Mods are asleep
Let's make a magical realm - the setting
Mods are asleep
Other urls found in this thread:
There are dragons
Mana is stored in breasts as milk.
Everyone is futanari and STDs do not exist
people do not delude themselves into thinking that monstergirls are anything other than furries
Every male is a chad when young and DILF when older.
Belay that
All women are lesbians.
But there is no way for reproduction to happen except with sex with men.
Consider the setting now rife with sexual tension
Too many contradicting fetishes already.
and they're playable/tameable marriable
Let's the dubs decide then
There is a succubi society with a hierarchy system based on arena whipping-fights
Princesses only give you quests after you fuck them in the ass and cum in their mouths.
All the demons are sexy and want to fuck people, even the ones that aren't succubuses/incubi
Every female, no matter their species, can be impregnated by every male, no matter their species.
And they have dicks as wings.
>everyone trying to make it too excessive and obvious
The trick about Magical Realms is that it should be more about implications and flimsy justification than just tits and dicks everywhere
Take the Amazon Thread that's currently going on as a good example to follow. It's objectively Magical Realm, but it feels more organic and has some justification
Further, magical realm also works well when it has some more grounded stuff in the setting to provide sexy juxtaposition.
a C cup is the smallest cup size
>magical realm also works well when it has some more grounded stuff in the setting to provide sexy juxtaposition
So female priests of life goddess making money on sacral prostitution?
Exactly! Plus Sacred Prostitutes were an actual thing in real world history, which makes it work well
So when milk spoils is that the gods reclaiming magic for recycling?
mages get pregnant to increase their milk production and therefore their available mana supply
>A tavern with girls trained to work as prostitutes and spies
No nigger, "magical realm" necessarily carries the implication of being intrusive and uncomfortable, only raging autists would complain about sexuality when its properly incorporated
While male summoners must rely on the fickle natures of demons, elementals, fairies, and whatever else they can dredge up from the outer planes, female summoners have a distinct advantage in being able to form their summons, within their own bodies.
To start, a female summoner impregnates themselves with a sample of whatever being they wish to control. For example, if they wished to have a dragon minion, they could introduce dragon's blood into their womb, and using special fertility magic, force a pregnancy using that sample as a sort of template.
Afterwards, the pregnancy progresses fairly normally. Gestation and litter size varies wildly depending on what is being summoned, with small creatures such as fairies being birthed in less than a day, a dozen at a time.
Large creatures make no accommodations for the mother; gestation periods as long as 20 years are not unheard of, and special elasticity-inducing magic is necessary in many cases. Their nutritional requirements are also no different, and summoners in the midst of a pregnancy of this sort must eat almost constantly to sustain their minion.
Creatures created through this means view the summoner as their mother, and hold her to great authority, the main advantage of this method. If not already inclined to do so, basic mind control will allow a summoner to possess minions with unquestioning obedience. The alternative is bargaining with extra-planar beings, or more advanced mind control magic.
The god of the hunt is actually a cross-planar German furry who intentionally got infected with Lycanthropy and went around spreading the disease anally literally creating a massive lycan bug-chasing fad that went down akin to Jay Naylor's Wolf saga except with more Jockstraps, harnesses, mandatory gay hats, and general populace trying to avoid not getting raped/forced/coerced into dog-cock addition- to note, It's like Jay Naylor's scenario, except the art for the gay stuff is done by werethorpe and Darkgem. Anyhow, due to all this uncontrollable poz, feralfags and the general population increase- the lesser werewolves were made, which are a base race- next to the woldweres and true werewolves, and the non-stop yiffing as well as the horrific spread of Furry culture 90's style as Gospel, the Yiffdaddy got elevated to godhood- There are sects that are Malar tier- but few in number, and now werewolf fucking is basically the number one talked about issue now that they have a sthick on par with the powers Vampires have to instantly cuckold anyone, anywhere at anytime via Domination, Charm, Blood Ghoul ritual or how they make Dhampirs and Katane.
Anyhow, some crusade got called- but It stopped halfway because the warring kingdoms queen was already in bed with the Lycans- and offered her daughter to be fucked in every hole for the husband's army to see- and well, that's pretty much a good enough reason to stop fighting I guess- next to the ritualized fucking disease immunity and phermones making a nasty cloud of "literally turns you into a Tribal, Loincloth, tattoo tagged post on a booru/exhentai search" mode.
Anyhow, using Druids they'd converted, support from the cucked kingdom, they made a large Forest city that supported the new lycan nation- areas of it for True Lycans, Werewolves, and facilitation of hunting grounds and the newer lesser lycan species homing into being or some shit.
All living things can reproduce with any other species
That's every setting though
Upon reaching adulthood one in every twenty women gains the ability to devour very large objects whole. Indulging this ability by swallowing and digesting other people makes them stronger, more beautiful, more well endowed, and may even grant magical abilities which can be practiced and improved.
