Why does nobody play anything other than D&D? I want to play shit like world of darkness and shadowrun but every time I try everyone just says they want to keep playing D&D instead.
Fug dis.
Why does nobody play anything other than D&D? I want to play shit like world of darkness and shadowrun but every time I try everyone just says they want to keep playing D&D instead.
Fug dis.
You can take the normie to the table, but you can't make him play.
Look around the game you want to play general, maybe in the game finder but don't raise your hopes there.
People are afraid of change and new things, and will usually defend vehemently what they're used to. Just look at 3.PF players and Conservatives .
Cuz D&D is really good and a lot of people like it.
Obvious answer is obvious.
D&D isn't good. It varies between okay and awful. What it is, though, is known. To normies and newfags, D&D is TTRPGs, and TTRPGs are D&D. Just like your grandma thinks every video game is a nintendo
>in a group that is playing WoD currently and might be trying Shadowrun next (with all the dumb shit changed)
>not likely to ever touch DnD
>might be trying out a homebrewed space opera setting in the future
Sucks to suck, guy.
But I hope you get to play what you want eventually.
It's not though. It's all number autism shit. When I play an RPG I want to immerse myself in the characters.
for owod it's because the only people who actually like the storyteller system are those who've never managed to find a game
the shadowrun setting is more niche than dnd's more mainstream type of tabletop setting, so you'd have to find people looking to play shadowrun to find a game, as opposed to all those other similar games where you could talk people into it more easily because it's still being an adventurer in a dungeon.
What's wrong with the storyteller system?
>Why does nobody play anything other than D&D?
Don't be a burger, problem solved.
t. rules-light narrative brainlet
Most serious gamers I’ve met are conservatives, totally resistant to change and deeply reactionary to new ideas. They’re just conservative about the stupidest and most irrelevant things in the world.
Rules spergs ruin games. It's a fact. The only times I've been close to leaving a game is when that one guy goes fully autistic about a minor rule that has no bearing on the game, story, or characters, and then starts metagaming around it.
I think part of it is that Fantasy is relatively more common and accepted genre than gothic horror or whatever ShadowRun is.
(But what a lot of people don't realize that DnD does works best with only relatively narrow part of fantasy genre and doesn't work well for different fantasy flavors.)
Straight fantasy is just so fucking boring though.
And that is why is it so popular - it is more accessible, because everyone has some idea how vanilla fantasy setting looks.
WoD and ShadowRun both have terrible mechanics though
>shit like
what a salesman. maybe inspire them to try something different instead of crabbing like an annoying bitch to them
Then you should become a fucking actor.
D&D is really anything but straight fantasy. Why do you think all the best settings(Dark Sun, Spelljammer, Eberron, etc) are weird shit.
Find a one shot with pregenerated characters. Tell the group all they have to do is show up. You are going to have to put in the work. Shit sucks but if you always do what you've always done you always get what you always got.
>straight fantasy
This post is almost contradictory.
You say all the best settings are weird shit, but how do you really explore that weird shit and feel it if not by getting yourself immersed in a character and really seeing it through their eyes, and experiencing it through them? Or does the weird shit only amount to the DM using some neat imagery to contextualize your fights? It seems like you want to defend DnD, but instead of saying "But there is cool stuff that rewards immersion in DnD, it's not just numbers autism." you basically tell user to get fucked for wanting a roleplaying game to accommodate role playing.
Shadowrun to most players is a bit more confusing than conventional D&D. Even with the priority system, managing stats, qualities, and magic/technomancy can be overwhelming comparatively to D&D.
Don't get me wrong, this is some basic bitch shit but the common complaint I hear from people who are on the fence or against Shadowrun is that there is no clear progression for your character along with heavier resource management compared to 5e. Most normies enjoy D&D because while is is semi-flexible it also has a rigid base of 1-20 that shows constant growth and goodies for hard work. Shadowrun can have that but it's heavily dependant on the GM and the main problem is that there are few GMs for Shadowrun and the mainstream GMs are literal Redditfags (See Runnerhub). As much as it sounds contradictory most normies know of the D&D reddit but once exposed to the Runnerhub reddit, they get a sour taste in their mouth for Shadowrun and run for the hills.
WoD suffers a similar plight but with main problem of splats being entirely different than each other and although they share the same world, it's better off taking each book separately and playing in a fairly homogeneous world of whatever splat your playing as. That and most normies see VTR and think of shitty goths and Twilight posers as the norm for not only Vampire but WoD as a whole.
I wanted to play Shadowrun, so I ended up GMing Shadowrun.
Man, is it complicated! Do you know who in your group would be willing to put in the work for it?
I've been playing games since 2013.
DnD has not been a particularly common game for me.
nWoD, Mongoose Traveller, a hacked together mess with apocalypse world as its core, mistborn, and mustants and masterminds 3e, and Warhammer Fantasy RPG have been the systems I've spent the most time with.
Most the DnD games I've been in have been 5e or some ADnD derivative like Labrynrh Lord.
been playing alot of Shadowrun and i've been looking at Numenera and Cyberpunk 2020
Delivery matters, not content.
There’s dozens of excellent things out there that use the most basic bitch storytelling and worldbuilding, but because they are delivered well they become fucking classics.
If your traditional fantasy has never even remotely caught your interest there’s two easy explanations.
1: You’ve basically been so automatically turned off to it even though you likely started on it that you couldn’t enjoy it even if it was good. This is actually fairly unlikely in my experience. We WANT to be entertained when we play for the most part.
2: You’ve never actually had a good GM before, just average ones at best. This is pretty likely, because just like most players are average players, most GM’s for most games are average GM’s.
Or he just doesn't like fantasy.
Currently playing L5R 4e, Infinity RPG and an E6 take on the Pathfinder Kingmaker AP. (yes, I know the last one is D&D related)
Haven't played actual D&D since 2015.
>Infinity RPG
Is it any good?
Because being afraid of change and insisting on doing the same thing over and over again in the same way is one of the hallmarks of autism, and you know what kind of hobby you're in.
Everyone is lazy and doesn't want to learn a new system
Brainlet can't math or follow simple rules. You are the kind of roleplayers that rather just sit around jerking off about your oc's in a room with 5 other dudes
It's not as good as I had hoped, (I kickstarted for all the pdfs only) but the system is really easy and the players all have their own agendas built in by the game itself, which helps give the ones that like to roleplay something extra to do as the game progresses.
I GM my current game for 4 players who are all family, and it's been running since August. I like the setting a bit more than the RPG, but it's still a decent game.
Here's a I don't want to play D&D thread, that's new.
Disappointing. I'll probably just run the setting in some other system
There are no video games but Nintendo, retard.
It's late grandma. Take your pills.
You're probably going to want to pick up the books for extra fluff, though.