nth for Raven Guard which is totally not just getting played because of that -1 to Hit
Alexander Brooks
All the quality I've come to expect from 40K general.
Elijah Adams
Plastic Sisters when?
Dominic Lee
How many Guillimans can i take without being called a WAACfag? Is five enough?"
Aaron Hughes
Nicholas Miller
Reposting amazing news!
OMG next primach will be Ferrus Manus, leaked images of new model, he survived Fulgrim because his head now from necrodermis too!
Jackson Lopez
I want to add a Stormraven to my army but I despise the model. Are there any alternative models that can work as proxies with matching size and weapon options ? Even 3rd party is fine.
Joshua Butler
Same time as we get new Slaanesh daemons
Brandon Morgan
So 2018?
James Bailey
Ayden Morris
They really look terrible.
I got a Fire Raptor instead.
Tyler Hall
Justin Jones
Thank you user but i wasn't kidding. The new Daemon codex is going to be shit. I mean look at the loci. Shitty chapter tactic that only works with 6" of a character.
Ethan Stewart
So I've yet to get myself the new Guard Codex, how badly does a mix of Russes and Chimeras loaded with vets do this edition? Meltas still good? Any significant turds to swerve away from?
Joseph Hughes
Gib 3 attack striking scorpions
Landon Torres
That's not the chapter tactic, that's just for sticking to a god tho.
Like FFS do people not read the articles?
Sebastian Turner
You don't know if that's the battle forge bonus.
Brody Mitchell
Ryder Murphy
No where in the article does it mention they will be anything other than that as a special rule.
Jaxon Moore
They look decent with the chapter house extension.
Sebastian Murphy
what applications do you guys use to build armies?
Luke Lewis
In hindsight its actually better that you went without chronus as you can now make them any chapter you want to and you still get relics/traits because the excelsior is a character >Iron Resolve + Salamander Cloak >Storm of Fire + Crusader Helm
Christian Lopez
Look at this thread user... what do you think?
Joseph Mitchell
Pen and paper
Joshua Jenkins
How do I get into Grey Knights? What’s a good backbone of a force?
Michael Rodriguez
Google Sheets
Nathan Cruz
Chapterhouse extension makes the model bearable. FYI the extensions can take a little prep before adding.
Jeremiah Carter
Google drive.
Accessible everywhere and you can have a second sheet that has all of the points with formulas in the first sheet to do lookups so when you type "lascannon" or whatever it looks up the points and fills it in.
Also means that when points get updated you just amend the points sheet and all of your army lists auto update.
Nathaniel Robinson
Help Marine players.
I'm a Guard player and I've recently got 10 Assault Terminators with Hammers. They cost 470 points though. Are they worth it on the table?
Each terminator costs the same as a guard infantry platoon with plasma gun...
Grayson Morales
Their cost does not reflect survivability- need a delivery method. For fun, sure put em to work. For competitive, there are better options for the points.
Logan Reyes
Heard about it but I'm worried about the shipping cost since I live in Europe.
Adrian Perry
My LGS has recently gone All Tonks All The Time, but Admech seems to have a bit of a shortage of heavy AT units. Neutron Lasers equate to 2.7 lascannons each, which isn't really enough to handle two Raiders, four Predators and a Shadowsword even if I take four of them.
I've decided to resort to some allies. What are some decent Imperial anti-tank units I can convert into something Admechy to kill T8 tanks with?
Jacob Torres
>Infantry squad with plasma
Also they're not bad as long as you can find something worthwhile to smash em into. Otherwise that's a lot of points... Also they probably are going to waste time in reserve or walking and so you're gonna need more points for a ride.
Elijah Moore
>giving money to the people who forced us to live in the era of 'astra militarum', 'dhrukari' and 'plaguebottom maggothwizards'
Ian White
>be me >have giant ork army >always want to add to it >have large DE army, want to plug some holes in it >have Chaos army, want more more more (so many directions to go in) >have Primaris starter, want to expand into a marine force >want a krieg army >have some other stuff for other systems Anyone else have TONS on their plate and want more more more? I make a lot of time for hobbying so it’s not like I have mountains of grey plastic, it’s more that I wonder when too much is too much.
