the only game in town.
But that's Kyle Lauren
> Kyle Lauren
...autocorrect from Kyle Katarn, I'm assuming?
Anyway, I was actually thinking more of a Sith version of Guss Tuno from TOR.
If Sith the race, you're fine so long as they don't go full edgelord with it.
If Sith the philosophy, there's different interpretations you can have that make him not a complete dick. Some people read the Sith Code from KotOR as being about self-reliance and internal strength, so he might be one of those gruff "I don't need your help" kinda guys who slowly bonds with the crew. I had someone who followed the Sith philosophy in a group once - they eventually left it, but they weren't a murderhobo, same as having someone who follows Mando creed really strongly.
If Sith the Organisation,,, you could probably fernagle something if you're in TOR ("I'm working with you guys to get my boots wet for when the war breaks out again", for example), anywhere else and you're fucksville.
With a background like this, id be down for it.
It's Kai Lauren
No idea who that is. Google search is just sending me to Kylo Ren.
If I ever end up playing a Star Wars game and the GM allows it, I am playing this character.
I think that's the joke. Like, some guy with a normal name and he just moved the syllables a little to make it sound Sith-y. Even though his actual name is Ben Solo.
There is always one in every group. The GM says he is going to run a low-power campaign involving low level merc work and smuggling. You get a few really good characters that fit the theme and direction. But there is always one, and he is typically well ingrained in the group like a friend of the DM or something, that rolls a widely inappropriate character like a Jedi or Sith.
They should be booted.
Personally I actually like to go to Persian or Sanskrit for my Sith names. Latin is more classic, but I like the sound of Sanskrit more.
Rahu is one I use a lot. In Vedic mythology Rahu is a demon that represents uncontrolled growth or expansion without wisdom or understanding. Perfect Sith name, right there.
>Kai Lauren
Kylo Ren for those of us watching at home.
I said it before, and I'll say it again. Something about the fellas shape of a lightsaber turns anyone who has one into a 12 year old. All they want to do is wiggle it around all day and think it's the greatest thing ever. The Star Wars setting has so many amazing setting elements that could be explored, but as soon as the force shows up everyone forgets about everything else. The fact that over two-thirds of the Galaxy is still completely unexplored? The fact that many areas that are explored are still considered Untamed wilderness? The fact that massive Mega corporations hold entire planets in their grip and exploit every resource that can touch? The fact that not every location in the setting has the same technology level and they can very little actual technology is standardized?
Star Wars can be used to run almost any sub-genre of game, from Western to age of exploration to Industrial Revolution to cyberpunk to Heist. But as soon as the psychic special snowflakes show up, everyone forgets everything else and just focuses on them. In all seriousness, the force is ruining Star Wars.
Chill out Kreia.
KOTOR is a good example of this.
>start out in a galaxy or rogues, mercenaries, and hijinks
>yer a jedi, revan
>nothing but jedi v sith the rest of the way
I fucking hate contrarian players.
>Running a low-fantasy merc game
>Running a power fantasy high-magic game
>Evil campaign
>Dungeon crawl
>Silly game
>Serious game
It’d be one thing if he was playing the straight man or otherwise using his outlier status to good effect, but it’s ALWAYS just a desire to be different for the sake of being different and he sacrifices party cohesion and campaign tone for it. I’m tired of bending over backwards or otherwise forcing characters that don’t want to be with the party to stick with the party.
Before Veeky Forums jumps down my throat, yes I’ve talked to him, no we can’t drop him because he’s the host’s roommate and dropping him would make the host’s life needlessly difficult, and I’m not ditching the three other solid players.
Basically what Luke said in Last Jedi.
If he's that consistent, then just reverse psychology him.
>Is there ANY way this isn't going to spectacularily wrong?
Maybe he'll be respectful of the direction you guys want to go, and he'll be a low-key Sith in hiding or something who doesn't wear long dark robes and doesn't whip out the lightsaber and lightning for every situation, or even every fight. It could happen. Accommodating people are out there.
But they're rare as fuck and even in my admittedly limited (but growing) firsthand experience with ttrpgs, I can already feel myself becoming opposed to new guys who want in either after the game has started or late in the creative process before it actually starts.
Have him make another character then.
Force him to use pregens.
I am reminded of that one green text from a long time ago, a GM was trying to play a light-hearted superhero campaign and one of the players kept wanting to be an edgy routing antihero. So every time he tried to be all dramatic and Edge the word the GM wood change things up so that he was seen in the best possible light and then sends him into battle against the silliest opponents possible. Murder the mayor? Turns out he was an alien shape-shifter, you get a parade from the erotic. Try to spend some time alone on a rooftop? Get called up to help fight the Kruel Klown Koalition, and the organization of racist clowns with cybernetically enhanced battle koalas. Because screw you, everyone else is here to have fun.
Would you guys let me cynical ex-Jedi character concept into your campaign?
The twilek porno was the tits, literally. The girl was super enthusiastic.
Gimme the skinny on 'em.
It's not finalized, but the main concept is a Jedi who has become disillusioned with the Order and is no longer a member, and has drifted away from the Core Planets and is basically fucking around in space, probably has a light criminal of one stripe or another. Still has his lightsaber but typically doesn't use or even wear it, and while being cynical and jaded still has noble ideals under the surface. Not exactly the most original concept but I hope to play it one day.
Nah, as I recall that was all his players.
What about the constant skirmishes and Shadow War being fought between the squibs and the Ugor? That has been going on for centuries.
Star Wars are about the jedi and the Force. I suggest you deal with it.
I have a character concept for a "sith" philosopher who was born a slave and only heard the sith code when a lesser sith killed his owner. From there he focuses on the freedom aspect of it and preaches the greatness of the sith without knowing what they actually do.
I once played a philosophical Sith character like that on one of the roleplay servers for Star Wars the Old Republic. He broke down the Sith code line by line and turned it from Ultra Edge lures to a mild nietzschean Will To Power philosophy. He also taught that fear is cheap, common, and the least effective emotion with which to fuel oneself. Pissed off a lot of other sith.
Every sith player I played with was piece of shit. Many different groups, many different games. Every. Single. One. All of them was shit and ruinedall of those games.
Post FFG character ideas.
Here's mine in broad strokes.
>Grew up in the slums of Coruscant.
>He's a grifter and a charlatan who moves from place to place before he's busted and has his head kicked in.
>Met an old former Jedi in the slums who's been hiding out for years. Helps the old man when he's being harassed by some imps but cops a beating for his trouble.
>Jedi says he's thankful for his help and says he'll tend to his wounds back at his shack.
>Shack is filthy, PC is shitty and in pain. >Suddenly Jedi guy collapses while rummaging for a medkit and dies of Deus ex machina.
>Welp let's see what he's got, he don't need it.
>Finds a lightsaber in some false floorboards and some clone wars militaria.
>Takes it.
>Continues grifting and con artistry but adds 'embattled freedom fighter and Robin Hood type' to his repartee.
>Is not lightsaber trained, he just flashes it and the old Jedi shit as props when he needs credibility while screwing someone out of their creds
5 albums in a year, the absolute madmen.
Latin is meh
Sanskrit and Persian are patrician choices, unless you're playing with speakers of an Indo-Iranian language.
Sounds like a mix of Kyle Katarn and Cade Skywalker if you ask me
Maybe, but I remember Cade being super fucking edgy.
Pretty sure this is how you can play Sith Inquisitor in TOR like, including his storyline, as he did started as a slave and can rise to the position of one of the Sith Council members.
Are you going to post this philosophy?