>The world is shrouded in a perpetual Fog, that goes on in all directions
>Anything caught out in the Fog for too long is inevitably taken or changed, thus humanity has shielded itself within Domes as a means of protection
Veeky Forums Makes A Setting
The domes are bio-domes to effectively farm the remaining surface and sun of earth. Only the rich get to live there. The rest lives underground in massive bunkers and barely ever see the dim, muted light of day.
>Orcs constantly rape human and elvish females for their own sick pleasure
>Women who sleep with Orcs are referred to as Orc-fuckers or Greenburners and they are dead to decent men
>There is an ORCED porn industry run by Gnomes to destroy the fabric of human and elvish societies
Orcs are smarter, faster, stronger, live longer, are more white, have bigger dicks, have more children, are more polite, are more magical, and just in general are better than elves and humans.
The only race with bigger dicks than orcs are gnomes
According to Gnome propaganda and Gnome-controlled media industries, which are blatantly false and promote the race-mixing of bestial Orcs with delicate humans and elves.
The fog is the product of the Gods, who have taken up vaping
>Amongst the leading powers of the Domes, the Church is perhaps the most notable
>Linked to each and every Dome, the Church ensures that corruption from the Fog does not manage to slip inside and twist the souls of Man
Unfortunately, the Church has been thoroughly subverted by Gnome propaganda, inviting hordes of Orcs from the fog-shrouded areas to come and rape human women.
>/pol/'s magical realm
It is possible to travel through the fog by carrying a magical chalice with you. It doesn't make you immune to monsters though, just the effects of the fog.
>The Church mostly does not go out of its way to harm the people under their care, but should Corruption prove to be too great, whole Domes have been known to go up in great burst of blazing light.
>Chalices function through the use of an internal sliver of holy flame situated above a pool of the users blood.
>Should the flame ever fade, the protection that the Chaice provides shall quickly dissipate
Before the fog came humanity had successfully created a small number of orbital habitats. While the resources for any space programs were quickly consumed by the need to construct the dome and bunker cities there are rumors that one or more of these structures is still inhabited.
>It is even said that some individuals have even found little "Star Trinkets", bits of old tech that were seemingly sent from down above, perhaps as am fans of aiding the world at large.
Some retarded Orcs occasionally find Star Trinklets, and they're so stupid that they'll pay some common prostitute a Star Trinklet in exchange for fucking her.
As a result, whores are some of the most powerful ladies around.
>The hack writer OP attempts to make another "epic" and "spooky" setting
So are we going sci-fi, fantasy or a mix? Because right now we have old world tech, magical chalices and a village idiot that wanders from dome to dome blabbering about orcs, clearly touching himself while he does so.
I would love to compare this to Veeky Forums setting in 1d4chan, which is dated to 2008-2009.
Lets see how the mentality of the board changed within a decade
>the creatively deficiant asswipe can offer no constructive criticism, because it asks too much of his mental faculties, lest he drools all over himself.
I like the "gods" bringing the fog idea minus the vaping and an overbearing church. Since we have magic and tech already mentioned, we might as well make it a magitech setting. Perhaps the gods abandoned the world, taking magic with them, but for some reason a bunch of magical objects still work. This leads the church to believe there is still one or two gods that haven't left them, but they can't really figure out which ones?
What about the ORCED porn industry and Orcs raping human and elvish women? Aren't you going to include my ideas as well?
>Chalices function through the use of an internal sliver of holy flame situated above a pool of the users blood.
Called the Chalice of 7 colors for the making of the enchantment requires the users blood to be dripped into with the wax of 7 different colored beeswax candles. The wax floats and congeals on top of the blood in multicolored drops. Words of power are recited while this is completed and with the wax still warm, sigils are inscribed upon the surface. Finally a wick of woven cotton and a virgins hair is inserted into the center of the wax into the blood and lit. If the ritual is sucessful and the blood is found worthy the wick will ignite and remain lit for as long as the blood within remains, aprox 15-20 hrs.
I mean, you make a fun character. A very old man that still remembers when porn was allowed, perhaps peddling some really dank smut. Going from dome to dome keeping the flames in the pants high and roaring. A real human character.
Based on OP's image, these better be neon TRON orcs.
Personally, I myself envisioned the Church as a bunch of inhuman intelligences that for all their raw alieness, genuinely care about the world and desire Mankind's survival. Kinda like the Great Ones of Bloodborne, or Culture Minds, just with a more religious bent.
Magic appeared on earth at the same time the fog first began to spread.
This reminds me a lot of Fallen London. In a similar fashion, should candles be sacred mysterious objects?
It's almost as if people aren't taking the time to read the posts and just want to write whatever pops into their heads at the time
Everything in this thread sans the pervert has been pretty cool honestly.
What's wrong with hot Orc-on-human action?
They still could be. Perhaps humanity reveres these alien intelligences, while they revere entirely different beings that are even more powerful than them?
Just imagine this crusty old pervert saying all that drivel. He's clearly been in the fog one too many times
It would not be surprising if bits of his soul have been munched by the things in the Fog.
>40 posts, 14 posters
The Church of the Dome has need of myrrh and there is none to be found. A priestess says she knows the location of some but will need to be escorted there. She will carry the chalice to protect the group from the fog but her bodyguards will have to protect her from hostiles. Who will take up this quest?
>Who will take up this quest?
Sophulus Archdrawn, Chosen of The Holy Flame, shall take the plunge into the Fog twitch the priestess to find and secure the blessed myrrh. But who shall accompany -Him-?