Also I wanna wish all of you a happy new year and hope we make next year even better.
Josiah Young
From last thread
>Hello /twgg/. I am from /trash/ and we are working on a new gen. This is an example of one of our Princesses on the new card. >Could I get some feedback on the layout and content of this? Thank you in advance.
Ryan Gutierrez
Simple answer, but that's the nice thing about Towergirls you can headcannon the vague bits to suit your preference.
Do you headcannon the mask as a magical lust bonus, or are your heroic deeds the thing that "restores" their purity.
Does the mask protect their mental innocence? Or physical innocence by making them more like a virgin.
Jaxon Reyes
Another fusion artist enters the ring.
Very nice
Jackson Bailey
I like the general idea that the cards/gen are going for, though I feel the cards may get too crowded with all the different gifts and closures. I'd need to see an example to be sure though
Cooper Bailey
We have another one too.
Gabriel Phillips
Explain how the alpha/beta or good/bad end mechanic works.
Alexander Scott
Not the maker, just a guy familiar with it. Each princess has a business and there are two types, Old and New World. The Good route is along the lines of turning their business towards a more positive outcome or shutting it down if things are too amoral. Usually cuts into profits, but has a positive effect. Bad route is taking their business and making it more profitable at some cost, usually with people. New World suffer harder challenges/consequences going the good route, while Old World suffer when they go the bad route.
Luis Martinez
I have no idea what this is or why it exists, but this girl's cute, so I'mma stick around or a bit to see if it's worth my time.
Dylan Jones
Interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about the chart dividing the princesses up in such a binary way. In the other gens some princesses may go better together than others, but it seems like the trash gen choosing good end or bad end effectively limits your princesses to either old or new world. Why choose any New World princesses if you're going good route?
Charles Nguyen
>Also I wanna wish all of you a happy new year and hope we make next year even better.
Thank you very much user. Thanks for the image too.
Isaac Murphy
Well, we have planned for each route to have an exclusive gift for it, with the obligatory lust gift. We are still working on those, however.
Daniel Thomas
OK. Do you think the more challenging routes will get better gifts? I think that would make the chart really interesting.
Hudson Diaz
Basically, we're here for waifus.
Check the Charts > Main Gen link to get started. See which waifus interest you, start a kingdom. Make a build, and make some art, writing, or whatever based on it.
Jace King
I need blender practice which towergirl should I model?
preferably not something with too strange a form
Caleb Sanchez
Gen 2's Zombie.
Adam Allen
goblin with jiggle physics
Michael Perez
Knight Princess and Human
Colton Adams
Leo Clark
Book princess.
Cooper Gray
Dwarf Princess.
Nathan Diaz
If you're starting off, go for something without clothes probably. Simpler design and detailing to start off with. Then move onto harder and more complex characters and clothing.
Ant maybe? No crazy clothes or hair to have to design. Slime if you don't mind the amorphous design inherent in her.
Jack Adams
Gen 4 Savage Princess
James Lopez
I like the subtle request for nude models
I second this user
Ayden Sullivan
Carson Thompson
Damn, I was actually thinking the same thing earlier today. Maybe I'll try my hand at one the suggestions from your replies
Jaxson Clark
Jace Wright
Ghoul and Ogre
Isaiah Hughes
Princess Discussion of the Day #122 Chicken Princess
Another one of my Princesses but still not to my original ones yet. That will have to wait till Gen III as I just filled in blank cars for Gen II.
Her main theme is being a chocobo all about travel. The kind of girl to get cabin fever and want to go and spend her time out in nature.
She looks, while not quite a knight, able to defend and take care of herself so I made her a practical/dependable girl. She is also probably one of the fastest girls among the princesses.
Not a full centaur but still probably not good quality below the belt.
She has the whole double entendre thing going on with her being a good mount but too embarrassed to to give public "rides". I like to imagine her giving you a ride back to town after a weekend out exploring nature, stumbling upon a traveling group on the way back, and her embarrassingly bucking you off her so people do not see.
