>30k TACTICA & TIPS What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLp
My opponents likes to run a lot of armor, and some even run dual Spartans.
Would it be too much overkill to run a pair of Lightnings with three twin racks of Kraken Missiles? Yes I know that’s 12 Missiles and the two units become 570 points, but it seems really good at eating armor.
Ayden Green
Which one of you sick fucks wants to jump Lorgar?
Angel Walker
Just seems odd that they spent so much time with him in the first trilogy, and then abandoned him other than Vengeful Spirit.
Lincoln Reyes
I'm kinda torn. I feel like Sanguinius would treat you better and be more gentle but Fulgrim would be up for more weird stuff.
Adam Flores
Magnus the Red can change form.
Christian Butler
It’s because his whole face heel turn is forced and nonsensical so they don’t like to put much focus on it. The opening trilogy’s one job was to establish Horus falling to the dark side and they somehow managed to cock it up. >I love the Emperor >has spoopy dreams >let the galaxy burn The entire Horus Heresy book series is built on a foundation of sand.
Daniel Turner
It's even funnier because Magnus appears in his dreams to point out that Erebus is a lying manipulative bitch and Horus STILL does a 360 and lunawalks away from the Emperor.
Camden Foster
Fuck, I wish WE Breachers could take chain axes.
Jonathan Turner
What in your opinion, is the best looking legion in any model, unit, what have you? I really think Blood Angels look sexy no matter what model they have, but I want to hear your opinion on what looks best?
Caleb James
Why the EC of course.
Elijah Garcia
Was anyone friends with Alpharius?
Jackson Moore
Angel Peterson
I've always been a big fan of the Sons of Horus look. Especially the reaver style armour.
Kayden King
That's friends with benefits.
Hunter Martinez
Can you be certain you aren't friends with Alpharius?
Christopher Peterson
I think that Legio Titanicus has the best models.
Dominic Phillips
Non meme answers please. I haven’t read many HH novels, but I never see Alpharius mentioned. What do the others think of him and the XXth?
Colton Harris
>Non meme answers please You asked about the wrong Primarch m8. Horus was his friend and no one else liked him or knew him.
Christopher Johnson
Mostly he rubs people the wrong way by being a smug cunt.
Bentley Myers
Only Horus.
Elijah Smith
You'e god damn right
Parker Rodriguez
I believe Alpharius was loyal to Emps and Omegon was chaos. What about you guys?
Kayden Lopez
A well painted Sons Of Horus army looks great, it's a really sharp colour scheme.
Tyler Myers
Emperors Children now and forever
Lincoln Powell
Alpha Legion
Luis Gray
Only one legio really applies, obviously.
Liam Green
I’m gonna get shit for this, but Ultramarines because of how gorgeous blue and gold go together. I love Greco-Roman stuff so much.
Julian Ward
Emperor’s Children. I dig their aesthetic because they don’t go overboard on any particular theme. They’re fancy without getting garish like Bangels and Roman without going full larper like the Ultras. They have an eagle thing but don’t go full wolf wolfy wolves autistic with it. Their colours are pretty great too.
Traitor IIIrd are worst IIIrd.
Ryan Morgan
30k UM are cool user, bear the colours of Ultramar with pride.
Levi Roberts
there's plenty of XX related stuff, my dude. But even before the novels it was pretty well established he went out of his way to never explain anything. Nobody is sure if his rediscovery is true or a composite of various stories.
The Black Book entry in book III on them does a great job of elaborating on them without diminishing the ambiguity.
Horus is the only one who appreciated their tactics and presumably, he was the only one that Alpharius might've respected to a degree. But even so, that relationship was pure business as during the Paramar invasion Alpharius straight up tells a butt-mad Horus to fuck off and that he should never have expected the Alpha Legion to do anything beyond what was asked of them.
There's a couple mentions that they crusaded without incident with the Iron Hands/Dark Angels but nothing beyond that. They went out of their way not to have friends kind of like the Khan and Alpharius wasn't even present at Ullanor.
