Convince me that monks are not the most fun
Convince me that monks are not the most fun
In bed? That would be the barbarians
But you're absolutely right.
Depends on the preferences of the player and how well the game you're playing supports them.
I fucking love superpowered martial artists of all sorts, to the point that I often find monks kinda unsatisfying, even when they're not mechanically garbage, because they only really cover a narrow range of Wuxia archetypes. But that's why I play a lot of dedicated Wuxia systems which support the full range instead.
They're incredibly boring. You have way too many obligations towards your order, if there is downtime you have to spend it copying bibles or brewing beer. Combat skills-wise it's like playing a commoner, pretty bad
They are not that great in many systems and editions.
>not wanting your pelvis slowly reduced to a powder by a raging barbarian's love making
>not wanting your dick squeezed near to bursting by carefully honed core muscles
Ever since 5e removed the alignment restriction I’ve simply treated Monk as a generic term for D&D meaning something like “Esoteric Martial Artist” rather then a literal professional description, which is handled by Backrounds now.
My last character was a Noble Monk, who was trained by an existing Monk to inherit his martial skills.
Halfling Rogue's 18+ Dex stat says otherwise
I mean they're both muscle girls, barbarians are just more ungroomed and aggressive
Monks are a Dex class now.
Also, there is a halfling Monk order.
Short stacks are a close second to muscle girls for me
>hating on God Hand
What's even the deal with DFO?
I only know of it through the showcases
pretty gud game
although i primarily play a summoner so i do avoid most of the normal button mashing of other classes
lazy* slut
if your going to insult me do it properly darling
It's decent fun up until you realize it's yet another korean p2w grindfest.
Still, gets points for being unique.
Monks the best.
Monks are my shit.
Which games make monks actually good or at least playable?
Guilty Gear makes Monks very playable
13th Age is pretty great for monks.
You're even encouraged to make up your own goofy martial arts names!
In many popular systems Monks are pretty poorly designed, either having to struggle against the system to accomplish what should be simple in fluff, or simply being vastly underpowered compared to your contemporaries.
>Not Friar Tucking the shit out that campaign.
Last I checked jam is low teir
Lies and slander.
>not wanting to be a lost tier God
But I didnt know she sunk beneath Slayer who I would main
5e's monks are actually arguably stronger if you eschew their unarmored/unarmed stuff altogether and play them as a straighforward martial with a siding of weaboo fightan magic. Most of their important features don't require you to not wear armor or use unarmed strikes
Blazblue makes Monks fun too.
a grand tradition for that company.
What's up with ArcSys and huge boobed monks?
Is there a way to play a monk in 5e without being shit? I can accept being underwhelming, but I don't want to be a liability to my already small party.
At least they don't have those fucking loot boxes.
Hells fuck everyone over.
>he isn't lucky
>pay to win
Grindfest yes, it's korea after all.
Well, with early levels the Monk's ki budget is shit. However, if you manage to make it at least near level 10 you'll actually start to be decently powerful, and late game monk gets some damn good stuff like that huge bonus to any and all saving throws.
Best thing you can do right now is to not take Way of the Four Elements. The other two options are decent, and one of them even gets a save and take 10d10 necrotic or simply die 17th level.
Honestly, it just comes down to stats.
I’ve played several “shitty” classes in 5e and while I wasn’t the best character in the party I still ended up fully contributing to combat, killing enemies in combat, and not dying in combat. Just take Tough if you need a bit more HP as a Monk.
Most people just can’t accept the idea that while 5e still has good and bad classes mechanically the utter simplicity of the rules and bounded AC means that the days of treating your PC like you’re building a Magic the Gathering deck are basically done because the gradient o; “shit” and “not shit” is incredibly small these days compared to what it used to be. As long as you have decent stats you can hit stuff and do damage you’re fucking fine. You don’t need to be the guy who gets the finishing strike, you don’t need to be MVP, and now due to his Resistances work there are no NO enemies you can’t contribute against simply by hitting it.
Now you need to ask yourself what’s more important to you; playing a character you want to play, or trying to “win” D&D because 3e D&D taught you that that’s how you should play?
Shifters exist.
What he said.
I’m playing a Monk right now using the optional Spear Mastery feat. I’m doing near as much damage as our Fighter, and though with Action Surge he can outstrip me in raw damage, on average I’m dealing something like 34 damage without even using my Flurry to do an extra unarmed attack. I came in expecting to suck (I’ve hated the way older D&D forced me to play to make classes work) but here I have been chipping away at enemies left and right and being not dead.
Legends of the Wulin is a wuxia game entirely about monks, depending on how loose you are with the definition.
