Share your spiciest Warhammer and 40k memes

Share your spiciest Warhammer and 40k memes






I have an entire folder dedicated to 40k memes

















This thread is awful. Fuck you OP

Great job OP keep going!





my fav




Is that pre-chaos Horus canon? He looks just like my dad.
















No, deviantart






Some Amarula I bought in South Africa.







Well this is the most heretical thing on this thread.

Why is he holding Nicholas Cage?

Oshit, amarula is my favourite liqueur as well. I must have this

Who dat





this one always gets me

Never did look this comic up but it looks like a good laugh




That is actually more unnerving than Curze simply scowling.




A klassik

Oddly accurate



Aww, look at him he's trying to smile

Wonder how old these macros are now



Thanks GW for making this one invalid ;_;



makes me laugh every time. so good.


Funnily enough, that's a perfect description of how much of a vile, disgusting, hateful and evil troglodyte Stephen Colbert is.




AHH! my one weakness! a perfectly formatted late night joke at my own expense!



>Thanks GW for making this one invalid
That's rude of them.
