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Does anyone have the pic of a Redemptor painted in Iron Warrior colors that was posted a couple threads ago? It was a cool conversion.

nth for plastic sisters

Ah, OK. Shame, almost found an actual use for the little bastards. Can certainly cobble together something else from greenstuff and spare parts, maybe get a Kataphron kit, build the tank tracks, add a bomb and enjoy the six billion other spares those kits come with. You'd think being smaller would be a disadvantage for a unit that explodes in a radius from the hull or base to do damage, but TLOS would make those too easy to hide compared to those boxes.

If those are yours, have they ever done anything neat? Character deathstars seem to be the norm at my local store, so I figured keeping a couple of those behind rocks and then darting out and slapping them with 4d6 or 6d6 Earthshaker hits would be a good way to discourage that a little.

nth for confusing mystery box

my dudes > your dudes

How do I run my warboss and big mek on bikes? The index allows this, but I don't see any options in the GW store to buy bikes for a warboss or big mek.

Sell them on ebay. They are at record prices atm.

Your dudesmy dudes


I play SoB user.

Started a third party SoB army then I found this crap.

I'll suck your dick for those Sister Superiors

Haven't used them in 8th but they were always a good midfield distraction.

I swear by the Emperor I will find you.

Even some fucking tanks, the Exorcist is incomplete thou

Daemon's codex is shit.

More Battle Sisters

your dudes*my dice rolls

Since February is going to be very gold according the WD.
What are we expecting?
If Custards, what units would they get first?

Thanks user! Couldnt find via google.

there's only one conversion I've seen that's made that thing look good

So is this legal? Or do I have to attach to 60mm bases. They come with 25mm bases brand new from GW. I have 12 of these teams to assemble so I need to know.


I did not recall Arco Flagellants being made out of plastic. The material does not look or feel like resine.

Explain "found".

that is just ugly
irredeemably so

what it this Sisters mystery box and where do i get one?

Sadly now I have 18 Repentias and 7 PE.
Fucking GW needs to stop sucking thai boi dicks and give those bloody things proper rules.

An HQ, probably a generic one alongside the special character, maybe the Repulsor + upgrade kit as a transport for them.

Who knows, their 30k army list is fairly complete for such a small force, maybe it wont be just Custodes but we'll see during the New Year's open day.

I think it looks damn fine by itself as long as you pose it properly

Plague toad>this>old version

But, as a beast of nurgle, is that a good thing or bad thing?

Looks more like Titanfall than 40k.

Cleaning stuff, found a shoe box with all this crap.
My guess is that I bought them long ago and totally forgot about it.

The new Immolator kit and the plastic arcos is what confuse me most. Because everything else is ancient, even the Celestine in its box has the light colored blister.

They better be buffing this thing, because unless you run like 6 of them in seperate units they're shit.


i mean we all know that nurgle is the god of beauty.

Like almost every new Nurgle model, I'm gonna wait til someone gives it a better paintjob before I judge.

No, like guo looks neet, this just looks like a jumbled pile of spaghettk

New ones are Plastic. Hilariously, they are just high quality recast of a metal master.

No the others look fine, this is a mess.

Does anybody know what legs where used for this. I want to say Ghostkeel

>So is this legal?
>They come with 25mm bases brand new from GW
Any model is legal with any base it was shipped with in it's history. New celestine is legal with a 25mm base, as the old one was shipped on 25mm. (Very impractical though).

Looks like you get three heads, three stomachs, three types of hair, and two right hands.
And they're all shit.

Odd, because this one bend like plastic, the flimsy flails did not break when bending.

I'm used to failcast to break if you look them wrong, at least that is how my DCA have lost their fucking swords.

For 25 dollars that's not too awful.

nth for getting an official guidesheet for making /your dudes/ complete with templates for named characters and special rules when

>100 'stars' total
>Named Chapter master: 35 'stars' + 1 for every 10 points of optional wargear
>Named Characters: 10-30 'stars' based on wargear, stats, role, etc
>Unique Regimental doctrine/chapter tactic/forgeworld dogma/etc: 15-30 'stars', choose yours from 40+ templates (or inherit the one from your founding chapter/regiment for free)
>Unique Relic: 3-15 'stars' based on if it's a weapon or trinket, what sort of bonus it gets, etc
>Unique units: 10-20 'stars' for unique/named units, maybe a commando squad, maybe they have prototype weapons

something like that would be nice, right?

Looking at it now its 50% more points, kind of a big point sink when they're just for clearing infantry.

So there's a fairly casual tournament coming up for my local store and I need an opinion on a list because yknow I want to place well (a bunch of people are gonna be showing up with primarchs so I don't expect to win). Honestly I've only played 3 games of 8th with necrons (everything else has been dark eldar) so I'll probably scrap most of the list for other things. Also I like bringing the C'tan because he gives me a pseudo smite and his gaze will shred most elite units.

