Gonna Lok'tar the Shit Outta You Edition
>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version!
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Gonna Lok'tar the Shit Outta You Edition
>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version!
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Where are we going in the expansion after BfA? Discuss.
Asking again, any novels I should read after Rise of the Lich King?
Preferably in PDF form online.
My guess is we’re going to finally lock down the location of Ny’alotha and finally kill N’Zoth given the sorting scale of cosmic monsters we’ve been grinding down as time has gone on.
>tfw still in perpetual war
To the void to kill the void lords if they plan to rocket the plot at the terribly rushed pace they handled the Legion. But then again, if we kill the void already we'll be fresh out of villains unless the naaru/light get villain batted.
Probably just an interim with Wrath 2.0 or us finding another random never seen or mentioned continent to go kill and loot on. Maybe we sail to the other side of Azeroth and find more trolls or something.
Do you think she likes to /ss/ young blood elves?
The adventurers will kill and kill and kill.
Soon we'll turn on the faction leaders for loot. Then all the neutral factions. Then on each other. Last PC standing.
I would honestly be shocked if N'zoth survives this expansion. Azshara is raid tier 2, so that leaves the final boss open and I don't know what existing living villains would make sense as a step up from her besides her boss.
Weren't a bunch of people miffed that Queen Azshara wasn't carrying an expansion by herself, kinda like Illidan/Kael'thas did for TBC and Arthas did for Wrath?
She'd complain he's too wimpy for her, not like an orc kid who can take down a boar on his own.
It's not killing the expansion for me, but it certainly annoyed me.
Blizzard would rather force RvB then FINALLY have one of the biggest remaining villains left who people have been anticipating forever take center stage.
It's a kickass design they gave her though.
I don't know, probably. People self-hyped her a ton when she was never anything more than a pawn for one force or another. First it was giant fel titan cock and then it was tentacles.
It doesn't change that she's one of the most important figures in all of Warcraft's history, and that her place in time should not be disputed. The only reason she's not bigger is because she's prehistory to the games.
I did some weekly event back in the daythat I think it could work as campaign.
A night elf druid calls for help with an investigation, the calling is made from Silithus so when the adventurers arrive they get explained that the actual mission is in Un'Goro so first thing to do is get supplies for the travel.
Once they depart to Un'Goro things get harsh in the jungle as they are guided by the nelf druid, they start recollecting the crystals and studying the titan ruins. They end in Sholazar using the titan transporter and more studying of the crystals, the towers and how they protect and create life.
This was during Warlords, so they also went to Draenor and Terrallende to study and recover apexis crystals who had similiar powers.
Things there got bad because the druid plan was to recreate these towers, putting one in Silithus, Thousand Needles, Tanaris and Uldum making all that enormous dessert a big jungle full of life.
People stopped coming to the events, and she died making crystal tower prototypes in Silithus when Sargeras plunged the sword.
It was for alliances and mostly night elves, it was fun to rp while people came, I find it quite good. What do you guys think, any opinions or whatever?
She played a big role in the backstory of the setting to be sure, but I never expected to be be the full on driving force of an expansion after they started stupidly inflating the scale after Wrath. She'd have worked fine with a Wrath-style expansion, but then they jumped to kind of sticking with a pattern of there being some immensely powerful god/force of nature-like threat looming in the background with a major serviator who fought us directly earlier on and drove the plot, like they did with Gul'dan and Cho'gall for the Legion and Deathwing, so I expected her to be that for N'zoth.
That said, it will be notable that this with be the first expansion where an Old God carries an expansion instead of being a sideshow like C'thun and Yogg-Saron were.
>WAR in WARcraft
This train has no brakes, user.
Pandaria wasn't really like that. It was a bunch of more minor threats and Garrosh going crazy.
Well...I guess I hesitate to call the Thunder King a "minor threat". He was more powerful AND more awesome than Garrosh. If anyone should have been the final boss of MoP, it should have been him.