Kayden Bell
Where did Guilliman stand at Nike's? I know he wasn't full autism like the yiffs and swamp things.
Benjamin Torres
Alexander Lewis
Wasn’t present but he was softly in support of the Librarius and approved of Magnus’s censure.
Levi Anderson
>approved of Magnus’s censure. screw this teacher's pet.
Carter Carter
>They went out of their way not to have friends >No one likes you. I DIDN'T WANT FRIENDS ANYWAY! FUCK YOU.
Jace Ward
were the Emperor’s Children the most formidable legion? I think if not for their small size, they’d easily be the most powerful as they were near perfect war wagers.
Jason Taylor
lol real talk though, I think only they and the Khan truly did not give a shit about being close to their brothers. The Khan was cordial and seemed to be okay with the others' company but Alpharius straight up didn't care.
if they were (which they probs weren't, my guess is the Luna Wolves) they certainly fell from a really high place.
Luis White
They weren't the very best, since they still suffered when it came to dealing with hardened targets or having to fight on the defensive, but they were regarded as one of the best. And they weren't incredibly small like some other Legions, they just weren't one of the really big ones like the Iron Warriors, Dark Angels, or Ultrasmurfs.
Nolan Hall
I need help coming up with an allied force for my Imperial Fists. I already have Custodes as a side army, so none of those. I also hate painting white so I’m afraid no White Scars.
Would Blackshields work well?
Austin Taylor
Blood Angels so you can get a proper defense of Terra army.
Samuel Moore
I hate this. I might do it
Zachary Williams
Don't be too hard on the big G. He would honestly rather be farming than fighting the word bearers and their bullshit
"Guilliman, to his shame, realised how much he craved this peace. Sotha was like a mythical Eden. For an irrational moment, Roboute Guilliman willed Dantioch to fail in his efforts to re-tune the Pharos, and wished never to return. A part of him knew that he could live out his days on Sotha in utter contentment, barebacked and tanned in the sunlight, careless, mowing the grasses with his scythe, season in and season out"
Camden Myers
Magnus getting censured was like the one thing most Primarchs could agree on.
Even Corax wanted to see him get spanked.
Michael Bell
My brother is thinking about building a Salamanders army, how should he play them? Lots of armor? Lots of veterans? Lots of artillery?
Luke Cox
A well painted Iron Warrior, modeled and converted well enough to show him trudging through the mud will always have my heart. I always try to model them as such. Trench warfare and sieges aren't pretty.
Aiden Morgan
No no no, lots of recon and seekers.
Ryder Nelson
Depend, if he like tanks he'll certainely find what he want. Same if he want full drop pod armies Overall start it by asking what he like, then build around that idea. The only thing he won't really be able to do is assault-focused armies because of the salamanders's super restrictive LA rule
Ryan Perez
I believe it was reversed. Sure, Alpharius believed the Cabal and thought he was doing the right thing by joining the heretics, but Omegon is the one undermining some of his plans against the loyalists (see the infiltration and destruction of the warp-storm facility in the Serpent Beneath).
Robert Cook
There are some really effective color-schemes in the Heresy. Sons of Horus look great, so do Blood Angels, Thousand Sons and the Alpha Legion.
Aaron Ramirez
I really like my salamanders and do believe that any model in green and flame looks sexy, but that might be me, otherwise I dig the metallic colors of the AL and the thousand sons (and of that one ultramarine player who had a very sexy army)
Camden Mitchell
I prefer it that way than every and any hack taking a stab at him, but I liked him in Vengeful Spirit
Jordan Perez
Had leman russ decided to kill angron and ferrus managed to kill fulgrim before the heresy was launched what would've happened ?
Daniel Ross
So nobody posted board is set yet?
Brayden Young
Ruinstorm is harder to pull off but on the other hand without Fulgrim leading them deeper into degeneracy the EC are far more organized and deadly
Wyatt Taylor
Fuck, that's an oversight if I had ever seen one.