To reuse something I saw on another one of these threads: There's a dwarven kingdom where a past king banged a (good) dragon and she laid a tonne of eggs, but his nobles rebelled because it was a threat to the balance of power since suddenly he could marry all other kingdoms and families into his own due to having so many kids.
His half dragon children were instead raised as a slave race, as soliders and 'dumb' labor. But as they became less dragon blooded as the generations went one, the prettiest ones were kept as sex slaves.
They tend to look like picture related, only more gem and metallic tones, and with more variation, shorter tails, dorsal scales, etc.
Escapees have fucked other races, resulting in flavor of choice dragon blooded race bred to work hard and fuck hard sprinkled across the various settlements.
There is a human-like race in which every individual is like a woman, but "males" have dicks.
What's actually going on in this sequence?
Only women can be mages.
So where the fuck are the shotas
All the "women" are qt traps.
The sex change and alter self spell are cantrips that are extremely easy to learn, even your average peasant can easily acquire the knowledge on how to change into the opposite sex and adjust the size of their breasts/dick.
>Mods are asleep
That which does not exist cannot sleep.
But that which is not dead can eternal lie.
the Ctarl-Ctarl empire exists in the far east, though there are members of the race that are spread throughout the world.
At least a third of all monsters do this with any captured women. You can probably guess what happens next.
Chad shotas
Speaking of which:
Amazons exist as an all female race that must seek out other races to procreate.
Same thing with orcs
Orc (like in TES physically) kings go on slave raids into human villages and sometimes cities, in an attempt to find particularly beautiful human women. Orcs, in this setting, though, have a semi-parasitic breeding method; the woman is forced to ingest Orc spores, and, functioning like a virus, the spores infect reproductive cells until parts of her internal organs possess Orc DNA, which manifests itself behaviorally in altered behavior where she begins to act like an Orc. At this point in the process, the king celebrates his marriage to her by seizing her and mating; the semen containing more spores as well as sperm, both impregnating her, and increasing the speed at which she transforms into an Orc female.
>Let's the dubs decide
>no dubs in thread
The project seems destined to fail, then.
Obligatory item/spell of gender change
Life is made easier by magical infused machines powered by gems - requiring upkeep by mages to keep the gems charged.
This is a World where the great historic savior saved the world by fucking the qt villianess & her sexy lieutenants, until they wanted redemption. This has set a precedent of sex being a solution for things. As a result a lot more sex happens to settle disputes.
Common item.
>Let's make a magical realm - the setting
Mana is most potent in females as breast milk, but traces of mana can technically be found in all body parts, especially bodily fluids. For men, the most potent container of mana is semen. Familiars are convenient storage containers for mana, pic related.
WFRP 2e by the looks of it.
Seikon no Qwaser. There is a full anime with this premise.
god bless Japan
RoninDude. Look him up on Deviantart. He likes elves, fantasy, and thick thighs.
The strongest mage in existence was a woman who was pregnant with triplets. It's said that had she not given birth early, she would have had the power to overthrow the gods themselves.
So basically this, minus the shit writing and bad English?
All females intrinsically have access to Swallow Whole
Im pretty sure that's why he brought it up.
Semen has magical properties and either imbibing it or putting it within yourself is an easy way to recharge your powers.
Futa jizz is ten times as potent and able to impregnate anything.
Well these ain’t no strange aeons and death still comes for us all.
God you people are pathetic
What's it like being you
You make the same dumb, moronic threasd every day. Dude elf slave lmao, excuse me commisar lmao, what are [generic fantasy race] like in your setting lmao[ this is how i (class) clmao].
Imagine. Imagine being you.
I can't, thank christ.
My (NSFW) Magical Realm setting. I like to hit girls.
Is this Gor?
My starting point was, "What if Gor wasn't retarded?"
Yo, you got individual prostitutes all costing 2 cp an hour despite quality.
...balls. Should be increasing denominations. Probably a copy/paste error.
Yes, we should all just stick to generals and never produce any new content or anything entertaining, because God help us we actually have fun.
Seriously, elf slave threads and the like add more to Veeky Forums than all of /40kg/, /5eg/ and /pfg/ put together, for they build board identity and give the board a platform to actually develop and be creative instead of just bickering about rules or plastic SoB or whatever.
>what are [generic fantasy race] like in your setting lmao
These threads are completely valid worldbuilding threads and I don't see why you're complaining about them. All the others I can sort of understand but not this.
Dose the price escalate like a mage or like a warrior? Is it gradual or dose it start low and then suddenly jump high? How the the quality effect the price?
Yes, I noticed that. So where do the slaves come from besides convicts?