Pandaria was a weird exception since Garrosh a massive downgrade from any other expansion final boss.
Lei Shen being more powerful than Garrosh isn't too out of line with other expansions though, seeing as how Illidan and Arthas were billed as the main villain of theirs but we fought Kil'jaeden and Yogg-Saron as well.
I think it sucks, too generic, spiky, and fishy.
To be fair, C'thun predated the expansions and the event to open up Ahn'Qiraj was a fantastic way to get the whole realm together working towards something.
>tfw first person on my realm to make it inside the Temple instance
At least as I saw it. Server lag was pretty intense with roughly 90% of the server population there for the opening of the gates.
At least my boat didn't end up in Stonetalon
The RvB is being orchestrated by N'zoth to weaken the mortal empires so he can make his triumphant return.
Which is why the final raid wasn't Garrosh by himself. It was Garrosh + the Heart of Y'shaarj + the full power of the Horde war machine at his back. It was a canon raid on the capital.
>she was never anything more than a pawn for one force or another
Don't let her hear that.
>Azshara is raid tier 2
I don't think they ever said that. They just said Azshara was in it.
That is true, but there's been such a massive amount of N'zoth hype and foreshadowing throughout Legion that I don't see him not being the end boss, and that only leaves her being the second raid tier or the second launch raid along with Troll Ulduar unless they end up doing more raids than Legion did.
So you're saying Azshara will be Cho'gall tier.
Isn't N'zoth supposed to be the weakest of all the Old Gods? How is he gonna buff himself to justify being the boss of an expansion?
Hopefully not literally. Cata was a dark time.
He's the weakest apparently, but he could be by far the most whole Old God we've had to face, C'thun was crippled and Yogg was still imprisoned.
Not to mention that BFA is going to give him the perfect opportunity to suck up some planet blood and get as strong as the plot needs him to be.
N'zoth is implied by the Knaifu to be the weakest PHYSICALLY of the Old Gods, but the smartest mentally.
He's going to manipulate us into fully, completely freeing him. C'thun and Yogg had circumstances weakening them, N'zoth won't.
>tfw literally everybody talks about how thinly an edge Alleria is walking on
>tfw old god tumor talks about a "her" ushering in their coming at the hour of her third death
>tfw she tells Turalyon she feels like she's died twice now
>tfw she had a vision of her breaking open N'zoth's prison to take his power in the audio drama
Goddamn Windrunners
I'll dump the ones I did a few threads back.
This and the next one cover the second war.
I think the Sons of Lothar push onto Draenor counts as second war too? Either way, this book covers that and Draenor's destruction.
thank ye, here take this picture of a night elf that's about to be DOTA'd
Well then, to go with that theme, here's War of the Ancients in three parts.
>Sylvanas is an undead bitch
>Alleria will accidentally unleash an Old God at full power
Being a Windrunner is kinda fucked.
Man I'd bang both of those hung little boys. Preferably both at once.
And final part. I'll post some more after a quick food run.
>so, just like human honor. Look at Tirion
You mean like the time where he lost his life, reputation, lofty position, and family because he chose to rescue a member of a species that had tried to take over his world, destroy his livelihood, and had otherwise give him little indication it was worth saving?
Or the time he refused to stoop to despicable tactics in order to defeat Arthas despite Darion whispering in his ear nonstop to do so?
Tirion in the closest thing Warcraft has had to a true paladin. None of the others have had the classic paladin tests thrown at them and passed like he has. He's so well-regarded as an honorable man in-universe that his mere vouching of the Ebon Blade is enough for Varian and Thrall to allow them in when every other indicated was that they shouldn't be.
whats the point of reading the WoW books they get ret conned before they even get released.
Jaina, please control yourself.
Oh goddamn it this is going to bring RvB bitching back into the thread.
It was going so well too.
For fun. And no single book has ever been completely retconned. Mostly just bits here and there. Rise of the Horde, The Last Guardian, and War of the Ancients have been hit the hardest I'd say but they've all got stuff that is still canon.