Ian Torres
I know there are Astartes transports with the Heavy Support and Flyer roles, but are there any that fall into Elite or Fast Attack?
Ayden Sanchez
Lokis are just a bonus for being mono-god.
Daniel Green
Don't lie GW fucked up by not adapting fast enough. Chapterhouse should have never had a void so vast to fill in the first place, never mind all the other third party casters making kits for every bit imaginable.
Brody Harris
nope unfortunately
Andrew Flores
Russe's and meltas are still good. Chimeras are generally not worth it. They are expensive and they are actually slower than footslogging guardsman (with the move order).
That said, double flamer chimeras can make decent fire support vehicles, so they aren't useless.
Julian Nelson
All these grognards replying to you. Use Battlescribe and a codex for clarification.
Anthony Perez
Jaxson Howard
I feel your pain. Not pictured: Dark Imperium, Necromunda, Space Hulk, Sigmarite Mausoleum, and all my Sector Mechanicus kits
Wyatt Williams
I like your dubs too?
Does the pic mean I need more commissars or what?
Lucas Walker
Battlescribe is just wrong too often. If you've got to go through it checking everything you might as well not bother.
Ian Howard
About the spiritseer's ghostsign special rule. The translated wording seems a bit wonky. Are you allowed to reroll hit rolls of 1 for friendly SPIRIT HOST units in 6" of the seer or for any SPIRIT HOST units that attack an enemy that is within 6" of the spiritseer?
Sebastian Ramirez
>that chimera kit also wtf are you building in that pic
Bentley Stewart
They make cool models so yeah. I have almost all the old school ones, including the female commissar. I need to check and see if I have a Steel Legion commissar or not...
Dylan Bell
Carson Reed
>Overkill pls gibe to me
Easton Ross
Caleb Perez
>the people who forced us to live in the era of 'astra militarum', 'dhrukari' and 'plaguebottom maggothwizards' GW?
Logan Ross
>want a Damocles Command Rhino for my behind-the-scenes-but-still-on-the-field HQ Inquisitor >doesn't seem worth its points if you factor in the inquisitor who will just be sitting inside of it
What do you think? 122 pts for it, roughly 55-60 for the inquisitor.
What you get is mainly >Orbital Strike Augur: Once per battle in the Shooting phase, the controlling player may make a special Orbital Strike attack. To do so, nominate a point anywhere on the battlefield and roll a D6. Roll a D6 for every unit within 6" of that point. Subtract 1 from the result if the unit being targeted is a CHARACTER. On a 4+, the unit being targeted suffers D3 mortal wounds.
>Command Interface Unit: Roll 2D6 at the end of each of your turns if your Warlord is embarked within a Damocles Command Rhino. If the total rolled is less than your Warlord’s Leadership characteristic, you gain one Command point.
>A cool looking Rhino in an HQ slot with a bunch of auspex stuff on it
Daniel Parker
Does anyone remember the name of the boardgame GW made back in the 90s about Ork Fighta-Bombas?
Adrian Morgan
What models could I use to make fully robotic looking Skitarii troops and units? I was considering the Warlord Automated Infantry, but I think they're too large.
Henry Cruz
>full metal robot automaton >putting a Brodie helmet on it
Lincoln Allen
122pts to fill 2hq slots isn't bad.
Chase Richardson
Are you talking about the huge and goofy-looking siege transport? It's a Lord of War.
Camden Baker
>nominate a point anywhere on the battlefield and roll a D6. I will never not kek at that
>What was that roll for? >Nothing dude it just says to roll one. >What? Lemme see this... >Yeah like... it just says roll one. >Oh, alright then I guess.
Charles Anderson
Many, many thanks.
Thank fuck I made the turrets swappable.
Ryder Reed
Connor Foster
If you're not set on it being a rhino, but just a vehicle for your fluffy HQ, you could go for the Land Raider Proteus or whatever it was called. It has better weapon, armor cuts the cost of all stratagems by 1 as long as the warlord is in it.