Base price for slaves is based on their stats. 100gp per level plus 100gp per point of ability bonus, with slave skills as multipliers.
Traditionally, besides convicts, female prisoners of war and female non-citizens found causing trouble. After occupation, it's up to the slavers, since there aren't any judges anymore. There tends to be some form of justification, since just taking any random woman off the street would lose them support and attract attention, in addition to not being in the spirit of the practice.
>only raging autists would complain about sexuality when its properly incorporated
So... Most of Veeky Forums would complain is what you're getting at?
>Traditionally, besides convicts, female prisoners of war and female non-citizens found causing trouble
I should've worded that better. Where do the rest of them come from geographically? Given the customs of this island I doubt it see many female tourists and visitors.
The island got pretty cosmopolitan during the economic boom after the treaty was signed; slavery was pretty unlikely to happen to someone that was law-abiding. There were legal processes in place to keep it from being abused. After the occupation, the feeling would be that since it was illegal, it wouldn't be even less of an issue. It's a pretty black-market, underworld thing.
Mana is generated from sex.
Was your end point "what if it was REALLY retarded?"
Then how come your PDF is so dumb?
Tickling supercharges magical energy. A mage being tied down and tickled for about 10 minutes gives them enough power to wipe out a small army.
Damn, you got me good. I am humiliated.
>Rise of the Planet of Bonobos.
Why can't we make a smut general on Veeky Forums a whole thread for sharing smut PDF.s and Smut links. It'll help clean the board and contain the lewd fags.
Someone make a fapbait PDF stat!
The fuck is that from? One of the last few abortions posing as Alien movies?
> Wikia
Try again with somewhere that doesn't have a hate-on for adblock.
Don't forget to rename Veeky Forums into /traditional generals/
Girl and Girl (male) swords everywhere
What's wrong with having generals? They reduce duplicate threads and keep a good circle of good information and such.
AvP Requiem, I think.
Keep a good circle of information? What does that mean? What good information is PF general keeping in a circle?
Keeps it all in one thread instead of 5, threads. Keeps the exact same links, post, PDFs, images, ideas (what if I made a fur monk?) Inside of one thread, then it stays in said thread. Instead of having 5 different but similar PF threads.
Could have it where the Amazons are their own distinct species.
They use men from neighbouring settelments as and when they need or want them. The children will always be female.
If they set up next to an ork stronghold then they are taking orcs as lovers. The Amazon tribe will become over the generations increasingly orcish until they are just an odd all female tribe of orcs.
If they sepend too long hanging around wood elves then you end up with dryads.
Although they would prefer to have a man each to use they also see no harm in sharing in times of scarcity. Their men, although not typically mistreated, do not hold any authority in their communities unless they have some sort of skill to bring to the table like metal working and then their standing will extend no further than that.
PF or Ect won't have to make an entire thread about X PDF or X Idea. (They probably will but the PFG should keep the PF thread count lower.
This idea of a General thread would work the same with any topic/subject. Exp a smut general would hopefully take all the constant smut/lewd threads and put then into one thread, where they can fap and be done.
I like this.
I did this for vampires in my setting. They are spirits of the dead escaping the Underworld by possessing bodies of deceased or ill and need to replenish their life force each moon to survive. Blood carries high concentration of life force, so does semen. Vampires can survive on regular (or even consuming raw soil) but require absurd amounts of food, dozen times their weight, to meet their needs. This makes normal diet impractical for them, reserved mostly for gluttoms enjoying wine and feasts. Did I say that they are ogres and eat as much as hundred men?
If you want everything separated into neatly organised sub-boards why are you on Veeky Forums?
An immortal inn keeper that lives out in the middle of a very brutal death trap territory who becomes increasingly more possessive of and motherly to her guests the longer they stay. She is cursed to only dwell within the territory and likes to think of her captives as "family" regardless of their races.
Staying a couple of days is perfectly safe, but after three days her loneliness becomes more apparent. After five days she'll start trying to poison her guests into forgetting their past and what they were questing for to begin with. If that doesn't work and she becomes desperate she'll try to use magic to entice her guests to stay.
Once she has ensured that her guests have no intention of leaving her or her inn ever again, the real magical realm begins.
Some demons have no idea what overworlders are like and instinctively want to fuck them anyway. Said demons are usually young curious virgins.
Veeky Forums is neatly organized into sub-boards........ A general is just a daily thread that covers a topic general topic we have daily.
And if we have daily threads let's just give the daily thread a name and try to make it better every day instead of repeating bait like /b/.
General threads only have pros and no Cons. Being so Contrary doesn't benefits anyone. Going against a new good idea doesn't make you wise or smart. I just wanted to make that said so you can make it more clear to me that your just just some fake opinion fag.
There is no trial by combat, only trial by wrestling. Ancient Greek style.