In their defense they've gotten a lot better about putting stuff from the novels in-game.
Damn, now I actually want to do this.
>Blizzard kills Vareesa
>Turns Alleria into an old god dicksucker and forces us to support her
Is BfA gonna be the Alliance's Cataclysm?
>The Boy King serves at the master's table...
only the females. Female elves have ruined everything since the time of Azshara
Alleria seems fully under the impression that the blood elves are just lost and misguided and really want to come back to her and the Alliance, they just need a little help from her to realize it.
>sunwell 2.0, starring void elves, voidwell, m'uru, and Alleria chowing down on N'zoth's heart screaming about her perfect world
>co-starring the Amani Rebellion
>Amani tries to kick everyone's ass
>For the third time
She'll be what comes before N'zoth. The Cho'gall, Kil'jaedan, or whatever.
>Alliance players will still defend her because "Garrosh was bad first"
Wondering if she will be the one to convince Anduin not to send a military army to Quel'Thalas and the Alliance and Sin'dorei will have an unofficial peace.
I wanna dick the smug out of her
The Blood Elves did, up until Jaina went spergy. Don't pretend they're solid Hordies.
>Alliance's Cataclysm
I don't follow.
Let's not start RvB.
When the leader of the Horde was completely insane and knocking off other racial leaders, yes. Vol'jin outright said to Thrall he was considering taking the Darkspear out of the Horde, would you say they aren't solidly Horde?
An Alliance leader will be evil/the source of everyone's problems and all the players have to go along with it.
The Blood Elves did because Garrosh was setting them up to be screwed. That's pretty much the message we got in all those racial leader stories that weren't from Garrosh's own perspective. Let him run the operations in Gilneas, and he was going to get the Forsaken massacred.
About time.
>Comparing Blood Elves who have to police their own people to stomp down pro-Alliance sentiments to the Trolls
>Defending Sylvanas playing neo-Scourge.
Man, I sympathized with the Amani from the start even though they are legit pretty bloodthirsty, but Daakara sounds less like he wants revenge and more like a bullied little kid.
It's just fucking sad.
Two wrongs don't make a right, we all suffer from retarded plots.
I wish I was an insurance scammer. I could retire at 40 off retards like you who take the words of creatures that have perfected the art of turning allies against each other at face value.
You can't un-smug Azshara. Greater empires have tried and failed.
I've been racist against elves ever since I played the Draeni intro quests a decade ago. I always revel in taking every opportunity to genocide elves and ruin their plans, whether they are loyal to Kael'theas or the Horde
>hurr durr muh arcane mysticism and intricate robes
Yeah? How about a quad crit Storm Strike to THE FACE YOU KNIFE EARED BITCH
>taking a single scene of a demonstrator yelling on a street corner being brainwashed as representing the entire elven population requiring the magisters to go 1984 of the entire city
>forgetting that the crowd he was speaking to were arguing against him
>implying blizzard thinks they are retarded
>the sooner you hurt the bottom line the sooner quality content comes out
Already happened, still got retarded content.
Zul'jin/Garithos OTP
>Ignoring the purpose of that scene in the story and what it represents to try and play up rvb 'my faction is better' shit
Sure. Neo-Scourge works for them, and screw all your moral handwringing. Honestly, what's with everyone always bitching about the Forsaken being evil or amoral for the most part? Oh no, the Forsaken kill people with slime instead of fire! They exploit the frenzy and amorality of a large portion of their new recruits. Oh no.
They're obviously fucking evil on average. Always have been, even if the flavor of evil has changed. Their present flavor of evil is still somewhat safer than the Scourge. Between the Forsaken who blatantly want to kill every single one of the living and those who'd go along with it because they didn't mind either way, they're fuckers.
And Garrosh would have wasted the war potential of their absolute bastardry, because they weren't the type of fuckers he liked.