Unarmed fighters are a pretty optimal way to play as a matter of fact. They usually specialize in energy attacks (punching fireballs, blasting foes with cold, or poisoning them with noxious venom exuded through your chi) or Secret Arts (the game's catch-all for esoteric forms of fighting. Priests can weave deadly curses to sabotage their foes, Doctors can use strange herbs and strike precise muscles and nerves to induce numbness and sickness, and Courtiers can use well chosen words and self righteous behavior to instill doubt in their foes)
There's also the more mundane "punch everything" sort of unarmed fighter, which can also work quite well provided you make use of some secret Faction Techniques, basically involving yourself with one of the RAW kung fu schools to justify having their techniques. Maybe you stole the secret of the Six-Armed Demon God from the Yun Clan and now you can punch so fast it's like a Kenshiro-esque blur. Maybe you were a member of the Little Forest Sect and their exercises have hardened your bones and strengthened your body to the point where your fist can strike with the destructive force of a mace.
Overall 10/10 best system nobody plays.
My last character for LotW was hella fun.
He was a doctor named Cài Léi, but his style name in the Wulin was Dúlóng ((Venom/Cruel Dragon)), and he basically healed people as an initerant medicine man by day but in the Wulin he killed people for pay as long as he thought they deserved it.
Murderous Shadows and Five Venoms styles, because I always loved those “killing hands” and “poison fist” styles in kungfu films and wanted to make a very good guy who nonetheless had a rather cruel style of fighting as a deliberate contrast.
it's hard to have fun when your character is useless and dies all the time
3.x player? I’m sorry.
Oh please, as if ladyknights aren't obviously the best.
1. Trying to hit on you
>Monks will be autistic as fuck, they'll probably say something about how the noble mantis needs to bit off heads to keep the cosmos in balance
>"ME GRONKA, ME WANT SNU SNU" roars the barbarian as you try not to faint from her smell
>The ladyknight kisses your hand and tells you that you have beautiful eyes
2. First date
>The monk will take you meditating, because when I think fun I think of fucking meditating
>The barbarian will take you hunting, because when I think fun I think of spending days sleeping in a shallow ditch because I want to choke a deer with my bare hands
>The ladyknight will take you to a pleasant field on a cool spring morning to read poetry
3. Meeting the parents
>"Well... she sure is quiet!"
>"Wow user, she's so sweet and well behaved! You've found yourself a keeper!"
4. When you're being mugged
>The monk will do nothing because 'muh non-violence, muh cosmic balance'
>The barbarian will either go ham and snap the mugger in half like some kind of savage, or watch and tell you that you had it coming for being too weak
>The ladyknight will rebuke your assailant with proportional violence, hand him/her over to the authorities and dress any wounds you may have, asking you if you're alright and telling you there's nothing to fear while she's around
5. Marriage
>Out of the question
>Probably fucking in the mud while fireants crawl up your ass
>A sweet, traditional ceremony with a limited selection of guests
6. Religious observance
>The monk probably worships some strange new age cult that obliges her to remind everyone around her that she's vegan
>The barbarian probably worships rocks or some shit
>The ladyknight is probably a pure and pious Vatican I style Catholic with great respect for Eastern Orthodoxy or vice versa
Ladyknights are an acquired taste: if you don't like them, acquire some taste!
Gene isn't a Monk. He's a either
>A Swordsage
>A Fighter with Improved Unarmed Strike+Artifact
>A City Brawler Barbarian+Artifact
Dungeons: the Dragoning 40k 7th ED.
You seem to confuse sex with marriage
He doesn't realize there's nothing lewder than marrying a woman you love and oozing your jizz deep inside of her while holding her hands and looking into her eyes
For a degenerate you sure are boring.
for somebody addicted to candy she sure keep slim figure
>The ladyknight will rebuke your assailant with proportional violence, hand him/her over to the authorities and dress any wounds you may have, asking you if you're alright and telling you there's nothing to fear while she's around
>The ladyknight is probably a pure and pious Vatican I style Catholic with great respect for Eastern Orthodoxy or vice versa
Christy chicks are always crazy, in the bad way.
Honestly I'd rather take the monk. She at least doesn't seem like no basic bitch. I don't care if she doesn't want to step in during a mugging. If you have to rely on your girlfriend to save you from an attacker then you're a failure as a man and don't deserve any waifus at all.
Monks are problematic in RPGs as a class unless they are a system's equivalent replacement to a more traditional class or OP as fuck
They are so ill-defined in their purpose and roles. They are second fiddle to any martial in output, they don't have versatility in usage like a caster, nor do they have specific and high skill sets like ranger/rogue types, and they also don't do aura buffs.
Being mediocre at everything would be fine in a solo game, but since RPGs are a group affair, it just means that the character has no role to play in the game.
Only way I can ever see a monk working to fill a niche if he's a massive action economy character, but action economy is something you don't fuck around in a game.
She burns it off by being a hyper active spazz
Are her legs as thick as her trunk? WTF?
>Who is Chun Li?