Jose Cook
"Alpharius" is fucked in the head and it shows. He's a massive cunt in every given situation. Whether that's intentional or simply an act is hard to deduce because at least they wrote him well enough.
Brayden Harris
I'm still waiting for the Fulgrim novel... it's finally out in epub format.
Jason Ward
Thoughts on the new rulebook:
A Shield-Captain or Excrutiatus leading 1-2 squads of Sisters makes a solid Allied contingent. It's relatively cheap, and gets you dirt-cheap scoring Infiltrators. In fact the Loyal-Traitor split seems a lot more relevant now. Talons of the Emperor are a massive selling point, and come as the counter to Cults and probably Daemons. That said, Sworn Brothers to everyone is probably a big mistake. Wording for many old issues remains unchanged, meaning we still have issues like 'Can Raven Guard Jump Infantry and Rapiers Infiltrate?"
David Cruz
user is right. Story wise, Omegon was the loyalist acting behind ennemy lines. HOWEVER apparently he starts to play his brother's part when Alpharius dies to Dorn. To which extent, we don't know yet.
I like to use the Red Book stories of how Omegon was the one saved by the Emperor from xenos worms and kept to his side in secret, until Alpharius showed up in Horus' ship in the well known story.
Hence it makes sense for Alpharius to follow Horus' while Omegon stays loyal. That is, until his brother dies andhr has to take the mantle. Maybe he became a full-blown traitor in the end? Or is it like Sons of the Hydra implies, that Omegon is still working for the Emperor, in his own twisted way, just like some AL like the Redacted?
Jaxson Williams
Pretty much everyone but, Dorn, the Lion and Russ amongst the loyalists and all the non-fucked traitors, so everyone but Angron and Curse, can be perceived at some point to want to do something else than war.
They're good at everything they do, but their talent is almost alway put to war.
The one Primarch it's extended upon is obviously Perturabo, but I'm pretty sure a lot of them would love nothing more than to chill and do their own thing rather than wage war.
Jonathan Flores
For one thing, the "compromised" Tenebrae station's destruction which caused the Scars to pick up the info of the unfolding war is open to interpretation. None knew the Khan's reaction, not even the Emperor. Even Khan doubts himself in the Path when he wishes he could side with Horus as the lesser of two evils. The point is, perhaps Omegon had been expecting the Khan to play out the way he had up to that point, to join Horus.
Hunter Reed
>YES! Now Khan will join Horus' and we will destroy the Emperor! Just as planned! >Wait...what is he doing? >Oh fug. >Welp. For the Emperor I guess then.
Samuel Rogers
>After we kill the furfag, we join the Emporer. >never succeed in killing him >continue fighting for Horus >keikaku'd.jpg
Lincoln Flores
>Reposting the awesome piece from previous thread: Magnus waited. The mirror before blinked and sparked out of the air. There were furries on his planet. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Emprorer were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway. Magnus was a primark for two senturies. When he was young he watched the spaceships and he said to dad "I want to be on the ships daddy..." Dad said "Sure ok here's a legion of danjerously unstabel marines" There was a time when he followed him. Then as he got nikea'd he stopped. But now in the pyramid of tizca he knew there were furries. "This is Ahriman" the radio crackered. "You must fight the furries!" So Magnus gotted his brain rifle and blew up the wall. "HE GOING TO KILL US" said the wolves "I will chop at him" said the wolf king and he hit him with a sword. Magnus sykered at him and tried to blew him up. But then the sord hit him in the eye and his back were snapped and not able to kill. "No! I must kill the furries" he shouted The chaos god said said "No, Magnus. You are the furries" And then Magnus was a bird.
Connor Price
aw shit bobby g is fuckin Cinncinnatus.
Carson Bell
>live out his days on Sotha in utter contentment, barebacked L-lewd Also who knew a Primarch would ever bottom.
Ayden Perez
Happy New Year from down under. May 2018 save HH. What do you expect to see at the New Year's Open Day as far as HH Content goes? Dorn? Wolf stuff? Anything at all?