Who the fuck is starting RvB shittery here? Point to where I said anything about one faction being better than another
But ha she ever had human D? We know for a fact high (born) elves get Arathi fever
Picture this. Bolvar gets more powerful as the lich king and hes able to mind control undead like Sylvanas again.
What happens?
Only titan D can satisfy azshara
As long as he isn't evil too, he'll probably just let her be and say some shit like there must always be a Banshee Queen
Bitch is probably like a hotdog like a hallway
Blood elves were itching to be traitors from the start, there was no redeeming those filthy mana addicts
More like a pencil in a mineshaft
I bet she's damn good with her mouth at least
Jaina, this is the OTHER reason you are banned from the Orgrimmar orphanage.
First off
>thinking Blizz is that clever
Second off
>Waaaaaah, Alliance can't do anything bad!
Truth be told, I don't think you're the second one, and the first one relies on Blizz remembering their own foreshadowing, but come on.
I'd like one fucking expansion where we don't pretend like the Alliance are the absolute best heroes of all time and are totally morally untouchable and be honest about it.
People say they feel bad for Horde questing in Cata? I feel bad for the Alliance, dealing with the Horde suddenly being Sunday morning cartoon villains with internal issues is still better than anything from Elwynn to Gilneas or Teldrassil to Ashenvale. Sure, you got treated like a hero, but the writing sucked dick.
The Blood Elf story is a mess. Its why all the decent blood elf leaders borrow stuff from the Alliance like Aethas,Liadrin while the horde aligned leaders like Rommath and I forgot the other guys name aren't really well liked.
cmon no one predicted that the Bolvar would be the Lich king.
No one saw Wrathgate and the Forsaken coming.
No one saw the Varian Death coming.
No one saw the Titans coming back and imprisoning Sargeras.
Go find that person looking for lewd WoW RPG players in the game finder then
That is what happens when you write for mechanics and game play rather than lore.
Essentially every single belf player or fan I have met hates Aethas for being a spineless cuck whenever a Kirin Tor member says boo.
Meanwhile the people who actually know who Lor'themar is seem to like him a lot, even some of the Alliance.
>I'd like one fucking expansion where we don't pretend like the Alliance are the absolute best heroes of all time and are totally morally untouchable and be honest about it.
Metzen already once said that Alliance is the Superman faction. They've had their chances to make Alliance be more morally grey with both Jaina and Genn but haven't done it. They won't start doing it now.
Scourge invasion of Quel'thalas best day of my life
>Bolvar gets more powerful as the lich king
If we're going by the TTRPG rules, then he's able to take on not just the dragon aspects, but several elemental lords and possibly a couple titans. Possibly even with them teamed up.
>hes able to mind control undead like Sylvanas
He'd be so broken powerful that he'd probably curbstomp the entire horde on his own if he's still not emo about getting turned into long pork bacon. If he is then the horde and alliance would need to team up if they want to survive. IIRC, Arthas, the original lich king, was the only thing keeping the undead from overrunning the entire world.
I'm sure they won't, but an user can dream, can't I?
To be fair, two of those were in the tightest written expansion to date(the first two) whereas the second two were in one of the worst written expansions to date, not the best spread we got there.
Because they make the whole Horde evil by association.
I honestly think one fun little quest in Jade Forest is a perfect encapsulation of the problems of Alliance/Horde questing.
For the Horde, Cho shows you a cool little vision of your ancestors. It's very interesting look at the races of the Horde and how your character fits in. But it it's not really important to the plot.
The Alliance counterpart has you seeing visions of Garrosh, Anduin, and the main plot. Important things.
The Horde gets interesting lore but is shut out of the main plot. The Alliance gets to be the heroes but are given nothing but blandness.
>I'd like one fucking expansion where we don't pretend like the Alliance are the absolute best heroes of all time and are totally morally untouchable and be honest about it.
Dude, 75% of the time Alliance loses land and Horde gains it when territorial shifts occur in game. Blizz can't stop sucking Horde dick.