ITT Images, phrases, videos, music or other media that inspired you to create games, settings, characters or other shit in your games.
Other urls found in this thread:
This image inspired a group of alchemists harvesting crystalline fruits from a tree of mercury.
These two images inspired a horror event where a young girl was unintentionally caught up in a familiar contract with an enormous forest god. The god's power was so great it fed back through her and caused all sorts of terrible local effects. Players found her parents with their guts exploded because seeds they ate grew violently out of them in her presence.
A half a dozen NPCs looked like this.
Saint of Blades who the PC's disturbed while raiding catacombs. The Paladin did a knowledge roll, realized who it was and immediately knelt in prayer.
He's the only one that lived.
A group of knights that belonged to a lord that made his home and much of his lands within the home and territory of giants. Much of their gear was scavenged from the objects the Giants left.
Don’t ask
The kits resulted in the creation of horrible mini monsters after dark.
Isnt this that pokemon-esque series but instead of capturing pokemons they capture hot monster girls?
user...what game are you running..on what system. Important questions
Where was an area like this.
Chaotic was the shit.
They saw this in the distance at night and promptly went the other way.
Made an entire campaign based around exploring landscapes inspired by the concept art from Duelyst. This was the first one.
my brother
sorry sorry. ants and such i'll post the full version when i find it.
a lot of mine are going to come from comics i like, because those served as a lot of muses desu
endless legend is a good game and the vague endless "universe" has good games
I imagine a story built on this Image was a hell of allot more entertaining than the story in Saga.
Ah, the Catacomb saints. I'm doing stuff connected to them right now.
whatever you say kid.
ants again. my file for this shit is all screwed up
Not him and I've never seen or read Saga, if thats the name of what I assume is a comic that image came from, but its not uncommon that images and ideas can be more interesting individually than the material they are nested within.
Kill Six Billion Demons is a prime example of that sort of thing.
I have these books. I found them at an antique store, strangely enough.
What's the context behind this pic?
they've been out of print a while. I loved reading them when I was a child.
I got it off artstation, I'll try to track down the origin. If I remember right they didn't give much of a context.
Folk cult and UFO cult enter into conflict, both have a hard time understanding their opposition
A whole setting based on a graveyard world that everything that was loved eventually goes to, from mythological heroes to discarded toys and dreams. Characters are gravediggers, rat catchers, cooks and other people definitely not fit to fight that must fend for themselves against a totally-not-skaven infestation.
It played like a very sad but also very comfy Darkest Dungeon.
Wait, do books/graphic novels/screen plays count?
Found some info here.
Is this yiff?
Not certain. Don't think so. But check his other stuff
I'd say the chances are 50/50
wut dis
I think it's patlabor? Or appleseed?
The intro To patlabor 2
Similarly good mech intro
women would just get perfect robot husbandos, though. then the human race would go extinct from a lack of productive fucking.
My nigga. Have an unrelated thing that heavily influenced a lot of my fae encounters.
> human race would go extinct from a lack of productive fucking.
Thank god.
Maybe cheating, given it's just another man's list of inspirations, but still.
Holy shit Chaotic.
That was so fucking cool for young user.
Shame that it was always a little cheesey and that it's dead though.
One of friend when I was depressive :
>Your world is crunching on itself ? Well, tear it apart first.
Now I have a super group of vanquisihg hunter-knight , and a divorced family
>car door would scrape the ground before closing
I can't even get mad about the dude's fucked up body I'm so mad RRREEEEEing about the car door
Fembots can give men what they want out of women but the same cannot be said for menbots for women.
you what now