2000 points Necrons

Cryptek 104pts
-Veil of Darkness
Cryptek 104pts

Necron Warriorsx20 240pts

Immortalsx10 170pts
Gauss Blasters
Immortalsx10 170pts
Tesla Carbines

C'tan Shard of the Deciever (Warlord)
Enduring Will (-1 damage from everything minimum 1)
Deathmarksx9 180pts

Deathmarksx9 180pts

Fast Attack
Canoptek Wraithsx3 114pts

Canoptek Wraithsx3 118pts
Particle Caster x1

Doom Scythe 220pts

Dedicated Transports
Ghost Ark 170pts

You need depression and money. Seem to produce a bunch of random crap.

I also found a bunch of old metal slaanesh daemonettes, they seem to be recasted on metal.

No because it is two models and current rules have a team as one model.

30k has had this for years now, you're supposed to use to create a character throughout a campaign but you can easily use it to create a special character FOR a campaign or anything else really.

Why do the "hair" look like some bad dragon dildos?

They ARE polystyrene plastic, just like any other citadel plastic stuff. Not finecast. It's just that the "sprue" is basically molded on the old metal master, with the name of the model under the feet and all.

it's never stated in the rules though.

That make sense.
But why those and not the rest of the fine crap? It is super annoying to have swords break due to shitty resine.

It does not answer the question. Was it some shit on ebay ? A box you found in your basement ? They "fell" of a truck?

It is absolutely stated in the rules that a heavy weapon team is one model.

Because Nurgle enjoys your despair.

There are Nurglings sculpts and that thing
there is a difference between good ugly and just straight fugly

Yes, a generic HQ would be good to actually fill a detachment

Source ?

40k core rules does not really give advantage to base size, and historically models did exist that only served as marker. In our game, we trat the servants the same : The one with the weapon is the actual model with the attacks and all, the other is just a marker for wounds.

Closet, I was looking for my old Black Templars and Crusader Fleet from BFG when I try to move this retardedly heavy shoe box.


Doing the mathhammer and if I run three of them into a deathstar that's 9.33 wounds to Bobby G, a Land Raider on two wounds or a crippled deathstar, so nothing is going to want to come close to a front line with three of these tucked away inside it behind tanks and buildings.
I am liking the sound of this plan already, although I don't really know how to make a rolling bomb look Biologis-y. Maybe something like a cylindrical Spore Mine strapped onto the tracks, because if I try to make a bigger tentacle-thing it'll look more Nurgle than anything else.

You replace two models for one model, I don't know how much simpler you want it.

You try to take a Dragon Dildo to the base and you tell me if you aren't in despair.


It's fine the way it is. The paint job makes a massive difference.

Dragon dildos are thicker than soda cans, m8. You don't insert one, you unbirth it.

Dubs decides my new knight's paint scheme. Side note, I plan to run it as an ally to my admech, and I have already primed it black.


Blue Guard here! They're very fun, but have their drawbacks. You'll often find that each tank will either do AMAZINGLY or absolute trash. (I've had some do as much as 500 points in damage in a single blast.)

What are the profiles for the two models?

candy red


Paint it with one of the SoB scheme

But you don't ever remember acquiring them or painting them ?

Blue, yellow, white and Gold.

What colors do you use to paint Iron Warriors? Leadbelcher with Agrax on it, Abbadon black, and what?

No it doesn't. It just says that they have loaders. It never specifies that a heavy weapons team is considered 1 model. It's just worth 2 wounds. Under heavy weapons team specifically it just says 3 teams and 6 men each with lasguns and grenades. There is nowhere in the rules where it specifically says that they must be on 60mm bases. The kit that GW sells includes 25mm bases for them so people can fuck off bitching about it. Not in the rules and included in the kit.

Nop. Hence why I started my kitbash third party galore army.

Rolled 214, 44, 136 = 394 (3d255)

Let's let the dice gods decide. Rollan your RGB color code.

What are you working on/Just finished ?

Freshly based Canoness with a batch of seraphim and Melta-Dominions converted from Bolter Sister using third party kit.

Trips arn't dubs, son

Red and Black

Awful taste, but the trips of truth have decided.

warp shenanigans

Can anyone help me with I'm trying to give GW my money, but I don't know how to make what I want to happen happen.

They seem much thicker than the dunecrawlers legs

tfw you are way too lucky.

Working on color schemes for my Scions.

I also just finished putting my SoB helmet on Inquisitor Greyfax.

don't be surprised if you get plastics and they are unaesthetic desexualised non-boobplate 'nu-sisters'.

The rules for this thing say that every unit friendly and enemy within d6" gets hit with the attack. Does that mean the demo vehicle also gets hit? So it can blow up when it blows up?

Pics on SOB gryfax ?

Are you dense? A HWS consists of three models with the profile shown. That's it.

It says nothing about 6 dudes or loaders.

I'll have to sit down and check what the fuck I have now regarding my Witch Hunter army.

Since I have more Repressor on the way. Basically I double the model count of my army out of fucking nowhere.

Read the fucking datasheet. Three models and each model has a lasgun and a heavy weapon.

The box does come with the 2 types of bases.

>tfw your so lucky, you waste dubs without even picking another color

Can you outflank squadrons of these with the tallarn?

Why does GW never carry any fucking Eldar units. No wonder things cost so much, they’ve already pulled the plug on the Bonesinger model, now it costs way more than it should.