Do female dwarves have beards?
Do female dwarves have beards?
Depends on the setting
The general consensus is that they can grown a beard but preffer bean clean shaven
Oh yes, absolutely. But not on their faces.
Do bearded dwarves have females?
The best is for younger female dwarves to only be able to get those long-sideburns kind of beard things, but older dwarven women to be able to grow a bit more of a proper beard along with hints of a mustache, and the oldest to be able to grow the full beard, but nothing compared to massive beards that the men grow.
With exceptions, including legendary dwarven women who had beards that outshone the entire rest of the clan, alongside dwarven women who kept clean shaven their entire lives.
Sideburns are cute
I think Tolkiens dwarves had them canonically.
No. In ancient lore in Greyhawk, Faerun and Dragonlance they could at least grow sideburns, but they haven't had bearded females as the norm in D&D since at least 3rd edition.
We must check everywhere.
These female dwarves are too tall. 0/10 would not bang.
I wouldn't make it so if I were putting them in a setting, but others might.
No, just because male dwarves look like a sack of testosterone from a human perspective doesnt means that their women need to be masculine, same as how elves dont need to have boobs just because their women are super feminine
>Old school D&D
>Modern D&D
>Lithe, athletic, elfin women who on average have smaller chests than their human counterparts
Why would that suggest the men would have tits?
Why would the size of their boobs matter?, you have them because of your gender or you dont, same with the beard, anything else is an anomaly
Mine don't.
They can grow mutton chops and really good sideburns
This is cute!
Oh, Japan...
If she wants a good husband she does.
Just because beards are masculine to humans does not mean they are masculine to dwarves.
Just like how female reptiles have boobs, right? Because of their gender they have them.
That's a false equivalency considering dwarfs like humans are mammals, even primates. It makes 'sense' that dwarfs/humans/elves would express the same gender dimorphism including things like body hair and breasts.
Female Dwarves ARE the beards
Humans show an extreme amount of dimorphism compared to most mammals though.
So why do we assume dwarves and elves show just as extreme an amount?
Just because penises are masculine to humans does not mean they are masculine to dwarves.
>Do female dwarves have beards?
No, but they can grow sideburns.
Depends on the setting
They look like earth kingdom girls, but with sideburns and short.
Dwarven women grow beards at the same rate as elven men.
>Dwarf women are Tophs
That’s begging for men to come and impregnate.
It depends on the setting if there even ARE female dwarves, or if for example they just are unigender and spring to life from rock.
or No.
I personally really like female Dwarves having facial hair. Even if it's just sideburns.
If they want to call themselves a true dwarf, yes.
That's a step too much.
Full beards. None of that half-hearted stuff.
is this the real reason for the war?
>in b4 there is no war in ba sing se. wake up sheeple! THE DAI LI ARE PUTTING CHEMICALS IN THE WATER THAT IS TURNING FROGS GAY!
Shinju no Nectar
The buff green ''Orcs'' that you can meet in the mountains are actually the female Dwarves.
>sideburns/mutton chops on dwarven women
Patrician taste, user
Dwarves have no females. They were created by a race of godlike giants to be a servant race, and reproduce by crafting highly detailed sculptures of dwarven children which they then make living flesh and blood through a sacred ritual. In ancient times, they would present their sculpture-children to their giant god-kings for animation; now that those giants are long vanished from the world, they bring them to the temple where priests perform the ritual using sacred relics left behind by the giants.
Some more adventurous dwarves have attempted to craft their offspring-sculptures as girls instead of boys, but these feminine sculptures fail to animate in the birthing ritual. The ritual magic does not recognize anything very far removed from the dwarven norm as a candidate for animation. There are rumors of some individuals of the old giant god-race hidden away in remote places of the world, and some dwarven sects have sent parties to seek them out in order to see if thy could animate altered dwarven statue-children (including females, but also other modifications such as wings, extra arms, etc.). So far however they have had no luck finding such giants, and the movement is generally considered extremist and heretical by broader dwarven society.
Came here to post this.
In some settings dwarves have no women.
In some settings dwarven women have beards.
In some they have sideburns but not beards.
In some they have beards that are very different from males' beards.
In some they have no beards.
In some they look generally very different from dwarven men and are very rare as compared to males.
In my setting, they do and don't.
Usually, female dwarfs have no beards, but tret their hair with the same care and respect male dwarfs have for their beards. Dwarven society is divided into a strict caste system and both sexes are separated from one another in their own levels and ranks, with teh society as a whole being patriarchal.
Once every blue moon, a female dwarf will grow a beard (this occurrence has roughly the same chance to happen as two dark haired parents giving birth to a blonde child). This female is considered blessed by the gods and can basically caste-hop, having access to roles and ranks normally prohibited to females, and be treated as a male in all aspects if she chooses to. These females are highly sought after, and many can easily raise the standing of their family by marrying a noble or someone of higher rank than themselves.
This is basically the only way a female dwarf can raise her caste, the other (wich works for men too) is to be ritually adopted into a higher standing family by that family's leader
I do feel the 4e approach here works best - dwarven women are have, long, thick hair that is then intricately weaved.
D&D 4e's official art.
Obviously depends on setting but if you never see a dwarf without a beard then you know the answer to that question.
in Shadow of the Demonlord they do.