I think Semher was literally just a random sound I picked to use as a name. The idol is a set of wheels stacked together, I always wondered how easy that was to tell without already knowing what the idea was. Worship was just a good kingdom buff that fit the theme and renounce was something funny that also incentivize more travel with your princesses and getting away from the kingdom.
Her fetishes I felt clever with when I made them. Related to chickens, travel, and your rooster rising early.
Weathervane: I knew the bonus I wanted, something to let you manage your kingdom/quest while still being able to go out to exotic places with Chicken Princess and I knew I wanted it to be something camping / country related but a weathervane was the best I could come up with to fit the idea since they normally had chickens or roosters on them. Always felt it was a little off the mark thematically though.
Luis Lewis
Joseph Thompson
happy New Years yall! Or yknow, earlyish New Years
David Lopez
I prefer big breasted chicken.
Lincoln Baker
Thanks Broom-ass. Are you read for a new year?
Jaxon Murphy
as ill ever be
Ian Miller
Brandon Howard
Happy New Years Eve! I hope you all have a good New Year! Sincerely, Paintanon
Jacob Gutierrez
You did real good this year, Paint. Hope you continue into the new year.
Jose Reed
Me and another user have plans for a new gen with a new mechanic. Between the two of us, he's the one who thinks up the mechanics and the basic designs, and I'm the "artist". From what I can tell, the project is going to be more vanilla than Paintgirls was, but I still look forward to working on it
Parker Carter
Love the athletic sports girl. Really dislike her outfit for some reason. probably just the massive belly-underclevage window. I always thought of her renounced effect as you developing a Face-Heel split personality rather than a super hero personality. To go in theme with the wrestling, the Face is always trying to do the best he can, while the Heel is trying to just be a dick most of the time.
My favorite out of Gen2Exp. Also happy to return to my favorite gimmick, the idol system.
Just as a quick aside, how many princesses have you written the stats for? Chicken's is really well done.
Love myself a practical and dependable girl. I love being able to travel with princesses as an equal rather than always having to worry about protecting them. Probably why a lot of people like Knight too. Plus tomboys, gotta love 'em.
I always made the chocobo connection, but never really thought about how fast those were. Now I want to see a foot race among the fastest princesses.
I bet her expression when bucking you off would be adorable. Completely flustered about giving rides would be so cute.
Idol is a bit meh, worshiped is definitely the one I'd go for, renounced doesn't provide any nice benefits.
Think she'd lay on top of you during the night when you sleep? To both keep you warm, and to feel any morning wood when you wake up?
Weathervane, fast travel/town portal. A-tier item.
My own personal taste here, but I am glad the small breasted version is on the cart. Prefer the modest breasts, and that huge breasted version just looks uncomfortable and a turn off.
Where'd you get that fan art of her btw? Looks great. Any chance of getting any more princesses drawn like that?
Chase Lee
What do you mean by "vanilla"?
Adrian Martin
Question for the Wonder Chest. Does it take up a slot itself? I imagine so, seeing you can't stuff a chest inside itself.
On that, would you have to take it with you in the other gens to have effect (would it take up a perma-spot then)? Or does it simply make all dowries/gifts simply take up zero space?
Thanks in advance, and Happy New Year's!
Charles Taylor
Yes to Q 1. You can make it your freebie too and then it never takes space.
Jordan James
Jack Martin
Not sure who drew that art.
As for content, I've made 112 princesses so far not counting small bits added to other cards, armies/etc, and other bits.
The ones that are on the charts are:
Gen II: Wrestler, Chicken, and Alien
Gen III: Fudge, Wisp, Drake, Fireworks
Gen IV: Tarrasque, Cat, Changeling, Twin, Half-Dragon
Gen V: Dryad, Naiad/Nymph, Siren, Farm, Mimic II
Hudson Ramirez
Hi, I'm the idea guy Paint's talking about. Initially, there are a bit more human based princesses than in a normal gen. Stuff like a Paleo (Cavewoman) Princess, a Dhampir, and an Azer (Fire headed dwarf). This is the first gen I worked on, and I initially tried to do art, but found it was not to my calling. Then I contacted the paint user, and he was willing to help. Now it is as you see it today.
