If we accept the definition of Monstergirl as "cosplay babe loosely based off of creatures of myth and legend that completely ignore everything interesting about said myths in favor of bolting on random bits and bobs to make the girl look 'exotic' or otherwise dangerous and interesting in lieu of actually being worthwhile or interesting", then does that make Ladyknights monstergirls of actual knights?
If we accept the definition of Monstergirl as "cosplay babe loosely based off of creatures of myth and legend that...
It depends on whether they've been granted the title of knight by someone with the right to grant such a title, because that's all there is to being a knight.
user, before we continue with this I have two question for you.
First, do you think knights were creatures of myth and legend?
Secondly, how many times did you failed school?
Why would we accept such a shitty definition of monstergirl in the first place, faggot?
>Secondly, how many times did you failed school?
>did you failed school
>First, do you think knights were creatures of myth and legend?
Knights are most definitely the centerpiece of many a myth and legend and have become largely romanticized beyond their historical roots, much like how actual pirates were ocean hobos and not swashbuckling scoundrels of roguish charm and a romantic concept of true freedom
body parts and equipment are now in the same league?
Well, they're both as unrealistic
There is a substantial difference between "featured in myth" and "creature of myth."
Both Excalibur and the Lady of the Lake are mythical figures, yet swords exist while fae do not.
Generally if the player cant stick its dick in X, X is boring / bland / lame / uninspired / shitty OOC. At least, thats how it is most of the time. My first GM had race of humanoids that could turn into beasts (human-sized so, giant rats and small elephants heh) but in spite of all the work the GM had put on its culture and shit, half of the players only cared about a subrace of catgirls (and well catboys but they were not into that)
A lot of monstergirls do look like their actual origin myths though, harpies, lamia's, centaurs etc. not all of those had magical powers either it was just some guy back in ye olde times who went
>Then the heroes came to a deserted island
>But it was NOT a deserted island it was in fact infested with women wearing no clothes but instead of arms they had wings and instead of feet they had claws!
>Then everybody left the table because they were tired of their DM's magical realm bullshit
Tale as old as time really...
harpies were ugly bitches who shit on you from above
lamias were just a hodgepodge of fuckoff monster parts
centaurs were male rapists
Harpies is a fun one... Described as fugly but depicted on old pottery as beautiful women with wings. Lamias were basically succubi or vampires or some shit, originally Lamia a cursed queen or something, it's been a while and centaurs being male rapist does not make the monstergirl look wrong. You just genderswap it and boom done...
>cosplay babe loosely based off of creatures of myth and legend that completely ignore everything interesting about said myths in favor of bolting on random bits and bobs to make the girl look 'exotic'
Im tired of this bitter meme, how many settings actually do this?, MSG Quest and MSG Encyclopedia do keep a lot of their original lore to the point that most of the are actually alien and unfuckable besides their appearance
Just because the other lady-knight thread died doesn't mean you need to repost your shitpost into another thread.
It's why ladyknights are such a popular, if retarded, meme. It's people who want a woman who can do all the fighting for them and then still be their mommy gf.
It's putrid, really
>MSG Quest and MSG Encyclopedia do keep a lot of their original lore
Gee, I didn't realize so many mythical beasts had a diet solely consisting of sperm.
this. MGQ and MGE are both fucking pokegirls with high production values. its garbage
What I meant is that lady knights are usually limited to "I wanted to put more boobie armor and spank my monkey to it". Hardly any impact or explanation beyond "I want fuckable knights" or ye olde muh religion / dumbfukin tradition / something about vagina power in battle.
There's occasionally an sjw bent to it too, but yeah, I can't help but agree that it's just a fetish people try to claim is worldbuilding.
Just like monstergirls
U wot, matey? Ahrr'll fookin' smash ya.
A piss forest is fetish.
A piss stained cursed realm that represents how prude humans have become is world-building.
Really, anything can work if you put some effort in your writing
If the argument is: "I want to be able to play a girl character that is a knight", is that sjw bullshit? Or is that totally fair?
I've had worse character concepts.
Yeah, it is. Women don't understand chivalry. She can be a fighter, but not a knight
>women dont understand chivilry
>implying chivilry is anything but quid pro quo
Only the most retarded of knights actually threw away their own lives for an ambiguous cause. they had their own interests to persue, even if it was just rising up against the grim and plague of peasantry or whatever else is on their mind.
>an ambiguous cause
Not even chivalry, that's courtly love. Which also wasn't a real thing, it was just a way to of indirectly telling people to not fuck your wife.
>Implying women understand quid pro quo
If they did we wouldn't have so many MUH SOGGY KNEE rallies
Because that's what they are. They're just anime sluts with a thin, thin, thin veneer of """""""monster"""""""" that's basically just an excuse for soft femdom and "no guys she needs to suck my dick it's in her nature"
then youre suggesting women cant be pragmatic or look out for their own interests then?
>rally for group female rights,
>instead of just getting a chad and leaving the other bitches to their fate
>not quid pro quo
They generally have a diet solely consisting of humans, so it's not much of a stretch.
>monster girl thread
>it instantly degrades into /r9k/tier political shit-flinging
What is it about Monster Girls that attracts so many retards?
On an unrelated note, stop using multiple sets of quotation marks to disparage a concept. You'll wear out their original meaning at this rate.
Centaurs were a tribe descended from a dude who fucked a horse, there were both male and female centaurs in the Greek myths.
Monstergirls are yet another variety of Skub. Just like everything else Veeky Forums discusses.
Does it have holes? Then I will fuck it.
On another note, I'm looking for a picture of a bunch of realistically-proportioned monstergirls in a chart or line-up. Does anybody have something like pic related, but not lewd or stupid.
What kind of monster is Ladyknight?
>their """"""original meaning""""""
And what's that I wonder?
I hate this meme. Newsflash, there are people with tits that big in real life.
That's now what I meant, but I dislike how they necessarily made them grow in both tallness and boob size.
This is a good picture for what I'm looking for, but since I am doing this as a fantasy race that you can pick, I want better clothing? I dunno. If there's nothing, I'll use this.
Use it, that guy draws some good futa.
I don't want futa?
Why are you asking me?
Except getting a Chad is the quid pro quo arrangement between her and Chad, instead she wants Chad's cock and Virgin's wallet while also selling out her fellow """sisters""" the moment it's convenient
Tell me, does your fedora chafe?
How's that soy latte taste?
I'm pretty sure he said that's all women are capable of, seeing as they actively despise concepts of self sacrifice and nobility
Tell me where that equality they rally so hard for is when it comes time to board the lifeboats of a sinking ship.
It's been there for decades, do you think we're still living in the Titanic era?
Found the woman.
You do realize women and children still take precedence, right?