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this OC is still fresh and it needs your (You)s
or votes in this strawpoll (where would you go?)
sidenote: I would find author cyoas more enjoyable in this format, not all authors have to be cute anime girls. You can give them their own worlds/dimensions/whatever.
thank you for your attention.
>all authors have to be cute anime girls
I am not sure who to trust anymore who is flavius?
Meta contents is always low quality. This one in particular is an example of what not to do.
The guy who visited the Discord just to tell it to control its shitposters as if just saying so could possibly help anything
I've been reporting the posts I need to for the past few days and I hope everyone else in the thread has been doing the same
Titus Flavius is a Roman Emperor who died in 95 AD.
I mean, you could blame me of course but that's just going to allow the real shitposter to slip away.
You might claim that Christmas is over already but I have already celebrated little-Christmas 2118 so we can save that.
Why the fuck is this almost 8mb per page
omg Play-Doh is so cute
>is this where oc is made
the marble itself is proof that realities can be made anew
i will become a system unto myself with one fleeting memory woven into the machines of reality
"build more"
i will die but will birth further cycles of realities
i can live with that
what ze crossposting?
oshit what have i missed?
Why are these school girls watching an anime about a man who does nothing but beat his meat.
...Nothing. The whole point is that all this is irrelevant. Discord meta should be discussed on the Discord. The thread is for CYOA and incidentally relevant topics
Oscar Charlie
>what have i missed?
/cyoag/ being its normal self.
Make a CYOA.
It seems to be me that it's not just possible but actually quite easy to reach the treasure vault without crossing any rooms from the entrance.
2nd from left
the amount of purges is scary
this fuck probably got some innocents banned too
>not all authors have to be cute anime girls
If an author is not a cute anime girl it means it has not been properly integrated in the CYOA pantheon yet you dum dum
There is no such thing as an innocent shitpost.
Nah, they're just banning the same guy over and over and over, and all of his posts disappear at the same time.
There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.
what are good cvoas to do a TT on
so for the next shitposter waifu cyoa are we including this one or nah
Only if you find the concealed door. Also, dungeon inhabitants do wander.
I dunno. On the one hand, he certainly should be recognised for his efforts -- on the other hand, he's really a weird outside influence primarily occupied with Discord, so maybe not so related as other /cyoag/ shitposters.
I'm really lonely, please post waifu CYOA's.
I want to feel loved, even by a picture and some text
It's better to acknowledge your creeping loneliness than to ultimately fail at filling that gaping chasm of desperation.
It's not like companionship matters.
Thanks, mate!
Thank you anons
Why does the shitposting always happen while I slumber?
I want to enjoy the shitshow, damnit, not feel sad seeing a fuckton of deleted posts and realizing I missed a show.
I assume it's still just the dickscord user being a salty cunt?
>Italics will never save /cyoag/
>We will forever be stuck in the age of Tok
What timeline is this?
Archives, my man.
Tok isn't so bad, honestly. He just doesn't make very good CYOAs, but that's hardly unique.
Why am I accepting this conscription in the first place?
Do you honestly have anything better to do?
Seriously guys would take that 70 iq retard over me who is actually skilled in photoshop?
How big should a png be if I don't want to run into problems with it spontaneously getting too big to post?
>Italics will save /cyoag/
You gat have faith, friend.
full on waifu option
living like a lion lads
No, but this is an eldritch war we're talking about here. You don't sign up for those because you're bored, and you don't get signed up for those unless someone needs a meat shield.
I don't think pngs bloat, do they? For jpgs though you want at least one megabyte of wiggle room.
That's usually not a problem with PNGs.
Why the fuck are these almost 8mb too
Remember that authors need (you)s to keep the industry alive.
Some authors need to be starved of (you)s.
Cool, thanks.
Like who, user?
>Tok isn't so bad, honestly
He's smug and an idiot. Even ignoring his total sperg outs (see: duck penises prove monogamy doesn't work, "The end"), he always worsens the climate around here.
I can't think of anybody worse, really.
>duck penises prove monogamy doesn't wor
Boy that was a fun thread!
This wasn't the neko girl cyoa we needed...
...But it's the one we deserve...
>There's actually someone who saved your cyoa.
Th-thanks user.
>being this buttblasted
He's not the only one.
Also am I remembering wrong, or did you mention something about an update or a rework or the like, back when the CYOA was still new?
I enjoyed it quite a bit. Parasites freak me the fuck out, but a loving one beating out my fears of it, that's really comfy.
I was considering it but I haven't really been hit with any inspiration for things to add and have moved on to another project.
If I did update it it would just be reworking, I guess more adding, the visuals. But your interest in it is honestly a huge compliment.
Thanks a lot, I'll work hard and make my next one even better!
I haven't actually played this yet, so here goes:
>Primary Type: Always Something New
>Secondary: Tough Choices, Lewd, Satire, Alternative
>Primary Style/Tone: Realistic
>Secondary: Noble, Neutral
>Primary Settings: Always Something New
>Secondary: Alternative, External Factor, High Fantasy
I don't have any strong preferences CYOA-wise.
>Nap of Wisdom
>Practical Skills
>Weekends Off
Two really good ways to improve my productivity, and at the cost of... having regularly scheduled weekly breaks. oh no.
>The Dream (Mark of Vitality)
The only places with modern-or-better technology were the academy (and ss isn't my thing) and the business (ech), so those are out. From there, the Dream manages to be comfy without being completely lackadaisical, offering "things" to do on my off-days, and enough magic and stuff to spice it up. All I have to do is stay out of the eye of the social engine and enslfind some good friends-slash-fuckbuddies to handle social interactions of all types.
wanna be a wizzard?
>wanna be a wizzard?
Are you asking me if I want to have an eldritch (and presumably self-aware) spell stuck in my head, causing me to be utterly incapable of learning any other magic?
>not posting the fetish version
>not posting the best one
I did want to make a build for this but I fell asleep halfway thro and forgot everything. Maybe one day.
This was in my cyoa folder so I assume it's one.
Pick one, I guess. Left one doesn't do anal.
>but I fell asleep halfway thro
Holy shit, how long is this thing?
New space (and other places) refugee cyoa
Drowning them in Mediterranean sean is not an option
hi there
Is it me you're looking for?
Does that mean the right one does?
I still love tok!
> Left one doesn't do anal.
The left, I'm not SDA!
Reminds me of this thing from whenever.
>I still love Tok!
I love you too, the age of Tok is truly the best time line!