The wizards in your setting are now over 40 years old and need to stay virgin in order to keep their powers, what happens?
The wizards in your setting are now over 40 years old and need to stay virgin in order to keep their powers...
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Nothing changes.
Considering that in sauce anal doesn't count, not much
They need to protect the younglings from Secret Order of Succubi trying to rape them and steal their power.
I know this is a meme, but gaining supernatural power by refraining from sex has always seemed more like a cleric thing than a wizard thing to me.
Which just shows how much you know about anything.
I know the meme. It's wishful thinking on the part of incels, envisioning making it to 30 or 40 years old without having sex as an accomplishment rather than a failure. It's neither; it's normalfags who care one way or the other about losing virginity, but that's beside the point.
My point is that this is something I could take seriously in a setting if it were clerics or paladins and not wizards... although in that case it might be appropriate to extend the concept beyond lustful actions to lustful thoughts -- sexually fantasizing about Sister Agnes every day is a manifestation of the sin within you, even if you don't act on it.
Why wouldn't be a wizard thing too though? body fluids and especially semen is related to life or magical power, a wizard won't be throwing his mana left and right, not to mention that gaining enough mana relies on staying virgin for years.
The sudden introduction of magic to the setting thrills and terrifies the myriad stars. After centuries of war the U.F.S. and Aarav Herzsprung IV, King of Known Space, put aside their differences and form a joint cyborg commando force devoted to raping wizards into extinction. A law is passed making loss of virginity mandatory. An era of galactic peace soon follows, troubled only by the occasional hysterical witch hunt and infrequent dynastic struggle as the hereditary dukedoms are merged into the federated systems.
>the wizards are now over 40
They start making compromises to attract younger generations to the craft, like loosening their dress code and permitting the use of technology like smartphones at the towerr
So if you lose your magic after virginity, wouldn't with hunters basically just hunt down and fuck wizards?
Elminster cries himself to death, Mystra literally implodes.
>25% of the millennial team is too busy fucking around on their phone to work
Antimage rapists
Voluntarily emasculation becomes a thing.
And I don't mean accessorizing with Apple products, I mean the literal kind.
Can't lose it if you have no way of losing it.
The Ground Nil is about a quarter smaller.
There's loose pockets of VRS here and there.
The Greeks thought semen carried knowledge. Which was an excuse to fuck little boys that they taught.
I achieve my wizard powers.
So they are like priests? Or the idealistic version of them?
I would suggest they create their own cloister, and create all these weird rules about sex and make it evil or something. They dominate the world with their rethoric and magic powers, and now most of the world go super puritan.
No, user. Clerics get their power THROUGH sex. It's why so many end up in jail
So wouldn't the strongest wizards be getting railed regularly to receive mana?
To make themselves more appealing to virile males with lots of semen, they enchant themselves to appear as petite but wide hipped women with lusty eyes.
>40 year old virgin high school teacher
Kind of makes me wonder what it's like being a high school teacher, considering I'm the kind of guy who's mentally still stuck in high school and regrets all those missed opportunities. Would being a teacher be like reliving it a little, or would it be even more painful seeing everyone enjoy the springtime of youth from the sidelines?
Would professors in magic academies feel the same, or would they revel in the suffering of their students, knowing they have to keep it in their pants despite being endlessly horny?
What's the reasoning behind this?
Is it sex like penis into vagina until completion, or *any* sexual contact- masturbation included?
>mfw I fapped to that shit just yesterday
I mean there a several cultures throughout the world that believed that magical ability was tied to semen and that fucking drained it.
Also does this only apply to men? Is it like.... their power comes from their unspent jizz? Or is it a morality thing?
Can protestant wizards get married?
That doujin went by no penis in vagina. The teacher went about mind controlling his students into anal and oral sex.
It was uploaded recently so it makes sense, I'm guessing you either skim all the new English uploads or just those of a specific tag
I hadn't fapped to drawn porn in a month and was perusing a tag I had never tried before (I think anyway. It wasn't in my search history and I haven't cleaned that shit in years) tho. That's why it's creepy.
Fucking antispam bullshit, I had to pastebin it to get it through:
sadpanda links are considered spam now? also thanks
reddit wants you back.
Or they could just put a knife in the parts of the wizard that make him dead, instead of having a really awkward and disappointing evening.
Historically most magic was religious in nature.
All-women Wizard Hunter rape squads.
Wizards hate Sorcerers even more, since now one of their unknown compatriots had to succeed sexually AFTER gaining his/her powers to HAVE the magic kid.
Ragyo please go.