Brayden Sanders
What regiment do you play
Benjamin Ortiz
Thanks! I've been trying to remember the name for ages!
Ethan Barnes
That's part of why I like the design. They're not quite what I'd like them to look like. I'd prefer something closer to either the pic or something like the Geth.
That's pretty much the point. Dark Mechanicum.
Angel Fisher
That's two terrain projects stacked up. One ended up being pic related. The other one still isn't done.
Carson Brown
nerons with tau target locks for helmet then
Josiah Wilson
A man of his stature cannot be seen rolling around in this, even if it is a relic.
Evan Howard
Are nids finally fun with the new codex?
Cooper Martinez
Actually, does anyone here play with Inquisitors and/or acolytes? What do you do with them?
I seem to primarily end up using them as anchors for inquisitorial drop troops.
David Walker
Need some feedback on my 2000pts ork list, aiming at semi competitive level.
>FAST ATTACK Buggy – Rack of Rokkits – 57pts Buggy – Rack of Rokkits – 57pts x20 Stormboyz – Nob w/ Power Klaw - 173pts
Wyatt Adams
Samuel Miller
doing some model size comparisons for fun
Xavier Thompson
Wraithlord with the legs of a war walker. Worth a try or definitely looks like shit? Dont have the models yet, but the idea intrigued me.
Camden Sanchez
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d6)
...then I shall take it from you. 3+ to hit. En garde.
Cooper Perry
Gayfox or Torquemada. Acolytes? Usually a random one inside an Immolator along with my Battle Sisters Squad spamming Storm Bolters for another SB More SB with Heavy Flamer Retribution in Repressor so I can Dakka while the Flamer close in.
Basically SB sources since the Wounds nerf
Bentley Harris
cawl's a big boy.
Anthony Taylor
For you
Aiden Sullivan
Don't remember Cawl being that big, but then again, I haven't picked him out of my carry case since I assembled him a couple of weeks ago.
Joshua Murphy
I think Deff Dread is a bit more bigger than Cawl
John Green
Brandon Richardson
Looking for more models for my Tempestus/Guard army.
Current collection: 1x Hellhound 4x Leman Russ (all capable of switching designs) 2x Leman Russ Demolisher (all capable of switching designs) 1x Taurox Prime 36x Tempestus Scions 3x Tempestors 1x Tempestor Prime
James Robinson
Are those two the only ones worth their points or what?
I'm not a fan of playing with named characters in general.
Justin Evans
Redemptor dread with sentinel legs for mechwarrior look instead
Anthony Lee
Rather, looking for recommendations. Not just looking to buy from other folks.
Nolan Price
Are Genestealers warp creatures? As in, do they have anything to do with it or use it in some way like a psycher would?
Dominic Harris
there will just be a fifth locus for Chaos Undivided ïa, ïa, Carnac fhtaghn!
Jaxon Foster
No. They're xenos creatures. They have psykers that can use some warpcraft.
Henry Allen
anyone know anything about those rumors of a sob v genestealers box or whether that was just wishful thinking
David Turner
>36x Tempestus Scions >3x Tempestors >1x Tempestor Prime
With 36 scions I guess you run 27 of them along with the 3 Tempestors as 3 ten-man squads. But that leaves 9.
If you had another Tempestor you could have another 10-man squad.
Ideally you'd want Command Squads equal to your number of Tempestor Primes though, so if you could make one of those 9 into a Tempestor Prime you could run the other 8 as two four-man command squads and make up a battalion (2x HQ, 3xTroops, x2 Elite)
I guess to capitalise on that (being 7 units capable of grav-chuting in) you'd probably want anchors, or maybe a Valkyrie for getting command Squads into melta-range, alt 10-man HS lasgun squad into First Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire range (with the HQ potentially dropping in 6" away for the order, safe from harm.
Anthony Cooper
Should I take Howling Banshees or Striking Scorpions? They both seem to fill the same elite melee unit niche.
Landon Murphy
thx. it's for an rpg session, but you guys answer quicker than /40krpg/