Adrian Robinson
Some art of Yule Princess. Happy New Year!
Tyler Robinson
I love it
Evan Rivera
Her rule, Holly. Her will, Jolly. Yes, under her iron fist all will have a Merry Christmas. Perhaps when all her enemies have fallen and everyone is united under her banner we may all celebrate a happy new year.
Josiah Ross Gentlemen, behold! The knight chart has been updated one more time, and still doesn't fit in the file size limit! Merry New Year
Blake Gomez
>Bear and Turtle still not using the updated art >Martyr still the best art and design >So many different styles, many of which are sketchy and rough as hell Man, knight chart really needs some love.
Luis Stewart
Martyr is good, but I'll stick by cactus being the best, simplicity is a blessing.
Cameron Miller
When was turtle or bear updated?
David Martin
A long while ago. I don't remember when, but I remember an user who was remaking knight art did those two, copper, pirate, trap, and I think two others.
Oliver Smith
New /trash/ princess
Benjamin Stewart
I like her. Then again, I like bug ladies in general. Not a fan of smoking thouh
Jace Parker
That's her proboscis. She uses it to suck blood.
Josiah Martinez
then why is it smoking?
Dylan Reyes
Well yeah, its her cigarette holder too. I was just pointing out that element of the design.
Hunter Perez
> Trash making princesses again Maybe 2018 won't be so bad after all
Samuel Carter
/trash/ tends to have poorly conceived bios for their princesses but their art is always top notch
Jacob Morales
Happy New Year, TowerGirls.
Benjamin Carter
Happy New Years ya Metal geared gal grabbers! Love ya guys
Evan Richardson
Still 1 hour left here. But the same. Here's to another year of panty theft and princess fenagling.
John Perry
Happy new year!
Zachary James
Happy new years dickheads. Here's to another produxti5ve year full of towers and girls.
Henry Morgan
Gonna squeeze this in before the new year is upon me. It'll be a while before all the art and Companions are finished, but here's a playable draft for the time being.
Happy New Year, fellow degenerate Knights!
Gavin Roberts
Ooh, nice.
Hunter Taylor
What companions do you have in mind?
Jeremiah Mitchell
Each row is a particular category.
The top row is the Battlers, who can use Special Weapons like the player. The next row is the Supporters, who can assist in battle or in exploration. Next is the Loids, who assist exclusively in terms of combat but have exploitable weaknesses. Last are the Helpers, who assist indirectly through items and equipment.
Matthew Bell
Princess Discussion of the Day #123 Alien Princess
I promise I did not intentionally set all three of mine in a row, I didn't order the chart. Last one of mine for this chart.
Is it bad that alien princess is one of my favorites even though I created her? Well it was mostly this art that started her on the track of being one of my favorites from before I even worked on her card. I challenge anyone to find better towergirls fanart than this one.
I headcannon her to be a stationgirl that crash landed and can not get back so now she is a towergirl.
Very few changes compared to what I originally had on her. Had "+Flirty and lewd personality" instead of the alien tourist trait. I think the new trait works very well for her. She was also more stacked in lust instead of love in my first version.
Most of her traits revolve around her alienness but one of my favorites is her "Speaks incomprehensible language" one just because I think it makes her a little more unique since most other princesses default to your language. Also nice to imagine her having a really nice voice, saying something sweet, lewd, or otherwise and letting her body language and tone translate her intent for her.
Zemxex is another pure random name that I tried to make sound alien. The ability to store and generate energy might be a little overpowered for a kingdom buff but you still have to earn ways to make use of it. The renounce lets say just ties into her "Weird disappearances" trait, who knows what could happen.