>what is fit-thicc
more realistic than you think
You know how the brain consumes 20% of our daily calorie intake under normal circumstances/at rest? Well, what if a certain girl where to be the result of extensive eugenics experimentation, giving her literally superhuman intelligence? Can you even begin to imagine how many calories her brain would need simply to not collapse?
checkmate materialists
Dungeon Fighter Online, or in Korea, Dungeon and Fighter (DnF)
Barbarian still sounds best
except thats not the real monk from the game your picture comes from
...No, barbarians' idea of marriage is just "we snu snu now"
F priests are better
And there's monk among the fpriest classes. What a shocking development.
i am sorry you have no testosterone
so as a guy new to D&D but thinks monks sound cool, I have to ask why they're often called useless?
Completely lacking in purpose. For everything the monk can do, there's a class that specializes better. and since this is a game where other party members cover your back, having another unique specialists is better.
Also unless 5th ed, Monks need every stat on their scores to be good, which is not really feasable
>Probably fucking in the mud while fireants crawl up your ass
Sounds less painful than most marriages.
because they don't have 9 levels of spells
Holy fucking shit. I will stuff my fuckin face between those fucking legs and whoever manages to pull me out shall be made the next Lich King.
In every game I've run or played in that has a monk, the monk is always the first to die. And it's no mystery why, because monks generally must get into melee but are not very well-equipped to survive in that position, having mediocre defenses and HP. They move fast, but each edition limits their ability to use that fast movement when it really counts. (In 3.PF their speed means dick when they can only take a 5-foot step when they flurry or full attack, in 5e their disengaging ability requires a ki point and can't be used with Flurry of Blows or Martial Arts, in 4e their attack and movement powers are tied together so you often can't use them in the combination you want, and of course in AD&D they get no help at all in circumventing the awkward charging and initiative rules.)
Do you enjoy being killed all the time? No? Then maybe a systemically easy-to-kill class is not right for you.
Anima - Beyond Fantasy.
It's an online multiplayer beat em up. It's like if you could play Elevators of Rage with your friends in another state.
Like I'm falling for this me-
>Is actually out
Maybe I should start playing again.
I once chucked a dragonblooded monk at my players.
Don't chuck dragonblooded monks at your players.
Play miko, blow everyone away with the power of your big glowing balls
Also have you been living under a rock or something jesus
Kinda. After my father died I did go under a rock in deep depression for nearly two years.
Over it now though.
What I always found especially interesting is just thinking how absurdly stupid strong Jam would be lore wise if she gave as much of a shit about fighting as she did cooking. I mean think about it. She's a master level martial artists who can almost effortlessly sense, and manipulate Ki magic. The most wildly unknown form.
I know potential itself is meaningless until you knuckle down and achieve it, but the fact that someone can be as strong as she is just casually while focusing on another goal in life is scary.
she's the embodiment of a Genius ditz.
She was weirdly sharp in her Xrd Rev 2 story mode. I wouldn't call her sharp. Maybe a touch shallow, but she's able to really see right through a lot of bull shit and either intentionally or not help people sort out their own shit. When you get right down into it she's very peculiar in her approach to life.
Her and Jack-O hanging out was great.
>Also unless 5th ed, Monks need every stat on their scores to be good, which is not really feasable
Did you forget that 4e existed?
I just really like Kung Fu girls
Ye boi
If China did one thing right it's woman's fashion
Either you want someone to literally not care when you get the shit beaten out of you or you have mommy issues
You could've at least gone with the whole #notallmonks are pacifist angle.
Monks have high WIS meaning they would read you better which would mean easier interaction.
>tfw. no mindreading accrobatic kungfu gf
You mean body reading
It comes down to picking the right subclass.
>Open Hand
Plays like standard support to your fellow melee fighters. Proc stun and knock enemies down or away.
Because you can invalidate the existence of the rogue class.
>4 Elements
Don't even try this one.
>Long Death
Because you can beef up your survivability to ridicolous levels.
>Sun Soul
You go full ki-blaster with this one.
Why does 4 Elements suck?
Their damage output compared to other martials pales as they get passed level 9.
An easy fix is having the FOB feature scale as they level up so they get an extra unarmed strike at lvl 10 and lvl 17.
Don't make the same mistake as most Monk players and underestimate the sheer power of being able to Dodge as a bonus action. If you budget your Ki you can go toe-to-toe with any martial enemy and very likely win with ease. Monks have surprising longevity, ESPECIALLY Long Death Monks.
Additionally, understand that Monks are more of a support/control class than a DPR class.
>Long Death
Because you can beef up your survivability to ridicolous levels.
It all makes sense now
>Did you forget that 4e existed?
You're on Veeky Forums, it's either that or being wrong about every aspect of the system.
>They have to use their only martial resource to cast spells in a way that makes them worse than their basic martial features.
They could have been good if they had a spell slot/level list like Arcane tricksters and Eldritch knights.
I literally can't.
I didn't say she has to not care, just pointing out believing the ideal girlfriend's response to a mugging is beating the guy up for you then kissing your booboos and offering you maternal reassurance is creepy as hell. Man up.
It's the mans duty to fight and protect.
Right, so let's see you go out there and bust some heads, Macho man