Cooper Nelson
Nah, recall the end of that story >let him see the apple glistening in the midday sun, and let me be the serpent beneath Maybe the best moment in the heresy IMO. Shame Goldberg and French ruined it
Asher Russell
>Or is it like Sons of the Hydra implies, that Omegon is still working for the Emperor, in his own twisted wa Mind spoiling?
Matthew Rogers
Happy new year, cunt. (That's how you lot greet each other, right?)
>What do you expect to see at the New Year's Open Day as far as HH Content goes? Rhino doors are the new knight heads, so probably a lot of those. Personally I think grey slayers are long overdue, not because I play them, but because it's bloody stupid that wolves have 1 troops choice and no models for said choice. Otherwise I'm not expecting too much, I think there'll be a lot of necromunda which may push out 30k stuff.
Dominic Price
Happy new year ! hope we get to see the first models of battlefleet gothic 30k
Owen Edwards
The alpha legion who show up and attack the scars were Omegon lot sent to get khan ready for the idea of treachery
Evan Wright
Happy New Year user, another 10 hours to go here.
Juan Brown
Oh good the world hasn't ended.
Cameron Adams
How so, if the nature of their job was to covertly herd the Orks so as to prolong the Scars' extermination campaign?
Jose Hall
No, alphas sent by Omegon were meant to blockade the Khan long enough for him to get the message
David Garcia
Josiah Bell
Omegon must have been a traitor or he would have fixed things after Alpharius died instead of letting his sons attack the Imperium for 10,000 years. Even if Guilliman really did kill Omegon and Eskrador that's still years of sole leadership after Alf got DORNED.
Colton Campbell
Sons of the Hydra mentions that after Eskrador the AL were so fractured the majority of them fell to Chaos legitimately
Henry Anderson
Tzeentch got them.
James Davis
>AL >fractured Is it implied the fracturing happened because of the loss of the primarch? Because the AL's principle of many heads does not compute with this, and there's also the Inquisition's source about the battle on Eskrador, cast in doubt of course. Perhaps the fracturing was intentional, another layer of subterfuge.
Landon Gonzalez
The primarch may (or may not) have died on Eskrador, not even the AL themselves are sure. What's certain is that without a center to gather around they fractured
Aaron Hall
Any advice on muddy bases? I'm an IW dude myself.
Hunter Rivera
I kind of wanted to do a Zone Mortalis list based on the Triarii, WE boarding specialists, but fuck it that idea is in the trash now.
John Hernandez
>May 2018 No, it's January.
Benjamin Roberts
Well fuck that, simply house rule it. I for one would be for it.
Jeremiah Campbell
The Board is Set says that Dorn made Alpharius and Omegon so butthurt that if Dorn did anything, then both would fall to chaos. Well, Dorn did things...
Aaron Jenkins
>without a centre The AL were decentralised from the beginning. Even during the Crusade, it's implied (which is the AL equivalent of outright stating) that only Alpharius had any idea how many subdivisions of his legion there were, and maybe not even he knew for sure. In essence, they were always fractured.
Brandon Miller
And with no Primarch to form the all-knowing center of the Coiled Hydra those decentralized cells would have drifted further and further apart, until nothing resembling a legion remained.
Isaiah Richardson
There's a difference there, user. During the GC and HH they were just decentralized, but they still had a command cadre that told them where to go/what to do/when to do it etc. After Eskrador they were every man for himself
Juan Anderson
Joseph Anderson
Sorry, I guess I didn't place the emphasis in my post properly. What I was getting at is that even alpharius' knowledge of his legion was not complete, and that there were likely elements operating without his direct knowledge. However, someone else somewhere gas a different piece of the picture, and so on, so that although no one Alpha Legionnaire knows the whole picture, these separate spheres of knowledge overlap just enough that they can coordinate effectively. How vital Alpharius made himself to this is left to speculation, but given the themes the Legion embodies it wouldn't be surprising if he made sure the AL had a self sufficient command system
James Williams
I'm tempted to get into playing 30k, it seems great, but I've only ever played 40k once before, and that was briefly at a friend's house. Any advice?