Tyler Howard
James Fisher
heres some better stuff alien is honestly might be my most disliked gal as aliens inputted into fantasy is just off to me especially with towergirls
William James
I didn't see the updated art for the others. If you can post it I'll add 'em. Merry 2018 folks
Jonathan Hernandez
>I challenge anyone to find better towergirls fanart than this one. When the only art of her sucks, then yeah it's the best. She doesn't get any love in fanart at all, either being turned into a disproportionate freak or just some silly side gag.
Do we know who originally designed her? Because whoever it was designed the best eventual Gen 2 expansion girl. I like Gats' version, but this one is still my favorite alien.
Connor Peterson
I admire her in some respects, but That
Colton Parker
eh, I disagree, Aliens can totally work in fantasy if done well.
Jeremiah Edwards
it depends, D&D has always had connections to aliens with the far realm, and it certainly wouldnt be the only fantasy setting with ayys or magitech style items
something something when science reaches a point it just becomes magic
Colton Murphy
Hope we get moving fast again soon.
Jose Morales
it's more towergirls itself doesn't need it wrapped into it in my opinion im not saying aliens can't work in fantasy i'd be an idiot to say that
though i really like her design its a good alien design only really beaten out by moonborn
Cameron Ramirez
Nolan Walker
I want a TowerGirls Skirmish ruleset
Jaxson Sanders
So make one.
Levi Fisher
okay which game should I clone for a basis
Parker Lewis
Fire emblem?
Kayden Russell
Somebody did work on a Warmachine-based Towergirls game, but disappeared. They did Mimic, Kobolds, and Goblin armies for it before that. Each army had a princess as warcaster-equivalent and I think three units (basic infantry, elite unit, heavy unit).
Jason Bailey
Fire Emblem is a videogame I'm talking about a skirmish-level tabletop wargame
Colton Robinson
Challenge Accepted
Bentley Lopez
When did Alien Princess get giga-tits?
Parker Adams
Cummed. Instantly.
James Perez
When she's drawn by fanartists who want to use different proportions, of course. She's flat in her actual card art, but you know people; gotta slap giga tits on everything and ruin good designs.
Leo Watson
Also, if anyone happens to have a higher resolution version of Skeleton Knight's card, that would also be appreciated. The only place I can find it is on the illegibly compressed version of the chart
Colton Davis
Behold, my cardinal sin: alone time with Cerberus-fu.
Elijah Hill
But her hands (probably) already look like paws under the puppets.
Brandon Collins
So she's just a dog girl in a toga?
Eli Hall
Hmm, lets see if I can make a quick build... In no particularly order: Air, Magnet, Star, Napalm, Centaur, Knight, Shade, Honey Will probably make room for Tron or Breaker, when we get their cards.
Equipment: Head: Hive-Link (Prefer comm system over improved scanners) Core: Mass Stabilizer (not quite sure how a power core enables operation in different gravity fields, but nice in combo with mag boots) Body: Hooded Armor (might as well become more of a tank than a robot) Arms: Bastion Shield (swap a shield between your main and off hand at will, pretty nice) Legs: Panzer Treads (hard choice between treads or quadruped robot, but quadruped/spider treads would be amazing) Feet: Inertia Boots (Steady Stance and mag boots. Great for fighting in zero-g with core)
Ended up become the tank of the party, as in a literal tank. Pretty tough between the armor and the shield. Panzer treads makes mobility less of an issue, at least in one direction. Inertia boots would be fun to drive along walls or ceilings and pelt enemies from out-of-reach. Hive-Link to turn my tank into a command station and comm hub as well.
Not sure who'd be my closest ally. Toss up between Centaur, Knight, and Honey.
I really like how this chart is done. Always love seeing what kind of build I end up with, and having options that both effect the party/masters and the knight himself. One question/request: A companion that can combine any two equipment pieces of the same type, but only once. Any plans for that boon? Mainly asking because I'd really want that spider-tread combo for my legs slot, but I could see it having some very fun effects with combining some of these equipment pieces.
Easton Reed
> never uses pronouns > 'probing' > no trap for that gen
Legit, I thought Alien Princess was a boy.
Gavin Long
> no trap for that gen I think your eyes ROAMED too hard on that chart, give it another look